Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"The Tale of Two Babies" the YouTube version!

This is courtesy of a new fan of this blog.

Don'tcha just love the music?


  1. MaryJane Jetson4:31 PM


  2. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Is the "triggy bear" version of Trig, happy, safe and well-cared-for? I know it takes time for the story to develop, but it sure would be easier to be patient knowing that.


  4. Wilderness Lover4:41 PM

    Congrats, Gryphen! Keep up the good work! Queen Quitter needs to be exposed for the lying fraud that she is. Looks like you started the ball rolling - now PLEASE don't stop! FINISH THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL!

  5. cheeriogirl4:47 PM

    I think this is terrific overall Gryphen, but I'm wondering if the reference to Sarah and the AIP at the end lessens the emotional impact of just having learned of the Palin's deception, and the tale of the two babies? Just my thoughts...

  6. The ruffled ear Trig looks very fragile - even more than just newborn fragility. The baby presented by Sally and Chuck at the hospital looks plump and healthy - not fragile. Can someone repost this picture for comparison? I would like to compare the nose bridge also, too.

  7. kdusmdd4:52 PM

    Wonderful video and music !!!!

    and, yes, do you know where the "other" baby is ?

  8. Outstanding, Gryphen! Absolutely outstanding! Now make it go viral. Let's put this Alaskan, American nightmare to bed!

  9. Hey awsome great job they did on that. Keep smilin Gryph you earned it.

  10. A silly association perhaps, but this sent me back to 1968, when I saw '2001: A Space Odyssey' when it was released. Specifically, the scene in Africa in the morning with the obelisk when a new awareness began.

  11. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Good job! However, I would have liked to have seen some of the pictures on Bree Palin's site - particularly the one of perfect ear Trig in little brown overalls in profile. This picture also shows, in profile his button nose. The ruffled ear baby has a straight, chiseled nose.

    I hope someone at the National Enquirer is going over every picture they can get their hands on of Trig with the best technology on the market to comb over the details.

    No wonder Morgan's site was shut down so quickly. She had a great eye for these kinds of clues, and was starting to raise a lot of uncomfortable questions that challenged the "official story".

  12. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Excellent. To make it stronger, the research you provided on how 'ruffled' ears don't go away without surgery, and even that surgery isn't performed before a baby is 4 years old would have been the clincher.

    Someone not having read that background research would be skeptical, perhaps thinking that the ruffle will simply go away in time by itself. I'm sure SP will say such a thing, so having that knowledge out there ahead of time will blunt her defense.

    Great mystery!

  13. Anonymous4:59 PM

    This youtube was done in good tast;, "ruffled" made me smile. What a sweet baby! What happened to the baby? "Trig" onstage with the Palin family at the Republican Convention only five months later cannot be the same newborn in these photos. Where is Columbo when you need him?

  14. Anonymous5:04 PM

    That scared the bejezus out of me. Excllent job. The AIP reference at the end? Seconded by the previous poster who said it lessens the impact of the revelation of the baby swap. But hey- I'm not going to dog the efforts of a member of cause! KUDOS to the movie maker!

  15. Ripley in CT5:08 PM

    Here: For all you "ruffled ears can be fixed without surgery" buffs. Fact: This baby at the infant stage, has an abnormal auditory meatus. That is the hole you see. It's the ear canal in the wrong position. He also has a practically missing tragus. Those things don't "heal". This child is likely deaf, as well, in this ear that's showing.

    The older RNC baby and the Bus tour baby both have normal auditory meatus(es, i?) They are different children than the infant.

  16. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Sarah Sarah Sarah... aint that a biotch... now we know why there is no media allowed to document your speeches!

  17. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:19 PM

    Awesome! Great job!

  18. Anonymous5:20 PM

    How did the 4 picture lineup of 'Triggybear' come to be dated "week of April 22, 2008." Has someone reliable confirmed this dating?

  19. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I know that Willow took one look at some newborn baby and immediately diagnosed Down syndrome. I don't see any DS in this baby. I agree with snowlady that this baby looks very fragile.

    What are the chances that this is the baby that was Tripp before he was Trig? Could this child have been born prematurely, was touch and go, and then, finally, the doctor thought he was well enough to be released despite his fragile appearance.

