Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A little good news courtesy of a poll by the Washington Post to close out this Wednesday evening.

Although Palin is a tea party favorite, her potential as a presidential hopeful takes a severe hit in the survey. Fifty-five percent of Americans have unfavorable views of her, while the percentage holding favorable views has dipped to 37, a new low in Post-ABC polling.

There is a growing sense that the former Alaska governor is not qualified to serve as president, with more than seven in 10 Americans now saying she is unqualified, up from 60 percent in a November survey. Even among Republicans, a majority now say Palin lacks the qualifications necessary for the White House.

Palin has lost ground among conservative Republicans, who would be crucial to her hopes if she seeks the party's presidential nomination in 2012. Forty-five percent of conservatives now consider her as qualified for the presidency, down sharply from 66 percent who said so last fall.

Among all Republicans polled, 37 percent now hold a "strongly favorable" opinion of Palin, about half the level recorded when she burst onto the national stage in 2008 as Sen. John McCain's running mate.

Among Democrats and independents, assessments of Palin also have eroded. Six percent of Democrats now consider her qualified for the presidency, a drop from 22 percent in November; the percentage of independents who think she is qualified fell to 29 percent from 37 percent.

Ahh now isn't THAT better?

Good night my friends.


  1. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Good night. Snuggle up, stay warm.
    Sweet dreams.

  2. Anonymous9:55 PM


  3. Anonymous9:59 PM

    I loved reading this and have come to the conclusion that regardless of how much money Faux News invests in her "campaign" these numbers and the perception of her is not going to improve.

    This new poll represents how people view her after her book tour/political campaign. She obviously hasn't managed to impress anyone outside of her core base of RETARDS(yes, I said it -as Rush said, if they are retards, call them retards). In fact, she has done some damage to herself. I'm sure "Game Change" and just her own stupidity has contributed to her more damaged image.

    Stupid Sarah's only exposure will be on Faux News, where the "morans" who like her are already watching her. Her chances for 2012 ain't looking so good.

    See ya later, Sarah.

  4. Gasman10:01 PM

    I've said it before many times: Palin worries me not in the slightest. I cannot stand the sound of that whiny harpy bitch voice and her insipid imbecility, but I NEVER was worried that she would be able to get elected to any office where she could do real damage. She is simply too divisive and too damn stupid.

    I do believe that it is the beginning of ebb tide for Palin. However, unlike the tide, Palin's fortunes will never get better than they are right now. As the above poll suggests, her high water mark was actually some time ago

    I don't think that she could withstand a major scandal right about now. If something big this way breaks, her marketability goes right down the toilet. She has very little time left to grab as much cash as she can. If her luster fades much more, will FauxNews really want to have yet another brainless on-air moron?

    Seriously, with those kind of numbers and dropping like a stone, Palin will have no drawing power within the year. I declare her to be the Tonya Harding of American politics. Within five years she will be boxing or mud wrestling and making appearances at boat shows.

    Bye bye Sarah!

  5. Anonymous10:05 PM

    If the losers weren't terrified of Sarah they wouldn't be singling her out every day for their idiotic attacks. Don't you think Americans--real Americans--see through these endless and mindless attacks from the media? Come on. If there is ONE thing real Americans understand it's that everyone tries to tackle the person carrying the football. Everyone was ALWAYS trying to tackle Walter Payton because he was the superstar almost always carrying the football. Sarah is the superstar, now, so everyone is trying to tackle her. Your own actions give away the reality. And everyone sees it and everyone understands it. Duh.

  6. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Ahh thanks Gryphen - this is sweet music to my ears :)

    However - to those who think she can no longer do any damage - rethink please and keep trudging ahead. She is still a huge influence among those Americans who fancy themselves vigilantes with Washington occupants the enemy.

  7. midnight cajun10:08 PM

    Thank you, Gryphen! I needed that.

  8. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Anon 10:05:

    I believe the 2008 elections declared who the losers are.

    But go ahead and keep telling yourself what you need to hear.

  9. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Harpy voice is right...ever compare her voice to Eliz Hasselbeck?...they could be blood relatives joined by their harpy voices.


  10. Hi Sarah, maybe that quitty-moneygrubbing thing isn't so great after all.

  11. Anonymous10:29 PM

    6% of Democrats find her qualified for the presidency????????????

