Sarah Palin received a rock star’s welcome at the Sierra Cascade Logging Conference where she spoke before the first of two sold-out shows at the Redding Convention Center this afternoon.
That’s 4,000 people who paid between $54 for a balcony seat to $74 for a floor seat. I had a floor seat - second row, so near the tower of speakers that I followed the example of people around me and wadded tissue in my right ear to reduce the volume.
She endeared herself to the logging conference crowd by holding her hand up to show what was written on her palm: “Loggers rock!” - an apparent dig at “lame-stream media” who recently ridiculed her for writing memory prompts on her hand. And toward the end of her talk she complimented logging industry folks when she referred to an administration that talks about green jobs.
“You guys were doing green jobs before green jobs were even cool!” (WTF?)
Um, you know I hate to nitpick, but I don't believe that Sarah Palin quite understands the definition of "green jobs".
Perhaps somebody should tell her that a "green job" is NOT where you take an ax and kill something green. It is when you work a job that helps to improve our environment and does not waste our precious resources. Chopping down a tree is the exact opposite of having a "green job".
No wonder Palin's approved method of predator control was shooting wolves from a helicopter and never spoke out when gassing cubs in their den was suggested. "Pretty easy to control them once their dead. You betcha!"
After that stunningly stupid statement Palin went right into her right wing rhetoric.
- “Washington needs to stop lecturing and start listening.” (She lectured to the audience.)
- “We need basic common-sense government with fiscal restraint and limited control.” (Says the woman who does not have any common sense and hired a lobbying firm to procure 27 million dollars in earmarks while she was mayor of Wasilla.)
- “We need to stand up and tell government to back off.”
- “Sometimes I wonder if anyone in Washington has ever run a business.” (Yes actually quite a few of them have.)
- “Washington wants us to think this is all over our head. Obviously, they want us to sit down and shut up.” (They keep telling me I am dumb but I am really quite....wait that is written on my hand someplace....oh here it is....insurgent...so wait its kind of smudged...intelligent..yeah that's it!")
- “Washington needs to walk the walk.” ("And run the run, and crawl the crawl, and hop the skip, and other nonsensical phrases like that.")
- “We need an all-of-the-above approach to drilling, digging and mining, and support for nuclear energy.” (Oh I take it back, I guess she really does understand "green jobs". This speech brought to you by "Earth Rapists of America".))
- “A lot of green is wishful thinking … in the meantime we have to drill here now and tap into our plentiful supplies.” (Yeah let's not think about saving this planet when we have not yet completely used up all of its resources or polluted all of the environment. Let's wait until we all have to "walk the walk" because there is no more gasoline to power our cars, or "crawl the crawl", because the air is too poisonous to stand.)
Perhaps if this group would think with their brains instead of their "wood" they might be able to see through her moose shit. But hey, THAT is what the short skirts are for.
Of course if they had done that they would have been standing outside with this group.

hahahahaha... love those signs!! Now, those are the intelligent folks. Plus, they saved over $50 each!!
ReplyDeleteTo all you protestors....love you guys. Redding is too damn far & it's raining too much otherwise I would have joined them. Read somewhere there are a bunch of religious freaks up in Redding that are taking over. Is California planning for other Jonestown massacre. God that was awful. Every day I hate the psycho woman just a little more. Nice to see Piper is still out of school. She looks a little unsecure & is losing her sparkle....not to worry.
ReplyDeleteCan't help but notice the bags under poor Piper's eyes. What kind of hours has she been forced to keep?
ReplyDeleteGeezez, I despise her more every day. Loggers, eh? Come to the Upper Western Peninsula of MI, Sarah and see what loggers have done here. Mismanagement, stripping areas bald, etc. In fact where I live they made such a mess of things the nearest company shut down after over 100 years in business tossing hundreds out of work. Better management would have kept jobs and made the land healthier and better. She's no damn expert on logging, or bowling or just anything. She would love nothing more than to see my forested property gone. Because of crappy logging practices we have areas bald and with dead trees. Wild animals displace...but I guess she would like to shoot them.
ReplyDeleteI'm sick of her platitudes. I have to keep telling myself not to be pissed at Alaskans for electing this twit as Governor. Had that never happened we wouldn't be seeing her mug daily. I know there are great progressives in AK but you got taken for a ride and now the entire country is being taken for one.
I want to know where are the decent Alaskans that need to speak the truth about her. Is everyone there still so afraid of her? I understand it's risky but my lord, please, someone speak out. I'm sorry, Gryphen, I'm just very frustrated today. My best friend lives in Wasilla and I just spoke with her and asked her why. Again I got the same old people are afraid stuff. What kind of twisted hold does this family have on AK?
Sarah why is Pipeer not in school?
ReplyDeleteYou are retarding her education.
"Perhaps if this group would think with their brains instead of their "wood" they might be able to see through her moose shit. But hey, THAT is what the short skirts are for."
Made my day...and more!!
I am getting really, really tired of this "sit down and shut up" line, and this professor lecturing line, and all the other stupid little mean-girl lines she spews over and over again, then stands there smirking her mean girl smirk. Please, please someone make her sit down and shut up behind bars.
