Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Levi responds to Bristol's outlandish demands for child support.

Levi is responding to Bristol's demand for $1,750 a month in child support. In his opposing legal papers, Levi's lawyer, Rex Butler, says Levi's income is "erratic." Bristol claims that Levi raked in more than $105,000 in 2009. But attorney Butler says, prior to 2009, Levi never made more than $10,000 a year.

In the legal docs, Johnston agrees to pay 20% of his adjusted 2009 income -- though he doesn't say exactly how much he made. He also agrees to file quarterly income reports. In his declaration, Levi says in 2010, his only contractual guarantee for income is $25,000 plus "some contingencies based on my Playgirl shoot." He says he doesn't see how it's possible to pay $1,750 a month in child support.

And there's this. According to the docs, "Levi Johnston stands before this court as a 19-year-old with good hopeful for an entertainment career but the chances of increased income are as unknowable as it would be for any young person working his way into the entertainment industry: not particularly good."
(Courtesy of TMZ)

There is no way the courts will set the child support amount based on the money Levi made from his one shot Playgirl shoot. I am not too concerned about that.

Realistically I don't believe that Levi has many big pay days in his future. That is until he decides to write a book.

I think now we know WHY Levi did not sign his book deal while the custody case was still pending.

You can read the court documents for yourself right here.


  1. Anonymous6:19 PM


  2. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Palin doesn't have her hands in this child custody contest? Palin's vindictive hands are the ONLY hands in this. In essence, this is her attempt to claw at Levi in the only way she really can while keeping up her false image. The way I see it, it's just more material for a potential book by Levi. Truth is going to prevail, because lies can only conceal temporarily, while truth perpetually exists.

  3. Anonymous6:42 PM would be interesting to see what Bristol Palin's income is and has been over the past two years. What money has been deposited into her PR business account? Did she receive money for her People photo shoots? We know she was paid for the recent In Touch cover story. How about from Candies? How could she afford to be driving an Escalade? that on her mommy's dime? Who is paying her legal fees? Where does she live? Is her income being laundered through Sarah?

    Just curious.

  4. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Will the court scrutinize Bristol's income.The LLC, and whatever else the grifter set up for her. Maybe she should be paying Levi?

  5. Isn't he going for shared custody?

  6. BAustin7:18 PM

    It's not about money ( cheapy Sarah has plenty) it is about control...

  7. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Keep it on DL Levi, under the table,good for the goose, good for the gander

  8. emrysa7:33 PM

    just like her mother. a lying grifter.

    I would like to know why they're not making a bigger issue of bristol knowingly submitting fraudulent evidence to the courts. this speaks to her character and makes evident the kinds of things that tripp is going to learn from his mother.

    it's alright to lie to get your way, even to the courts. it's alright to fleece people. it's alright to be a hypocrite.

    the court will be derelict in its duties if it leaves this kid in a house full of lying, vindictive, manipulative grifters. and in the case of the grandmother, a certifiably insane arrogant know-nothing.

    tripp is doomed.

  9. just do it8:05 PM

    If Levi writes The Book he'll be set for life.

    Levi, do yourself, your child, the nation and the world a favor and write a book that TELLS EVERYTHING.

    Your book could actually save countless lives.

  10. The book deal won't matter.

    Even if the payments are set, the minute he signs the book deal, will go back to court and demand more money.

    With Palin women it's all about the money.

  11. Gasman8:12 PM

    Someone needs to make Levi aware of where his REAL earning potential lays. That big ol' fat golden goose of a book about what actually transpired behind the scenes of Team Palin. I am not suggesting he merely trash Palin. The truth will do just fine.

    If he is really interested in providing for his son, he will NEVER have a better opportunity than he has right now.

  12. Gryphen : have made a new comment on previous post about the Shadow Governor and emails; just wanted to make sure you see it.

  13. don't know if my comment went thru; I commented again on previous post; hope you see it.

