Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fox News decides to double down on the crazy and gives Sarah Palin her own show. Network straps on skis as search for shark begins. Update!

This from TVNewser:

The first installment of Fox News Channel's "Real American Stories" hosted by Sarah Palin airs this Thursday night at 10pmET, preempting "On the Record with Greta Van Susteren."

The debut episode will include guests ranging from country singer Toby Keith, to rapper and actor LL Cool J, to former GE Chairman and CEO Jack Welch. The first show will also feature a Marine Medal of Honor recipient who gave his live to save his comrades and a profile of a wealthy stock broker who donated much of his fortune to underprivileged students so they can attend college.

The program will re-air Sunday at 9pmET.

Sarah Palin is now hosting TWO shows? Un-fucking-believable.

It has been a while since I read my bible but how could that NOT be a sign of the Apocalypse? 

Why doesn't Fox News simply hire a tightrope walker, a couple of clowns, and a lion tamer and just come out of the closet about their true identity?  Ricky Martin finally did.

And this news comes out as wildlife groups are still reeling at the notion of Sarah Palin hosting a program about Alaska: “Having Palin host a nature program is like having Michael Vick host the 'Dog Whisperer,'” said Brian Vincent, Communications Director with Big Wildlife. “She and the state’s Board of Game served as Alaska’s death panel for countless wild animals. Discovery should pull the plug on Sarah.”

Update:  Oh this is too good!  LL Cool J says he is NOT going to be on Palin's show! And yes this is the REAL LL Cool J.


  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Since all those people in Wasilla want to keep their mouths shut about Sarah, I sure hope their going to love living under her regime. The more power and money she gets, she WILL end up being Queen of Wasilla and will expect all her servants to jump when she say jump. It will get worse, you already see it with the Willow deal.

  2. Anonymous5:27 PM

    As an Alaskan Democrat I love to have Palin out there representing the Republican party. Obama is a sure 2 term president as long as she stays in the news. Go Sarah!!!

  3. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Note whose shop Palin is bumping aside, her old friend and admirer, Greta Van Susteren. Move over and make room under the bus for Greta.

  4. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Three words: Anna Nicole Smith.

    It's all about sensationalist media.They can't wait for her to go on and on and create a show that is a comedy.

    I have my Jiffy-pop.

  5. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Fox lied!! Read LL Cool J's tweet about Fox lifting an old interview---

  6. Anonymous6:17 PM

    So it's to be - all Sarah all the time
    in all the time zones, east, west, north & south, world wide on every continent? Did Nostradamus predict
    this plague? The Mayans? Is the CDC
    working on a vaccine?

    If Greta thinks Sarah is a friend,
    she may be in for a suprise.

    Sharon TN

  7. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Her time will come, folks, her time will come. Get your bowl of popcorn and be patient. She is becoming increasingly bold with her illegal activities.

  8. emrysa6:23 PM

    small world...

    nice to see a quote from an old colleague of mine calling out palin on your blog. no one could have said it better.

    palin is an international joke, and giving her a tv platform to embarrass america is a crime. the perps should be jailed.

  9. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Wow!! Evidently down-home all-Americana real mom Sarah is going to spend even less time with her kids than ever before (if such a thing were possible). How long before cute little hair-puller Viper follows in Willow's and Bristol's footsteps? National Enquirer reporters, keep an eye on Wasilla!

    BTW, who is taking care of poor little Trigger these days? Did he outgrow his usefulness to "mama"?

  10. Anonymous6:30 PM

    I can't wait! The more rope they give her, the tighter the noose she builds for herself! She's playing the choking game and is going to lose. And I don't care how much moolah they pay her...she'll burn through it so fast that it'll leave a hole in her pocket...just like good old white trash...and the best trainwreck since OJ. LOL

  11. igettit26:33 PM

    Great's got to be so happy for her old friend and protege.


  12. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Glad LL cleared that up. What on earth would she have to say to him, besides 'Is LL your first name?'

  13. Anonymous6:45 PM

    "Sarah Palin is expected to raise nearly $200,000 for an appearance on a California State University campus in June."

    "profile of a wealthy stock broker who donated much of his fortune to underprivileged students so they can attend college."

    Sarah Palin
    $200,000 can go a long way in helping out CSU students with higher fees.
    If you really care to help.
    Unless you just going to help your self.

    That right put it in the Sarah funds.

  14. Gasman6:49 PM

    If you hadn’t heard, the Minutemen disbanded last week. Excerpts from:


    “On March 16, Mercer sent out an e-mail urging members to come to the border "locked, loaded and ready" and urged people to bring "long arms." She proposed changing the group's rules to allow members to track illegal immigrants and drug smugglers instead of just reporting the activity to the Border Patrol.”