  12. Gratuitous 4th grade insult?
    > the losers


    Knee-jerk use of some variant of the word "afraid"?
    > terrified


    Belief that Palin is a victim, rather than the *victimizer* of her followers?

    > singling her out every day for their idiotic attacks.


    Fever-dream that other folks besides themselves are of a lower-quality, regardless of the real-life situation?

    > real Americans


    Pathological belief that only they understand what's really going on, combined with a persecution complex?

    > see through these endless and mindless attacks from the media?


    Dumbass and wrong oversimplification -- perhaps with some cockamamie sports metaphor to imply they got a big weiner?

    > If there is ONE thing real Americans understand it's that everyone tries to tackle the person carrying the football.


    Metaphor continued way too long?

    > Everyone was ALWAYS trying to tackle Walter Payton because he was the superstar almost always carrying the football.


    Projection of their own internal wankings onto the external world?

    > Sarah is the superstar, now, so everyone is trying to tackle her.


    Vague, undefined use of the term "truth" or some variant?

    > Your own actions give away the reality.


    Paranoia running deep/Into their lives it has creeped?

    > And everyone sees it and everyone understands it.


    Quality closing argument?

    > Duh.


    Don't forget to grab a tissue or two and clean up after yourself, otherwise your mom'll have to do it.


  13. Yeah, when it comes to the Palinistas you can always be sure that they see very little, and understand less.

  14. Um yes its better but WTF, who seriously are these 6 percenters, the DEMOCRATS that answered "Yes! Palin is qualified to be President!" I want names and numbers.

  15. I agree Ozmud! We must keep exposing her and never lose vigilance. Her backers/puppet masters are deep pocket Dominionists who will stop at NOTHING. We can laugh, but to take her less than seriously is a big mistake.

    Thanks Gryph for keeping the pressure on & for never giving up. We can't be apathetic about the threat to our nation, just saying - It can't happen here. It can and you can see the signs every day.

    I don't want a dictatorial theocracy for a government.

  16. Anonymous12:29 AM

    AHHHH.... I can sleep better tonight. I have developed Palin fatigue and was losing sleep over thinking this nutcase could make it into the White House. Guess that fancy dancy book tour did no good to her popularity. The more people see her and her childish gaffs on a daily basis the faster she will become the Paris Hilton of today....gone tomorrow.

  17. The Palins et al. are being exposed more and more. Of course none of it will make any difference to her worshipers. They do not live in a reality based universe. But it will make a difference to plenty of others. This is encouraging.

  18. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Now that Sarah's polls numbers are droppin' faster than her unmentionables did in high school, she has to work her scams that much harder before the well dries up!

  19. Anonymous2:43 AM

    It is very good news, Gryphen. I woke up in the wee small hours and couldn't go back to sleep. The nasty, smirking image of Palin saying, "...and how's that hopey changey stuff workin' out for ya?" somehow got stuck in my brain and wouldn't go a way. So, yes, it was wonderful reading your last blog of the day.

  20. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Wow, I really needed this!

    I read it just after watching Joe and Mika gloating over Vice President Biden's remarks that Sarah Palin should be taken seriously.

    Mika, in particular, set my nerves on edge. Gosh, what is it about this type of woman (Sarah and her are both superficial doorstops - sorry, that's not nice, true bu not nice).

    However, thanks to your posting, I think I can relax a bit and enjoy the day. The poll results speak to my hopes that the nation hasn't gone totally bonkers yet.

  21. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Gasman, I hope your right. It makes sense what you predict. I truly hope your right.

  22. It is indeed good news, but.....
    bush was elected not once, but twice in this country.
    I still would not underestimate palin.
    For someone so unqualified, she sure has a lot of media attention, and is making tons of money.
    Media attention and money? That can make a politician out of nothing.

  23. If FOX can't prevail among its sheep, then Palin is doomed. She was doomed from the beginning. Simply a "flash in the pan," as we flintlock shooters would say.

  24. LisaB4:37 AM

    Anonymous, you simply do not get it.

    This actually has nothing to do with policy or "right or left" for me.

    It has to do with her complete and gross incompetence. She is woefully undereducated, and extremely limited in her ability to understand issues that the leader of the free world needs to understand.

