Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Andrew Sullivan has the Willow story now.

He has it as his quote of the day.

I am still chasing leads and trying to get more information, as well as attempting to locate a few other sources that can confirm some of the more scandalous details that I have not been able to post yet.

And no the scandalous part is NOT about Willow.


  1. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Well THAT was quite the pingback.

  2. Penny7:23 AM

    Does that mean you are definitely going to have something? I hope so. I'm so sick of Sarah I could vomit.
    She is a terrible person. A complete fraud who gets off on power and cutting others down. She's an angry nasty phony who brings no solutions to our country.

    And check out facebook writer, twitterer @RAMansour 's tweets. The level of angry, the venom. These are sick sick pathologic people.

  3. Anonymous7:34 AM

    You have no credibility and neither does Sullivan. The fact you don't realize that just amuses us.

    How did that divorce rumor go for you?

  4. Anonymous7:34 AM

    these stories are happening too fast. I still want to know when Mayor Sullivan has to answer about his mistress or is this just going to go away?

  5. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Hasn't anyone figured all this out yet? Nothing sticks to Sarah. She is Teflon. She is not a political figure--just pretends to be one--so none of this can hurt her ability to make millions. Tabloid figures make a lot of money, and she is a tabloid figure now--or heading that way. She's preparing with all these crazy TV shows. She has no political credibility. And there's one thing about tabloid personalities that you cannot take away--their MONEY.

    All of this is like shouting down a well. No one cares but us.

  6. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Anon 7:34:

    I don't doubt for a minute that there WAS INDEED a divorce rumor. It's just that Sarah is very familiar with everything written about her on these blogs and just couldn't give anyone the satisfaction of being correct about this. Besides the fact that it shreds her "Family Values" image. I have no firsthand knowledge, but I don't doubt at all that the idea of divorce has not been considered, discussed, and discarded (for now!) over at the Palin household.

  7. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Anonymous said...

    You have no credibility and neither does Sullivan. The fact you don't realize that just amuses us.

    How did that divorce rumor go for you?

    Someone got off the wrong side of the bed this morning. What are you talking about? I have no credibility because I want Sullivan to have to answer questions about his affair. Then you throw in that Sullivan has no credibility-WTF and then you ask me how that divorce rumor go for me-WTF are you talking about.

  8. It also sounds like she lied to the state troopers, telling them willow was out of town.
    I wonder how palin's credibility is with the state police?
    Ya think after all the lies, they even believe her any more?
    She would have more credibility with me if she announced that she had reconsidered, that no one is above the law and that willow will have to suffer the consequences of her actions.
    palin and consequences in the same sentence? Incredible!

  9. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Gryphen, you must be on the trail of something very interesting. Otherwise,why would a troll show up?

    Hope it helps to know that people with measurable IQs are on your side. We know you are careful in your research and solid in your findings.

  10. Well let me guess who the scandalous part might be about? Looking forward to the update!

  11. Ah you see the forest but miss the trees. Just because nothing is pinned on Palin doesn't mean she is innocent just good at what she does.

    On another note how are her children? Or does she bother with them anymore? Poor kids. I am all for women working but if I had a child with speical needs I would stay at home. She has a husband who made good money so no excuse. Keep sending her money. She will never run for President and she is living the good life on your money. Sad.

  12. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Anon @ 7:34

    The very fact that you:

    *Came to look at Immoral Minority.
    *Apparently checked out at Sullivan's blog.
    *Know about a blog written waayyy back last summer.
    *Felt compelled to take time to leave an insulting comment.
    *Purported to be speaking in the plural.

    Suggests to me that you:

    *Have more than just a passing and/or incidental concern about what is being reported about Mrs. I Got Mine, FU.
    *Think that by questioning someone else's credibility, yours is somehow validated.
    *Find the whole subject of child neglect/abuse amusing and something to be laughed at.
    *Lastly use the pronoun "us" either because you have a split personality, yourself, and need immediate attention, or you somehow imagine that Sarah Palin gives a flying fig about "all of you" who think yourselves as "us."

