Sunday, February 28, 2010

Teabagger convention speaker, and out of the closet racist, Tom Tancredo does not love Sarah Palin anymore.

In an interview with NRC Handelsblad, he (Tancredo) talked about the Tea Party movement, senator John McCain and Sarah Palin, the former vice-presidential candidate and a heroine of the movement.

After her speech at the Nashville convention, Palin said she is considering a run for the presidency in 2012. Tancredo however, does not believe she is fit for the presidency.

"I really don’t have this feeling about her as being presidential," he Tancredo said. "I don’t know what it is exactly. I don’t know if the issues really are that difficult for her or not.”

He questions if she has what it takes, and whether she really wants it. “As governor of the state of Alaska, she doesn’t have all that kind of experience. She can get better. But I don’t know if she is really looking to do it.’’

It could all be a commercial thing, just a way to sell books?

“Sure. Make a lot of money and stay in the mix. I think that’s a great idea.’’

John McCain has brought over his former running mate to campaign for him in Arizona, where the Tea Party movement is challenging his seat in the Senate.

She will campaign against J.D. Hayworth, a friend of yours who is on your side in the immigration debate. What does that tell you about Palin?

“That tells me she is a Republican. I am not. I mean, I am a member of that party and that will always stay that way. But to me it’s only a mechanism, a way to get on the ballot and all that. But she is a real Republican.’’

She has to do this to rise in the party ranks?

“I think so.’’

So she is just as much an unprincipled politician as all the rest of them?

“To a large extent.’’

And you still love her?

“I didn’t say that!’’

Well, in your Tea Party speech you pointed out that she could finally say all those wonderful things now she’s free from McCain.

“I said: ‘Now she can tell it like it is.’ And she chooses not to.’’

So at the end of the day you are not that fond of her?

“You are right. I was much fonder of her before she chose to get involved in the McCain thing. She didn’t have to do it.’’
The Republicans are abandoning her, the teabaggers are abandoning her, her own inner circle is abandoning her, how much longer can it be before Sarah Palin finds that the only people left who will listen to her speak are Piper, and the "retarded baby". (Sarah calls him that , not me.)


  1. Anonymous5:56 AM

    I wonder what the Fox crew really think about her?

    Haven't heard anything else about the emails that were released showing that Todd was running state business. Perhaps Geoffrey Dunn will include that topic in his book.

  2. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Kind of laughing that you think her younger kids will listen to her speak -- the older ones didn't pay that much attention!

  3. sunnyjane6:17 AM

    They don't like me...they really, really DON'T LIKE ME!

    Boo, hoo.

  4. Polly6:28 AM

    I have never met Geoffrey Dunn. I have studied journalism, and Mr. Dunn reminds me of what journalism is supposed to be. There is so much "Palin" out there, and I would like to get concise facts that I can trust. This is the first time in my life that I have pre-ordered a book. I urge others to do the same. "The Lies of Sarah Palin: The Untold Story Behind Her Relentless Quest for Power"... to be released July 20.

  5. Can I just say that I am tired of all htese "pundits' on both sides saying bullshit like...if Sarah could study and learn the issues, she can be taken seriously, needs to "got to college"...blah, blah, blah.

    Sarah Palin has proven time and time again over the past 20+ month that she is simply incapable of getting educated. I am serious. She is mentally incapapble...she either has some kind of learning disability (maybe ADHD, dyslexia, etc.) or pshychiatric disorder (like Bi-polar, mania, NPD, socipath) which prevents her from doing so. It is as plain as day to seventy one percent of the American public, and these media people who keep propping her up are beginning to sound like retards.

    First it was McCain's highly paid and experienced staff who couldn't get her to learn, then the concultants paid hundreds of thousands of SarahPAC dollars who couldn't improve her, and now it is Fox News and Rupert Murdoch who are spending millions to get Sarah to sound coherent. None of it has every interview. It's the same talking pints, same run on delivery, etc. Even with all her money, Sarah's clothes, hair, and makeup scream white trash. I won't even go near the plastic surgery right now.

    This is not a woman with all her marbles...she cannot be Eliza Doolittle'd. The McCain campaign came close...but in the end, Sarah was Sarah, and her true colors came out.

