Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Jeanne Devon (AKMuckraker) has a wonderful article up on Huffington Post about Bristol Palin's upcoming television debut.

So, Bristol Palin, one of those Palin children we were all admonished never to talk about because the former VP candidate's family life was nobody's damn business, is now going to star in a TV show. Yes, an actual episode that the whole country can see by simply pressing a button. It's called "The Secret Life of the American Teenager." Secret? Presumably the creators of the show feel that the more people that watch and talk about this show the better. One button, and Poof! It's Bristol in our living room.

Are we allowed to talk about it yet?

"Why does anyone even care about this Why is this news?" Bristol was purported to have cried to her mother over the phone when her pregnancy was discovered during the 2008 campaign and instantly became national news. The McCain campaign, in a desperate effort to "legitimize" the unplanned pregnancy, sent an airplane to pluck the baby daddy off a mountain where he was stalking sheep, hose him off and stick him in a new suit for the "we're getting married" tour on the campaign trail. He wasn't thrilled, but America was, and that's all that mattered.
(To read the rest just click the title.)

Those of us in Alaska have become a little immune to hypocrisy after dealing with Sarah Palin for so long. However based on how uber-defensive the Palin's are when it comes to their kids, and how dismissive Sarah was of Levi's potential career in the entertainment field, this has taken hypocrisy to a whole new level. And that is really saying something when it comes to Sarah Palin and her band of Wasilla-billy misfits!

Update: If you like that you will probably like THIS jab at Palin hypocrisy as well. Here is a taste:

Bristol Palin is our hero. She’s living proof that unplanned teenage pregnancy can be crazy lucrative.

Forget school or on-the-job training. Bristol Palin knows only too well that the best way to get ahead in life is to drop your knickers and have as much unprotected sex as possible.

Ouch! Well I hope that Bristol develops a thicker skin than her mother because if she is going to put herself out there like this she needs to expect this kind of reaction. I remember how quickly she folded under the criticism over her Candies ambassador gig, so I don't have a lot of confidence in the longevity of her new acting career.


  1. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Just tried to put up the links to the "ear stories" @ IM, Gates and Bree's. We'll see if it goes.

  2. Anonymous5:59 AM

    How about an episode on the consequences of an overly domineering mother?
    Forbidden sex can be a pretty enjoyable way of acting out against a parent who is too controlling.
    Didn't-wait-for-the-honeymoon-and-don't-know-who-is-Track's-dad Sarah should know all about it.

  3. Anonymous6:03 AM

    My links still not appearing on HuffPo. WTF!

  4. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Bristol is an old pro. She has been acting for a very long time.

  5. Anonymous6:22 AM

    She rapped Rahm for the r-word. She attacked The Family Guy. So why are some of the nation's most prominent disability advocates skeptical of Sarah Barracuda?

  6. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Sarah's famous 'bot "HammerOfThor" is back to defending her, so anyone with a free minute, hop on over to HuffPo and comment on Jeanne's article.

    While you are there, click on Hammer's name and read his prior postings - all Palin - but don't be drinking anything and have a barf bag handy. That dude has one serious case of LUV.

  7. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Maybe Levi won't have to testify today after all.

  8. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Bristol Palin to Appear on Reality Show Despite Mother's Objection to Reality

    In agreeing to appear on the ABC Family series The Secret Life of the American Teenager, Bristol is breaking with family tradition, Gov. Palin said: "We Palins don't like reality. It's not our thing."

    The former Alaska Governor said she is allowing her daughter to engage with reality for the duration of the show "just so long as it doesn't become a regular thing."

    Gov. Palin's husband Todd was also asked to be on the program, Gov. Palin confirmed, but declined to do so because it would have required him to emit sounds.

  9. Anonymous7:08 AM

    From E! Online:

    Good thing Bristol Palin is already developing a thick skin, because—like her or not, talented or not—you just know she's going to get a critical mauling when she makes her acting debut on The Secret Life of the American Teenager when it returns for its third season this summer.

  10. Anonymous7:15 AM

    What is she? Rickette Hollywood?

  11. I don't think Bristol has a thick skin at all. I think she is a shy girl who was only comfortable with her friends who is being shoved by her mother into the limelight. All Sarah sees is $$$$$. She never did care about her kids as people.