    He posed for the kitchen photos and was convienently on hand for the People magazine photo shoot shower. How does he compare with the baby who was brought into the office 3 days after he was "born?"

    He certainly is not the fat, plump, pink baby photographed with the Heaths. Could something have happened to this guy, and he had to be quickly replaced with the only baby handy, a baby that would be harder to place because of his DS. And, the DS would make Sarah look like a hero.

    This sounds complicated, but we only have a few choices here. Stand in baby substituting for the real Trig who had the sniffles, or became sick at the last minute. Or something happened to this guy, but the great press that he generated made Sarah rush out to adopt the only baby available at the time.

    Gryphen, you have tempted us with the cryptic "Before he was Trig he was Trip." Could the double baby business have anything to do with it? If the fragile, crumpled ear baby was Bristol & Levi's who might have been a victim of party excess before anyone knew she was pregnant, that that would explain how the second baby, the one we see on parade on bus tours and campaign appearances isn't Bristol's baby. It may also account for the reason that Trig's birth certificate was not provided for insurance coverage re: Palingates.

    There has to be some reason for the two baby parade. Real Trig was sick and needed a stand-in while he recoved. Or, something happened to crumpled-ear-fragile baby and given all of the good press, they adopted the only child who was available on such short notice. The story in "Going Rogue" about amniocentesis and knowing and making her big choice is just that, a story to tell to Pro-LIfe groups.

  20. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Congratulations, Gryphen!

  21. Absolutely awesome! Thanks new follower of IM. You rock! Okay, Gryphen, this is just another tool you can use to finally get to the truth. Hope it is soon, and I too hope that baby with the ruffled ear is okay. And, yes that music is as spooky as this story is.

  22. Anonymous5:36 PM

    If you Digg, Digg it.


  23. sleuth5:37 PM

    absolutely brilliant!
    thank you, "new fan"!

  24. Wow! Someone did a fine job on that video. Was it one of the producers of Naked News? If so, this video will now be available to a huge segment of older men who watch Naked News. My brother is one of them. He won't listen to me about Sarah's phony pregnancy, but if the Naked News says there are two babies, he will definitely listen to them!

  25. FEDUP!!!5:38 PM

    Great job, whoever made the video!

    (My little 'gripe': No mention of the hole at the ear canal, and also, too, the HUGE difference of TINY ruffle-ears Trig - and the 'newborn' in-hospital picture. I think those two facts should be mentioned/pictured IMHO)

  26. I like it and thank the videographer, but I'm afraid it needs to be shorter to go viral. It should get to the point sooner to catch the attention of people who aren't already as "into" this story as we are. When each photo of the baby with the ruffled ear is shown, the close up needs to be shown immediately. I cannot see the ruffle without the close-ups so a casual viewer won't necessarily believe the video-maker's facts and keep watching.

  27. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I will say it again. If this was true somebody in the Valley would have a pocketful of cash right now. You people from down south are giving the Palins way too much credit. I know many people in the valley and they would sell this story in a second if they could. There are no secrets in the valley. It is a small town where gossip is queen

  28. BANG! Dont know what else to say. BANG-BANG! perhaps.

    This would have all worked if she was Mayor of Wasilla. Not so much in the National Spotlight.

    Steve Schmidt and company, and Meghan Mccain will NEVER EVER let her compete.

  29. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Aren't you worried about being sued, Gryphen? I loved the video. I am so confused about these babies. Has anyone yet have an idea who the other baby is yet? I guess we'll have to wait when she throws another so called friend under the bus. That bus is getting crowded. Than again I would figure being under the bus really means your in the bus.

  30. vilca5:53 PM

    Somebody over at Progressive Alaska posted this, which I think is important :

    "I do think CBJ has an obligation to respond to questions about the letter released in her name by the McCain campaign. In effect this was a letter from CBJ to every American voter. The letter contains errors. When I get a document from a doctor that contains errors, I expect the corrections forthwith. CBJ owes ME."

    Couldn't this be the right approach to get clarifications from CBJ, maybe through a organization specialised in voters' rights ?

  31. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Great job! Keep the heat on Sarah and her grifting family. The Palins/Heaths are all involved in this hoax...and others as well.

