Sunday, March 07, 2010

It is time for Anchorage residents to stand up and demand that Mayor Dan Sullivan show us a contract or give us back our $193,000!

Would you buy a used car from this guy? Well believe it or not we are letting him run our city!

As many of you have no doubt heard, Prince Farquaad here recently took advantage of our overly passive Assembly and ran off with $193,000 of our city's money. I wrote about it last Thursday.

On Friday my friend Mel Green dug deeply into the layers of obfuscation to find that the argument given for allowing Dan to pick our city's pockets was a shaky house of cards.

In fact, according to Phil Munger, Anchorage Municipal attorney Dennis Wheeler may possibly have committed two Class B Felonies for his intentional misrepresentation of the true nature of the legality of the arrangement between the Sullivan Trust and the MOA.

Look I am just fucking sick and tired of these criminal assholes treating my state, and my city, like an ATM for their own personal cash withdrawals. It seems like it has been happening since the day right after we declared statehood.

Do you think Sarah Palin invented grifting in this state? Oh hell no! She was following a long and illustrious tradition of politicians taking advantage of their positions to pilfer from the state coffers. Right now Sullivan is only a mayor which means can only get his hands on the petty cash drawer. But trust me he has much loftier ambitions to get into Begich's Senate seat and finally get his hands on some serious money!

You see for politicians like Dan Sullivan, and Sarah Palin, it is not about what they can do for their city or state. Oh no. It is about what they can get for themselves while in office. We can call it "public service" if we want, but the only "public" being served is the politicians like Dan Sullivan, Sarah Palin, Don Young, Ben Stevens Tom Anderson, Vic Kohring, Pete Kott, John Cowdery, etc., etc., etc..

Sullivan believes he got away with this daring daylight robbery, but I think it is time to confront him and demand that he either show us a contract that proves the city was legally bound to make a payment to the family of George Sullivan upon his death or give us back the $193,000 so that we can pay for ambulances, keep firefighters on the job, and provide funds so that our libraries can stay open for our children. That seems fair doesn't it?

Come on Danny-boy, show us that contract!

Update: Mudflats has some new information. Things are starting to percolate!


  1. Speaking of Vic - I saw him yesterday in the Wasilla Fred Meyers. We talked for a while. He thinks what Dan did might be illegal. Meanwhile, Vic is continuing to handle his own case, fighting from going back to where Dan also belongs.

  2. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Dan was a pri@k in high school at West, so why would he be any different now? He's the same little rich a$$hole he was then. Some things never change. He certainly hasn't.

  3. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Dennis Wheeler was an Assistant Attorney General handling business at the Division of Agriculture. Lots of funny business happened under his watch out there. And it continues to this day. The Board of Ag headed by Kristan Cole just handed out ANOTHER $200,000 to the new Matanuska Creamery. That makes a total of $830,000 in state loans, plus all of the equipment they got that they stripped out of Mat Maid, and an additional $630,000 Federal grant. They got the money becuase they are behind in paying the farmers for their milk. They can't stand on their own so the State is subsidizing them.

    I would look hard at anything Wheeler is involved with in regards to Sullivan.

  4. Anonymous5:34 PM

    OK, we hear you Gry.
    WHAT CAN WE DO to help bring this about?????
    We're willing to help do whatever it takes for ALL ALASKANS!!!
    Show us THE WAY!

  5. Anonymous5:50 PM

    While he is being investigated, why not work on getting his $12K+ back to be the 'secondary' mayor while the job was fully staffed by the 'primary' mayor. This was outrageous!

    I guess until Alaskans (and others in other states) stand up to the politicians who take advantage of the system, the system will remain in place.

    I hope that he loses both the $198K and the $12K - and just gets back the moneys put into the "insurance" plan with interest and then that he is either voted out or thrown out. He is rather 'in your face' to fellow Alaskans. Good luck!

  6. What? Vic Kohring thinks what Sullivan did was illegal? Isn't that all we need for an indictment? I mean you have to admit he would be an expert.

    And Anonymous, you just stay tuned I am DEFINITELY going to show you the way!

