Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bill Maher's New Rules for 2-26-10

Watch til the end for a nice surprise.


  1. Haha! Great Sarah slam! I ♥ Bill Maher.

  2. If I believed in hell, I'd be going straight there for laughing so much during that monologue.

    (Buddhist here, and it was still funny!)

  3. Mac And Cheese Wiz10:10 PM

    Love It! Was well worth watching- Bill Maher Rocks!!!

  4. sunnyjane3:10 AM

    He's a hoot, isn't he?

    Psst: in your Labels, the correct spelling is Buddhism.

  5. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Hilarious...only if Bill had linked $arah with the piss-soaked "GOGIRL" funnel since so many of her supporters post "you go girl"!
    Perhaps $arah can have SARAHPAC purchase a stockpile that she can use, then sign and send to her supporters that make a donation. Maybe then they might get the hint their getting pissed-on!

  6. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Yep, that ending was TOTALLY worth it!!!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.