  32. I just had my spouse who is a Dr., view the ear pictures. He has never bought into the confused and strange Trigg theories. He took one look at the pictures, said "holy crap" and immediately said what was missing on the malformed ear. He said it was obvious to him they are 2 different babies. Gryphen, you now have a new believer. :)

  33. Anonymous6:05 PM

    OK, so "newborn Trig" (Sarah's alleged baby) had the rumpled right ear, and "current Trig" does not.

    Has anyone checked "current Tripp" Bristol/Levi's alleged baby)'s right ear recently?

    Just asking the obvious question here...

  34. Anonymous6:17 PM

    We can't avoid the circumstantial evidence that both the baby they call Tripp and the baby they call Trig look like biological members of that family. There is no way they just looked around and adopted the baby they call Trig, and he just happened to bear a resemblance to others in the family. If there is a third baby, he is likely a biological relative as well. I do not believe any adoptions into the family took place. Now, they may have put the little baby with the ruffled ears up for adoption... But perhaps he is actually being raised somewhere within that family, even in an extended household.

  35. Anonymous6:34 PM


    I am with you on your line of thinking. I would be hard pressed to say that the baby Mercedes is holding, "ruffled" ear Triggybear, is even a DS baby.

    If indeed this first baby was BP's and was not DS, but rather a possible FAS baby or something, and something, god forbid happened to him and SP needed to produce another baby and the only baby available was a DS baby, aka perfect ear Trig- then maybe that would explain Willow's "confusion" that "he looks like he has DS". It's very likely the sibs were counting on a DS replacement and were surprised by it, but oh how it worked out so nicely for Sarah.

    At this point, I'm agonizing over what happened to Triggybear.

  36. This first baby seems so fragile. I'm wondering if it survived the exposure to so many people. I feel sure that there were many caucasian babies with birth defects to enlist in the SP baby army. All the better if they were deaf and mentally challenged.

    I hope this will be exposed for what it is.

    The upshot of all this is that many of us have developed a keener sense of the value of birth challenged kids.

  37. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Still not convinced baby #1 wasn't a Fetal Alcohol Syndrome baby or deformed by drug use of some sort. That could very well be why Sarah decided it was imperative to fake her pregnancy, to not only hide her daughter's pregnancy, but to hide the deformity caused by illicit substance use. That would have been a big downer on Sarah's future plans. Her credence would have been shot even with the radical tea baggers. By getting everybody to think "Down's Syndrome" because of the "older mother" (Sarah) it was a classic case of bait and switch.


  38. Anonymous7:11 PM

    I thought no-one could verify the date of the kitchen photos with Levi and Mercede. Are you saying it was 4/22?

  39. Anonymous7:14 PM

    The Palin baby was publicly stated to be a DS baby while Palin was still in the hospital.



    Because of prenatal testing, most families now know beforehand, said Judy Waldron, president of the Alaska chapter of the National Down Syndrome Congress, a support and education group that delivered a parent packet to the Palins in the hospital.

  40. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Quite the potboiler!

    I did laugh at the melodrama but it is clear.

  41. Anonymous7:17 PM

    If this baby died, could there be forged BC for the baby we know as Trig?? That being Trig was Tripp before he was Trig?

  42. honestyinGov7:19 PM

    I am sure you will see this , but just a heads up. Our FRIEND Kathy Griffin is coming to Alaska. You should contact her ASAP and make sure she knows about the latest YouTube clip. This way when she shows up March 5th she will have had time to ADD some extra material to her Show. Saw the announcement on Bent Alaska. Kathy Griffin might even want to meet you personally if you attend. Give her a heads-up. Meeting her would make a GREAT post story. You know she would be willing to let you interview her. S'error would be pulling her hair out... Again.

  43. Anonymous 6:05, Tripp has two perfect ears. They have been photographed a number of times now.

    Anonymous 7:11, The kitchen photos with Mercede, Sarah, Levi, and the baby were all taken the week after Sarah supposedly gave birth, I confirmed that personally and soon I will tell you how. The exact date still eludes me, but knowing they were taken the week after is really all I needed to learn.

  44. Anonymous7:34 PM

    I agree with the FAS Bristol's first baby #1. That baby could have been born very premature, could have spent a couple of mos. in ICU before these pics. Drug and drinking wouldn't go over to well with Sarah's image. DS would be easier to explain and garner more sympathy. Absolutely not the same baby pictured with the Heaths.