  14. just posted at radaronline:

    Perhaps playing off the language used by Levi’s lawyers, Bristol released this statement to through her attorney:

    "Bristol is hopeful that Levi will obtain work in 2010. She is encouraged that he acknowledged in court his obligation to pay childsupport and that he acknowledged paying $4,400 in the last 14 months. Bristol expects to mediate a child visitation schedule with Levi that balances Tripp's need to be with his father with Levi's need to travel and seek work."

  15. Anonymous9:00 PM

    OMG Anon @6:19p. I think I just became a Mike Savage fan.

  16. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Sarah is very lucky that Levi is as easy going as he is. I wish he would tell all that he knows, I really do.

  17. Gryph's brother11:44 PM just cant trust the CSED. I was charged $850 a month 18 years ago by these people for a child that wasn't mine. They denied me a day in court and it completely ruined my life (not to mention two marriages).
    I returned to Alaska and proved via dna that I wasn't the kid's father only to be told that I should have taken care of it sooner. You heard it right.....I lost a case with evidence that could get a murderer released from prison. It's cool....I have a mere $25,000 left to pay back until I earn my financial freedom (I have no credit because this shows on my report as "failure to pay" and I'm 47 years by the time I die we should be square). Good luck Levi.

  18. Ya know... if Sadie Bug (Mercede) wrote the book, Bristol and Sarah won't get any of the money. :-) You betcha!

  19. Anonymous2:06 AM

    $4,400. in the last fourteen months is a lot I don't even get that, I don't know what Alaska child support laws are but in NY they are 15% of the baby daddy's income. Anymore than that is not required. And yes they should look at Bristol's income. My exhusband was ordered to pay a certain amt which he has an
    not paid for over a year, I really could've thrown his butt in the poky...I just feel that may be too enjoyable for him....I was also ordered to pay certain amt of my income

    I wish Levi the best but $4400 is a lot of child support...wish I had it. . . .it's not like Bristol is living on her own...Mom and Dad are keeping a roof over her head, paying utilities, probably buying most of the food

    Like Mother Like Daughter, always grab what you can get and get all you can

  20. Anonymous2:38 AM

    yeah i agree with the commentor that once he makes more moolah with the book deal .. bristol will be back in court wanting an "adjustment"

    it's the way it goes
    if one parents "income" changes from the income stated on the documents at the time of figuring out the child support figures.. you are "supposed" to report any changes in income and the support amount is adjusted

    im thinking the reason the book deal is taking a back burner is to get the child support/custody thing ironed out first
    The Palin girls are already digging up everything he has done up until now (which isn't a whole lot) and smearing it left and right.

    If he has some "revelations" in this book... it is wise to keep it under wraps until the custody thing is signed and sealed.

    Not having the book out there now gives
    Wicked and Whacky less "dirt" to fling

  21. Anonymous4:12 AM

    hmm ... should Levi structure his contract for the upcoming book to make a big payment to a nonprofit org on his behalf versus paying Levi directly? Basically, donate his book proceeds to a charity? That would KILL the Palins ... Levi tells all, and doesn't directly financially benefit from it.

  22. Anonymous4:23 AM

    RE: Bristol, many years ago I was married to a man who had a child from a previous relationship. I filled out his papers for a child support hearing. Both parents had to report income and expenses. If it is the same in AK, if Bristol isn't paying for that Escalade then she has her Candies Cash and People Cash free to be figured in the child support.

  23. Anonymous4:31 AM

    To be honest, it seems like Levi really cares deeply about Bristol. I even think she cares a lot about Levi. Can you image the pressure she is under to throw him under the bus? Possibly the same pressure Sarah's sister was under during Troopergate. Bristol lives in her parents house so she has to follow their rules, even if it means destroying Levi. She has NOTHING and can not survive without Sarah. I doubt if he would write a tell all book about her family because he knows that it would hurt Bristol. He really seems like a sweet TEENAGER. I would rather Sarah Palin continue to attack our President and to just leave this young kid alone. Its just not right no matter which side that you are on.

