Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Discovery channel and A&E in frantic race to land Sarah Palin's reality show. WTF?

Two cable networks are bidding on the reality show Sarah Palin is pitching about Alaska.

According to Variety, it's come down to A&E and the Discovery Networks, companies that recently butted heads over the launch of two shows on Discovery's TLC that appeared to knock off A&E's highly rated "Intervention" and "Hoarders."

You know if you change the spelling of "Hoarders" just a little bit you might just have the perfect title for her series. I am just saying.

But cable networks?  I thought that Palin had reality show genius Mark Burnett helping her, how come she is only shopping it to cable channels?

Burnett and Palin did pitch the project to the major broadcast networks, but they ultimately all passed.

Okay now stop laughing.  I mean how could she possibly compete?  After all ABC already has a show called "Wipeout", and ABC has "The Biggest Loser"!

Even Oxygen has a similarly themed show with "The Bad Girls Club", while TLC has "What Not to Wear", The National Geographic channel has "Dog Whisperer", and HBO has a program showcasing Palin's most obvious talent with "Cathouse".  You see the problem?

No I think that Palin will fit right in at the Discover channel, right alongside "Dirty Jobs" and "Man VS Wild". 

Do you know what would make a really good episode? A crossover that had Sarah Palin telling the story of her pregnancy to the two hosts of Mythbusters, Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage.

After they stopped laughing how long do you think it would take them to completely refute the possibility of her story being the truth?

Now THAT would be "must see TV"!


  1. Anonymous11:51 AM

    i will not watch somebody as anti environment than her !!

  2. Anonymous11:56 AM

    You forgot to mention that this is reported to be going for 1 million per episode. Hardly "cable" chump change. I'm also sure it will get better ratings than KO's "Countdown to No Ratings" which has been getting beat by Nancy Grace lately.

    The other advantage to being on a cable network is the show will be repeated throughout the week and on weekends whereas the "major" networks only show it once during the week.

  3. What are we going to Discover, that there is a void there?

  4. Tyroanee12:01 PM

    The creditability to those channels just went waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down for me.
    Although I can personally see how Cesar Milan could help the Palin Poodle- <> Gssssh... Gsssh<> as he pokes her in the neck!
    Wait, I would pay money to see that one.

  5. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Did anyway tell Sarah the definition of "reality"?

    If she gets her show will she and the tribe move to Hollywood?

  6. It will be a bit difficult--but I'm willing to give up
    A&E or The Discovery Channel (all stations) if one of them buys anything Palin.

    And Gryphen--hysterical post! Cathouse!?

  7. scarlet/oregon12:26 PM

    Yeah, you betcha....Cable becomes the pulpit to a modern day "Sister Sarah" of Elmer Gantry legend and we all know what happened to the original Sister Sharon.

    Whoop dee doo to the Quitter and her claim to money fame.

  8. Anon @11:56, what is your point? Is it that stupid sells? Why are you stating the obvious? We all know that.

  9. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I love Discovery Channel, but I'm not kidding when I say I will never watch them again if they put a Palin show on TV.

  10. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Once Upon a Time, A&E was about Arts and Entertainment. Now, it's Dog the Bounty Hunter bringing in another guy who jumped bail, and is in need of redemption, detox and a bit of mace.

    There is some good stuff on the combination National Geographic, Discovery, Science channels. But, when the survivor guy is pretending to be eating worms and drink elephant urine, I know that a camera crew is filming him, and they just had a nice lunch in the trailer. There are already Ice Road Truckers, Deadliest Catch, Fixing up the Motorcycle, A guy walks into a tattoo parlor, and Let's Go Fishing, not to mention everybody who goes somewhere and eats something.

    Wow, I can't wait! A woman who is overly made up, wearing high heels and tacky clothes and talks in a screeching voice is take me to Alaska's wilderness. Yeah, I'd pay a million to see that. I'd also pay $10,000. to have my picture taken with her, and $100,000. to hear her speak. She's got about thirty minutes left on the clock. (That's her 15 minutes of fame, and an extra 15 minutes to be generous).

    I think the article in Variety is a plant, meant to goose up the bidding since any serious contender just passed. It's called, "Hurry up and sign up now, I have other people interested in the apartment." Haven't those people seen her interviews on Fox?