  6. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Sarah Palin's star is waning. This is due, in part, to her unique ability to shoot herself in the foot every time she opens her mouth.

    It is also due to all the great bloggers who have worked so hard to expose and keep a light shining on her ignorance, inexperience, political beliefs, religious beliefs, and 'family values.'

    However, do not underestimate this woman. Do not look the other way. The day we lock the front door and go about our business, is the day she sneaks in the back door. There is a great deal of money and power behind her.

    Keep the heat on - in fact, turn it up.

  7. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Palin's little circle is getting smaller and smaller. She throws EVERYONE under the bus who grow to understand her mental illness.

    As she ages her narcissism will get worse and always does. Plus, she has messed up her face so all of the old white guys who used to fawn all over her will be looking to someone younger and prettier for their jollies.

    So she is down to Kris Perry, Kristan Cole and Todd. All tied together by the secrets they hold and money.

  8. chickens are rounding the bend and almost home to the roost.

  9. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Well said GenieO and Virginia Voter.

  10. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Tick tock, tick tock...if this is happening in public, can you imagine what is going on behind closed doors?

    Sarah's meltdown is imminent.

  11. the bottomline is that the McCain camp would have easily known exactly what they were getting into if they had done even a cursory vetting.

    surely they have far more access to facts than all the bloggers who have dug up so much of Sarah's past.

    even if she had lied through her veneers with a wink and a smile, it would have been very easy for them to run the most rudimentary of checks and discovered enough skeletons to say to her "Hey, thanks for stopping by. Have a nice life. Bye."

  12. Huzzah, Virginia Voter! Isn't someone in their mid-forties who wants to run for President SUPPOSED to already have learned and studied plenty? How can anyone, anyone at all, learn as much as any serious POTUS candidate needs to know even before the Iowa caucuses?

    No amount of remedial education will make $P a viable candidate. She doesn't want to learn, and she can't. $P needs to go back to obscurity, unlamented and unsung, and the blogosphere--thank you, Gryphen!--is helping her get there.

    Hey Polly, it was a great disappointment to learn that the pu date for Geoffrey's book's been pushed back from April to July. But good things are worth waiting for!

  13. emrysa7:47 AM

    great post, virginia voter.

    at what point do all her "trainers" realize they are wasting their time? she's vacant, and while that might be fixable in a person who is 20, it's not fixable for someone who has already lived for 46 years. she is what she is.

  14. Sharon in Florida7:48 AM

    A couple of weeks ago, I spent considerable time surfing the net to see if Palin's IQ was posted anywhere. Couldn't find anything that I thought was reliable but came across many sites saying that her IQ was 83. I can't believe that anybody who reached the office of governor of Alaska could have an IQ that low. Then when I listen to another one of her rants or consider all the money & high-powered attempts to teach her something - well an IQ of 83 sounds possible. Maybe on the high side.

  15. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Sarah Palin is a two-faced back stabber and entered politics for her own personal gain. She's a fraud and needs to be exposed for all her lies and deceptions.

  16. Prior to the teabagger convention Palin was vocal that the Repubs absorb them. Then she gave her speech upholding and throwing their red meat to them giving their words back to them. Next she says they must chose a party. Then she says they need to take over the republican party!

    What is wrong with this picture?

  17. Virginia Voter and Mrs.TBB -

    You took the thought in my brain and said it better than I ever could.

    I'm sick, sick, sick of pundits propping Sarah up to keep the story going. Her learning abilities are limited to talking points and some facts. She's proven herself incapable of comprehension, analytical thought and competence.

  18. Anonymous9:16 AM

    To Anonymous 8:01 a.m.--

    Is that you, Meg Stapleton? If so, welcome to the group.

  19. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I just have to put a word in for dyslexics. Dyslexics have difficulty with decoding phenomes. My dad is dyslexic and was president of a fortune 100 company. My 9 year old is also dyslexic. Dyslexics either have or they develop some positive qualities born out of their struggles including, out of the box thinking, perseverence and compassion for others - not judging others. Let's not flatter Palin by giving her that kind of credit.