  24. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If I had info that would bring safety to my child I would tell it on the rooftops and to heck with everybody else. Tripp has some major issues around his little world. Mommy isn't King. Neither is Grandma. To extricate the child if the mother will not come for her own issues then the father should inform the public and authorities immediately for the purpose of obtaining sole custody of the child. This hoopla quagmire is the wrong marinade for a child to thrive. Pictures of Tripp indicate he's thrilled to be out of that compound when he gets out. The older he gets the more profound the personality disorders around him will be. The child needs to be out of that immediately. Ladies, children are not pawns to be used against their fathers or their fathers pocketbooks; ladies, if you'd behave yourselves appropriately show some respect (for real) and empathy for others this world would be a better place. Thanks. But no: "I wanna be a tabloid".

  25. Anonymous5:20 AM

    (Susie here)
    I don't know what all the in's and out's of child custody choices are, but it would seem fair to all if Levi and Bristol had true joint custody of Tripp, with neither paying the other any child support. They should just each physically keep him half the time and split the cost of things they mutually share such as child care bills when they are working. Levis is getting the shaft so far and can expect that to never change until he gets 50% shared legal and physical custody.

  26. emrysa6:34 AM

    mona has an excellent suggestion:

    "if Sadie Bug (Mercede) wrote the book, Bristol and Sarah won't get any of the money."

    hmm... are you hearing that levi?

  27. Dad's are people, too7:03 AM

    It is heartbreaking to see a young life get off on such a sad note. Poor Tripp. Levi and Bristol, too, also. They were the wrong two people to hook up but those mistakes are made everyday. I want Levi to show some smarts soon. The Palins are all about hiding and manipulating their monies. It is not that Tripp is going to be dependent on a destitute alone mother if there was no Levi to pay. Levi and reasonable people can come to a fair amount. Bristol's mother's lawyer can fight it in public.

    I would think joint custody and no support payments would work. Levi has a nice house for his son, that is not a small expense and it demonstrates his care to support is child.. NOT BRISTOL, she is still on Sarah's tit.

    Most judges will allow children to be with the worst of parents, b/c children do need both parents. In this case poor Tripp will not only be taught to lie and grift by Bristol he will endure Todd and Sarah's teachings. The best for the child would be for Levi to have full cusody and Tripp to have only supervised visits with Bristol, alone. Any exposure to Todd and Sarah be restricted to well supervised holiday time.

    Bristol is showing the grifter creed she will teach Tripp. No one that loves a child would settle for that but life can be cruel. Those are the cards poor Tripp was dealt. He will no doubt carry on with the Palin entitlement attitude and be with his Dad as little as possible. Sarah will benefit more with a joint custody arrangement, it is just another situation for her to rearrange. I'd like to see Levi make arrangements for book sales to go to his families trust. Charitable benefits go to educate teens about sex and finance. I am real sick of watching these men who get trapped, tripped or cuckolded by that Heath/Palin combo.

    Are there any men's groups helping Levi?

  28. BAustin7:15 AM

    Levi seems like a good glaring issues like jail time. So I can't imagine that any judge would deny joint custody (unless they are controlled/afraid of the Palins).

    He OBVIOUSLY wants to be involved in the babies life. Bristol should count her lucky stars that he wants to be BE a father. Many other teen moms are not so lucky.

    Levi - write the book. Donate a portion of the proceeds to a charity (perhaps one that prevents teen pregnancy in Alaska). That would send granny over the edge :-)

  29. Anonymous7:44 AM

    emrysa said...
    just like her mother. a lying grifter.

    I would like to know why they're not making a bigger issue of bristol knowingly submitting fraudulent evidence to the courts. this speaks to her character and makes evident the kinds of things that tripp is going to learn from his mother.

    it's alright to lie to get your way, even to the courts. it's alright to fleece people. it's alright to be a hypocrite.

    the court will be derelict in its duties if it leaves this kid in a house full of lying, vindictive, manipulative grifters. and in the case of the grandmother, a certifiably insane arrogant know-nothing.

    tripp is doomed.