    Lo and behold, the leaders of the Minutemen seemed genuinely surprised when hordes of well armed morons descended upon Arizona:

    “The group's president, Carmen Mercer, of Tombstone, said she and the board's two other directors voted to end the group's five-year run because they were worried her recent "call to action" would attract the wrong people to the border.”

    Honestly, what kind of people did she imagine would respond to a call to “come to the border ‘locked, loaded and ready’ and urged people to bring ‘long arms’”? Did she expect busloads of Jehovah Witness youth groups? OF COURSE THE MORONS WOULD BRING THEIR GUNS! YOU ASKED THEM TO! The well armed cousin lovers, eagerly anticipating the chance to shoot brown folks descended on Arizona like flies attracted to shit. And Mercer seemed genuinely shocked.

    My take on this is that Mercer and the board did not suddenly develop a conscience, they simply were scared to death of being held liable for what they realized was a very real possibility of acts of violence from among the horde of well armed morons that she herself mobilized with her call to arms. They realized that if someone from their shithead posse went rogue, they could be facing civil liability into the tens of millions of dollars.

    I think that Discovery and FauxNews especially need to be VERY concerned with this same reality. If one of the idiot sheeple commits some act of violence and then says that they did it because they were heeding Palin’s call to arms, Discovery and FauxNews could be looking at a world of hurt. FauxNews especially has VERY deep pockets and will make an irresistible target if something does happen. They won’t be able to claim that the possibility of such potential for violence was unforeseeable.

    The Southern Poverty Law Center was able to effectively destroy the Klan by going after their assets in civil court. Murdoch is a fool if he thinks he is immune to the same kind of treatment.

  15. imnofred6:54 PM

    I won't be watching but I'm sure a full hour of Sarah's inability to use the English language will be as lot for even the Fox News junkies to handle.

    I'm sure she will find a way to inject her political views and to spew lies and venom towards the Obama administration.

  16. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Fox Lied!!

    LL Cool J responds to FOX promo

    "Fox lifted an old interview I gave in 2008 to someone else & are misrepresenting to the public in order to promote Sarah Palins"


  17. Gryph! Thank you for the LL Cool J link. When I first read he was a guest (or whatever the format is) I was like, wha?

    Faux strikes again.

  18. Anonymous7:16 PM

    I was just watching Cnn about bullying in schools. I had an ah ha moment when I realized that that is what Sarah is....A BULLY. No wonder we have so many kids that bully each other, they see the adults do it. She leads her followers to bully anyone who dares to have an idea that is different than her's. BULLY, Bully bully, she who incites hate and violence.

  19. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Fox lifted an old interview I gave in 2008 to someone else & are misrepresenting to the public in order to promote Sarah Palins Show. WOW 4 minutes ago..and what T.S. Elliot once described as going out with a whimper, you missed it by a hair. And if you went with children whose existence they've tried to cover up for, LL has yet to yield any, so, no. The answer?
    twitter llcoolj

  20. After almost an hour of his lies I leapt up with a set of handcuffs and my full page arrest complaint followed immediately by the event security.
    Why I Tried to Put the Cuffs on Karl Rove

  21. Anonymous8:00 PM

    We need a massive exorcism to rid ourselves of this no talent shill. Her voice alone can signal cats.

  22. Anonymous8:56 PM

    God I'm so sick of her. Our culture in this country is really really going down hill. Here a proven liar, small minded opportunist gets TV shows, etc and all this money. And she has the nerve to cut down Hollywood or President Obama? The woman is a whore in so many ways. She is an unethical fraud.
    She is the ultimate example of what is really wrong with our culture. When other cultures or even a group like Al Quaida talk about our immoral cultural, they are talking about people like Sarah. She has no integrity or soul. She is a sell out and the most ignorant lowest element ofbour society follow her.
    BARF! BARF!! And BARF!!!!!!!!!

    Gryphen, we better hope babygate or something else brings this psycho down. She has an extremely negative influence on the politics of our country. She's disgusting .

    And where is Trig?? She doesn't need him anymore after the book tour??????

  23. A lot of people in this country/world are going absolutely crazy.

  24. She looks like a man with a win on in that picture! Ha!

  25. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Oh gag! I'm mystified as to why this woman continues to get coverage and receive accolades. Good on LL Cool for his comment.

    I'm hoping the "lamestream media" will finally turn on her. This is becoming ridiculous. Fox News is the new loonie bin and with all her craziness and the tea bagger crap and the militia uprise...something has to give. Are there any voices of reason out there to put the nix on all of this craziness?

  26. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Don't get too excited guys. I'm guessing that "hosting" in this case involves her taping some wrap-arounds for pre-produced packages. In other words, shel'll just be reading some canned intros and outros and winking a lot. Can't blame Fox for trying to milk it for all it's worth as long as they can.

