Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rep. Alan Grayson eviscerates Sarah Palin.

At first I was a little upset that Grayson was playing in my pond, after all smacking Palin down for the stupid things she says is MY job, but the guy does such a good job that I think I will give him a pass.

Welcome to my world Rep. Grayson.


  1. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Alan Grayson was terrific! He was very clear about Palin -- she's all about the money. It's nice to see someone give specific answers to her comments; i.e. 'can say because of children in the room'; his response was perfect -- why was her child in the room, his were in school. Go Alan Grayson. Palin is the new Jon & Kate.

  2. Anonymous5:21 AM

    He is good, isn't he? Almost as good as you (hehe).

    BTW, how do you feel about the 26 states threatening to pull out of the health care reform act and the 10 states whose attorney generals are planning to sue because of the purchase mandate?

    Because I live in one of the 26 states, I am very, very upset to think that my Republican-controlled legislature could undo such a historic reform!

    Is Alaska one of the 26 or 10?

  3. Laura5:38 AM

    Alan Grayson is awesome. Thanks for posting this Gryphen.

  4. sunnyjane5:49 AM

    I love him. In a way he reminds me of President Obama -- NO DRAMA. He just states his case in a few simple words. Nice to see another politician who can make a statement without a lot of blathering.

  5. Anonymous5:50 AM

    I love Alan Grason! He's smart and not afraid of the big bad wolf Sarah.

  6. bavarian outback5:55 AM

    Forget Ferris Bueller... Allan Grayson you're my HERO...

  7. What a talented, likeable man, and with an incisive sense of humour to boot! I heart Alan Grayson...

  8. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Grayson is always very straight forward and speaks what's on his mind. He did exactly that when talking about Palin. He basically said she is a has-been know-nothing who is only out to make money. Perfect!

    Now if someone was brave enough to start speaking up about Palin's fake pregnancy...

  9. The GOP has suffered a setback like no other in history!The posturing and hollow boasting about what 's going to be done to counteract the Health Care Bill will in the long term dump many of these blowhards from office.As the bill begins to show results(And it will even tho weaker then it should have been)Blinded by lie after lie,seniors will see the truth and rally,those who will live longer because they can no longer lose healthcare because of preexisting conditions ,lives that are prolonged thru Health Care that was not available in the past.A host of other benefits to come.And finally we will at some point see a public option!That's why they fought so hard against it they knew it was the right thing to do and that goes against the Repugnant grain.

  10. Anonymous6:48 AM

    I have waited for a politician to comment on the obvious about Palin instead of silence fearing they'll be labled sexist while Palin attacks people nonstop. Yeah for Grayson commenting his kids were in school! In Palin world it is upheld elementary school education is to be quit too and not necessary to be blown off for clothing, jets, photo ops and the spotlight....for special needs too it appears sadly.
    How profound Grayson state Palin is an inspiration for cheaters. I concur whole heartedly.

  11. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Gryphen - I love Grayson, but you didn't spell his name right. You got Grason is one place.

  12. Thanks Anonymous 6:51. I fixed it.

  13. That's the thing .. he just said what he did so matter-of-factly: no screeching, no word salad, no histrionics ... just simple truth, stated very well.

  14. My favorite part was when he said he would love to debate the issues with Palin once she learns something about them. OUCH, that must have stung! And yes, as a responsible parent his children are in school rather than being used as a prop to further their narcissistic parent's career. Sarah, you need to stick with the guys from Faux News, but I think even they are getting tired of trying to make you look even remotely capable of commenting on anything.

  15. Anonymous8:04 AM

    And he has 5 kids, one more than the quitter. Read 'em and weep Sarah. If you can't remember that, write it on your hand. Oh and one more thing, he doesn't feel the need to parade his kids in public. What a novel idea huh quitty pants??

  16. kids in school??? what a smackdown!!! epic!

  17. Anonymous8:38 AM

    You're both great!

  18. Grayson is refreshing. His "just the facts ma'am" delivery is priceless.

  19. He is adorable. Simply adorable. I think I may have a huge crush on him.

  20. I guess I'm a little confused. Perhaps we should be sorta glad that something got passed but will the Republicans really lose out in the long run? My understanding is that this bill models the disastrous and expensive coercive Massachusetts insurance plan, and while it is essentially a Republican type of plan, the dems will get blamed for it.

    I sure hope that 10 AGs DO sue over the purchase mandate. The govt has no right to guarantee the profits of any corporation by demanding that the public support it.


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