  11. scarlet/oregon12:41 PM

    Anon at 11:56 am....

    $arah has already reached Kate Gosselin's status of 'laughingstock', so add lots of repeats of her new Reality Show and it becomes overkill and boring, boring, boring.

    The Intelligent viewers will be tuning in to Olbermann & Maddow while you are content with Sarah shooting wolves from airplanes and winking.

  12. I agree with anon be honest with you I don't know how Discovery channel can put Sarah Palin on the air without losing any and all credibility...this is a woman who advocates shooting wolves from helicopters for predator control, wants to drill for oil in ANWR, sues the government to delist polar bears as an endangered species, supports unrestricted corporate fishing, is pro Pebble mine, and wants to destroy the habitat of Beluga whales.

    Sarah Palin's Alaskan utopia is more like a strip mine...lots of development, unlimited hunting and fishing, Targets and Walmarts on every corner, no building or zoning codes. Unlimited free market capitalism common sense solutions !


    Link please!

  14. NO ZONING12:49 PM

    There will be a great deal to Discover, I hope Discovery gets it and they break their bank with this one. Dontcha know this will be for parents to park their kids in front of for lessons on dead lakes and melting glaciers. Alaskan kiddies prepare for the Palin end time [ tsunami/earthquake ]. Sarah, tell us the advantages of no building codes, like building in Haiti compared to Chile, it's good for the kids to learn the facts.
    A&E and Discovery have been sinking in the creditability department, this will be an opportunity for more Palin spoof.

  15. Anonymous1:05 PM

    OMG, this is really serious and I need everybody's help to get this idea off the ground. It's not too late to pitch another reality show to A&E and Discovery, featuring a tried and true Alaskan who can take us hunting, fishing, camping, shooting and trapping in the Wild Alaska that he knows and loves. (He could show a little skin, too, making it kinda sexy).

    Yes, I am suggesting that Levi hurry up and pitch his Alaska Reality show to A&E and Discovery right now. If there is anyone out there with connections to these networks, even better. How about some help from his telegenic sidekick, Kathy Griffin? And, I am sure that Levi could do the show for less than a million dollars an episode. I say undercut and underbid Sarah's million dollar show. Payback.

    So, I say, let the bidding begin. Grypen, please pass the idea along to Rex. Maybe it's not too late for him to sneak in a lower bid and proposal to the cable networks.
    And, we all realize the benefit of having Levi in the Alaska series. He will be able to afford child support, and maybe be able to help his family at the same time.

    Suggested title, "Levi's Alaska."

  16. Anonymous1:12 PM

    No Presidential run for you Ms. Palin! Give back the donations to those poor folks who you fooled.

  17. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Mark Burnett is going down hill - fast. Before $P, he was trying to pitch a reality show starring Audrina Patridge (spelling?), the dimmest bulb on the popular MTV show "The Hills." Have you seen her? Look into her eyes, it is blank. He sure knows how to pick them. And, seriously, does this sound like anything a serious political contender would do? If Discovery or A&E buys her show, we should personally write to them to tell them that we will never tune in to any of their shows again. Cable networks are dieing. The last thing they want is a loss of viewership. If they are buying Palin's show at all, it is in hopes of bringing in viewers. Lets make sure we let them know that this plan is an epic FAIL.

  18. honestyinGov1:28 PM

    Well... She certainly won't be going on the " Eddie Burke Show " to promote it. I was just listening to AKM on Shanyn's Show just now.... " RED Shirt Racist Palin panty sniffer " is GONE!!!!!

    How is that little hatey, women bashy, beating up women thingy workin fer ya..?
    Buh.. bye SMURFY!!!

    Maybe Bristle can hire him as a PR person with her LLC thingy...?

  19. Anonymous1:34 PM

    NO, I don't see the problem, Gryph!

    Why, with the Palinaska show you get ALL THOSE SHOWS rolled into one!

    BadGirlHoarderWhatNotToWearDogWhispererCathouseWipeoutIceRoadTruckerInterventionBiggestLoserHumanWreckingBallRealHousewivesofAlaskaMakingTheBandSarah&ToddPlus8Who'sYourDaddyDateMyMomMythbustersWhoWantsToDivorceAMultiMillionaire?. . .She could be in any and all of them.