ReplyDeleteI should have driven over to join the protesters, but I really hate hwy 299 from Arcata to Redding. Hey, you stupid grifter! Get out of my state!!! I dare you to give that speech in MY town, where people actually have a brain and some education. F@@@ing retard.
ReplyDeleteI would like to offer the following suggestions so Sarah Palin and her family will lead by example. They would not only walk the walk, they should be leading the parade.
ReplyDeleteI call on Chuck and Sally Heath to refuse all social security checks and medicare payments. Less government spending begins with them! If Trig is receiving any state sponsored health care, he has to give it up too.
I call on Todd to renounce his government paid health care, given because some relative is a Native American.
Since Sarah has embraced the Green Movement, I call on the Palin family to stop driving anything that qualifies as a gas guzzler. That includes the honking big Escalade, other SUV's and those snow machines.
Since Sarah stands for less government control, I would have suggested that her kids renounce public education, but then, Piper never goes to school, so that won't work out.
Sarah should champion a day without government controls in Alaska to set a good example of less reliance on Washington. That means no traffic controls at the airport, no mail, and with Putin rearing his head over there, no army to defend you. Canadians will be free to enter your state with no border control. No government control means no stop lights at intersections, no schools and of course, no sales tax. Come on, Sarah, set a good example by endorsing madness and chaos in your own state so we can see how your cutesy folksy nonsense is working out for you.
And one last thing to for Sarah to renounce, money. Guess who prints it, yup, the Fed. No bank account; it is under Federal Regulation. Sarah won't be needing that troublesome Legal Defense Fund because the courts are part of the government. No more PAC, because if Sarah were to run for anything, then she would be with them instead of against them.
Let 'er talk folks. Let her just keep spewing her mindless drivel. Believe it or not, now that she has "come out" as it were, people are beginning to realize she does not fart rainbows every time she opens her mouth. They are seeing first hand that there is no there there.
ReplyDeleteAlaska doesn't want her back.
ReplyDeleteHow come Piper isn't in school?
ReplyDelete$arah continues to expose this youngest daughter hoping the kid will be "discovered." Maybe a child modeling contract or a Miley Cyrus type sitcom.
ReplyDeleteMo' money, mo' money, mo' money.
Sarah says she'll die for this country..
ReplyDeleteWhy won't she enlist?
A big thanks to the protestors.
ReplyDeletePOTUS Obama is telling us to sit down and shut up?
ReplyDeleteWhat happened during the bush years?
Could you even image being ALLOWED during the bush years to criticize the administration?
We were not even to question the war we were told to sit down and shut up.
We were told we were unpatriotic if we questioned anything that bush did. We had 8 years of the kind of government that palin is advocating for and look what happened to us.
How little these people know and how short their memories are.
Palin is a hypocritical liar.
She needs to be stopped for the good of this country and I dare say, the world.
Sarah's idea of Green Jobs:
ReplyDeleteCut down trees
Shoot wolves
Kill polar bears
Take every last fish from the sea
Kill the spotted owl (and anyting else that lived in those dumb trees)
Drive and/or fly something that will pollute the air
Throw junk, especially plastic in the ocean (start with your takeout cartons from junk food places).
Then, when you have removed all of the beautiful creatures and things of nature, drill, baby, drill.
(Be sure paint something on the oil rig green so we will appreciate how you are harvesting the last of nature's resources).
Piper used to look so happy. She looks terrible now and doesn't look happy anymore.
ReplyDeleteI believe Alaska is still "run" by palin and that she still tells parnell what to do. I believe she consults with the ultra right wing and is their marionette. Alaskans voted for her because the pageant walking skills taught to her (the only things she really ever learned) lend themselves well to runnin around "campainin". Most alaskans disregard education and love stupidity in one form or another and are of the mind that "ignorance is bliss". T'isnt.
ReplyDeleteGuess I'll re-post this here since this is about the Redding speech.
ReplyDeleteThe Grifter is doing what she does best...taking & spending OP's(Other People) money. She has no chance of being President of THIS United States.
I watched the news last night about her being in Redding, CA. Not far from where I live. Her "followers" were ALL White, middle age people. I didn't see ONE person of color in her audience.
The news commentator spoke to some lady and asked her about Handgate and the poor woman stumbled all over herself trying to explain. She finally ended up saying. "Well she's just like US". WTF!!!
The Stupid...it burns...
If Palin thinks green jobs are 'cool', then I presume she wants to do more to protect the environment?
ReplyDeletePerhaps Piper could take more classes on the environment if she ever gets to go to school again.
The narcissism is so apparent. Todd a lesser person has to quit his "career" for hers. Piper has to quit her childhood and school for the greater person say ruh. etc.
ReplyDeleteOh, Piper doesn't need to go to school. Nooooo. She can take months and months off school, just because. And she won't get held back, either, which is a shock to me based on her and her sibling's attendance records the last two years.
ReplyDeleteUnless she's homeschooled or has a full-time tutor, that would be truancy in my state. Illegal. You can't take months off of school and not get held back or reported for truancy.
Kids in my state cannot take more than 10 excused days off per quarter without having legal issues. Some parents are arrested for this in some states.
Perhaps the State looked the other way for Sarah's kids. But maybe now that she's no longer governor, that might be an issue, here.
Anyone research the definition of truancy for Alaska education or for her school district?