    Palin seems to be of average to low iq, stubborn, narcissistic and a member of an out there christian cult waiting with glee for the world to come to an end. I recommend the book The God Virus to help understand why people follow her. Her stubborness would make her even a bad puppet leader. Meg Stapleton couldn't rein her in and even someone like Karl Rove wouldn't be able to keep her on track. She cannot speak in complete sentences. I can't figure out if that is a learning disability of some kind or a regional Alaska way of speaking or an indication of mental illness.

    She opens her mouth and out tumbles a pile of words and yet she says absolutely nothing. I keep waiting for her to say "buy low sell high" and hear the cheers of her amazed and stunned fans. She spews out the word freedom. Freedom to own slaves? Freedom to bash gays? Freedom to democraticaly create a theocracy? Freedom to tear down the wall between church and state? Freedom to prevent women from making decisions about their bodies?

    I feel terrible that I am enabling this grifter by clicking every link and running google searches on her. I am glued to it like the OJ trial. I keep waiting for justice to prevail and for people to stop pouring money on her. Hopefully I won't be dissapointed.

  20. Anonymous9:35 AM

    "Regional Alaska way of speaking?"
    No, definitely not. Mental illness seems closer. Or it's some kind of political "speaking in tongues" - she just flaps her lips and says whatever comes out, almost free-association.

  21. The latest attempts to put a marketable veneer over Palin's ignorance so she can appear to understand and comprehend issues is even more reckless and unforgivable than what the McCain campaign did. At least the McCain campaign can claim - with some small degree of plausibility - that they were taken by surprise. But those who are now attempting to do what the McCain campaign couldn't do have no such deniability for their negligence. They KNOW and DO NOT DENY she is horrifically unqualified to be president. They even agree on the reasons, and yet persist in their totally cynical fraud to hide the depth of her incompetence so she'll be good to go as a presidential candidate. Used car dealers have been doing this same shit for decades to dupe consumers into buying rusted-out clunkers. And staying with that analogy - there isn't any amount of Bondo or any 5-minute paint job or any snake oil additive that's going to transform Palin into something more viable than the smoking Yugo they started with.

  22. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Well Bristol is on Sarah's side, I think?

    There is the question about the Cadillac Escallade Sarah bought Bristol? That tends to muddy the water and makes me think Bristol was bought for a $60K SUV and a PR company to stay away from Levi.

  23. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Sarah Palin will not run for president. She has found her perfect
    niche as a sideline sniper, a vocation
    requiring no real insight into what
    she sputters about, no work and no consequences, & singularly vital - it's extremely lucrative. If Murdoch is convinced she's a $$-making cow, nothing short of catching her
    committing a class A felony is beyond a Fox-bot spin. For now, anyway.

    Her personal life is getting increasingly shall we say...
    complicated, with ever more gates
    busting loose from their rusty hinges.
    Sarah might come home one day & find
    that the folks who kitted out her studio have returned & confiscated
    all their gear.

    Sharon TN

  24. Anonymous10:34 AM

    You are right: the McCain group could, and DID, easily vet her. After all, THEY were the ones who completely ransacked her, Todd's, and the Johnston's computers – and they had lots of money and well-trained staff to do nothing BUT investigate her. Unlike all of us, who are hindered by smoke and mirrors and the obstructionism of Alaskan individuals and state agencies, THE MCCAIN people had full access to the truth. And we know, because of that Palin herself was working full-time to get drafted by McCain AT LEAST AS EARLY AS 2007 – though even that blog site is trying to cover this up now. Thus, any suggestion that McCain had no time for vetting is total hogwash.

    Will she go into oblivion?? Heck, no. She is far too useful as a tool – a unique tool, at that – for the repug higher-ups, who see in her junk-yard dog capabilities that NO MAN could get away with using, as well as the ability to stir up hate and division like no one who has come on the American scene in several decades. Precisely because she is a woman in a non-misogynistic society, she (and those promoting her) can get away with FAR MORE than would be the case in misogynistic societies, and far more than would be the case if she were a man. And because she plays low, mean, and dirty, men do not really know how to attack her frontally, politically speaking. As long as she can put one foot in front of another, she will not go into oblivion –because she is in it for herself, she has every motivation to stay; and her very presence in the fight is extremely helpful for all those who wish to bring our republic even closer to the brink.