    McCain had my vote until her picked her. As a former Alaskan, I knew what an incompetent train wreck she was. I've never voted Democrat in my life, but I refuse to vote for ignorance. America was not founded by ignorant people; it was founded well-educated men who valued knowledge and education.

    Maybe it suits your inferiority complex to have "someone just like you" as president, but frankly, the thought of someone as foolish and ignorant as her leading this country offends me.

    It's like casting Brittany Spears in a role that should be played by Meryl Streep. Some parts simply require more skill and training than celebrity.

    We all await your attempt to deflect this comment by inserting Obama into your reply. That's become as predictable as Sarah inserting "common sense solutions" into every appearance. Still don't know exactly what solutions she's talking about, but hey, it makes one hell of a drinking game! Too. Also. *winks*

  25. Leota24:39 AM

    My father has a dog with more intellect than Sarah Palin. Why ANYONE would ever think that a loud, ignorant, cardboard cut out could be president of the PTA let alone POTUS amazes me. It tells you how desperately stupid some conservatives are.

  26. Anonymous4:58 AM

    More interesting would be how many men scored in the poll. Many of her "fanbase" see her as "hot".

  27. Anonymous5:04 AM

    This is a part of why the Fox news commentator pleased me. I know the more she talks, the less people like her.

  28. Her new gig at faux news may prove to be more detrimental to her image than anything else. Her idiocy and mindless rants can be seen live and without editing.

  29. Anonymous5:13 AM

    The fact that 37% still find her highly favorable is frightening to me. That is much higher than the percentage of Americans who claim to be Republican. How can that be?

  30. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Faux News may be afraid to drop her because that could anger all her followers and THEY (the "morans" who watch Faux News exclusively) number in the millions. They had better think about alienating their largest demographic: Idiots!

  31. Anonymous5:21 AM

    As everyone continues to search the MSNBC emails, I have a suggestion. Keep a record of those who emailed Todd and knew that he was "acting governor." If that person is still serving in any capacity in Alaska State Government, charge them as an accessory to a crime. They should be dismissed immediately and made to stand trial. Maybe a sweep of Palin's loyal remaining fans who knowingly emailed Todd with Chuck, Sally and everyone else in the family receiving copies will open the flood gates.

    This would normally fall under the jurisdiction of the Attorney General (which is a politically appointed office). Take it some place else, say the U.S. Department of Justice. Corrupt state government has to be cleaned up. It's getting to be time for spring cleaning.

  32. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:25 AM

    Greetings from snowy NYC!

    O/T, but we all need a joke to start the day, so here's one from a commenter on HuffPo:

    "Sarah Palin out jogging one morning along the parkway when she tripped, fell over the bridge railing and landed in the creek below.

    "Before any of her teabagger friends could get to her, three kids from staunch democratic families, who were fishing, pulled her out of the water. She was so grateful she offered the kids whatever they wanted.

    "The first kid said: 'I sure would like to go to Disneyland.' Sarah said: 'No problem. I'll personally take you there on that Jet I bought off ebay.'

    "The second kid said: 'I really need a new pair of Nike Air Jordan's.' Sarah said: 'I'll get them for you and even have Michael sign them!'

    "The third kid said: 'I want a motorised wheelchair with a built-in TV and stereo headset!!' Sarah is a little perplexed by this and says: 'But you don't look like you are injured.'

    "The kid says: 'Not yet, but I will be after my dad finds out I saved you from drowning!'"

    Back to shoveling...

  33. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Catherine @ 5:07am said: "Her new gig at faux news may prove to be more detrimental to her image than anything else. Her idiocy and mindless rants can be seen live and without editing."

    Is it possible that the GOP machine has managed to convince Faux to give her just enough rope to, um.... well, you know....?

    Okay, I know that idea is a big stretch, given that Rupert seems to have the hots for her. But could Roger Ailes be just Machiavellian enough to play along?

    Melangell Mudpuppy

  34. Anonymous5:53 AM

    I find that people who don't HATE her just don't know much about her.

    So the non-teabagger/racists of the 37% that are favorable just don't know very much!

  35. Anonymous5:56 AM

    o/t Sorry just had to note this. SP's facebook message to Glenn Beck on his birthday. " The wisdom of our elders". Funny they are the same age. Wonder if she knows this puts her in the "elders" catagory.