Does she provide a tutor for the kids? Are they homeschooled now? Were they required to do school work while touring?
Why would Sarah and Todd not take advantage of that big family they are so proud of that are always willing to help each other and have their family watch the kids, so they can have a normal childhood and keep up in school?
Why isn't the attendance officer beating down their door at one of their studio/home/cabin/apartment/bus/private jet/hotels?
Mommy--All dressed up,coiffed to the heavens with her bumpit,happy as a clam,Botoxed and Plastic surgery-ed to the nines.
ReplyDeletePiper,sad,clingy in a room full of strange old men,sad looking clothes,circles under her eyes,her hair not combed or properly parted because mom only has time for her self,out of school again to be mmommies prop and shield.
I love the protest signs, especially the one that says, beauty fades, stupid is forever. I see Palin is now writing things on her palm in an attempt to deflect attention away from the fact that she is an intellectual weakling. She is soooo jealous of President and Mrs. Obama's educational accomplishments.
ReplyDeleteThe "sit down and shut up" is another of her victim myths.
ReplyDeleteI have officially lost all empathy for her, and it takes a LOT for me to toss someone overboad.
ReplyDeleteI am a trained actress so I look at people and see what made them who they are and how they behave comes out of that. I have felt twinges for her when it seems no one actually loves her enough to stop the trainwreck, or just help her dress! They let her write a book of juvenile snark and the powerful USE her, mental illness being helpful to them.
But now, I am sick of her shameless lies and I have no more empathy, no matter what we find out about old Chuck and her childhood.
She is hateful and snarky and mean and has NO redeeming value for this country.
Thank you, to those beautiful protesters. I wish I could have joined them!
ReplyDeleteA special thank you to the protesters to let Grifter Granny know that everyone is not buying her crap! So, Sarah can't wait for the next palm reading. Here's one for you "Quitters never win and Winners never Quit".
ReplyDeletePiper is there as mommies crutch. She also is in training for any future political campaign when she turns 18. The youngest mayor of Wasilla, the youngest Governor of Alaska and so on.
ReplyDeleteA dynasty in the making. The others are hopeless. It is Piper who is heiress apparent.
Yes, poor Piper looks so tired. How terrible for the thinking world to helplessly witness her heartless exploitation of her children.
ReplyDeleteREAL mama bears should have her for lunch.
Sarah is good at something: at being the poster child for bad parenting. She really seems indifferent to the needs of her children.
ReplyDeletePerhaps she thinks they have been born to serve her. After all, she seems to believe that she has been "chosen." Why wouldn't God provide them as servants for her ambition?
My goodness, Sarah, you self-absorbed buttercup, grow up and show some responsibility for your children. Get them in school, notice if they are unhappy, quit using them as props or shields.
Sarah, did your parents not teach you that the welfare of your children should come first?
Did your parents not pay attention to you? Are you simply following bad examples?
You are supposed to be grown up by now. Make better choices for your children, before it is too late.
The woman is incapable of speaking in anything other than boilerplate platitudes. These are meaningless talking points that are strung together in no particular order. Anybody who listens to her for more than 30 seconds and actually thinks she is saying ANYTHING is either a moron or is not really listening.
ReplyDeletePalin is entirely a creature of the TV age, If people's only exposure to her was radio or print, I would bet large sums of money that even many of the teabaggers would go, "huh?"
Winston Churchill could have easily been speaking of Palin when he opined:
"We know that [she] has, more than any other [woman], the gift of compressing the largest amount of words into the smallest amount of thought."
OK, the "writing on the hand" joke is getting old.
ReplyDeleteShe might as well just write "F-YOU" on her hand for all to see, because that is what she is really saying.
Did you notice that all the words on the signs of those terrible 'librul' protesters are spelled correctly? Guess that's what happens when you actually value education!
ReplyDeleteWill you make a promise to all of us?
That if worse comes to worse, and no one else takes her down that you will never allow this F&*$ing retard anywhere near public office again, even if you have to give up your sources?
No matter what it takes will you do that?
I need some reassurance here that someone, anyone will do what it takes to stop her. Cause right now it seems no one will. Sure people are trying to find the proof, buy there is no such thing as trying. There is either do or do not. So you have it or you dont. Maybe you will find it maybe you wont. But at least you can tell what you've been told if the need arises.
If the need arises, will you spill, be damned the consequence?
Anonymous @ 7:17, I echo your question: "Again I got the same old people are afraid stuff. What kind of twisted hold does this family have on AK?"
ReplyDeleteI have asked this question repeatedly on AK blogs, MSM blogs, and in the ADN comments section. Yes, I read the comment on palingates or bree that a person who dared to criticize Palin had their shed burnt down and their dog shot. Yes, I know that in spite of its size, Alaska has a small population and people are clannish. BUT, I too live in a small town, one that has some of the same problems Wasilla has: ugly, purposeless commercial stripmall developments taking over once-lovely farmland, rampant drug abuse with meth being the popular option, and cronyism and nepotism in many areas of our local government. However, in my little town, no one is afraid to criticize our 'leaders', either to their face or in print. So WHAT is the problem in Wasilla?? The Heaths are not a large family. The Palins are not, either. They have no male figurehead, no patriarch, nor do they have a long-standing family or business dynasty of any kind in the Valley or in other parts of the state. Political loyalty notwithstanding, this terror of the Palins seems to go back even before Mrs Palin was elected Mayor.