    Your money and adoration, she cares as individuals and fellow human beings? Not so much.

    Maybe, one day, it will dawn on you exactly how much your misplaced loyalty to Mrs. I Got Mine, FU has cost you--not only in dollars but, more sadly, in the loss of your own, personal dignity.

    Until then, please feel free to continue wallowing in your own delusions...if that is what keeps you happy, wonderful. As long as you are glued to your computer and admiring her spiffy new leather biker jackets that you are paying for, you, and those just like you, won't have time to be out spitting on members of congress...again.

    Signed: Let him who has ears, hear...

    Oops! did I just mention ears, again? My bad.

  13. This just in!

    Palin who could not even finish her term as guvnah, is now giving advice on the middle east & warns of 2nd holocaust!

    Hell Sarah had tough time managing effing Wasilla & she's advising middle east affairs?

  14. Did the Palin's hire a nanny to be the parent in their household? Who is taking care of the 3 kids who are still at home? Is Todd the primary caregiver? Someone needs to be a consistent parent in the household. Sarah appears to be gone much of the time. You can't be a good parent when you're absent. The Palin's don't have a very good track record with their kids.

  15. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I just read Fox News' news release in response to LL Cool J's twit about the faux interview that was supposed to be on Sarah's show tomorrow night.

    My goodness, petty, petty, petty. Some people are kidding that Meg must be working over there now.

    I think LL Cool J has done himself some good by calling out Fox. I know I respect him more now.

  16. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I don't care if Sarah is working or not. The point is that one of the parents needs to be looking after and looking out for the kids. Todd obviously isn't doing a very good job.

  17. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Just popping in to say "thanks" for adding that blog "And So It Goes" to your blog roll.

    I love his feature of the rolling scroll bar featuring Palin-bot blurbs and then his comments. So sad to see their praise and defense of her but so funny to see his response.

  18. Between Gryphen and the Enquirer working on revealing all about the Alaskan Snooki and her underhandedness, I feel like Christmas may be coming in July this year.

  19. Anonymous9:56 AM

    jesus christ, Gryphen -

    My wife and I were taking a walk last night and I was marveling about the Palin stuff. I told her that I didn't follow it much but What in the Hell is Wrong with the MSM? As much evidence as they have been handed on a platter concerning Babygate - concerning someone who could have been Vice President and likely President (It boggles the mind, doesn't it?) and now this story, and it's like they are all brain dead.

    Maybe Palin is right in calling them the Lamestream Media...what do they need, somebody to bring a dead body into the press room?

    Sheesh...what a bunch of losers...

    My wife is of the opinion that many, many people in the Obama camp, as well as the McCain camp know the real story behind Babygate, but if it came out it would be so embarrassing for everybody, including the press, that they have a vested interest in keeping it mum. The tacit agreement among everyone is that she CANNOT ever hold public office and they are keeping the secret as long as she just prattles on and does TV, but never tries to get elected again.

    Interesting theory.

  20. I agree. Choose Life then abandon said "life" for the money trail.

  21. To anon who said we are shouting down a well....she is no longer a serious political figure so we have accomplished what we set out to do, make sure she never holds national elected office.

    If she wants to rep some crackers from Mississippi, I don't care. Her national dreams are OVER thanks to the constant vigilance and pressure of these blogs.

  22. > Then you throw in that Sullivan has no credibility-WTF and then you ask me how that divorce rumor go for me-WTF are you talking about.

    The troll was talking about Andrew Sullivan at the Dish, I reckon.

  23. The doctor is in10:17 AM

    Anon 7:34


    I could say more but what for! You sound like Sarah.

    If you are just a fan, please get some therapy and perhaps medication. You aren't seeing reality and that is a sign of mental illness. Really it is. A balanced emotionally stable person doesn't go on a blog and attack the author. An emotionally healthy person would be capable of seeing the truth about her. You and others have seen loads of solid evidence that clearly proves Sarah is a pathologic liar. Yet you are devoted to her.