    I don't see Dog the Bounty Hunter sharing any territory with her, tho. But it sure would be keen to have him show up as a guest, and take her into custody!


  20. shadowfever1:39 PM

    Speculation on MSNBC this morning that the story is a plant and some things aren't adding up, like a 1 million per episode. It's too much for their budgets is the speculation, therefore, it seems more like an interest generating story line.
    It will be interesting to see what happens with this. Typically this format has not been a winning one for cable tv. There is a reason that shows like the "Deadliest Catch" and "Bounty Dog Hunter" do better. Drama! Nothing dramatic about walking around saying this is what I like in Alaska. They will have to spiff it up a Lot to get viewers.

  21. Anonymous1:40 PM

    All those cable channels and nothing to watch. I can't imagine ever being completely bored enough to watch The Amazing Alaskan Experience with Sarah. Also, too on the reruns.

  22. AKaurora1:48 PM

    Does anyone have a link to contact the networks with our comments? I want to scream at them for even considering giving her a venue to spread her distorted views of the world.

    She quit the governor's job to cash in for personal gain. She has no right to represent Alaska.

  23. WalterNeff1:59 PM

    I hate her, too. However, it's a good idea. I'd bid on it.

  24. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Why doesn't A&E do a Palin version of 'What Not to Wear', called 'What The Hell Is She Wearing?'.
    Then, they could tie it into Dog the Bounty Hunter, by having him serve her a subpoena each week, for various ethics and dress code violations.

  25. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Sarah needs to appear on some of the other reality shows in order to make a case for her own million dollar show.

    So, the Deadliest Catch people could see some splashing in the water, and pull Sarah aboard in a net. There are a dozen cooking shows where she can cook up her famous moose stew. Then, Sarah can go to LA Ink and get a tattoo (suggestions welcome). She can have one of her houses made over, she can opt for some of the other make overs, and stop by to see her old friends, the Motorcycle guys. For real fun, let Dog the Bounty Hunter bring her in for all of those ethics violations.

    The fact that Sarah sees her life as a reality show is a laugh. She is a work of fiction, a fake politician, a fake author, and to speak frankly, she's not even a good parent.

  26. Hey a reality show with a batshit crazy star! Maybe they are hoping it will be "Crocodile Hunter" meets Ana Nichol-Smith. Sarah can be the crazy train wreck deteriorating right before our eyes. That sure sounds presidential to me. Rolling my eyes here.....

  27. the comments at Gawker are hilarious!!

  28. Could this show possible be even worse than the new E! show "Pretty Wild!"?

    actually, a lot of similarities in the two mothers. They are both definitely psychopaths who use "spirituality" as a blunt instrument to control everyone around them

  29. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I think we should all be contacting them and saying we do not want her representing Alaska. She quit as governor, has been proven time and time again to be a liar and certainly is not the brighest! She has absolutely no right to be our spokesman! I can't help but wonder to what extent Parnell is involved in this?

  30. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Oh goody... A&E showing The Real Lies of Wasilla.

  31. Common folks, think about the possibilities, here.

    Sarah sets up a video camera on her front porch and aims it toward Russia.

    Every few hours she steps out onto her porch and says, "Well, all you real Amerikans, I don't see any signs of Putin raisin' his head.

    Whew, it looks like I've kept you safe for a few more hours, at least. Be sure to tune in in the morning for my latest update--you betcha."

  32. How about "The Real Housewives of Wasilla"? Bravo is where Sarah needs to shop her reality show.

  33. Anonymous3:09 PM

    A&E? Assholes and egotists??

  34. Anonymous3:22 PM

    So if I understand it correctly, the "Quitter half-term gov'ner" will be showing off our State. Does this nut case think that the people of Alaska like her. The reality of it is: the people outside of Wasilla do not like Palin, and rumblings coming out of Wasilla is that they're getting pretty sick of her, too - Her Wasilla handle is: "New Money Queen," with a "ha-ha-ha-ha-ha" after the comments. The film crews just might get up to Alaska, go to the towns and villages, only to find a lot of signs and bumper stickers saying "Quitter!" "Palin is a liar." "Palin is a tax cheat!" "Palin - Get out of our state!" "Palin's Reality to Nowhere!"