  25. Anne NC10:48 AM

    Have we ever in the history of our country had somebody running for President that the pundits said would be "OK" if they just studied a bit more? Can you imagine BOR if it was a member of the Democratic party who wanted to run and needed to study the issues a bit more to be ready? Hannity would be screaming from the rooftops and Beck would be crying pretend buckets about "what is our country coming to when someone has to study prior to becoming president?".

    What a load of B.S. they are handing everybody about how she'll be fine if she studies the issues. No, she won't. Because she won't study and won't listen to anyone in an advisory position. She's proven that in the past, repeatedly.

    They really want to make this woman who couldn't handle the minimal mayoral duties of a town of 6,000 people and had to be the first mayor to hire an administrator to help her with everything? That speaks volumes about her inadequacy. Then we come to find out it was her husband doing a majority of the governing of the state of Alaska!

    God save us from the stupidity of $arah! Oh, that's right, he already did. Why doesn't she listen to HIm?

  26. at this point Geoffrey is going to have to publish the book with a "To be continued" on the last page.

    at what point will the "Many Lies" stop rolling in?

  27. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I thought this was a really good editorial in the Chicago Tribune today by Charles Madigan

    "Will that successy thing work?"

    Opening Snip: I don't know. It's going to be hard to present yourself as the people's candidate when you have gone from merely comfortable means to very comfortable means in such a short period.

    Ending Snip: It will be very hard to explain in a campaign that you walked away from the Alaska governor's office halfway through your term so you could become wealthy by monetizing your popularity with a book, a Fox TV commentary job and a career on the speaking circuit.

    Unless, of course, you never intended to seek office again at all and were primarily just interested in taking care of business.


  28. If and this is a big IF, if Sarah could learn she still lacks common sense.

    I have seen people in many occupations lack sense and have all the book learning in the world. They fail. Sarah will fail because of this.

    All she has is looks and looks fade. If the teabaggers are sick of her need I say more? Ta ta Granny. Can't say it has been fun and you won't be missed.

  29. Anonymous said...
    "I wonder what the Fox crew really think about her?"

    There is probably plenty of laughing when she's not around, put it that way...mainly in relief that their jobs are safe. Sarah is about as likely to become a serious journalist as she is to flap her arms and fly to the moon.

  30. In that Chicago Tribune article's comment section, I had a wonderful time refuting the various Palinbot myths listed by "gary4205".

  31. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Sarah's IQ is being reported as 83 which is classified as "Dull" with 100 being the Average. Maybe this woman is currently functioning at the apex of her ability and is intellectually incapable of doing more. Scary situation indeed.

  32. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Tancredo sounds like the big dope that he really is! Think about it. He had as much information about SP as we did but he chose to be snookered.

    SP walks away with $100,000+ cash after her palm-speech to him/TeaBaggers and just NOW Tancredo is catching on that SP is in it for the money and is an "unprincipled politician as all the rest of them??"

    Tancredo is a fool.

  33. Mac And Cheese Wiz6:54 PM

    Virginia Voter and Mrs TBB said it best. When people like Tancredo and Jeb Bush chime in on her lack of knowledge and ability, you know it's got to be true!

    Once the floodgates open, she's basically toast.

  34. sunnyjane3:01 AM

    As an add-on to Virginia Voter and Mrs. TBB's observations: Sarah says she gets special updates daily from her "advisors" on what's happening in the news so that she can remain aware -- or something like that.

    Does this mean she can't read for herself? Yeah, probably. But that's beside the point. What the hell does she do with all that information she's paying for? She never says one new word, expresses once new concept, or opines on the latest information presented to her.

    Her best bet would be to get a job on some home marketing show and hawk Bumpits and Empathy Belly Pregnancy Simulators. She has personal experience with both, and she can use the same phrases over and over again. That is the only job commensurate with her intellectual abilities.

  35. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Sarah the retard is peddling her book and pimpin her kids out for a couple of bucks.

  36. I don't know her IQ...


    I know her QI (Quitters Index = 100%)


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