Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ron Paul wins CPAC straw poll. Sarah Palin comes in distant third.

I just saw on Fox (I have no idea why I had that station on my television) that Ron Paul has won the CPAC straw poll to determine who should be the GOP's candidate in 2012.

The results went as follow

Ron Paul 31%
Mitt Romney 22%
Sarah Palin 7%

There was a fourth candidate but I cannot remember who it was. (McCain? Huckabee?)

Well anyhow I think we can safely say that, with only 7% of the vote, Sarah Palin is no longer the GOP wet dream. It looks like the majority of the Teabaggers are going to stay with the guy who brought them to the dance, Ron Paul. Their flirtation with Sarah Palin may have ended when she told them to grow up and pick a party.

And poor Mitt, the guy has won three years in a row, but he is just too reasonable and boring for the Teabaggers. There are a lot of very intelligent people who like what Ron Paul has to say, but even they agree the guys has absolutely no shot in being elected president.

Update: Thanks to krbmjb05 I now have the official results:

Ron Paul – 31%
Mitt Romney – 22%
Sarah Palin – 7%
Tim Pawlenty – 6%
Mike Pence – 5%
Newt Gingrich -4%
Mike Huckabee – 4%
Mitch Daniels – 2%
Rick Santorum – 2%
John Thune – 2%
Haley Barbour – 1%
Other – 5%
Undecided – 6%
53% think we need a better field;
46% are fine with it.


  1. Anonymous1:50 PM


    It's a bad sign when fox is on your TV. Call an exorcist.

  2. nswfm1:53 PM

    From Shannyn Moore's blog:
    Ron Paul wins w/ 31%, Mitt Romney 22%, Sarah Palin 7%, Tim Pawlenty 6%, Mike Pence 5%, Newt Gingrich 4%.

  3. krbmjb051:59 PM

    Here's the official results:

    Ron Paul – 31%

    Mitt Romney – 22%

    Sarah Palin – 7%

    Tim Pawlenty – 6%

    Mike Pence – 5%

    Newt Gingrich -4%

    Mike Huckabee – 4%

    Mitch Daniels – 2%

    Rick Santorum – 2%

    John Thune – 2%

    Haley Barbour – 1%

    Other – 5%

    Undecided – 6%

    53% think we need a better field; 46% are fine with it.

  4. More good news about Palin. Also, Maddow noted recently that Bobby Jindal wasn't even on the straw poll. Looks like his 'Mr Rogers' moment did him in.

  5. CGinWI2:11 PM

    Wow! Over hald think they need a better field. (Though I wonder what constitutes "better" in their minds - probably wouldn't match my definition)

  6. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Last time around, Mitt spent $40.million of his own money, plus contributions and he did not make it to the finals. Is someone willing to put that kind of money up for Sarah? I think by 2012, the opening bid to get in the game will be the ability to raise $100.million without blinking. Sarah's not a serious contender. She stays it for the contributions to her PAC.

  7. BAustin2:23 PM


    She's toast. Levi, write the book asap, because sister $arah's $tock is going down fast.


  8. Anonymous2:26 PM

    So the following losers are not just losers, they are super losers - two time losers... They lost to the Wasilla Hill Bily who only had 7% of a brain... one is so confused, his name is Undecided

    Sarah Palin – 7%
    Tim Pawlenty – 6%
    Mike Pence – 5%
    Newt Gingrich -4%
    Mike Huckabee – 4%
    Mitch Daniels – 2%
    Rick Santorum – 2%
    John Thune – 2%
    Haley Barbour – 1%
    Other – 5%
    Undecided – 6%

  9. Anon at 2:26 PM, LMAO!

  10. the pee-ers are already dismissing the results. My suggestion to them...reality. try it.

  11. Bots already prepared themselves before poll was released. SP wasn't there, so she would score low. McCain scored low, yet won the nomination.
    Blah blah blah.
    WHY wasn't SP there, BTW?
    "Time to be with family at IronDog."
    Uh, NO - truth is - they were not willing to pay her $100,000 + fee AND she would be subjected to questions, the Press, and the "elites."
    I am not a Ron Paul fan, but I have to say - he did make the most sense of anyone there.

  12. I bet $arah thought that the Teabaggers would fall at her feet when she told them to pick one party; R or D.
    $arah took the Teabaggers money and ran. They aren't as stupid as she hoped they would be.

  13. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Anyone who would have Glenn Beck as their keynote speaker is capable of limitless stupidity.

  14. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Sarah is just stringing people along anyway to get donations. Although she's nacissistic enough & has enough delusions of grandeur/importance that she just might try to run. But the Repubs will probably take her down with the dirt they have on her.

    For sure, though, they will have a HARD right candidate since the tea baggers are all stirred up. So besides being intelligent, boring, knowledgable & having executive experience the hard right has never trusted Romney so he'll never get nominated. I think they'll end up with somebody like Santorum or gasp--Jeb Bush (even with that toxic surname).

