Thursday, February 04, 2010

To commemorate this, the opening day of the first Teabagger's convention, I bring you the Grifter's Tale.

The beginning of Tim Egan's tale compares Palin to John Edwards (I bet she enjoys that comparison), and it ends with this scathing debunking of Palin's motives for supporting this movement.

If Palin truly believed in the Tea Partiers and their discontent, she would not be charging $100,000 to stoke their fears. She can do that for free, on Fox. And what policy solutions does she offer the troubled middle class? Tax cuts, like the ones that caused this massive deficit to begin with? Preventing new regulation of the banks that got us into this horrid economic collapse, under the guise of “less government”?

She has nothing to offer but honeyed words, the syrup for suckers.

Say what you will about Tea Partiers, but many of them can see through this scheme in Nashville. “Smells scammy,” wrote Red State Blogger Erick Erickson, no friend of the media elite. Others are boycotting it, citing the $549 price for the convention, or the single night tab of $349 to hear Palin.

You could even see a bit of suspicion creep into Glenn Beck, Palin’s enabler on Fox, during the strangest of interviews a few weeks ago.

Beck to Palin: “Who’s your favorite founder?”

Palin: “You know, well, all of them.”

Beck was skeptical.

So Palin, who can’t name a founder any more than she could think of a Supreme Court decision, wants to lead a movement inspired by the founders. If the original tea party had charged a week’s wages to register political outrage, we might still be wearing fussy stockings and bowing to some Lordship arriving in Boston Harbour.

Palin says she’ll plow her take back into “the cause.” Her favorite cause, of course, is Sarah Palin. It came to light this week that her political action committee spent $63,000 to buy copies of “Going Rogue.” It’s a sweet deal: get average people to donate to Palin. She then spends their money on her book, increasing her royalties and exposure.
(To read the rest of this New York Times opinion piece, just click the title.)

By the way kids don't forget that today is the first day of the great Teabagging convention. And today's kick off speaker is none other than Tom Tancredo!

You remember Tom don't you? He is the perfectly reasonable guy that called Sonya Sotomayer a racist and who thought that, if attacked by terrorists who happened to be Muslim, the United States should bomb Mecca.

When asked how he would respond if terrorists struck several U.S. cities with nuclear weapons, he said, quote, "If this happens in the United States and we determined that it is the result of extremist fundamentalist Muslims, you know, you could take out their holy sites."

Campbell said, "You're talking about bombing Mecca?"

And Tancredo responded, "Yes."

I guess if the Empire State building were attacked by an Italian that Tancredo would suggest the army blow up the Vatican as well. It only seems fair.

Yep the First Great Teabagging Convention is certainly starting off on the right foot.


  1. Anonymous6:14 AM

    heh, Tancredo. Haven't seen his face since Markos of Daliy Kos put him in his place about military service. It was great tv. He's a big talker, like Palin, about patriotism, soldiers, war, blah, blah. Yet, like Palin, never served a day in his life. Sorry, but as a vet people like this make me ill with their phony patriotism screeds.

    No one has to serve to be a patriot. However, people like Palin and Tancredo insult those of us who have when they try to claim some mantle of ultra respect with their shameless pandering .

    What's even more insulting is there are baggers who are vets and even they love to claim a superior patriotism. Truly sickening. It just feeds phonies like Tancredo and Palin because they believe they then acquire legitimacy and are more red, white and blue than us vets on this side of the political spectrum.

    What a joke this convention is...flags and phonies. Ugh.

  2. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Sorry to nitpick, but the Vatican is a sovereign nation within Rome. It is not therefore to be equated with Italy. It is within Italy but is not Italian.

    Good post otherwise, though. Thanks for showcasing the crazy that is Tancredo. He is creepy, creepy, creepy.

  3. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Oops - make that a sovereign city-state rather than nation. Have to nitpick myself - only fair.

  4. My point was not about where the Vatican is located but rather that Italy is often synonymous with Catholicism so if an Italian attacked New York, using Tancredo's broken logic, than bombing the holiest of places for Catholics would seem "reasonable".

    Of course it would not.

  5. Anonymous6:59 AM

    I never thought I'd miss the opinions of Joe the Plumber.

  6. I was watching Andrew Young talk about John Edwards on Chris Matthews last night and I was struck by how much he reminds me of Sister Paylin.

    They are cut from the same cloth. I believe her downfall will be just as spectacular and scandalous as Edwards'.

  7. The frickin' big tent is pitched & the circus begins.... watch where you step, lots of elephant dung.

  8. I am SOOOO looking forward to what comes out of the next few daze. Note to self...make snacks.

  9. Gasman8:29 AM

    Tancredo is an extremely brave armchair general. His head is also filled with shit. In a party quite top heavy with imbecilic morons, he would definitely make the finals in the contest for "GOP Douche Nozzle of the Decade."

  10. Anonymous9:06 AM

    There's a picture floating around when she was on the Wasilla city council reading John Birch Society materials on her desk at work. And she released a video message to the 2008 AIP convention, a party that advocated Alaska seceding from the Union.

    The quitter gov took an oath to uphold the statutes of Alaska, but she failed to make sure she was paying her fair share of taxes during that partial term. And aged or disabled Alaskans died during her partial term, too, from lack of state run Medicaid services.

    The Tax Party is just her style.

  11. Kathy in Blue Bell9:07 AM

    Chris, you might want to check this out; Great minds think alike!

  12. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:09 AM

    So the Baggie Bash begins! Hey, isn't Nashville right in the path of that huge winter storm coming through the mid-Atlantic in the next couple of days? Can you imagine Sistah Quitty McWhineypants stranded in a hotel with the common people she finds so repulsive?'s a bitch.

    And what bogus footage will Faux News dig up to "show" the record-breaking crowds descending on the Teabagger's Convention--O'Hare Airport during an airline strike? Times Square on New Year's Eve? A Toddlers in Tiaras pageant? The mind reels.

    Popcorn anyone? Plain or buttered?

  13. Palin pals around with the most extreme factions of our populace.
    The racist, batshit-crazy birthers and the willfully ignorant.
    Of course. Who else is stupid enough to give her money?
    She'll take it from whomever is willing to part with it, you betcha!

  14. I never considered voting for Edwards because of Obama, but I did like him. Can this man get any lower? I saw somewhere that The Enquirer has an article that Elizabeth claims he beat her! I hope you are right Chris about the spectacular downfall. Nothing else for Sister Sarah will do.


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