    Now, that would be worth paying a million bucks to see! Please make her go away - and take that horrible screechy voice with her.

  35. They should call it "the biggest grifter", but you know how she operates, she will not sign a contract unless she has full control of everything that goes into the show and she will get people to put on false fronts and act when the film crews show up. The sad thing is if this happens it will make the people of Alaska look bad because of the kind of people and situations she would pick for the show. It will all be contrived fakeness and will be very obvious. Like when she did the interview wearing fisherman coveralls as if she actually was a fisherwoman and it was clear she was just putting on a show for the camera.

  36. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Do they know that Palin can't stick to a script and that her ad libs tend to be factually challenged?

    I read that it would be $1M per episode, if she can't stay on script or read her teleprompters or cue cards and the first filmigs go over budget, they will probably tank the rest of the series.

    Much less she thinks she is God's gift and deserves the best of everything regardless of cost, as long as it's somebody else's cost.

  37. Anonymous4:13 PM

    You all have seen how poorly produced Sarah's home Fox studio news 'contributions' have gone the last several rounds - long and awkward sound delays and echoing. I'm not even touching the quality of her analysis.

    I'd trump Alaskan based production too anyday, but the reality of realtime and production cost challenges would far exceed any network fiscal hawk's free market commonsensedness - especially given how many dollars that lazy, quitting, high maintenance, greedy bubble head would want per episode.

    LOL, could you imagine Sarah unclenching long enough to produce her own show?

  38. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Remember the show "The Riches"
    It could be "The Riches II" they were a family of grifter's....
    she can go around and show how Alaska's Death Panel's for wolves work? She can take us up in a airplane to spot some wolves and shoot them dead...gassin' pups in their den's you betcha...Coke wallace pissin' on Denali park waitin' for a wolf to put one paw outside the edge of the park boundry to kill, or Cory Rossi the "gopher choker"
    Al Barrette the "Taxidermist" or Franci "I love cows" from Dairygate. She can even do a show on the Mysterious plane crashes in the know like Curt Menard? Yeah she's has lots of stuff to show us, RIGHT SARAH???
    And just think how fun it would be to FACT CHECK every episode huh SARAH?????
    Just like you FACT CHECK our PRESIDENT? Huh SARAH???
    Oh yea, with that freaky face of yours we could have alot of fun with a show like that...Heck a show like that could even get people askin' questions, mysterious fires and plane crashes in the Valley...Huh Sarah?
    Oh maybe not so much, you betch...
    Good job a troll right out the gate, LMAO!

  39. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Palin Reality TV show turned down by major networks; Stuck on Cable

    Hagiographer, Fox News “commentator”, and palm reader Sarah Palin has been desperately pitching her reality TV series to the major networks, but it seems the Big Boys have better things to do with their primetime air then follow a half-term former quitter around Alaska as she pretends to be folksy and outdoorsy.

  40. Anonymous4:47 PM

    My two cents: If Joy Behar can get a show (and a Glaad award), there is hope for all on earth. There's not a dumber tv personality, or bigger koolaid drinker than Ms Behar. Well, maybe some people who read these blogs and believe them. I read them for laughter, the same laughter you all achieve reading C4P

  41. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Oh perfect, more money for the Palins to really squash Levi and his family like bugs.

    Hope all you guys out there who say you know things about her, keeping your traps, shut feel good about waiting it out while she digs the knife deeper and deeper into that poor family.

  42. For what it's worth I e-mailed A&E and noted I would no longer watch A&E and would boycott sponsors if Palin does a reality show with them or another cable channel.The Dishonesty and ruthlessness of a person like her will never have my backing !Her sponsor's "Never Will"Get the ball rolling contact A&E,Say NO to Palin.

  43. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Dog the Bounty Hunter is actually my guilty pleasure. I like Beth.

  44. The only encounter between SP and reality I would care to watch would be her cross-examination under oath by a good lawyer.

  45. Anonymous5:43 PM

    No thanks-National Geographic, for me.

  46. 'Bombshell'6:00 PM

    "Yes, the gluttonous, exploitative, ruthless cable channels still mourning the shared loss of Jon & Kate Plus 8, which originally aired on Discovery Health, but then aired on TLC for Seasons 3-5. Those were the good times." Palin Desperately Pitching Reality TV Show But Turned down by Major Networks Must read!