  45. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Thank you Gryphen, keep up the investigation...

  46. Anonymous7:54 PM

    The silence from the Palin camp is...

    LOUD !

  47. Rick @ 7:09, I like your theory. I have no idea whether it has any relationship to what happened but it is a satisfying explanation in terms of the individuals involved and Palin's character and motives. If I were writing this crazy tale, that's the plot I would choose!

  48. sleuth8:26 PM

    baby #1 ruffled ear does NOT look Down Syndrome to me at all.
    I have three step-children (now adults) who are all FAS (one died last summer). First baby looks more like them, not DS at all AT ALL.

  49. Anonymous8:29 PM

    I got excited for a minute there but DU is dismissing this.

    Thats a sure sign this isnt being taken seriously

  50. kdusmdd8:47 PM

    Surely if one of the babies died, it would be buried somewhere.....Somewhere there would be a grave. What abt checking for Death Certificates, Gryphen?...just saying

  51. Anonymous8:48 PM

    she can end it all right now

    Sarah do it

  52. I looked again at the hospital picture of the Heaths with the bundled baby. It's hard to be sure, but the nose looks different - a scooped out bridge and not like the ruffled ear Trig's straight bridge nose. Even without the ears, the nose is a give away. I bet someone with the right equipment could get a better look.

  53. I remember early on that FAS made more sense to me since it was known in Wasilla the kids drank alot. I wonder if they lied about the FAS and called it Downs but when the baby got older the lie, I mean, the next lie could not be maintained therefore a real Downs baby was found as a substitute.
    I wonder what was going on with the double stroller too.
    An analysis of the difference between FAS and Downs would be helpful. I wonder if the confusion was because 2 babies were being swapped constantly?

  54. Anonymous9:00 PM

    One last thought for the evening, if it was fetal alcohol or drugs that caused baby #1's condition, that is an arrestable offense. Don't they arrest crack mommies? Even more imperative for Sarah to do something to cover it up.


  55. Anonymous9:02 PM

    @8:29 - Never read DU in my life & don't plan to start now. I wouldn't call them the gold standard bellweather predicters of political firestorms. This IS going to have a life. Fasten your seat belt.

  56. Gryph,

    Over at Bree's place we have just wrapped up a discussion on the kitchen pics. We have worked up some dating theories based on a birthday cake in the kitchen. Not sure if that will help you narrow things down or not. Kudos go to Ripley and Guest for the discovery.

  57. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Gryphen, how much time elapsed between your Splitsville post and the letter from Van Flea ? I'm curious to know how that compares with the length of time since your Tale of Two Babies post.

    These posts have definitely been worth waiting for ! Thank-you !

  58. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Wow, investigative journalism at its finest! Bwahahahahahaha!
    Well, at least good comedy.

  59. sunnyjane9:35 PM

    Um...what the hell is DU?

  60. I agree with the poster who said that the close up needs to be shown right after any picture in which we are supposed to be comparing ears. I can't see anything clearly on the regular size.

  61. Sharon in FL11:03 PM

    The video makes a stronger impact than just looking at the still photos. The videos is well done. I don't care for the AIP statement at the end - throws the subject back to "just politics" and thanks to you and the other bloggers, it's now so much more than politics.

    How certifiably insane are the Palins, Heaths and any adults who were involved, to be switching babies out during the campaign and on the book tour? I'm convinced that there are three babies involved - little ruffled ear baby and at least 2 different DS babies on the book tour. What a nightmare tale. Unbelievable.

  62. Sharon in FL11:18 PM

    First time I watched the video, I thought that a close-up of the little baby's ear needed to be shown right off. But watched it again and I think the video was perfectly done. (Except for the AIP statement).

  63. Sharon in FL11:55 PM

    There's no doubt that there was 2 or 3 babies involved in this scam that's played out over the 18 months. I think it's a safe guess that at least 1 or 2 of them are not Sarah's. So with that in mind, something that's bothered me for a long time is that frequently when I'd see somebody parading "Trig" in public, he would be sound asleep. Untold "billions" of fans screaming their devotion to Sistah Sarah and the baby would sleep right through it all. Limp. Bullshit. Not without "help". So was that BI*CH doping babies? Bad enough that it's her own baby - a DS baby! But some poor little DS tyke who's on loan? On loan from where? An orphanage?

