Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Sarah Palin a tax cheat? Would that really surprise anyone?

Just click the title of this post and be whisked away to my pal AKMuckraker's Huffington Post piece investigating Palin's potential tax problems.

And for a bonus you will finally learn the contents of the mysterious envelope AKM received a while back.


  1. 10catsinMD12:26 PM

    Read the article in HUFFPO. Love it, love it. Pay your taxes Scarah. Just like every other "real" American.

  2. Wonder who the tax assessor collector is that handles this area.
    Perhaps there are more cheats.

  3. Any of us. All of us. NOT!

    Couldn't have happened to a more deserving Diva/Whack Job/Little Shop of Horrors/Hick on a Highwire.

  4. I loved hearing Shannyn and AKM on the radio show, discussing this!

    Tax cheating Quitter, I hope she goes down HARD!

  5. When is she going to go to jail?

  6. padoreva12:55 PM

    Please, please somebody file charges. What more crimes must she commit before some agency holds her accountable?

    It occurred to me that the GOP likes Palin because she can be a punching bag for the left and keep the real contenders for 2012 out of danger of being overexposed or exposed. The GOP is so short on talent these days they can't afford to lose another potential candidate like they lost Huckabee.

  7. Anonymous1:03 PM

    What on earth did Tony's party do with the only known record of this 'fresh faced' conservative phenom from the Valley? Did they sit on that document?

    This Alaskan voter had the sense not to vote for her but it's a wonder what kind of pause the party could have given to the state's Independents taken in by her projected sense of ethics and fiscal savvy. . .the votes were split enough to have made a difference, but this little pit-bull would have kept trying to plow through door cracks.

    This document and the facts therein could have saved us, the national GOP and fringe groups a lot of trouble, money and heartache from this Great Pretender.

    Which newspaper or magazine will be the first to publish this early Palin intelligence?

  8. I was reading comments on Mudflats and listening to Moore when the website stopped displaying. Has her site gone offline due to traffic? There were some interesting things being written over there.

  9. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Yawn. No building permits required anywhere up there. This is a hunting shack built for peanuts. Taxes are deliberately kept low because there is a total lack of government services. Check any of the adjacent parcels.

  10. Purple Alaska1:18 PM

    NO! Say it isn't so...but will she be able to evade this corruption as well?

    That is probably the question to ask...

  11. Anonymous1:19 PM

    the mudflats site doesn't seem to be up. Probably way too much traffic. There is supposed to be a cross post on HuffPo.

  12. Isn't it "Un-American" to not pay your fair share in taxes? First the SarahPac money laundering, and now she's a tax cheat to boot. February is turning out to be a good month!

  13. Mudflats has crashed. Read AKM's story on HuffPo here:

  14. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I can't link to the Mudflats- some hacker bring it down to keep bad news hidden?

  15. Anonymous1:26 PM


    For now maybe you should also provide the link to the Huff Post version of it as the Flats has crashed.

    She must be getting volumes and volumes of traffic. Huff Post of course is linked to Flats, but Andrew Sullivan already on the case as is Wonkette.

    AKM must not have a big enough server behind her because all the new traffic has bogged her down.

    Oh Happy come on Levi....don't be can hide out at my place for awhile if you need to.

    We have snow, cold weather, lots of hunting and would be glad to have ya!

    Let's get this over with once and for all.


  16. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Hey, that's COMMON SENSE CONSERVATISM, y'all...

  17. Anonymous1:29 PM


    Perhaps you should point your link here Mudflats is overwhelmed:

  18. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Can't access Can someone report that to Jeanne Devon?

  19. I can't get in! I keep getting crashed signals.

    Can you reprint it? Argh.

  20. Anonymous1:35 PM

    It doesn't surprise me. I would only be surprised if this is the ONLY thing she's cheating on. Sarah is only out for Sarah. Sarah's "servant's heart" that her minions proudly refer to only serves one god - Sarah Palin!