    I wondered how long it would take for the folks here to turn on Bristol. I guess she got in the way of your agenda...

    Let her have her day in the court of law. The courts will determine if the testimony presented has validity, not you.

  30. FEDUP!!!8:17 AM

    I agree with the poster who said it would be financially better for SADIE to write the book (with Levi's help, hint, hint), OR... is there a way that he forms some type of LLC (like... who has done such thing....hmmmm...) or some other stuff, where the proceeds from the book cannot be touched by a anyone/any lawsuit.
    Not a legal expert here, obviously.

    I believe your retirement accounts are off-limits...
    I vaguely remember OJ Simpson making some type of deal where his property in Florida could not be touched. Was it that he put it into his 401K or IRA account?

  31. crystalwolf aka caligrl8:37 AM

    I love the ANON who come and say stupid shit like:

    I wondered how long it would take for the folks here to turn on Bristol. I guess she got in the way of your agenda...

    Let her have her day in the court of law. The courts will determine if the testimony presented has validity, not you.
    Facts, truth are "Turning on Bristol" "Attacking Sarah" It would be funny but its so pathetic!
    How come Bristol has not filed a income report for this? We can see Mama grifter's hand in this a mile away...yeah that's right!
    BooHoo, now I'm attacking poor $arah...
    Lets hope MSNBC releases some more emails today in honors of the queen's b-day! That would make my day!
    I'm so tired of the anons who come on the blogs to try to censor what we say or think...!
    It is still a free country, last I heard!

  32. vicky8:50 AM

    You know, this whole ridiculous custody battle that was initiated by the Palins is probably just a way to keep Levi busy to prevent or delay him from writing a book.

    Think about it, why would any "Family Values-Christian Family" use the court system to keep a child from seeing his own father? It's nuts and anti-family.

    There has to be some underlying method to this madness - and keeping Levi away from writing a tell all book could be why.

  33. For those who believe the court will punish anyone who files false information in family court, there's a rude awakening for you. The courts don't care. The judges believe everyone is lying so there's never any consequences for filing false allegations, lying on the Income and Expense form. Nada. Seen it happen over and over.

  34. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I really don't know AK. family law. However, I believe that Bristol's income has little if anything to do with this case. There is no request for "spousal support", this is a request for a father to support his child according to Ak. law which seems to be 20% of his adjusted income. Very simple.

    Also, it would make no difference if Levi signed a book deal now or later it will affect his income regardless of when he signs the deal and he will probably be required to pay according to AK law.

  35. Anonymous9:14 AM

    crystalwolf aka caligrl said...
    I love the ANON who come and say stupid shit like:

    I wondered how long it would take for the folks here to turn on Bristol. I guess she got in the way of your agenda...

    Let her have her day in the court of law. The courts will determine if the testimony presented has validity, not you.
    Facts, truth are "Turning on Bristol" "Attacking Sarah" It would be funny but its so pathetic!
    How come Bristol has not filed a income report for this? We can see Mama grifter's hand in this a mile away...yeah that's right!
    BooHoo, now I'm attacking poor $arah...
    Lets hope MSNBC releases some more emails today in honors of the queen's b-day! That would make my day!
    I'm so tired of the anons who come on the blogs to try to censor what we say or think...!
    It is still a free country, last I heard!

    I don't advise you to get emotionally invested in Levi's success; he certainly doesn't have the same ambitions that you do, and he isn't going to deliver what you so earnestly want.