I think that those of us in the lower 48 are genuinely mystified as to how Sarah Palin and her family keep everyone up there silenced by means of fear, intimidation, and retribution. How can this be? Can't ANYONE in Alaska explain this? Perhaps you just don't realize that down here, in the lower 48, Palin is not feared, but the threat of her gaining more power and influence because no one will stop her IS a fear.
Please, this is not a game being played, not a question of who gets a book out or of who gets to be famous by virtue of their proximity to Palin, of springing gossipy tidbits on blogs. It is rapidly becoming a question of what direction you want our country to go in in the next few years. Please do whatever you can to bring truth to light, to speak truth to power regarding this woman.
Sarah thinks 'green' jobs are done by 'Leprechaun'.
ReplyDeleteSarah thinks 'snake oil' is a lubricant drilled in 'Snakistan'.
Sarah thinks she has a legitimate shot at winning a primary against a republican.
Thank you protesters!!!
ReplyDeleteHow pathetic is Sarah for bringing her kids to her job?? Someone posted earlier on another blog, could you imagine going for any professional service and having them have their kids there to protect them? Sarah takes ridiculous and unprofessionalism to new ne'er before seen heights. Agghh.
Support for the believe that the Palin "events" from the crib notes on her hand to her stroking herself on national TV are staged.
ReplyDeleteAlec Baldwin: Sarah Palin: Faux Populist
She is capable of showing up with tamed, normal hair. Why not all of the time?
ReplyDeleteHer mental illness expresses itself in her costume changes, from Goth to skirt suit in 24 hours.
Sarah apparently thinks she is so smart by writing "loggers rule" on her hands. To me, it just seems to come off as childish and immature.
ReplyDeleteShe just doesn't seem to get it or doesn't care that most everyone, except her rabid fans and the far right of the Republican party, thinks that she is an idiot. She is either delusional or extremely arrogant if she thinks that she can continue to spout empty rhetoric and hatred and win an election.
I have heard that there are some rumblings in the republican party that they are embarrassed by the Quitter.
California has had one of the warmest winters on record, with record rainfall.
ReplyDeleteThis El Nino is on steroids. Climate change is very real. One day in late October of 2012 she will flip out and proclaim that the "sudden" violent weather events are punishments from God and the Apocalypse is near.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAs the lone family member attending to Sarah, the past few days have to be tough on Piper. She is what 8 or 9?
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine the scene in that hotel room Saturday night? Sarah knew she did poorly with her speech. She lost her place, stumbled, read like a grade schooler from her index cards, the hair was a mess, the leg stroking and then the palm pilot. She got to their room and immediately went to the TV to see what was being said. The critics were relentless that night. She saw for herself how bad she was.
Hours, back and forth between the TV and blackberry - wailing, whining, anger. Piper had to absorb it all, bear the brunt of it all. Listening to the hysterical phone calls back to Meg, to Todd who stopped answering, to the man servant Jason Recher who was useless.
Maybe she got a message or call from Track, saying horrible things to his mother. She spoke about him in public again. She promised not to do that. And where did she get that f****ng bracelet, what was she thinking wearing that.
All night long she was repeatedly woken up to hysterical Sarah. It was beyond one little girl's ability to soothe and comfort her mama.
Next day, a flight to Tx. Sarah is still off her game. The pundits are still all over her, the blogs are worse, the palm notes are everywhere. She does more damage in Tx with a new version of the wild ride. Another bad night, another long flight.
Is it any wonder that little girl looks exhausted. This is just wrong. WTF is wrong with Todd to allow this cruelty to this little girl?
Good grief, does everybody in Wasilla have bodies buried in their back yards? I only hope that Geoffrey Dunn and Joe McGinniss were able to speak frankly with someone who has solid information.
ReplyDeleteIt is unfair to ask Gryphen to break his promises to his sources.
Look, Granny has some fans in the weak-minded, racist segment but she is a laughing stock in D.C. She burnt her bridges. The GOP front-runner who has the real power and money behind him will shred her up like a tissue paper if she tries to split the party.
No, Gryph, YOU rock!*
ReplyDelete(Waving my hand frantically so you can see it written on my palm).
*So do all our wise and witty commenters here. You made a rotten, no good, very bad day much better. Thanks!
Oh yes, talk, Sarah, talk! show your crib cheat and don't forget to bend over and show the back of your runner's thighs, remind us you are a proud fraud.
ReplyDeleteShe is not the Paris Hilton of politics, she is the Snooky. Sarah"Snooky" Palin.
But people, I truly love those signs.
Perhaps Piper has a consulting company like her sis, so the whole family can suckle at Sarah's PAC?
ReplyDeleteI wonder if they laugh at all the rubes on their way out of town with the loot?
aka...Rocky in Texas said...
ReplyDeleteI heard that the Grifter Sarah and...
Governor Todd wanted to use...
Nuclear Tipped Bunker Buster Bombs
to slaughter all the Wolf Pups!
To all who are dis-heartened by her latest frauds, there is an excellent article and comments over at Oz Mudflats. Courage! She hasn't got everyone fooled.. not by a long short.
