Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jon Stewart finds much to mock about the return of Sarah Palin to the McCain campaign trail. Mock away Jon!

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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During that Greta Van Sustern episode (Yes she used to have a show before Sarah stole it away from her) does it look to anybody else like McCain is blinking out an SOS distress signal?


  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    It took McLaim 4 seconds to ask Van Sustren's question of how has Palin helped his reelection. Wow! His answer at 2:28 is as Mastercard says, Priceless!!! "SAY THAT AGAIN!!!"

    Nipple zippers was great too. You gotta love Stewart's wit and delivery. Perfect if you ask me.

  2. Anonymous10:57 AM

    McCain can't even be bothered to wear a tie, lazy. Did you hear the non-enthusiasm in Cindy's voice as she introduced palin

  3. OMG, how effing funny. Cindy looks like she would like to be just about any place on earth. And, in true mean girl spirit, Palin makes a reference that the old geezer was at the First Tea Party! And Greta asking how much help Palin is on the campaign and he looks lost and says "say that again"! LMAO!! And the teabagger in the red tee shirt at the end, yes she will probably vote for Hayworth, she just came to see Palin!! Hey old man, ain't Karma a bitch with capital B?

  4. Am seeing more stories about the palin/Willow on the net, great job!

  5. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Sheesh. His smile looks frozen, when he's smiling. He looks down way too often and for too long for someone looking forward to being introduced. And the biting the lips (~ 1:26) is a big tell (I caught it only because I happened to look at the screen at the right time. Sometimes in replaying it I didn't see it, but look at about 1:25-1:30 and it's there.

  6. GrainneKathleen4:06 PM

    agree with jon about everything except palin's radiant aura. i think of her more as dark matter.

  7. I am late to this party, but wow ... the body language: McCain looks like he is holding back/holding in so much. Sarah is being opening mean and there is nothing he can do about it. She did come to bury Caesar! It is really unbelievable.

  8. Anonymous10:13 PM

    SP"....and it's that lack of the new administration's ability to listen to............."
    GvS ".....Senator McCain?
    JMc "Say that again?"

  9. Anonymous7:04 AM

    It's so obvious that Cindy (and Meghan) McCain both can't stand Sarah Palin. I think Cindy's pause (perhaps to sigh with repulsed resignation?) before saying Granny Palin's name says it all.

  10. Anonymous6:01 AM

    It's really a pitiful state of affairs that McClown has to depend on Mooseburger to save his political hide. Not only pitiful, but also ironic since she was very instrumental in costing him the presidential election.


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