  7. honestyinGov6:56 PM

    Gryphen... you did say ' stay tuned '..
    I posed this question to Shannyn ( in an email )when she was talking about THIS issue as well on her Show.
    Brad on the Brad Blog is someone who covers " legal " issues. Has he even been asked to contribute an ' opinion '..? He was on Shannyn's Show last week on another issue. Maybe he would post the story on his blog where OTHER Legal minds browse.... cross-posted per se. I'm sure he has contacts or resources that might be helpful in exposing The Sullied Mayor.

    Sullied will only encourage the other criminal peeps to think that they can grift off the people. Because after all.... he is doing it right in front of people in plain sight. I'm guessing someone or some Agency at the FEDERAL level may have to step in if you want anything done. ALL of them on the Assembly ( except ONE )never even realized the City's Wallet had been pick-pocketed.Or are they hoping for a share of the Loot OR some other favor down the road for ' looking the other way '...?

  8. Anonymous7:06 PM

    That Sully, what a guy. Theives money right from the tax payers who voted to put him in office. It's not a bribe or a payoff. It's just out right stealing from your friends and neighbors. Really LOW DOWN Sully boy.

  9. At first i thought him inept. Now i think him an out right thief. He has had the time to rectify the situation, nothing. The ADN has not done a thing they are just the worst. What a fucking scumbag. This guys political future NEEDS to stop here. I dont vote in Anch but i will help if i can.

  10. Option Three:

    He got smuggled over to Canada but it wasn't smart to tell the press.

    Funny how she downplayed his injuries in front of the Canadian audience.

    However it played out, it's interesting to realize that Sarah is willing to claim that the Heaths did what so many Tea Bagger minded people claim illegal "aliens" to in the USA: take advantage of social programs that they didn't pay into.

  11. Anonymous11:32 PM

    I sent a Letter to the Editor of the ADN regarding Palin representing the Iditarod and admonished the Chavez advertising on the snowmachine vs what her ad should have shown for our Great Race - a sled and dogs! There are many of us who feel the Iditarod Committee really goofed in selecting Palin. She is our quitter governor for crying out loud! Why would they reward her after all the trouble she has caused residents of this State?

    I also suggested that an investigation be started as to the funds Sullivan received from the M of A in the approx. amount of $193,000 due to the death of his father, George Sullivan. It has been proven already there was no life insurance policy in effect covering his father (AETNA)and we all know the M of A isn't licensed w/the State of Alaska to act as an insurance agent. Attorney Wheeler implied to the Assembly that there was a contractual obligation? Hummm - could that document please be made public? I think our Assembly really failed us on this one! Wasn't it interesting that Assembly member and attorney, John Coffee, did not object or point out legal problems (as he normally does) and suggest more information was needed prior to taking the vote on the matter? Trust me, had it been prior Mayor Mark Begich in the place of current Mayor Sullivan, Coffee would have been jumping up and down with reasons for not taking a vote. Thank you Harriet Drummond for being the lone 'no' vote due to smelling something very, very fishy!

    The ADN has not printed my letter as yet, but perhaps they will. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

  12. Anonymous1:07 PM

    We all know something is off with this payout. The premiums were never paid into ANY insurance company and that should have been a clue to everyone in finance way back when. They had to deposit tat money somewhere right?

    What I find the most odd is that Sullivan died last year and his son waits until he takes over as mayor to request the funds be paid. He KNEW Begich wouldn't have approved it so he just waited until he could push it through himself.

  13. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Isn't Sullivan making a big hoop di doo about auditing the city when Mark Begich was Mayor?
    Throwing a Red Herring out there? A la $arah/Grifer style!

  14. Anyone notice KTUU hasn't said a thing about sullivan's theft? (maybe they have I don't listen all the time but not on recent news times at all)
    How can this stand? No contract? Nothing but the current attorney's opinion that this is the correct thing to do? How is it that a city can dole out life insurance? Are they registered with the state? If so then I should like to buy in at rates similar to sullivans and if not then what the hell are you paying the cash out for???????
    This is theft, plain and simple. It's stealing from those who will need rescuing, stealing from those who need food, stealing from all those who matter not to this greedy, grubby little man. Dirt.


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