  21. Lotsa fun comments at HuffPo.

    Now, let's just sit back and see how the Urinators try to spin this latest episode of "Grifter Family" soap opera.

  22. AKM's site has crashed; hopefully it's just a lot of hits to find out about the latest Grifter Granny dodge on paying for anything, and not mean-spirited Palinbots. Maybe now she will have to cough up some of those hard-earned speaker's fees. Please, someone, somewhere in the State of Alaska, grow a pair and go after this woman!

  23. Anonymous1:52 PM

    How puzzling. Perhaps she is realizing a small savings in this way. Hmmm. How pleasant for her I suppose. Is that where she keeps the band wagon and murgatroids?

  24. For those suggesting I link to the HuffPo piece, I did! The title of THIS post takes you to the one on Huffington.

  25. Just FYI - the mudflats has not crashed, it is just that a lot of people are trying to access it at the same time.


  26. Anonymous2:07 PM

    As I set here eating my curdled spam for lunch I'm wondering: How do they get away with it? Is there no law at all in Wasilla? Have they no shame? No sense of community? No good will at all?

    What are we going to do? We can't make them pay for a building that is clearly worth zero. Oh well. It's the luck of the Irish I guess. Do they still have Sing Sing or Morningside?

  27. Anonymous2:11 PM

    The AKM site crashed before (when Swinderella resigned to also too.

    Mistakes like messing up your property taxes can happen even to commonsense patriotic seceders when they have more houses than they can count.

    The windows do look nice and big, do all windows in Alaska look like that?

    That's a CHALET not a Cabin.

    Clear up all the confusion in Nashville OK?

    Tuning in on my tv, if you show that is!!!

  28. Leota22:12 PM

    I think what truly annoys me about the Palin Ogre is not that she's had a few trip ups. I'm always of the mind the everyone's toilet overflows sometimes. But Palin must have a septic tank the size of Rhode Island and it has about five thousand holes in it. The shit just keeps on coming.

    But she always manages to rub it off her face because her backers are sad, deluded sycophants. But let's face it--she's a nightmare liability.

  29. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I went to the sea of p and was amazed at the spin

  30. Love to see a pic of the cabin. It is linked to AKM, and not showing up at Huff.

    Wonder if the contents of that envelope will change anything? I am especially excited about what her writers are going to do with this one!

  31. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Granny Palin Capone!

  32. To anonymous at 1:12: Yawn .. well, I don't think the pics of it shows a "hunting shack built for peanuts" and whose peanuts anyway? You make it sound like they found some 2 x 4's and a piece of tin and threw together a shack. I don't think so. And the windows look amazingly like some others we have seen the Palin's make use of. I don't know property laws in AK, maybe other parcels around them are built upon likewise, but I don't think AKM would post anything she has not researched and she lives in AK too.

  33. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Follow the INSURANCE policy.

    Find out when a CO (certificate of occupancy) was issued. This is different than a building permit; a CO certifies the building was completed under the applicable building code. I KNOW there is one for AK, since S'error complained loudly about the Stimulus forcing AK to take on new building codes.

    Find the federal tax returns and the itemized tax deductions - IRS will be very interested in possible falsely filed returns.

    PepperzMom (GA)

  34. Anon at 2:07; love your post and I agree, how do they keep getting away with this stuff? Maybe they won't this time. But I do have to counter your curdled spam. Spam doesn't curdle ... that's one of the good things about it! Enjoy. Now you've got me wanting a spam sammich.

  35. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Let's get the PieSky or SkyPie LLC on this immediately. Mush.

  36. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Thank you, Gryphen!
    The seaofurination is already spinning, it is the tax assessors fault.
    HuffPo,AKM,Grifter Granny

    Palin Abandons Her "Screw Political Correctness" Mantra

    That is a CHALET not a Cabin... A hide away CHALET... CHALET... CHALET... if walls could talk.

  37. Anonymous2:30 PM

    None of the adjoining cabins out at Trapper Lake have assessments for improvements either....check the records. If there's not a public road out to the cabin there is no assessment for the improvement. No story here.