  27. Has anyone heard, or happen to know, if Scarah's FauxSnooze show on Thursday, will be taped? Or are they trusting her to go on 'live' and unscripted for an entire hour (without LL Cool J - ha ha)?

    Either way will be unwatchable! I can not imagine her 'going it alone on 'live-TV'. i would guess taping or pre-recorded would be safer for them - to be able to cut out and/or chop up any rogue, undesirable, unscripted, stuff that may go on. LOL

    JUst wonderin'? ? ?

  28. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Okay, now that I read LL Cool J's twitter, I'm positive that's the kind of show this is going to be. It will be like Dateline, where the host sets up the story, then they roll tape and play something that's been packaged. Afterward the host comes back and says "Isn't that special? Blah, blah, blah." Unfortunately this is the type of thing that even a monkey could do. So, if you're looking for her come off as lame, she actually won't in this kind of format. The only way she could f*ck up is if she went off script. But even so, this will be taped. So the producer will make her re-do her intro until it's right.

  29. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Is Sarah Palin the best that the Republican Party/Tea Baggers can do? One minute Sarah is promoting some nut case tea bagger, then she is promoting John McCain who is running against a tea bagger. One minute she tells the tea baggers to join the GOP, and then she screams that they are all tea baggers. Is this all that the GOP has? Bricks through windows, bumping into cars with Obama stickers, and screeching nonesense. That's a plaform to win elections.

  30. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Thank god for your update because I was going to lose all respect for LL Cool J if he was going to be on her show. Good god. I'm so sick of this shit.

  31. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Agreed @8:56! She can't stand the Hollywood elite, but isn't she fast becoming one of "them"? Hypocrite. This has been the longest effing 15 minutes of my life.

  32. Ratfish10:44 PM

    I wonder what Cindy McCain thought about the leather. Maybe Sarah had been to Voyeur with the RNC.

  33. sunnyjane10:55 PM

    To whom are these "Real American Stories" supposed to be directed?

    Here on the East Coast, 10:00 PM is way past school children's bed time. Well, I guess her followers will watch it.

    I doubt she'll be doing much interviewing. My sense is that she'll just be "introducing" each segment.

  34. Anonymous10:59 PM


    Gryphen, you've probably seen this already, but this time she's gone too far. "Stop drivers with Obama stickers"? She WANTS someone killed over her lies? Maybe there's a better vid source, but this just cries out for some extra blogttention....

    PS, Ive removed all the Discovery Network channels from the cable selector and informed same network that I'll return them when her show's canceled or she quits in the middle, whichever comes first...

  35. BigSlick11:58 PM

    Sarah has climbed right up and over Greta into that time slot.

    I wonder if Greta will ever turn and spill what she knows about Sarah?

  36. This is one reason I rarely watch TV any more. There are a few good shows, but most of it is directed at morons. The corporate media uses a lot of these shows for their value as propaganda. It is used for the purpose of manipulation. They are trying to build the base of the Tea Party types. It is clear that Fox news has been doing this for a long time. They will have writers for her who direct what she says so she does not appear as ignorant and shallow as she really is. Just like when I was a kid lots of people believed without a doubt that professional wrestling was real rather than staged and there was no way you could convince them otherwise. Mindless people will believe what she says on the show comes from her.

  37. Anonymous1:08 AM

    WTF her show is old taped interviews of celebrities she never met? But she will actually interview an ordinary person? This will not go over outside of her alternative universe. Roger won't allow dissent against Beck, it will be that way with quittypants.

  38. ManxMamma2:47 AM

    I think that Fox realizes she brings nothing to the table politically. Thus a talk show without any real guests - perfect for her. I for one will not be watching, I can no longer stand even a few seconds of hearing her screetch.

  39. Hey been a while since I checked in, man, the madness does not stop. I appreciate your sentiment of how Fox is more of a dog and pony show than any kind of actual news. (PT Barnum would be proud) However, among circus folk---there are two main rules when you are among them, 1. No divas allowed (everyone works together from setting up the bleachers to sharing the spotlight) 2. you'd better be yourself---they can smell a fake from a mile away. Sarah wouldn't stand a chance.

  40. Anonymous3:30 AM

    I wonder if LL Cool J's statement means that FOX just dusted off a bunch of previously taped material that they have broadcasting rights to, then slapped 5 minutes of Sarah into onto it.

    Talk about recycling garbage.

  41. Anonymous3:40 AM

    What's this? Her show will pre-empt "On the Record with Greta Van Susteren"? One time or forever? Oh well, Greta, you must have heard this one before: "With friends like the Palins, who needs enemies?"

  42. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Check out Sarah's hands in the picture. A variant of the classic "fig leaf" pose. This is a standard media "no no" unless you are trying to attract attention to your crotch.