    Andrew Sullivan DOES have international credibility. That is a FACT. Deal with it. And Gryphen here has a loyal following. Are you really so blind or in denial that you don't see the truth about Sarah and Todd? Because Gryphen was right. At this point it's a sham marriage. Ask people in Wasilla about the multiple affairs.

    Denial denial denial denial. In excess, it's an abnormal defense mechanism.

    (and yes, I'm a psychiatrist (retired)-one who is fascinated by Palins manipulative, narcissistic pathology. Her fans are also fascinating. Most are simply not well read but there are also a large group of very unhappy people who idolize Sarah and don't see her clearly.)

  24. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Here is an example how a party in a vacant? house is dealt with elsewhere:

    Commenters can link to the articles of Willow's party?

  25. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Anon. 7:34 talks about credibility, and says (Gryphen?) and Sullivan have none. Who do we believe then?

    Whether these things are true or whether they are not, one thing I'm sure of......Titus 1:2: GOD CANNOT LIE. I love this verse, because no one can take anything away from it.

    And, those who truly worship, shall worship the Father in spirit and TRUTH.

    I thank God for these bloggers who seek truth and want the sick lying venomous deeds to stop. They want public officials to abide by the laws of the land, and be accountable. I for one choose to believe them, in their pursuit of the truth.

    And in the end, God sees all anyway. HE knows the truth. Halleluia!

  26. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Anon 7:34


    I could say more but what for! You sound like Sarah.

    If you are just a fan, please get some therapy and perhaps medication. You aren't seeing reality and that is a sign of mental illness. Really it is. A balanced emotionally stable person doesn't go on a blog and attack the author. An emotionally healthy person would be capable of seeing the truth about her. You and others have seen loads of solid evidence that clearly proves Sarah is a pathologic liar. Yet you are devoted to her.

    Andrew Sullivan DOES have international credibility. That is a FACT. Deal with it. And Gryphen here has a loyal following. Are you really so blind or in denial that you don't see the truth about Sarah and Todd? Because Gryphen was right. At this point it's a sham marriage. Ask people in Wasilla about the multiple affairs.

    Denial denial denial denial. In excess, it's an abnormal defense mechanism.

    (and yes, I'm a psychiatrist (retired)-one who is fascinated by Palins manipulative, narcissistic pathology. Her fans are also fascinating. Most are simply not well read but there are also a large group of very unhappy people who idolize Sarah and don't see her clearly.)

    The facts scream otherwise. There is no evidence, only rumors from this blog and certain others. Mountains of suspicion piled upon heaps of aspersion.

    Ask a person on the street who Andrew Sullivan is and they will not know. Ask them who Gryhpen is and they will be even further puzzled. Ask them who Palin is and who will get a response. Revel in your insignificance, and a faux loyalty to a blogger. And please, improve your spelling and punctuation.

  27. Anonymous12:57 PM

    if you find the address see if the who bought it and if it was above asking price maybe the deal was buy off the Glennallen family with an over ask price on the house........

  28. GREAT JOB!1:01 PM

    GRYPHEN, this has legs.I am shocked to learn about the neighborhood where the Palins choose to raise their family.One can see how Track could be an oxy user and vandal, and Bristol would do a lot of partying and unprotected banging. What choice does poor Willow have. Something must be done to help the children, not only the Palin children but all in the Valley and Anchorage, which is part of their larger neighborhood.

    This was almost next door to the Dead Lake Compound It must have been a fun place for kids to hang out. How easy to have a flunky run right on over there for a quick pick me up, as if it was a Taco Bell. How did they get by with that business for so long? Did local authorities give him a pass and why? I notice it takes federal involvement to get action in the Valley, like the Sherry Johnston bust.

    Now why is this lately a rare occurrence?
    Friday, March 12, 2010 MAT-SU — In what has lately been something of a rare occurrence in the Valley, Alaska State Troopers took down a meth lab Tuesday.
    Even the useless ADN was able to do a story.