ReplyDeleteWe know that Sarah enjoys a close relationship with her father, Chuck Heath, the former science teacher. Chuck has had a role in some of Sarah's government emails, and he came along on the bus tour. Chuck has given political speeches on behalf of candidates. So, the next time that Chuck is out there shaking hands and chatting up the crowd, I hope that some one asks him about his career as the science teacher. What would Chuck have done if a student in his class showed up with three answers to the test written on their hand?
ReplyDelete(Sometimes I forgot that it's Alaska, the place where crooked Ted Stevens will not serve time. The place where someone is held in contempt of the legislature and there is no punishment. In fact, failure to appear for a subpoena is not mandatory for private citizens. Yes, Alaska is the place where a governor can be found to have abuse her office and claim to have been cleared of all charges. Maybe there is no such thing in Alaska as cheating).
Why is it so hard to address the truancy issue when it comes to Sarah Palin's kids? It seems like Piper has not been in school at all this year! Willow fades in and out of view, but I'm not convinced that the times she's not with Sarah means she is going to school. Partying yes, school, I'm not so sure! I understand there are privacy issues regarding individuals' attendance records, but it seems like a public school's attendance policy and the consequences of it not being followed should be available to the public, no? Even though it is not possible for us to know exactly how many days of school Piper has missed, all you have to do is count all the days we knew FOR SURE that Piper was touring around with Sarah this year, starting with the "book" tour. I'm sure there were many more days "on the road" with Mommy dearest than we can prove, but even those were too many to have any meaningful education. I wonder what age level she reads at, and if she can do basic math for a child her age.
ReplyDeleteOne more thing: There are so many questions that should be asked of SP in a public, non-rehearsed setting, and one of them should be this surprise (Sarah would call it a "gotcha") question: "Hey Sarah, does Piper ever go to school and what is the policy of her school regarding truancy?"
Who gives a shit what Alec Baldwin has to say. This guy is a good actor and that's it. Please don't use him as a reference
ReplyDeleteI know how impatient we all are to see the whole truth on Sarah Palin break into the mainstream media, but Gryphen would not be doing us any long-term favors by betraying his sources.
ReplyDeleteThere must be valid reasons his sources are keeping him quiet. I hope they are not based on fear alone.
It is to those sources we must speak: please be sure your facts are target-proof, that they can be backed-up seven ways from Sunday, and then release Gryphen from his vow of silence.
If your facts are shaky or if you need more time to write your book or get assistance to protect yourself, release him to say so, but do not keep your silence either much longer because you are harming the messenger you've chosen to represent you. He must be able to say something other than just "trust me."
We do trust him, but the anger, fear, and frustration is growing - on both sides of that which Palin is and represents.
Please help Gryphen help us by at least allowing him to explain your reticence to speak and release the truth. Waiting too long might jeopardize its acceptance and impact.
One of the big factors that plays into the Palin's power to hold fear of retribution over people's heads is the Palins deep-seated drug connections. There are reasons why they've always had plenty of money for houses, toys, endless children to support, living apart from each other for most of the year in separate homes, (so basically maintaining two households at a time.) Drugs. And since many of the folks who brought them into political power are part of the network, they're not very motivated to see the Palins arrested or brought down- because others involved in the drug network would get in trouble, too. It's all just criminals protecting criminals. Unfortunately, the drug use aspect is pretty dangerous to be researching, and I want Gryphen and the other fabulous bloggers to remain safe in all this. Hopefully Scarah will eventually be brought down for other things.
ReplyDeleteIt is tragic to see a child as young a Piper looking so glum this often. In time it may tell more of her mental heath condition and future breakdowns. Meanwhile, I can't believe they let her dress like a rag muffin while with the velvet trick. What is with that? One day Piper will look back on her dress style (and Velvet's) and wonder why she was allowed to be presented as a sad abused child, dressed for casual school and not for Tea Bagging. She is dressed fine for another class, where she would likely look happier and be dressed appropriate. I think this unhealty clinging to her mother is what they think is her home sckuulerin'. When accompanying Tea Bag queens, why not have a stylist? I don't get why her parents think this helps them. She looks inappropriate (negected), if there are any adults, they need to help the child. She looks chronically depressed and poorly dressed. Someone, please, save Piper from this sad and sorry documentation of abuse and neglect.
ReplyDeleteI believe Alaska has largely given up enforcement of our civil laws. We selectively enforce our criminal laws. The population is small. Those attracted to Alaska are often attracted for exploitative reasons (the opportunity to oppress, the opportunity to kill living things for sport, the opportunity to work in resource extraction). Resource extraction work (oil) is renown world wide for affecting government activities with oil extraction business interests in mind. Those who are here in those industries are not more attached to "Alaska" than they are "Chili" or "Ireland"; nonetheless, they wish to affect the elected leadership. Recently, Alaska's government has been amenable to this pressure in the extreme and to the detriment of other civilities. There are NO mechanisms in place to inhibit this disrespect for civility. None. For this reason the mindlessness is so apparent. It's who you know here that matters. Unfortunately for Alaska and civility Alaskans who have been here eons.
ReplyDeleteShould'nt her kid be in school? I'd hate to think that 'Quitty Pants' is 'teaching' the poor girl.
