Thursday, March 18, 2010

Congressional Budget Office releases its analysis of health care bill. Update!

Comprehensive health care reform will cost the federal government $940 billion over a ten-year period, but will increase revenue and cut other costs by a greater amount, leading to a reduction of $130 billion in the federal deficit over the same period, according to an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office, a Democratic source tells HuffPost. It will cut the deficit by $1.2 trillion over the next ten years.

The source said it also extends Medicare's solvency by at least 9 years and reduces the rate of its growth by 1.4 percent, while closing the doughnut hole for seniors, meaning there will no longer be a gap in coverage of medication. The CBO also estimated it would extend coverage to 32 million additional people.

The CBO score is the last piece House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was waiting on before putting the puzzle together on the House floor. A contingent of Blue Dogs has been holding out support, insisting that the bill be fully paid for and not increase the deficit. The numbers give a major boost to Pelosi and her leadership team, which can now begin the whip count in earnest and can specifically point to the cost savings. (You can read more of this article on the Huffington Post.)

Personally I am impressed that the bill does as much as it does.  After so much hand wringing, and backroom deals, I was not sure exactly what we were about to see.

Could it be better?  Oh hell yeah! 

But is it a good start?

Well what do you think?

Update:  If you click this link you can see how the health care reform will affect each congressional district (Here is what it does for those of us in Alaska.). This should give you some ammunition for a phone call or e-mail to your Congressman if they are still not on board with this plan.  Let's get this thing done!

(H/T to cheeriogirl)


  1. I'm not at all surprised it does so much, even after being gutted so bad. Our current "System" is so bloated with 30% being pocketed by the insurance companies. Almost anything could save money, after this passes we will see a lot of amendments that save even more.

  2. It's a beginning. After living in Europe for 3 years, I can tell you that so-called "socialized" medicine is worth the candle. I had minor injuries in a motorcycle accident in Berlin; all medical covered, even though I was a U.S. citizen, not a German citizen. No question.

    Socialized means, of course, that we all are taking care of each other. What is the problem that so-called Christians *have with that? "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

  3. On Fox's homepage they have $P's take on health care tricks. We already know what kind of girl she is. Of course they will never show the clip of the protesters degrading a poor sick old man. It sure shows how heartless they are. I don't think there is a cure that will heal them. Funny how all these "Christian" groups are against taking care of their fellow man, the insurance companies and/or RNC must pay more than Jesus.

  4. Enjay in E MT8:43 AM

    I just love how the former half term governor spouts against "socialized" medical care when almost her entire family is covered by it. Spouse & children due to their native heritage, and parents are no doubt on SS.

    Just as she was given the opportunity to "choose" to have a disabled child, she would deny that right to others.

  5. Here's the complete report from the CBO.

  6. The Blue Dogs will just come up with another excuse not to support the bill. DINOs. Let them run as Republicans when they're up for re-election.

    I hope the Democrats support primary opponents to every single one of them.

  7. cheeriogirl10:15 AM

    Gryphen, Have you seen this yet?

    Please post this out front, and pass it on to whomever you can. Since the vote is going to be close, perhaps we can win over a few of the Blue Dogs with some phone calls. Armed with info like this, should make those calls that much easier.

    Here's the link-

    Thanks so much!

  8. Thanks Gryphen and cheriogirl for the links. My district in Southern California will certainly benefit from this as will all states. I just for the life of me cannot understand why Darrell Isa, my rep in Congress was against this bill which will help so many of his constituents. Oh, yes now I remember. He is a ReThug and will not support ANYTHING President Obama even remotely thinks is a good idea. Yes sirree, he is a real champion of "real Americans"! You know, kind of like what's her name.

    I attended one of his "teabag events" last August, where the Party of No was busing in people from all over the state, so that people like me, who live in his district couldn't get in.

  9. Eileen C. Tallon2:26 PM

    Go USA citizens Go. You deserve a good Health Care Plan.

    USA is the only Nationalized Country that DOES NOT cover its citizens with a HCP...for shame.

    Canada also had to battle our Reform Party before the Plan took legs. The battle was well worth it. The majority of Canadians today are satisfied with our Government Health Care Plan that covers us from birth until death.

    The fight going on now in Congress for Health only the 1ST. step towards Universal coverage for EVERY USA citizen...and that is what has shaken up the Republican Party. They really don't want ANY citizen covered except themselves.

    As for the Repthug star, Wasilla's Queen of Lies..she is still hidding behind her Government handout and her childrens, grandchild and hubby Todd's Socialized coverage under his Native heritage...shame on her.

    Hopefully those Tea Baggers will eventually wake up and realize..what a lying piece of trash Sarah Palin is.


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