  12. Anonymous7:21 AM

    "She (daughter Isabella) shouldn't grow up begging for a mother to start acting like a mother," so says Meg Stapleton in the memo she sent this morning to fellow SarahPAC staff members in announcing her resignation from working with Sarah.

    Wow. Wonder if Sarah's daughters wish Sarah had the same commitment to mothering, not just to lights, fame and fortune.

  13. Anonymous7:35 AM

    OK, OK. I hate to be a crybaby about this, BUT i'm sick of HuffPo not posting my comments/w links.
    The Gestopo Lives! 1st Amendment rights do not exist at Huff po.

    ~soapbox collapse~

  14. Anonymous8:09 AM

    On the Adny Borowiz (Huffington) it is said: Sarah Palin is allowing, Bristal to appear on the reality show.

    Wait a minute, Bristal is 19 going on 20, why does the queen have anything to say about (allowing)only if, Bristal agrees!

  15. Anonymous8:14 AM


  16. Anonymous8:23 AM

    So--if Stapletongue is quitting to "spend more time with her 2 yr old" can $P be far behind in quitting to take care of hers?

    Why should she? It isn't hers...his mother is already taking care of him (well, part of the time).


  17. crystalwolf aka caligrl8:58 AM

    anon@6:26 Hammerofthor, maybe RAM, and yes she has a girl crush on Sarah....

  18. The hilarious article at "Heckler Spray" is a must read. Snarkiness to the max!

  19. Anonymous9:24 AM

    8:09 AM

    Bristol is still a child who needs to be under supervision. No way can she take responsibility of Tripp. The sooner the custody case is clarified as Sarah v Levi the better.

  20. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Did Sarah release Meg so that Bristol's BSMP LLC can takeover for Meg?

  21. oh my! what next?10:15 AM

    The Secret Life of the American Teenager is a TV series with bad acting (creator Brenda Hampton, who did 7th Heaven, scripted). NOT A REALITY SHOW. Why Molly Ringwald (Anne Juergens) and Mayim Bialik (Dr. Wilameena Bink) signed on Idk. It is not a reality show. If Sarah said those things, it may be that they were spinning so fast to give this 'news' to Levi to think about before his custody inquisition today or tomorrow? Sarah loves movies like Juno (Knocked Up?), but she is clueless about what she is talking about. If Bristol is her 'twin' she is also clueless.

    It is crazy but if Sarah is admitting that her 19 year old is delayed and needs her permission, that is a score for Levi. I am thinking no one in Sarah's camp knows what The Secret Life of the American Teenager is. Knowing that Bristol can't make adult decisions on her own they are neglecting her terribly. One of Sarah's hired hands should try teh google.

    The Todd scratch from the BIG POLLUTERS snow-machine race sounds like another farce. Someone please do more examination on that one.

  22. johnie2xs10:29 AM

    To anyone trying to post links about Palin, originating from IMM may as well give it up. It will never happen. The moderating staff has evidently been given their marching orders, and not JUST on this subject. Their only real rival to censorship at this level, and consistancy, may be Communist China.
    You think I'm kidding!?!?

    The only way it would ever appear on the Huff, is if one of their bloggers were to broach the subject, and it's doubtful even then.

  23. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Huff Post always monitors anything I post. Sometimes I am only agreeing with someone. Just to let others know. Perhaps afraid we will let the cat out of the bag with something negative about $$p.

  24. Thanks McCain!11:06 AM

    "Ram lives in LA, which is apparently where Scarah went to ‘write’ her book. Ram has dreamed of being a screen writer. Now Bristol is going to LA to film this show."
    Things that make you go hmmmm....

  25. oh my! what next?11:15 AM

    oh my! the trivia link did not take the first time. Hope this works... TRIVIA

  26. FEDUP!!!12:53 PM

    Try to get the link through by typing in 'dot com' instead of '.com'. Maybe that helps.
    Sometimes the links get through, and sometimes they don't. Wonder if there are different people monitoring - some totally pro-$Palin, some who couldn't care less?

    Also, too, try to post it on other sites - like cnn and msnbc - just use the 'dot com', so it does not show up as a link! ;)

  27. Mac And Cheese Wiz9:06 PM

    Can Bristol form whole sentences? Will she need hand notes or teleprompters to play herself?

    What a fraud. It's fine for her to fornicate without protection, but she's telling these kids to "just say no". I guess they don't deserve to be "blessed" with a baby like she was.

    She won't last long.


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