  38. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Cod. I miss mudflats.

  39. Anonymous2:34 PM

    of course c4p is saying that she ia not a cheat it is the governments job to tax the right amount. SHE WAS THE GOVERNOR, surely the assessor must have known that they had buildings on their property. If I would have seen the error on my tax bill, I would have brought it to their attention fearing that I might owe 10 years worth in the end. But not innocent bystander sarah, oh no, she didn't know she had to pay more for buildings. where is the honesty in that?

  40. Anonymous2:35 PM

    The urinal cakes (I love that phrase) over at the sea of pee are spinning this as "she just paid what the the tax man said they owed".


  41. Hopefully this is the tip of the iceburg. All homes look like the sports arena. Same design & probably same builders.

  42. 10catsinMD2:54 PM

    I lost my connection to AKM when I was trying to post about the "cabin." I remember something about this during the campaign. Her properties were listed and the unlivable cabin way out the woods somewhere was noted as literally worthless. They were listing McCain's properties and hers along with it. Somebody check it out. See what she said during the campaign.

    How do they get electricity in there? Generators? Diesel Fuel. As to the commentor above. I don't think public roads to it have anything to do with the taxes. Do you have a home out there that will now be taxed if hers is? There are many places in the rural areas around Va and other eastern states that are off public roads. Folks still have to pay taxes. It's based on deed AND market value.

  43. Gasman2:56 PM

    "I am so sorry I'm such a weasel," said Sarah Palin.

    Finally, I agree with something the lying weasel said.

  44. Anonymous2:56 PM

    ++ Find out when a CO (certificate of occupancy) was issue ++

    There are none. Repeat after me: This is a remote cabin, fly in or snowmobile only. No access by car or ATV. No fire or police protection, no water or sewer, no power. can't get a mortgage or insurance.

    You can build a place like this for $6-8K out of pocket. Nobody spends much because there is no way to protect it - if a forest fire comes through, it's gone.

  45. Anne NC3:03 PM

    What did SP claim was the value of the property when she disclosed financials during her VP run? She surely can't believe that anyone with any intelligence would believe the total value of the property is only $30k?

    More importantly, what would a similar acreage with similar buildings sell for in the area?

  46. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I'll make a bet with you guys. This won't turn out to be anything major.

    Of course, I'm usually right, so be careful about betting against me.

  47. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Why would anyone assume Sarah Palin would comply with an honor system? That's for ordinary folks.

  48. Anonymous3:27 PM

    The Palins don't want any government unless it's them...

  49. Anonymous3:28 PM

    To Anonymous @ 2:30:

    This luxury "cabin" is on Safari Lake, teabagger.

  50. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Anon 2:30 - this is regarding their Safari Lake properties. . .I just reviewed the subdivision records in their entirety (thanks to Palingate poster) and YES, there are a number of tax records listing building improvements and values, and taxes on same.

    Try again.

  51. Anonymous3:30 PM

    There's no way a law-abiding taxpayer wouldn't look at their tax assessment, and see the discrepancy, call the office, get it straightenend out and be honest.

    Sarah, the servant's heart, lady- doing- what's- best for Alaska who wants smaller government didn't feel the need to correct an oversight on her tax bill?
    Less government won't be effective if people don't pay their taxes.

    To think, through her PAC and AFT, she'd accept $5 from grannies, and money from moms who fed their kids rice so she could indulge in her get-away cottages with great views, all the while avoiding to pay property taxes.

  52. Anonymous3:30 PM

    $arah Only the Little People Pay Taxes Palin...

  53. My take: Technically, it is up to the assessor to impose the taxes.

    Morally, ethically, and as a public official who KNOWS the burrough needs revenue - SP should have informed them that there were structures on the property and the taxes should be adjusted accordingly.

    Yet, her supporters think it is fine and dandy that she did not point out the mistake (for several years and to this day)- she, a Government official did NOT let the assessor know! Think about that.