    VERY interesting that someone last summer posted anonymously here about both the Dems and Repubs having serious dirt on Sarah (pix & video I think) and would just let her have her time in the spotlight to make some money/grift for a while and then she should disappear or they would take her down. And that the true Repub candidate possibilities would then emerge back into the spotlight--Pawlenty, Romney, Jeb Bush, etc. And that has pretty much happened.

    And now she's changed from backing tea baggers to campaigning for Repubs again (McCain & Perry)--both probably have serious dirt on her and the tightening of the screws has started. Remember--Perry was one of the last person in Texas to see her before she started the "wild ride" back.....

    Gryphen--can you please repost that anon comment from last summer to recap how close it came to what has actually happened? Thanks.

  15. She's only down 24% - right where she wants to be at this early stage of the race. You betcha'.

  16. Anonymous4:52 PM

    At least there's hope for 53% of them at CPAC. The "field" did indeed stink.

  17. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I just can't wait until all the teabagger's and Con's get a clue about her Being on "Socialist" "Big GovT" "entitlements" namely the health ins for Natives.
    She has all her kids enrolled and her grandson named Tripp...With all her money why would she need a entitlement?
    Hypocrite Palin is thy name!!!

  18. Mac And Cheese Wiz5:16 PM

    Granny isn't getting any respect, but hey, she beat out undecided and other! I watched for a little while with the volume off, just to see what Liz Cheyney was wearing and to watch Ann Coulter's adams apple bobbing up and down.

    Mitt is the Susan Lucci of the Republican Party.

    Did anyone say anyting that makes sense?

  19. imnofred5:19 PM

    Although I'm glad to see Sarah doing so poorly in the straw poll, I have to admit I'm surprised. I thought she would have more support in CPAC.

    It looks like the rising star is falling. I can't wait to see it crash.

  20. imnofred: Palin is a woman. Of course she's trailing badly at CPAC. Gopper primary voters won't pic her either.

  21. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Amazing. The mere fact that Ron Paul won should tell you how relevant this poll is.

  22. Anon 2:26 toooo right on.
    "other" must have been a typo Should have been U-nuther like I'll have U-nuther.

  23. No wonder As the World Turns and Guiding Light recently went off the air! The Palins daily train wreck was no match for Guiding Light's 72 years.

    Mac&Cheese: I always thought Susan Lucci could play a PERFECT two-faced Sarah Palin.

  24. Anonymous8:07 PM

    The fact 53 percent want a different candidate suggests to me that either Scott Brown or Jeb Bush will be the contenders. We had better stop the side-show and get to work full-time on investigating them, to the same level we have investigated Sarah. Otherwise, one of them will be POTUS in 2012.

  25. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Fox News Tries to Spin Away Ron Paul's Straw Poll Victory

    "Fox News not only didn’t identify Paul as a Republican, but pointed out that poll was unscientific and, “bragging rights.”

  26. Gasman10:05 PM

    Let's remember that Palin's 7% is from the batshit crazy loons who attend CPAC. She was too incoherent and goofy even for these simpletons. If she has any designs on the White House at all, she needs to excel with this crowd and she can only draw a tiny percentage OF a tiny percentage.

    It is official: stick a fork in her, 'cause she is DONE.

    RON PAUL!?!? He’s an unrepentant John Bircher, for Christ’s sake! The man has a very dodgy racist past. He couldn’t get elected Milk Monitor of Texas, let alone a national office with a national constituency.

    None of the other erstwhile GOP candidates can draw any good news from this. Romney spends millions upon millions over the course of several years and gets no better than 22%? He consistently finishes behind idiots. He’s not going to excite the conservatives as their candidate. The Talibangelicals will NEVER support a Mormon. As for Pawlenty and everybody south of him, none of them could outdraw “Undecided.”

    We have been blessed with enemies who are disorganized idiots. Will the GOP find someone new or will they be puttin’ lipstick on one of these pigs?

  27. Anonymous4:02 AM

    op-ed talking about the falling star of SP

  28. Gasman, as usual your words are spot on. she is toast. A rancid salmon trying to look like a pitbull with lipstick. When she told the TP'ers to pick a party, and she skipped cpac, and is polling single digits with uber conservatives that pretty much sealed her deal. No one hears her dog whistles any more except the pee'ers. beck is the de-facto TP leader, and even he thinks shes a fucking moron. I'd say we'd be in good shape except that the current Dummycrats cant/wont dont know how to win the winning hand they currently have. Obama better get their asses in line. NOW!

  29. Gasman8:41 AM

    sjk from the belly of the plane,
    It was only a matter of time before Palin's "shoot from the hip" style began to fail her. What has surprised me was just how quickly Goober Nation has soured on Sarah. It's mud wrastlin' and boat shows for Palin in the near future. I can see her selling that mountain of left over copies of "Goin' Rogue" from the back of her pickup in WalMart parking lots within a couple of years.

    Sarah Palin IS the Tonya Harding of American politics.


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