    It's not like this chapter of Sarah's scam is over and done with. She's still out there and "Trig" is still being used and very possibly abused.

  64. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Did Sarah Palin kill the changeling???

    I would say YES. YES she did.

    We need a police investigation followed by a nice long jail sentence...something ain't right in Wasilla...

  65. "what the hell is DU?'

    Democratic Underground blogsite. Sorry, I don't have a link.

    Thundering silence from Palin. So far as I can remember there are only two other "hot issues" to which she has failed to respond: The information that she did not give birth to Trig, and that Track appears to be Curtis Menard Jr's son. Interesting that she doesn't respond, given her irrational knee-jerk actions otherwise. And no, I don't think it's coincidental that Todd's partner was "injured" and they had to scratch the Irondog on the day this broke. Since Todd has run it with a broken arm, I doubt if a dislocated elbow- which is what I heard the problem was- would have caused a delay. I mean, they did rest overnight before announcing they were scratching the race, so obviously it wasn't much of an issue. I bet somebody phoned him and said "get back here, we're having to give her thorazine!" She'd have been foaming at the mouth.

  66. Anonymous4:18 AM

    To the commenter who says "the Valley can't keep secrets"-- how about identifying the youths who cut brake lines on school buses?

  67. Anonymous4:22 AM

    We only have Sarah's word (and we all know what that's worth) that Willow took one look at Trig and said he looked like he had DS. Probably never happened given that Sarah didn't have the baby etc.

  68. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Anon: if the baby died, maybe they got on of those new-under-Palin, Stillbirth certificates?

  69. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Is it a crime to falsely apply for Tribal Health benefits? If so, Sarah and Todd ought to be investigated for fraud for applying for Trig's health care through the Tribal benefits. Then they will have to show a birth record- the REAL birth record!

  70. Anonymous5:40 AM

    I can't say for sure just WHAT happened, but somebody could put an end to this, like Todd, but no one will so that can only mean they CANT prove we are all crazy and wrong.

    My husband would have put his foot down by now. I dont' mean to sound sexist but really, does he care at all about his family?

  71. Deb in WI6:22 AM

    I'm not sure if it has been said before, but in some states the birth mother can change her mind about the adoption 30-90 days maybe more in some states after adoption. Perhaps the first Trig went back to the birth mother and they got a second Trig.

  72. Anonymous6:23 AM

    If Todd would show the proof that Trig is the only baby and his mother is Miss Wasilla, all the other questions would stop too, like about Track Menard.

  73. Slightly OT:
    On Friday, 11 December 2009, Palingates ran a blog showing the following message from the myspace page of Mercede Johnston:

    "5 months sense i've seen the biggest joy of my life. It's really taking it's tole on me. I miss and love you so much TrippleBear."

    Does anyone know who TrippleBear is?

  74. To anonymous at 5:40, are you kidding. I am now convinced Todd may be the ringleader of it all. He was surely "governing" the State of Alaska for the measly two years she (they) were in office. He was complicit in the grifting of the monies: charging his travels, Bristol's shoes, whatever he could to the State. He made the decisions on whether an email was forwarded to Sarah and answered personally, or just said to Janice "handle it, handle it." He was like a one-man Alaskan Mafia boss!

    I just posted at Ozmud who put a footnote to the Post about the two babies about the picture in the hospital of Mr. and Mrs. Heath holding "Trig" that in looking at that picture for the upteenth time, I now notice not just the baby but also Mrs. Heath. She is not even looking at the baby she is holding. She is looking at Chuck. Of course he may be telling about the "wild ride" in which case I guess I'd be looking at him too. Chuck's arms are folded tight across his chest - hiding much there Chuckie?

  75. I think there are 3 babies involved too.

  76. ArmchairJane7:16 AM

    Re: the stillbirth birth certificates - I eventually went directly to the state legislature site and the birth certificates clearly state they are a birth certificate for a stillborn baby. So they would not "pass" for use for any purpose such as getting insurance or a passport or social security card. I did wonder a lot about this issue until I finally researched it more thoroughly.