    Jesus will not be happy Sarah.

  54. Anonymous3:33 PM

    "I DON'T LIKE SPAM! SPAAAMM, wonderful spam...."

    errr, sorry! Wrong comedy routine.

    Funny how her little "cabins" are larger AND nicer than my puny-ass 2000 sq ft house. Yet somehow, on my meager middle-class state employee income, I still manage to pay MY property taxes in full and on time.

    What a bitch. Damnit, why won't this c*nt GO AWAY!!

  55. Love the comments that claim building assessments are needed but don't document the claim.

    Per the subdivision list, several properties DO show building improvements. The ones that don't may not have buildings or are also tax cheats.

  56. BTW, if I had seen such an error on MY tax bill, I would let them know. NOT because of "fear" of having to pay back taxes, but because it is the MORAL and ETHICAL thing to do - to pay our fair share. If we are fortunate enough to make enough $ to build houses and cabins, do we not have an obligation to pay taxes if/when the assessor makes a "mistake?"

  57. typo at 3:35 - meant to say: comments that claim building assessments AREN'T needed.

  58. And I suppose someone checked out her residence and her new residence that was just built to see if property taxes were paid. I'm not for sure if a home is under construction if it is taxed in that year or not. So it looks like Sarah has two chalets and two homes...not bad for a grifter.

  59. Anonymous4:05 PM

    If there were no electric power, furnace, any kind of heat that was installed in those nice cabins, the cold winters, thawing and freezing, humidity and extreme cold would do inside damage. Why build with such nice materials, new windows, and not protect the investment?

    Don't agree with Anon. 2:56.

  60. Anonymous4:10 PM

    i can see her say "let them eat cake"

  61. Anonymous4:11 PM

    there is no way that the tax assessor would not have known they were building, she was the Governor for gods sake, are you telling me nobody would have mentioned that the Governer had a cabin in their area? Somebody should be fired.

  62. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Who IS the tax assessor, the person responsible for approving those zeroes? And what exactly DOES that person know, or should it be WHO does that person know? Really, just asking.

  63. Anonymous4:33 PM

    +++ no electric power, furnace, any kind of heat that was installed in those nice cabins +++

    Wood stove. Coleman lanterns. Put everything out a couple hours before you leave.

    This is a hunting cabin used 15-20 days a year.

  64. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Whoever sent AKMuckraker this info from Juneau obviously thinks Sarah is a tax cheat. Maybe this is just the beginning of the end for Sarah. People are beginning to tell what they know about Sister Sarah.

  65. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Actually, a good point was made here. It does matter what year these structures were built, as, yes. . .it generally takes about a year for the assessing office to catch up with their records. a matter of course, even when they know about improvements. So, if it was built in 2007, it would not show up on the 2007 bill and possible that it might not show on 2009. However, as Palin was Governor you would think she would be extra vigilant that a new structure show up on her tax bill. . .especially as she has criticized others.

  66. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Anon at 4:33, since you know so much, where does Sarah use for a crapper?

  67. Anonymous4:48 PM

    And as for 'filing charges' this is generally not a sanction in cases like these. . .at most, a levy against back taxes, possibly a fine on top of that. . . but as this is Alaska, I doubt the latter. And the IRS has nothing to do with property tax arrearages, it is a municipal matter.

    No assessor in any municipality, I don't care how small or large personally inspects ALL properties EVERY year. The only time that happens is during a city or town wide revaluation, which happen in cycles, according to different state standards.

    Therefore, it is always dependent upon the honesty of the taxpayer, or the ratting out of same by neighbors. . .or the imposition of building permits, etc that trigger updates to tax records.

  68. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Pretty fancy hunting cabin. Where I live hunting cabins are more like 1 or 2 room shacks. I can't imagine that a nice cabin like that wouldn't have a generator to run at least the basics.

  69. Anonymous4:53 PM

    4:42, it wouldn't surprise me if Sarah has never been there. This place is a good 3 hours from Wasilla by snowmobile over a very rough trail.