  43. Let's see ... Sarah standing in front of a fancy graphic studio set piece reading stuff off a teleprompter she did not write, interspersed with video clips of interviews she did not do, plan, write, or produce, and sprinkled with, if you're lucky, one of two real live guests that SP will actually ... talk to ... (interview is too specific a word) about prearranged subjects that she probably did not decide upon.

    Sounds like a real snoozefest. And I don't think she's going to be a particularly engaging host (but then, I think most of the 'hosts' of these kind of programs are real non-entities anyway).

    I feel sorry for anyone who has had to work on this joke of a program. And if they're cobbling old material together (LLCool J interview) and trying to pass it off as new, what else are they falsifying?

    It sounds like they are trying to put as little work into it as possible because they know it's a dumb idea, but had to find something that SP could do. She can't write, research, or interview, she can't talk to people with who she has any difference of opinion, what does that leave? Teleprompter!

  44. FJDANDY5:11 AM

    I guess quittypants will be using her 'poor man's teleprompter', but this time she'll have to use both hands, legs, arms, etc.
    If she uses the 'rich man's teleprompter', well then, I guess she'd be a HYPOCRITE! (Imagine that!)

  45. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Anonymous 5:12 p.m.
    Scarah will never have servants - why do you think she fired the cook in Juneau - she doesn't want anyone to know how dysfunctional her family is.

    And, yes, she is getting a lot of power and money - however, she will fall as fast as she rose, maybe faster. Now that she's getting the money, it's like she's possessed with greed and power - she's got to get more, and more money - she's like a mad woman piling up everything she can get. She is getting used to the elite life. Look how many people she has around her after her money - consultants, attorneys, handlers, private jets -- they don't come cheap -- I'm sure API has a room with her name on it - or, maybe they will have a wing reserved for the whole family.

    My only question is: Who in the Hell is taking care of those kids - especially the baby.

  46. Anonymous5:53 AM

    I was about to lose all respect for LL. Thank goodness he's not contributing to this crazy beatch's show.

    Her only TV show should be a firsthand look at life in a federal prison.

  47. I'm choosing not to watch or listen this woman.

  48. Anonymous7:00 AM

    She can't just talk to people like a normal host. She doesn't listen and her insanity will be on display if they try to let her talk to people like a Larry King.

  49. Anonymous7:05 AM

    She is a hate crime waiting to happen.

  50. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Are you surprised. Have you ever heard her ask anybody else a question? All she does is talk, she does not interview anybody. Have you seen her actually interview anybody. I will be surprised if she does on the show.

  51. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Does Sarah use the same sales technique she used to work her way through 5 colleges, one professor, now executive, at a time?

  52. Anonymous8:08 AM

    What, Faux news decided Palin was always about being nothing but white bread and wanted to mix it up with a person of color... Someone was watching the final four and saw JJ and had a cool idea to have miss white bread interview him?

    Even though it is a fake interview?

    Yuppers, that is Scarah Palin = a total fake.
    Now her inspirational stuff is proven a fake.
    I hope JJ wastes her fake crap out of the univerise with a statement to the media.

  53. Kasha Knish9:28 AM

    So, it now appears that at least some (if not all)of the interviews were not done by Palin, yet seem to have been edited to disguise this fact until L.L. Cool J complained.

    Here are 2 thoughts that popped into my head...

    1. "Fox News said the show would profile people who have “given back, given all and never given up.” "

    Really? So, why is the host a person who has "given up"?

    2. It Airs on April Fool's Day

    Sometimes, you just can't make this stuff up when it comes to $P.

  54. Anonymous10:39 AM

    check this out

  55. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I like the way Fox is Making out that LL Cool J is unamerican by not wanting to be included in her fake interview show. A$$holes.

  56. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Did Sarah throw Greta under the bus or is this just filler while Greta is on vacation or some such?

  57. LL Cool J is OUT. He refuses to be a party to a fraud.


  58. Toby Keith is an old archived tape too.


  59. Well, I'm sure Jack Welch will appear. GE needs all the positive publicity it can get.

    And in reading the blurb it appears the Marine medal of honor winner is dead, so he can't object.

    Who will they get to fill in the rest of the time slot?

    Who is real American enough?

    Current Governor of Alaska?

    Current Mayor of Anchorage?

    Former Iron Dog champion?

    Unwed Teen Mother who has turned her life around and become the spokesperson of abstinence?

  60. can't stop laughing1:53 PM

    This is beyond weird and fraud. Are you saying they were going to make it look like a recent "interview" but splice in with old tape? Roger Ailes thought no one would notice? He is just another senile dumb old fart. HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!

  61. Anonymous4:14 PM

    LL Cool J has balls with integrity. He refuses to be a party to a fraud.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.