    Still, I wonder if Palin had other reasons for wanting this bill, perhaps a family member who lost a baby and who wanted "proof" that they did have a baby that was born dead. Losing an infant is very difficult, and things like being able to get a birth certificate do really matter to some people. And then there is also the issue of "pro-life" people who are trying to give fetuses more "personhood". I don't intend to get into that political mine field.

    But I definitely do NOT think Sarah birthed any of these babies herself, but after further research I don't see how the stillborn certificates could be used. You would need to forge or alter a standard birth certificate to get a "legit" looking BC.

    But there is also nothing to stop a person from naming the different children with the same name. And since death certificates are also sealed for years in Alaska, no way to find out if a baby died that was named Trig, and then a second or even third baby who lived was named Trig. Or is "Trig" being used as an alias? For sure the Palins will want to have their babies sorted out by the time these kids can talk, or we might hear some very interesting tales...

  77. Anonymous7:51 AM

    If the feds interview these people I believe we "may" have greater clarity about what is real in this awful saga. Anybody want another woman governor of Alaska any time soon?

  78. Sarah silence means Gryphen has the goods on his one! Get the best and simplest ear photos out, with medical clarity. Let cp4 mock and Sarah stay frozen on the topic. She can't control or own this story.

    WHAT A VIDEO! Quality work!

  79. Anonymous8:47 AM

    The silence from the Palin camp is ...... about what is to be expected. They choose to just ignore it because it's not conclusive evidence. Ears of newborns unfold, as many in the not-Palin camp have already pointed out.

    Yes, the music is fitting. It's perfect fro what the public will put down as another conspiracy theory.

    Sorry Gryphen, it fails to make the impression we were all hoping for. There is no doubt that Palin faked a pregnancy for her daughter Bristol but this isn't the proof. Keep up the good work though!

  80. lilly8:47 AM

    Congratuations Gryphen.

    After all the needling Trolls did, you kept your cool, and got your ducks in a row.

    Blogger of the year, in my book.

    Now its time for the photo trail to be consolidated.

    One Photo of Levi in a black Abercrombie T shirt and hunting cap, holding Baby Trig,#1, the one with the large nose and has a bridge. The left ear is covered by Levi arm with the large Johnston Tatoo.

    Trig#1 the kitchen and baby shower baby.


  81. FEDUP!!!8:57 AM

    OK. Maybe I am pulling at straws here. I just read that Megamouth retired in order to be with her two-year old daughter. 2 years old... Fits the timeline here... hmmm... wonder what that toddler's ears look like... (After all, Megamouth was with $P all this time...)

  82. GO VIRAL!9:06 AM

    I love it! Great video and music!

    The kitchen-work-shower baby never did look like the hospital baby that the Heath grandparents posed while holding. One or two babies? Kitchen baby did not look Down syndrome. Alcohol Fetal syndrome is serious and must be clarified here. Dr. Baldwin-Johnson also has answers. Is the AFS baby lacking treatment like it appears has happened to DS baby?

    Your work really brings it all home! The Johnston's love the kitchen baby and would know the changes. Since this is obvious use of baby switching and after that are children with the Palins documented underdressed in freezing cold and too much list but children who are seen looking abused and neglected. Even golden child Piper looks drugged. With all that and knowing the Palins and Johnstons aren't telling the truth, how do we make certain the missing baby or babies are safe?

    This is very disturbing. ASAP the ruffled ear baby must be found and all the babies counted and safe. After that everyone deserves a full explanation. I think the Children's Home and Services are corrupt in Alaska, placing too many Alaskan children in danger. The hospital looks like it is involved in corruption and must be questioned. This must go to higher authorities. Please, do not forget how the health care system was manipulated, causing over 100 deaths. I have never heard much about PieSky, LLC except it was set up to help the disabled. I also remember something about legislation for infant death certificates and a friend of Sarah's who was at the hospital with Sarah did that.

    The AIP statement does not bother me. Why would people do this? Politics are a motive.

  83. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Great to break something like this, but it makes me sad to realize that Levi and the Johnston family were not exactly clean in all of this.

  84. Anonymous9:46 AM

    anonymous @ 8:47 do ear holes move too? look at those pix again.

    Get a brain.