    Ask Jeanne Devon, she knows all about it.

  70. Anonymous5:07 PM

    ANON 1:12 and ANON 2:30-The building are at Safari Lake and those building have NOT been assessed or appraised. It says 0 UNDER BUILDINGS!! Plain and simple -She cheated the tax man.. 7 other land owners have had their building assessed on Sarari Lake.

  71. Anonymous5:11 PM

    4:53, Sarah's been there, she's said it herself. So tell us, where does she crap?

  72. aka...Rocky in Texas said...

    It's her "Russian Lookout Posts"

    So she can keep an eye on Putin,

    just in case he decides to "Raise one of his heads"

    also too... Have you seen todd lately?!

  73. Ah, maybe this is Todd's "love shack" Levi had mentioned he and Bristol had suspecions.

  74. Anonymous @ 4:53...

    Sarah made a statement recently I think it was on O'rileys show that her favorite place to vacation was "her nice quite cabin located (wherever it is located)"

    So she is very aware of it!

    I think Karma is coming around to Sarah for all the lies she non-stop spews about anybody and everybody! People are sick and tired of being thrown under the bus! So they are starting to "Leak" some truths about the real Grifter Sarah Palin!

  75. Anonymous5:37 PM

    drew @5:14 you made my day laughed so hard......

  76. Anonymous5:45 PM

    A quick gander at this thread reveals what everyone has long suspected:

    All of the readers of this blog are from out of state and don't have the slightest conception about Alaska.

  77. (Cross posted on Mudflats & Palingates)

    Here’s a link to her schedule A from 2007. Joint return. $166,000 in income. Just over $10K in mortgage interest.

    I know what interest I pay on my 15 year mortgage that’s half paid off. I got a great low rate in 2003. My house is worth 1/4 to 1/3 of the value of Palin’s house in Wasilla. I know that you can deduct interest on 2 houses (I think there’s a $1 million limit on the combined mortgages). My interest is 40% of what the Palin’s claimed.

    $10K in interest probably only covers a loan value of 200K to 250K. Where the heck did the Palin’s get the money to pay off almost all of their MULTIPLE houses?

  78. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Anon @ 5:45 Acting a little Elite, aren't you.

  79. Anonymous6:08 PM

    4:53, 5:45, et al, you are just determined to provide the entertainment for the evening, aren't you?

  80. HollyP6:08 PM

    padoreva, I've been wondering the same thing. Is Sarah Palin a distraction from the true "favored" candidate? (By Murdoch, or the GOP, or someone else.)

    I am grateful to the person who sent this information to Ms. Devon, I am afraid that this will blow over if there isn't more to it. After all, a member of the Fed Board of Governors failed to pay his own taxes and still got confirmed as US Treasury Secretary.

  81. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Sorry, but those enormous windows alone must've cost far more than $1000. (My sis just replaced windows like that in her condo, and it cost around $2000.) And then, how would one get them out there on a snowmobile without breaking them? Because, like the other poster said, there are no roads... Todd must've done a lot of snowmobiling to build that lil' ol' cabin.

    Sorry, this doesn't pass the sniff test.

  82. Anonymous6:54 PM

    So some idiot thinks those great big windows and all that lumber got in there on a snowmobile? It's so hard to let go of a fantasy and admit you've been suckered by a pro. They're going to need 12 step programs for people to get over their St. Sarah addictions.

  83. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Appears HP already removed tax cheat. I knew HP would do that.

  84. Gasman7:08 PM

    Anon @ 5:45,

    "All of the readers of this blog are from out of state and don't have the slightest conception about Alaska."

    Therefore, it is OK for Palin to not pay her taxes? She herself is on record as saying that doing so is unethical. So much so that she refused to appear at another tax cheat's event. Palin is a hypocritical liar who feels she is exempt from morality and laws.

    Does this mean she'll no longer go to her own speaking engagements?

