Wednesday, February 24, 2010

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan lays the smackdown on Joe "You Lie" Wilson over health care in America.

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I have said it before, Dylan Ratigan is not one of my favorite MSNBC hosts.

I find him abrasive and a little belligerent sometimes, but damn watching him call Joe Wilson on his BS is awesome!


  1. Anonymous5:40 AM

    It's Dylan Ratigan, but I agree and I loved watching him give it to Liar Wilson.

  2. oops, wrong film

  3. GermanGoodness6:01 AM

    Joe Wilson is a moron. Ratigan was correct. We have the best health care in the world if you're stinking rich.

    Wilson said they have a great hospital in one of the poorest sections of his state. That's great, Mr. Wilson, but it doesn't help your constituents if they can't afford it.

    And I liked how he said he was all for health INSURANCE reform. Yeah. I'm sure you are, Wilson. I'm sure you are.

  4. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Umm......seeing as he isn't a favorite of yours, is that why you called him Dale instead of Dylan?

    He isn't one of my favorites either, but he is one of the few in the MSM who are finally starting to call out some of those lying congress-critters.

  5. mxm, it is the right video, but if you are using IE it will sometimes switch one MSNBC embed for another. I don't know hwy, or how.

    And thanks anonymous for correcting Dylan's first name. Hey I SAID he wasn't my favorite, right? That is what I get for posting before the coffee kicks in.

  6. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Not to sweat the caffeine-deficiency! You work so hard and do so well with everything else, that we can surely overlook a name lapse!

    Gryph - have you had any contact with the MSNBC investigative reporter who is working on the Palin emails? If so, anything you can share with us?

  7. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Health care in the U.S. is TERRIFIC AND THE BEST IN THE WORLD - provided one can afford to pay premiums, out-of-pocket expenses and the cost of medicines. IF one makes enough money to carry good insurance [without having a good choice in insurers due to state limitations], then all is well and LIAR JOE WILSON CAN AFFORD THE BEST BECAUSE WE THE TAXPAYERS ARE PAYING HIS COSTS. And hell, if I were him, I'd say it was the best in the world too. But when these costs are so exorbitant that only the wealthy can afford to insure themselves, what are the rest of our people supposed to do?

    I'm glad Dylan gave him the 'what for' for his DIMWITTED view of America's health care insurance system. He [and the rest of the GOP] DESERVE to hear the truth. My only wish is that all these congresspeople, SCOTUS, POTUS, and every other person who is given TAXPAYER FUNDED HEALTH CARE [especially the retired among them] is that they had NOTHING until the rest of us were afforded the VERY SAME PLANS they have and FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES AS WELL. This shit of us paying for them until they die and we have nothing - even now with the supposed reform in the works which is reform in name only - just ain't working out!!! I'm old, so I have Medicare but must keep my other policy as well in order to cover majority costs, but my husband is young and I hate the fact that he can't get decent health care insurance through his employer. With exorbitant premiums along with a $500 deductible PER YEAR, it's hell when he gets just a 'little' sick, but not quite sick enough to warrant the high deductible. I can only imagine what others are going through because I consider my family lucky in spite of the costs.

  8. Oh yes we have amazing health care.

    I'm well insured. I had a 100 degree fever and I was kept for one week after a hysterectomy even when they found no infection. I had a room of my own and basically lost my mind from all the peace and quiet I got. I could have been treated from home.

    The woman next door to me in the hospital was released 48hrs. after the same procedure having shared a room with a dying patient even though she was in pain when she was released. They decided to treat her outpatient---no insurance.

    People like Joe Wilson sling this crap. We are not saying the doctors, nurses and the quality of care is not good--We're saying, good luck if you are not insured because in the end you will not have the same access to care unless you pay for it. Most people cannot.

  9. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I will not listen to anything Joe Wilson says after his outburst in Congress. He is rude and a liar.

    Ratigan is not effective when he is also rude. Let your guest speak and then refute. Talking over them is not working!

  10. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Wilson is so obviously wrong, it's pathetic. It doesn't matter how good your hospital is, if you can't get access to it, your health care sucks.

  11. Anonymous10:23 AM

    He should have let Wilson tell his tale and then put the hammer to them, so that Wilson would have to respond to facts openly and clearly.

    Yelling somebody down doesn't prove they are wrong.

  12. It is pleasant to observe, right on cue, the first of the dirty rats leaping from the sinking SS Palin. Correction - Stapletongue's departure is more like a rodent fleeing through the underbrush as its world goes down in smoke and flames.

    There is no way Megatongue's departure isn't connected to the "two ears" story.

    Goodbye Megamouth, your spiky mean-girl posturing will not be missed. Palin really brought out the worst in your character. I do hope you recover some of your better side some day.

  13. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Dylan Ratigan is right on. Good for him to insist on accuracy rather than vague generalities. You have to turn the lights on these debates.

  14. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Hahahaaaa HA HA hahaha HA HA HEE HEE HAhahaaaa HA HA...

    (Yes we are laughing at you Meghan, not with you)

    ...HAHAha hahahaha HEE HEE

  15. Mac And Cheese Wiz9:01 PM

    Joe Wilson doesn't live in the real world. The interviewer had all his facts in order, and the best Joe could come up with was one good hosspital in a poor area. Lots of good that does to the poor who don't have or can't afford the level of insurance Joe Wilson gets.

    It must be very comforting to watch others get what you deserve.

  16. Saying a poor county has a nice hospital is like saying a rich man has his mansion only a quarter mile from a trailer park. So what?


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