  85. One thing that has me perplexed...

    ...what appears to be a "birthday cake" behind Levi and Mercede in the TriggyBear picture.

    If it is a birthday cake, that certainly creates a puzzle. The only relevant person with a birthday even CLOSE to Trig's "official" birthdate is Levi, on May 3. But you'd think that if they were there for Levi's birthday, Mercede, his loving sister, would have mentioned that on her MySpace page. I mean, she's close enough to him that she got his name tattooed on herself.

    Sarah's birthday is in February.
    Todd's is in Sept.
    Bristol, Oct.
    Track, August
    Piper, March
    Willow, July

    I don't know when Mercede's birthday is, but again, you'd think she would have mentioned it if it were hers.

    No matter whose it is, it's not that large of a cake.

    Could be Levi's.

    At Palin's Deceptions I know we had the date pinned to "before May 5," because Mercede had received a comment on her MySpace on May 5.

    Which, again, would gel with it being Levi's birthday, Levi's cake.

    Things that make you go hmmm....

  86. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I sure do wish this is going to break the whole deception wide open Lilly, but I'm afraid it's not going to be the iceberg. Sure it appeals to the people on this blog but those who aren't following this thing just don't care. And the MSM is not going to risk their reputations on something as iffy as an ear that may not have unfolded on a newborn baby. That's just the hard truth that should be coming home to Gryphen one day later as it dies on the vine. Good try though!

  87. Anonymous9:58 AM

    To the commenter who says "the Valley can't keep secrets"-- how about identifying the youths who cut brake lines on school buses?

    Hey that's not a secret. Everyone in the Valley here knows Track was involved and he was a turd. Just like Piper trashing the house. They lawyered up. Hey I keep telling you that these people in the valley would sell out their incestious little brother if they could line their pocket

  88. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I've tried several times to post this story on huffpo to no avail. Wonder why they won't post it. I don't think any of the MSM has touched it either. Maybe they need scientific proof. Anyone know a forensics scientist that would give it a look? They have equipment that could prove these ears belong to 2 or 3 babies.

  89. Anonymous10:34 AM


    I don't know if u saw this good trig ear pic yet. It's saved in case it gets scrubbed. :)

    Keep up the good work, gryph!

  90. I might add, comments and trolls in denial are also typical. A good sign.

    "Let cp4 mock and Sarah stay frozen on the topic. She can't control or own this story."

  91. Anonymous11:06 AM

    The hole in front of the ear in "ruffled" ear Trig is a significant deformity, and can usually be linked to other developmental issues of much greater significance, healthwise. What does the ENT specialist say?

  92. where are the babies?12:03 PM

    Anyone know a forensics scientist that would give it a look? They have equipment that could prove these ears belong to 2 or 3 babies.


    That is the next step and hope it will be soon. We must find the missing children right away. I am not convinced that illegal adoptions or child trafficking is not a part of the bigger picture here. If the federal authorities are not already doing a serious investigation they can't delay any longer.

  93. Levi did say that Sarah was leaning on Bristol and him to let her adopt Tripp in that Vanity Fair article, right?

    But what if the "Tripp" he was talking about was the premature baby that was delivered unexpectedly at Mat-Su. The doctor probably called Sarah while she was in Houston and told her that if Sarah didn't get there immediately, the doctor would not follow through on the secret adoption plan.

    Can you imagine what would happen to Palin's career, if her daughter retained her motherhood status of Tripp, if there were no DS baby, and if Palin were in the ridiculous position to explain why she was no longer pregnant?

  94. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I think the dark haired Book Tour Trig looks more like Levi. Tripp looks like Bristol.

  95. Mac And Cheese Wiz8:51 PM

    Thank You for sharing this! It's very well done compared to the feeble attempts at slamming the alaska bloggers. I loved the music, but would have preferred "Tubular Bells" from the exorcist movie.

  96. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I'm confused about that "lawyering up" thing. If Track did that after cutting brake lines with his friends, and if Willow did that after being arrested for partying and vandalising that house, these two were still ARRESTED, weren't they? Why are there *crickets* about that up in Alaska? I mean, when Willow lawyered up, were all charges magically dropped? Anybody know anything? Usually you lawyer up after you're ARRESTED. So why do we never hear about these arrests actually happening? I guess they all get buried by Paylin's cronies.


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