  36. crystalwolf aka caligrl10:01 AM

    I don't advise you to get emotionally invested in Levi's success; he certainly doesn't have the same ambitions that you do, and he isn't going to deliver what you so earnestly want.
    9:14 AM
    Anon...another WTF moment! I want the truth to come out about madame grifter, it has nothing to do with Levi! I do not want him taken for a ride by the PAYLINs but that is why he has a lawyer. And to the other Anon@9:10 if it is joint custody, why does Levi have to show income and Bristol not? If she is asking for $ she has to show why she wants a certain amount otherwise support is based on the formula of a certain %. If Levi is filing for joint custody that means each parent provides 50% each. So where does she get off asking for a outrageous amount?
    Just sayin'....

  37. Anonymous11:08 AM

    anonymous@6:19 linked to an amazing video of Michael Savage expounding on why Sarah Palin isn't electable. Gryphen - This is so good, it might deserve a post of its own so that people don't miss it.

  38. Anonymous11:45 AM

    thanks Anon at 11:08, i was hoping Gryphen would post this on its own. i posted it last night..

  39. emrysa1:23 PM

    anon @ 7:44 sez:

    "I wondered how long it would take for the folks here to turn on Bristol. I guess she got in the way of your agenda..."

    bristol is in the way of someone's agenda? wtf does this mean? clearly this must be palin acolyte responding, because that's a classic "makes absolutely no sense" statement.

    and as far as "turning on bristol" - if bristol was fair and honest then there would be no discussion about her. period.

  40. Anonymous1:38 PM

    If Levi gets shared custody, 50/50, if Bristol's income is higher than his, she will be paying him more support than he will be paying her.

    How fitting.


  41. Anonymous2:02 PM

    If Levi did earn $100,000 to $250,000 in 2009, not saying he did, that is not so much after everyone takes their piece. He is also buying a home, starting from scratch to support his son in the best possible way.

    Child support is separate from visitation. None of it has been settled. Both sides are in a discovery phase to get to what will be on the table. Van Flein is aggressive, he can run up expenses for Levi and have him respond with the bogus claims. Levi may not be able to afford his family law attorney until it is closer to crunch time. I agree he needs a family law attorney now. I don't know the financial situation he is juggling. If he earned $100,000 his taxes, attorney's and expenses will take a chunk. A house down payment is substantial and he wants to pay 20% support and half of the custody.

    Levi made a life choice to go out on his own while still helping his family. Bristol made a life choice to depend on her family and stay at home and claim to do the In Touch situation she and her mother talked about. Levi and Bristol could not be more opposite. Bristol has wanted Levi arrested and she would not allow him near Tripp if not for what the court has opened up. (Bristol did initiate court, but wanted it hushed). However, Levi would gladly have Tripp half or more of the time. I don't think the court will find him unworthy in anyway. He has independence on his side.

    I don't understand why there is not a fund or someplace he can put Tripp support until this is worked out The visitation and child support mix up is not good but I doubt the judge would care about tabloid squabble.

  42. Anonymous3:57 PM

    @@@@ 7:44 AM

    No one needs to turn on Bristol. She is an adult making her own decisions and is her own worst enemy. You can look at her actions and decide for yourself if you agree with her or not. No one is required to like what she does. I have not liked what she does for a long time. I did not turn.

    One of the problems was a complaint about a known fake Levi internet account. I doubt that complaint will make it to court. I had a friend who was in a big lawsuit and 98% of the initial complaints never went any place. The Palins are known as inept and that could be why they put in a fake complaint. I doubt it, I think they thought it was juicy and liked the smear. Either way it is bad court procedure. This is on Bristol since it is her initiation. She knows Levi and would know that was not his internet account.

    Bristol is attempting to have control by starting in the court and making exaggerated claims. I don't think this will be to her advantage in family court. (Her mother may have influence with judges and can make things go for Bristol. In a just court that will not happen). I don't know of anything to prevent Levi from getting joint custody. She can complain she isn't getting $1700 a month while living on her parents, but that makes her look petty and vindictive. Yeah, they both need to sit down with the actual information and circumstance. What are Tripp's insurance and medical bills? What does she pay for rent? She wants to take Tripp to a sitter while Levi wants to care for him, they have a lot to work out.


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