ReplyDelete$arah, you ignorant slut...
ReplyDeletePiper Style, you are so on the mark. Any other parent would have her dressed, not like her mother--please, but in nice appropriate wear for a girl her age, maybe dressier pants and sweater, for instance, nothing fancy, but far more appropriately than she looks, poor little thing.
The way Piper is clinging to her mother it's obvious that child is starved for attention. Typical pro-lifer: fight for children to be born than totally neglect them when they're here. That woman completely disgusts me.
ReplyDelete8:59 AM mommom said...
ReplyDeleteMommy--All dressed up,coiffed to the heavens with her bumpit,happy as a clam,Botoxed and Plastic surgery-ed to the nines.
Piper,sad,clingy in a room full of strange old men,sad looking clothes,circles under her eyes,her hair not combed or properly parted because mom only has time for her self,out of school again to be mmommies prop and shield.
Why can't anyone in the Palin camp notice Piper? It really stands out that they do not care that the child looks bad.
We have old family pictures where we look back and say WTH were we thinking? We did not go to events where some dressed to the nines while others looked like they were ready to dig in the sandbox.
This variance in dress refects mental illness. If this truancy is "Piper's school" the parents are failing. They fail Piper, home schools, the state and the country. The state of Alaska does not care about what they represent to the nation about home schools or they would do something, Governor Parnell. We also see how the state is complicit in what goes on with Trig (not dressed for cold, no aids). These are the state of Alaska's standards. They are making them standards for the whole country. Expect to see more under-dressed child laborers "helping" parents at work. This is why the tea party wants less Federal interference. Child labor laws have too many restrictions for them. All that is best kept to a third world type state that can be controlled by the Stevens and Palins of the world.
Yet again, Sarah Palin, grifter and media whore, reveals herself in a photo. She smiles as she signs autograhs for her adoring fans-- taking in the narcotic that such worship delivers to her. Right at her side is her love starved child, hanging on to "mommie-dearest," as the child is totally ignored. It's all there, right in front of our noses. Also,too, remember that photo of her holding infant Trig like a sack of potatoes while she focused on her Blackberry?
ReplyDeleteI bet we can get a photo montage of SP ignoring her "children" in all sorts of places!
But the photos I love best are the ones of flat-bellied, non-pregnant Mama Fake Grizzly-Grifter pretending to be holding a new life inside her when all she was holding was a VP nomination gimmick.
Did Piper wore the same clothes 2 days in a row?
ReplyDeleteI guess mommy needed all of the room in the suitcases.
12:00 PM - There is no truancy for a Palin in Alaska, hence, nothing to address. We need to learn more about their home school and how it compares to other home schools. What is in it for the children? Is it just about convenience for parents? I might need workers in my business, work my 8 year old twins could do. Why not call it home school and save the expense of two more employees? Isn't that fiscally responsible?
ReplyDeleteI would not think that Palin paid any attention to what Piper packed for the trip.
ReplyDeleteShe was told to pack, she obeyed and packed what fit, what she wears to school, what she likes. This is how an 8 or 9 year old child would behave.
For her to have dressed more upscale -- first, someone would have to pay attention to the child, take her shopping and help her select a travel and event appearance wardrobe. Then, an adult would have to help her pack. Finally, an adult would have to help her dress and make sure she was presentable.
Piper has no caretaker, she is the attendant and caretaker.
We live 75 miles from Redding. The guy with the "Quitter" sign is a really good friend. He is a logging tree Faller and High Climber/rigger. A most skilled employee in the Forestry trade. Not all lumberjacks/millworkers are without conscience or political awareness.
ReplyDeleteHowever the Redwood forests here have been forever ruined by corporate greed using gullible undereducated labor. The resource is gone.
The "green jobs" are held by criminal executives who put all the "green" in their bank accounts.
Conscious again say ruh has one word for Piper: "Obey!"
ReplyDeleteI agree that DRUGS play a gigantic part in what we are observing about Alaska and the Palins. I also agree that what we are observing is a THIRD WORLD state. Neither DRUGS or THIRD WORLD operations in Alaska will be addressed but that is what we are dealing with.
ReplyDeleteThere are drugs and there are drug addicts and addictions galore. When minds get too distorted there is no return. Sarah Palin is past returning. You will not see her consistent or appropriate dress (Piper, too). For her brand handlers the focus will stay on Sarah, to try to make her look alright and normal. Seriously, the drug mentality is in charge now.
Keep an eye on Piper. The entourage neglects her and that is where the cracks will show up big time.
Seeing Piper's hand clinging to her mother's arm reminded me of another far more suspect example of her children's public posing with her...
ReplyDeleteI think it was when Barbara Walters interviewed Palin in her home (last fall?) and a "loving" Willow and Piper sat next to her on a sofa. Each child beamed with the eeriest absolutely adoring & DEVOTIONAL look at their mother. It seemed entirely unnatural, even for a kid who may love and admire their mother. I felt at the time, that Sarah just had to have prepped them beforehand, asking (demanding) that they display the fawning adoration that was seen.