    6:49 PM Anonymous has a good point.
    "Look around Alaska, folks. There's a bunch of teenagers wearing $200 jeans, $150 Ugg boats, carrying $300 purses. Yep, a frickin' PURSE! Not rich kids in California. Everyday working-class kids. Like most of the kids in Wasilla. And Kenai. And Fairbanks."

    I pay federal tax, is that money how those kids and parents get paid with the fund money? They can also afford expensive traveling. It is typical of some Wasilla parents to leave unsupervised teens and it is when the parents aren't furnishing them a house or cabin that teens have to do what Willow is said to have done. Willow or someone had a connection to the empty house, that is how it was known where to rave that week. They txt all that to each other. There is plenty on txt records. Not in the Valley, but police in other places would have been all over that the txting. If you don't ask for evidence, there will be no evidence. It is better to cover up like by not getting the txts in the first place.

    Some of these families live high for being middle class workers. Check out this Hensley dude to get a picture of the Palin friends and neighbors

    Wonderland hood, Sen. Menard, Representatives Bill Stolze, Wes Keller and Carl Gatto

  29. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Hey look! RAM is doing the troll duty now so Grifter Granny can go get her nips tucked and her tucks nipped! How do I know this? The spelling and grammar are vastly improved!

    Rebecca, put down Queenie's blackberry and go back to Facebook.

  30. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Anon @ 12:38

    "Ask them who Palin is and who will get a response."


    Street Reporter: Excuse me ma'am, may I ask you a question?

    Lady: Uhmm. Sure.

    Street Reporter: Do you know who Sarah Palin is?

    Lady: Well, of course.

    Street Reporter: Who is she?

    Lady: [Eyes wide] You really want me to say?

    Street Reporter: Yes. Please tell us who she is.

    Lady: Okay...she is the woman that no one ever heard of before John McCain picked her as his VP running mate in 2008. She dragged her kids along on the campaign trail--you know, the pregnant daughter and the baby daddy, that little one that never goes to school, her son who disappeared into the military for a while. Oh, she has another boy, so some say. You know, the one that got passed around like a hot potato and dressed up like Dumbo the elephant along the way. Let's see, she has another daughter... Twig, or something like that. Sorry, all her kids have really stupid names...anyway, after she and McCain lost the election, she went back to Wasilla, Alaska, and by summer, quit her job as governor half way through her term, pretended to write a book and started raking in as much money as she could from every ignorant, ill-informed fox news junkie she could...oh, and she loves faux leopard skin, too, and black leather motorcycle jackets...not exactly the devout Christian look...but, of course, combined with her short skirts, and everything, they do keep the Viagra crowd interested, if you know what I mean. Let's see, she got prayed over by a preacher to get rid of any witches hanging around her...which obviously didn't work...oh, and her husband, Todd comes in handy when when she needs to look like they are all just one big friggin' happy family. Simply stated, she's a fraud.

    Street Reporter: Wow, how do you know all that!?!

    Lady: Oh, I just read what the people in the know have to say. You know, the Alaskan bloggers and Andrew Sullivan...

    Street Reporter: Holy cow! I think I need their website addresses.

    Lady: You sure do. It's time for you to take your fingers out of your own ears...and take a closer look at a few frilly ones. Did I mention...

  31. But, when, oh when, will Sully go beyond his hint about the EAR story and help blow it open? I'm hoping the "2 baby/ear" story isn't part of what he's sitting on while he waits for Levi.

    Meanwhile, I hope the media attention Willow is getting will end up having a positive effect. Sarah's favored parenting methods of "Obey" and the "kids are independent" aren't working out too well. The Palins need an intervention.

  32. honestyinGov5:55 PM

    In your Update and in the comments from others... has anyone done the time line as to the first day that Willow showed up in Palmer for school. Did she start going there right after the vandalism? If so it was probably Todd's idea to not let her hang out with the ' friends ' anymore, but as I suggested... If Willow was going to get off scott-free and the Girls felt they were going to take the fall... would they attempt to do ( physical )harm to her. I assume these are the tough party Girls.... who wouldn't take kindly to be ratted out if they thought Willlow was doing that. Was Tawd trying to Hide Willow?