    On cable Sarah Palin will be with the right crowd... Discovery Channel's reality star betray's sweetheart for 'Bombshell' McGee. The 'Bombshell' in Sarah Palin's life will make a fortune.

  47. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Anon @ 4:47

    Actually, what you have left to learn is that your "two cents" isn't worth a plug nickel. For that amount, SP wouldn't give you so much as the time of day.

    But that's okay, just keep your eyes covered and your fingers in your ears...oh, speaking of ears...

  48. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Well, if Murdock and his Fox Network isn't interested in picking up her "reality show" and forking out a few more million to her--it may just be that--no, wait, she still has her little storehouse of bots to milk--a cash cow is a cash cow, I guess.

    ...An interesting thing about cows: as they leave and return to their owner's barn every day, they always mindlessly follow the same path and step in their own cow pods along the way. That pretty well sums it up.

  49. They could just do a reality show called "Quitter"....basically, the cameras would follow Palin around as she quit paying any attention to her teenagers, quit reading all those things she never read in the first place, quit donating to charity, and quit pretending to be anything but the delusional twit she is.

    Possible advertisers: Hooked on Phonics; any condom brand; Bumpit; Sharpie; Taco Bell.

  50. Reality tv? If this doesn't prove to the Palinbots that she has no intentions of running for the office of POTUS, then they really are dumber than I suspected.
    Kind of funny knowing that they spent their hard earned money on a woman who wants to be part of that Hollywood elite that she dissed. She isn't one of us. She's a whore who would sell herself and family for money.

    Look $arah! There's a dollar on the ground!

  51. Can a person have a contract as a news analyst/contributor and have a reality show on another network?

  52. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Palin's reality show?
    Will it show us how to get out of paying property tax in Alaska and let the small people pay for local utilities. Or how to keep your kids out of school and then scramble at the last minute and pull some strings so that they can graduate? Will it show how to screw a town as mayor and then build a house with materials from the hockey rink?
    Stinkin' Trailer Trash, the whole family!

  53. Anonymous4:41 AM

    I do not think that it is a reality show. It is more like a documentary of things Alaskan. There is a difference. I know you want it to be a reality show, but it might help if you do not comment on it being a reality show until if and when it airs.

  54. There are advantages of such a show. Palin can promote the myth she does it all trapping, shooting and catching her family's food, how she could be Gov. in Juno living half time in wasilla, Todd work on the North Slope and as a fisherman while dedicted to his sport also having an office with the gov. this is to promote them as the ideal all American family. Heck, there are no school requirements or truancy laws in AK, so wtf..the family that plays together, rugged advenurous outdoor family without any help or nannies while the mother guts and cooks things up using AK beautiful wilderness is a concept profitable for the entire family.

    This will be worth so much more then a lear jet, faux shrink wrapped bus and a retarded baby for photo ops to promote the best hockey mom in the world. All done without a hair stylist, makeup person and clothes from consignment shops. Another hour of mostly Bs.

  55. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Sarah Palin apparently feels as though she's already spending enough time on television.

    In an interview set to air tomorrow, Wednesday and Friday on ABC, Palin told Barbara Walters that she doesn't believe hosting a talk show would be in the "best interests" of her family.

    "I would not ever want to put my kids through such a thing," she told Walters. "Our life has become kind of a reality show."

    Sarah lies again...

  56. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Anon @ 4:41

    " might help if you do not comment..."

    You know, I think maybe you have a point..sorry, I think we all just got carried away using Sarah as our role model, here--

    I do find it interesting, though... you know, that she can say whatever she wants, whenever she wants whether it is true/factual or logical/rational, or not, and her mindless little bots stand around oblivious...that reminds "Pinky and the Brain" still on the air? Oh well, where was I?

    Oh, yeah...yet, a few folks just hanging out having some fun speculating about the possibility of a woman who is devoid of reality actually landing a "reality show" and you go all adult on us--in a Barnie Fife sort of way...

    Anon @ 4:41...for someboty to use the name, Sarah Palin, and the word "documentary" in the same paragraph is just about the funniest thing that I have ever heard in my entire must have a natural bent for writing comedy...


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