  85. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Anon @6:54 - very good point. The materials for that house had to be trucked in. And I doubt a house of that size was built without the use of power tools. Don't be stupid! That's what Sarah is counting on!

  86. Anonymous7:16 PM

    It's still there, 7PM.

  87. Didn't I say way back that I thought in the end the IRS would get her just like it got Al Capone.

    Taxes would be her undoing.

  88. Anonymous8:11 PM

    I am from Alaska And I Can Spot A Grifter From My House!

  89. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Anon at 6:16PM:

    I wonder if building materials were delivered by air?

    Palin plane, a buddies plane, maybe a helicopter (another buddy).

    Lots of free freighting is done all the time all over the state.

    That's just like some posters describe everything else, so I'll help them out by saving them the trouble.

    Sometimes there is a situation where people that want something from politicians give them 'free' or discounted building materials and labor, for their house( or vacation shack or whatever).

    In some states that is corruption, but as I have been told by some posters, everything is different in Alaska, and how could a non- Alaskan know.

    MY MISTAKE... I thought this was a Senator Ted Stevens on trial thread! How could that confusion have happened? ;)

    Hope you kept the receipts for what you bought for all these building projects.

    If you got a lot of gifts..don't they have to be declared and taxes paid and so on and etc?

    You did know this DIDN'T YOU?

  90. Anonymous9:56 PM

    More "Wasilla Sports Complex" building supplies that "fell off the truck" maybe?!!
    Check out NYT:

  91. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Ugh such ignorance about Alaska on display. From Wasilla to her cabin is a couple/few hrs on ONE OF THE BIGGEST ROADS IN ALASKA, the Parks Highway, then probably some dirt road for a little while - thought I'd read today that it was 11 miles from the road (or highway?)

    Anyway's NOT at ALL a 3hr snowmachine trip from Wasilla & it's simply ridiculous to talk that way.
    Also ridiculous is any talk of an assessor visiting a site such as this.

  92. Anonymous12:02 AM

    ...The materials for that house had to be trucked in....

    Moronity. You can't truck building materials to Safari Lake. There are no roads, no trails, no paths.

    Todd and Scott hauled stuff by truck to Petersville Road and then with a cargo sled behind a snowmobile. Lots of trips, lots of work. Power tools? Use a portable generator.

    Get someplace where you can see the sky without looking at buildings.

  93. Anonymous6:33 AM

    The tax assessor is probably one of her high school / grade school buddies.

  94. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I cant help to chuckle at the Cheechakos!

  95. Anonymous8:25 AM

    If Devon had this mystery envelope for so long, why didn't she simply call the Mat-Su Borough and ask a few questions. Why was this property assessed, are there plans to assess it now, are the taxes underpaid?

    Or is this a lot of hoo--hoo over nothing? After all, the DNC lawyers and all the reporters in '08 went over every public record with a magnifying glass and didn't care.

  96. Anonymous10:01 AM

    10:47, then why did the tax assessor assess other "cabins" NOT belonging to the Palins on Safari Lake?

    You see, the problem is, it's not consistent. There are buildings on lots at that lake that either HAVE been assessed, or that the owners have called for assessing. Somehow, either the assessor managed to get out there, or the owners managed to provide documentation to the assessor.

    Neither of those things is the case with the Palins' buildings. Why not? Why are they the exception?

  97. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Who knows? Maybe the cabins are new, maybe Palin never saw the bills. Scott Richter lives out of state, maybe the tax bills went to him.

    "Hey Todd, since I am the majority owner of this place, I'll handle all the taxes and the filings, you make sure there is wood there when I need it."

    Why don't one of you junior G-men make a phone call and follow up?

    And while you're at it, ask somebody why no one from the mainstream has picked this story up. And, no Shannyn Moore's little radio club doesn't count; her audience is so small it essentially has no ratings. None.

  98. kdusmdd4:25 PM

    Is "Taxgate" over???? There was nothing posted anywhere abt this today (2/4). Why? Thought everyone was in high gear....just wondering...


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