  33. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Only a fool will pursue the "tale of two babies" lie, as that person will be laughed out of the media, or discredited as a blogger.

  34. Ho Hum. The trolls are out again about the "divorce" rumor.

    1) Gryph never said divorce. He said separated.

    2) Haven't you ever heard of a Catholic divorce? Grandma Grifter and Toad are about as married as Bill & Hillary.

  35. honestyinGov - Willow was reported to have started the school year at Colony H.S. in Palmer.

  36. Anonymous10:35 PM

    honestyinGov ~~
    Curiouser said...- Willow was reported to have started the school year at Colony H.S. in Palmer.
    I recall she played a basketball game, at least, Sarah tweeted. A time line would help.

    When was the $20-30k house damage? There must be a police report with a date for the 3 boys. I'm told it could have been before December 20, 2009, maybe earlier. A possible female suspect was actually 18 and they handled her like she was a minor. Does anyone know about that?

  37. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Anon 12:28,
    I rather like this stmt better:

    "Do me a favor, call five Democratic consultants and leave them a message and say, 'I'm doing a story on Sarah Palin'. Then call five Republican consultants and see who returns your call," he said, pausing for laughter from the gathered reporters. "Democrats will be on the phone so fast."

  38. Apparently the state troopers do arrest teenage girls and put them in the juvenile facilities in Wasilla.

    Location: Wasilla
    > Case number: 10-23393
    > Type: Burglary II, Criminal Mischief III & IV, Criminal Trespass I
    > Text: From 03/20/2010 to 03/22/2010, Troopers responded to incidents
    > of burglary and criminal mischief at Cotton Wood Creek Elementary in
    > Wasilla. Cotton Wood Creek Elementary notified Troopers that an
    > unknown person contacted her by e-mail claiming responsibility for
    > the loss, which was estimated at approximately $3,000 dollars. AST
    > Cyber crime unit was able to pin point the IP address of the
    > computer that sent the e-mail to a residence in Wasilla. Further
    > investigation revealed a 16 yoa female juvenile was responsible for
    > the crimes. The juvenile was arrested without incident, transported
    > and remanded to Mat-Su Youth Facility were she was held without bail.
    > Author: MJP2
    Received Wednesday, March 31, 2010 11:31 AM and posted Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2:16 PM

  39. sunnyjane1:51 AM

    I've come late to the party here, but I don't understand why a parole officer has made the "boys only, spare the girls" decision."

    Isn't this the responsibility of the District Attorney?

  40. what law10:03 AM

    Thank you Celia Harrison. The Cyber crime unit will have the data on all related to the B&E and vandal.
    > Cyber crime unit was able to pin point the IP address of the
    > computer that sent the e-mail to a residence in Wasilla.

    If a Palin mafia can manipulate juvey justice, they can keep it all out of court. The boys that were charged will get a sweet deal and no one will hear anymore about this. Has anyone heard of an arraignment? Why did that not happen?

  41. Anonymous
    Anon @ 12:38
    I swear your post is real! The women in Wasilla reiterating this crazy story over and over again to media.. You nailed it! One added bonus is that women is an active Conservative Republican and Christian.

    Recently I spoke to a reporter from an east coast mag. First off, everything has been said about this shallow woman and her life.

    But, he asked questions about topics that were old and have had lots of coverage. I told him "Go to Andrew Halcro, Mudflats, Gryphen, Shannyn and Celtic Diva and get the basic premise of these over told stories and than talk to me and I'll give you my take"

    At this point with Sarah and her creedy pursuit of riches and power, why should I waste my breathe to reiterate these stories..

    You guys have done a fantastic job documenting Sarah 'ScandalFactory' Palin.

    What these stories do in my perspective is define the lack of good character and Christian family values of Sarah Palin and her Family. It also reflects badly on those who she appeals too.

  42. Anonymous7:22 AM

    What nonsense. There is no cyber crime.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.