Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Heavy reading Tuesday. Time to learn the truth about the Teabagger movement.

First let's look into the money behind the "grass roots" Teabagger organization.

Meet the Koch brothers, from Wichita, Kansas.

The focus of most political groups is to influence candidates, lawmakers, agency heads, and reporters at the top of the system. But these two brothers have been executing a concerted plan for more than 30 years not only to influence those at the top, but also to go much deeper. They spend freely on dozens of ideologically grounded, right-wing groups to influence schoolteachers and high-school curricula, state and federal judges, lawyers and legal scholars, conservative policy thinkers and media producers, city-council candidates and local party activists--and their aim is to shove the country's national debate to the hard right, discombobulate the public's progressive wishes, and alter government policies to advance corporate interests generally and the Kochs' own interests specifically.

Here is a profile of just one of the Koch tentacles: Americans For Prosperity. AFP, the third-largest recipient of Koch foundation largesse, is the brothers' overtly political unit. Essentially, it is a front group for mass-producing front groups. Much like McDonald's churns out Big Mac franchises, AFP can pop out a grassrootsy-looking, cookie-cutter political operation on demand.

That was the money, now meet the muscle.

I present to you the powder keg known as the Oath Keepers.

There are scores of patriot groups, but what makes Oath Keepers unique is that its core membership consists of men and women in uniform, including soldiers, police, and veterans. At regular ceremonies in every state, members reaffirm their official oaths of service, pledging to protect the Constitution—but then they go a step further, vowing to disobey "unconstitutional" orders from what they view as an increasingly tyrannical government.

Pray (who asked me to use his middle name rather than his first) and five fellow soldiers based at Fort Drum take this directive very seriously. In the belief that the government is already turning on its citizens, they are recruiting military buddies, stashing weapons, running drills, and outlining a plan of action. For years, they say, police and military have trained side by side in local anti-terrorism exercises around the nation.

Both of these articles are fairly expansive, but if you take the time to read them you will have a much better understanding of the the Teabagger protesters, the shadow organizations that fund them, and the end game they may be considering.

Sarah Palin was never the dangerous one, but some of the people who are inspired by her rhetoric, are very dangerous indeed.


  1. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Americans for Prosperity-Michigan says Palin will give the keynote address at event scheduled on May 1 at Mount Zion Church in Clarkston.

  2. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Gryphen, great post.

    Please note: Wichita is the correct spelling. I know because I was raised there (unfortunately).

  3. Anonymous7:47 AM

    This is truly unnerving. This is traitorous activity if geared towards the usurping of our government. Very sinister.

    Sadder still, the conservative Justices on the Supreme Court have enabled Koch Industries and its affiliated groups to pour tons of money into our political process. So they must be feeling pretty confident of achieving their goals, one way or another.

    I fear it will come down to a face-to-face confrontation, people having to take sides if these nuts continue to foment revolution.

  4. Anonymous10:15 AM

    What an amazing post! This is exactly what Leah Burton, Rachel Maddow, and others have been waving red flags about and you have done a wonderful job with this story. Keep up the great work!

    The article behind the "Koch Brothers" link is four pages long, but it is a fast and easy read. I encourage all of you to read the whole thing. Then combine this info with what we have learned about the New Apostolic Reformation, and you will see why we have to get involved and raise some hell of our own.

    Sit back and do nothing and fascism is right around the corner.

  5. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I'm 73 a former Marine and you can count on me if these traitors keep it up I'll bear arms again! This is The USA No room for those who want to spit on the Constitution under the disguise of patriotism.When they joined the Military they took an oath and they better damm well keep it.

  6. These brothers like you say have been doing the dirty work for over 30 years. They appear to be unstoppable because I fear when they peter out, someone else will take their place. Please keep on exposing them and their ties. One of these days the MSM might pick up a story or two!

  7. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Palin's got a Big Teabagger in her pocket:

    Richard Willich who donated $5000 to SarahPAC organized a "Leaded Tea Party" billed as 'in conjunction with Americans for Prosperty' which included a firing range. It was squelched by the local constabulary after citizen complaint.

    Willich is also famous for lying about being a POW.


  8. sunnyjane10:01 PM

    They're terrorists, they're here, and they're dangerous to the freedom of the United States.

    I hope the Feds are watching them VERY closely.


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