Remember her one-word child-raising advice: OBEY!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteOne of the big factors that plays into the Palin's power to hold fear of retribution over people's heads is the Palins deep-seated drug connections. There are reasons why they've always had plenty of money for houses, toys, endless children to support, living apart from each other for most of the year in separate homes, (so basically maintaining two households at a time.) Drugs. And since many of the folks who brought them into political power are part of the network, they're not very motivated to see the Palins arrested or brought down- because others involved in the drug network would get in trouble, too. It's all just criminals protecting criminals. Unfortunately, the drug use aspect is pretty dangerous to be researching, and I want Gryphen and the other fabulous bloggers to remain safe in all this. Hopefully Scarah will eventually be brought down for other things.
12:17 PM
Does that have anything to do with the Menards? I am stunned at how much the tip of Track's nose and ears look like the Jr Menard as well as how similar the two's chins look. Then of course Menard Jr dies in a plane crash and the Menards are very involved in politics.....perfect! Just like the intertwined Mexican drug cartels....
i'd like to know what sort of under "thingies" she has privy to
ReplyDeleteShe looks awful "curvy" yet in other photos she has boy hips and a lopped off hiney
guess she pulled out her "womanly figure" fare for the loggers
Why do I feel we have fallen into the rabbit hole where Up is Down and Down is Up...finding the Palin Horror is still running amok? This *must* be a nightmare from which I will soon awaken to reality and discover that this horrific, stupid, imbecilic, idiotic, illiterate, pathetic, crazy, poor excuse for any kind of human, a set-back for true women, mean-spirited, foolish, lying when breathing scum of the earth, child abusing, neglectful *mother* in name only, insane, nitwit, nut job, abrasive, debauched, dumber than a hockey puck, fraudulent, did I mention *liar*, whacked out, mental midget, whining, wretched, disgusting, abrasive, fear-mongering terrorist has been found guilty of multiple counts of anything and everything conceivably possible and will be rewarded for her years of disservice to everybody and everything with a long-term vacation in any federal or psychiatric facility.
ReplyDeleteOther than that...she seems real nice!@%$#?φ:o
Thanks for being here Gryphen!
ReplyDeleteYes, it is clear Piper has no caretaker. Piper as an attendant and caretaker works bc they say she is being schooled. "School" that has total disregard for grooming. Why is there not one adult to help her with her hair? How are her nails and teeth?
I get the feeling Piper sleeps in the clothes she works in. A habit she may not grow out of. That is if she sleeps, the child may not go to bed or has an awful bedtime routine.
Beauty fades, stupid is forever!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThe realization to think of Alaska as run as a white man's third world drug cartel makes sense. They can also have their own Taliban. How do we get them to stop effecting the rest of the country? I can see sending troops in, like we do in Afghanistan. I don't see the point in supporting public schools there if they are stuck on home schools like Palin. Alaska is on welfare and we need to cut them off.
ReplyDeleteLet the natives take control of the rich resources and kick the carpetaggers to the curb or put them in workcamps with a company store.
I can't imagine what it be like growing up under the notion that God has chosen Mommy to be president and the whole family must work to see that happens?
ReplyDeleteFor her sake, I hope that she is in school for the Valentines Day party on Friday. I am assuming that is still done? Although, she will miss the excitement and little girl secrets leading up to the big day.
ReplyDeleteI know a Sarah. She reminds me of my mother-in-law. She lies as easily as she breathes. Her children have never called her on it because they are so used to ignoring her "imperfections." When I came into the picture, I had no history with her so I got to know her for who she is - without the emotional and personal baggage of her children. At first, my husband did not believe anything I told him about her. He thought her incapable of it. Then one year she came to stay with us for a few weeks to help us care for our baby. He watched her scheme her way into getting money from us and lie her way through almost everything. After all, the only person she really cared about was herself. After one too many gaffes, he finally opened his eyes. Husband= Palinbots. Sarah= MIL. Let Sarah talk, at one point her supporters will no longer be able to believe her or defend her. The whole Retard incident fell pretty flat, I thought. It's like Chicken Little. She has begun to cry wolf (or rather "victim") too many times. Slowly but surely, they will see her for who she is. Let her stay and bury herself. The one thing I take comfort in is that someone like Palin can NEVER be wrong or do anything wrong. My MIL went crazy when I called her out on her actions. She had to spin the story, try to defend herself and then turn it into us attacking her. The fact that someone saw through her kept her up at night. I know that late at night she wakes up angry at you Gryphen because you see through all her sh*t. I would hold up that thought as a Badge of Honor. Bravo to you!
ReplyDeleteHer claim that Obama insists Americans "sit down and shut up" is only designed to fan the flames of the one of the primary motivations of her base: hatred. She is truly a nasty human being and has no ability to mobilize others except by conjuring up ugly emotions. When motivated by hate or fear etc, people don't think straight. On top of that, doing all of this only to fuel her own sense of self-worth, her rampant narcissism, is perhaps the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in politics (of which she's not even remotely interested in). But I rest comfortably in the confidence that her day will most certainly come ... the moment of truth.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for her.
"Perhaps somebody should tell her that a "green job" is NOT where you take an ax and kill something green."
ReplyDeleteOMG, funny. That's like in 2008 when she didn't understand that when someone referred to "planks" in the GOP platform, that meant IDEAS, not literal boards of wood. To hear, listen to her radio interview with James Dobson--it's classic clueless Palin.