  36. it's a joke on the fact that he is one day older

  37. emrysa6:29 AM

    thanks gryphen.

    this is why people should just calm down. her favorable numbers have been steadily going DOWN since the fall of 08.

    the more palin talks, the more she exposes herself for the dipshit that she is. the small minority that is her fan base will continue to be her base, and she'll continue to fleece them because they're as dumb as she is. but the tons of new support she needs to gain the presidency is just not going to materialize.

    she continues to dig her own hole with her big ignorant mouth.

    lmao at the football reference. yeah, she's "got the ball," alright. obviously that commenter didn't bother to read the post, or maybe they were just being sarcastic.

  38. Melangell Mudpuppy
    5:33 AM

    Interesting thoughts and very possible, but I do believe her time in the limelight is limited d/t her own delusions and self serving goals.
    Her snarky, negative rhetoric is all she has at this point and eventually people will start to see thru that. She does not have the mental capacity to move beyond this.

    Just my thoughts.

  39. BAustin6:53 AM

    I wonder how Palin will figure into Beck's "100 year Plan"?

    I watched "Out Foxed" which was made before Palin was on the scene. I would LOVE to see an updated version of this documentary. I found the whole FOx machine terrifying!

    When are the rest of the emails coming out?

  40. This eases my mind a bit. What really has bothered me a lot lately is the MSM discussing her supposed possible run for the presidency as if she could be a serious candidate. I guess I really don't want to believe that it's come to this - that she may actually be starting to campaign for 2012! I'm an atheist but God help us!
    Actually forget God - I think that if one of her many misdeeds is not exposed soon, her fellow Republicans will take care of her in due course.
    In the meantime as unsexy as it is - my bets are still on housegate.

  41. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck7:01 AM

    i am convinced that palin is the corporate candidate for president. she will be their test-case of a blatant run for president completely sponsored by FOX news and affiliates…… such, it does not matter if she actually wins because she is a test case. things will be learned and FOX will not make the same mistakes twice. they have a lot invested already with the astroturf teabaggers and the book tour link. they will use the new supreme court decision to its fullest.

    the result will be up to the rest of us — to put the pressure on congress to exact limitations on the supreme court ruling. in addition, we will need to become the new fifth estate that disseminates information during high-profile elections. we know it can be done, because the obama campaign is our test case and it was successful.

    the corporations need an empty vessel – nothing more. they will do the rest.

    the people need intelligent and compassionate leadership.

    there you have it in a nutshell. rational discourse v corporate sloth.

  42. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:10 AM

    Anon@5:21am Great idea!
    Its a shame that citizen bloggers have to do investigative work that the AG SHOULD be doing! I would of thought the Alaskans would of started some kind of "movement" about this? After all the Leg is only in session for 90 days?WTF? I keep hearing them say, "Well we are over sarah Palin" huh? Hey what about, She ripped off the permanent fund? Will THAT get them going? For all we know she could of? Debbie Richter/Bitney "lost" all the data...! Toad was answering gov emails...! Hello Alaska!!! Can you hear me now???

  43. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I blame the fine folks of Alaska for all of this. You guys put her in the Governer's office. Stop blaming McCain!

  44. imnofred7:53 AM

    It doesn't matter what the polls say or what else comes out about Sarah, she is going to run for president. She is a cy-borg with no conscience, feelings, or emotions.Unfortunately, we are going to have to listen to her drivel for 3 more years and to Fox News pumping her up as the mext savior for our country.

  45. aka...Rocky in Texas said...

    Yes, that is a little better!

    Her numbers are heading in the right direction as far as I'm concerned!

    but, I will not rest until she is behind bars for just one of the frauds she has pulled on us!

  46. Melangell Mudpup-
    Rupert did have high hopes for Sarah till he lost respect for her. When she proved unable or unwilling to "do her homework" he wasted no time in reassessing his plans for her. He is stubborn but will NOT "step over dollars to pick up pennies." His loyalty is to the GOP. His interest in Sarah was solely dependent on her role with the party. The only thought he gave to her looks was she's photogenic. He's decided she has no self-discipline and with that his only use for Sarah is recouping as much of his "investment" in her as possible. He has dismissed her to nothing more than a ratings tool. As a matter of fact, the role he had in mind for Sarah has already been recast. So as far as that "rope", yes he has no qualms about letting her continue to self-destruct. It's just business to him.


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