Dobson kept asking her about the planks (ideas), but over and over again she responded with literal statements like "planks are strong and we can stand on these planks!" It was obvious she didn't have the slightest idea what the "planks" of the evangelical political platform were.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"How come Piper isn't in school?"
Because she wants to be just like her mom.
ReplyDeleteChildren raised like that are doomed. You would grow up thinking you are a saint that is all pleasing and "OBEYING" or the devil if you make a mistake. Sarah may be in prison by the time Piper is hormonal and starting to ask some serious questions about her life. Even if they can hide her in a cabin and keep it covered up, she will make the older sibs look like angels or be completely terrorized and like a lobotomy victim. It will be a study in what a cult does to the human spirit.
Like Piper, Sarah Palin is a product of her parents and she is doomed as well. The MSM will not be able to spin them out of what is to come.
ReplyDeleteindy girl,
ReplyDeleteThat is harsh. She is a little girl and I can't in my wildest dreams imagine that she would make choices to be in the situation she finds herself in.
I am sure that she loved the campaign and the special treatment, all the new clothes, the excitement of travel,fawning staff and press and the adoring crowds. She is older, sadder, further removed from her friends, chronically behind in school, her mommy has deteriorated before her eyes. Her Daddy hardly ever comes home and when he does, he and mommy fight all the time.
One big sister is too busy for her anymore and the other is mad all the time and is hateful towards her. Her big brother is really angry all the time and there are terrible fights with mommy when he comes home.
I don't know whether to be sad or happy for her that there are 2 little toddling boys in the house to love and be loved in return. She already has the burdens of caring for her mother and Trigg. My heart breaks for her.
When will child welfare get involved with Piper being hauled all over hell and half of georgia without a tutor?
ReplyDeleteSuper mom? or Super retard?
I wrote it on my palm so's I wouldn't forget it...
ReplyDelete"“It’s sofa king we Todd did.”"
There is a new website dedicated to sarah palin...
Sarah Palin has child welfare in her pocket. Corruption at all levels in Ak.
ReplyDeleteThe Feds must move in like with the health care problem when her constituents were dieing under her faux care.
This picture of SP and Piper can only be captioned, "Mommy, dearest." It is haunting.
ReplyDeleteTea party people are adults and have other sources for love. Children have only their parents.
So sad that SP's bottomless pit for love cannot be filled, and Piper gets nothing.
ReplyDeleteI think she thinks "green jobs" are jobs for inexperienced people. Like Vice-President.
I guess she has not seen any of the logged areas. Here in Wa, Weierhauser et al are HUGE. GWB made an edict some time ago that calls a piece of land a 'forest' if there are 9 trees standing per acre. If you ever drive along our coast, take a look at the hills. Take a little side trip and get closer to those hills. Make sure you did not eat beforehand, because the rape of the country will make you up-chuck! This is especially evident in areas that are close to Native territory. Sometimes, it looks like you are driving through a forest, but if you slow down enough, you will see that the 'forest' is only two or three trees deep. Behind it is a vast area of completely utterly devastated, raped land.
ReplyDeleteThis is what $$$arah believes is 'green' jobs.
This is an excellent example of Gryphen's blog on obesity and unhealthy eating. Piper cannot be getting a good diet by doing all this traveling.
ReplyDeleteSarah a good mother? No. She is a poor, poor mother and no matter how many times she strikes the "my family" drum, she'll always be two beats behind and consistently off-key.
Why isn't Piper in school?
ReplyDeleteI love the "Get the Rich Off Welfare" sign.
ReplyDeleteWho's takin care of Trig? Does anybody know or care? You can't just run hither and yon in a mini-skirt with a special needs kid or hide him away in a daycare and while going thousands of miles out of your way to get your adulation and adoration like an insatiable idiot and get good results in parenting. That woman should be in therapy. Of course, it would be futile because she is truly happy exactly like this. Traipsing around saying smart alecky things about the president of the United States. Can't stand her or the idiots who worship and enable her. Very pathetic. Beyond embarrassing. Her poor kids. Shame on you!
ReplyDeleteIf you blow up the picture of Quitty, you'll find she's got the Tea baggers necklace on - a silver tea bag. According to one commentator they were selling them at the TPconvention. I'm sure it was presented to her on a golden pillow. Gack!
ReplyDeleteI think when you consider her religious beliefs- that JC is coming back and the Rapture will occur in her lifetime- you can see why she thinks the way she does about the earth and its resources.
ReplyDeleteThe world is coming to an end within the next,oh, 50-60 years if she lives well into her 90s. Why not use all the shit up while we can? Who cares? Once Armegeddon happens and JC comes back, he'll restore everything to Eden status and all will be well.
She's a scary MF.
We don't really have a truancy policy here in AK. Nothing that we can enforce anyway. If a kid is absent from school- and that's an unexcused absence- for 10 days in a row, we can drop them from the enrollment. However, it changes if it is an "excused" absence- which I am sure Piper's are. SP very likely notifys the school of her daughter's absence. One thing is certain- there is no way she could be passing right now. If she is, shame on her teacher. I would love for someone at Fox to address this issue with her and make her give an answer.
ReplyDeleteWill Piper be able to pass the Leave No Child Behind tests?