Monday, March 08, 2010

Sarah Palin and her association with NAR. "Everyone but Christians understands that Jesus was nonviolent." Mahatma Gandhi.

Researcher Rachel Tabachnick, reported regarding NAR videos that they “demonstrate the taking control of communities and nations through large networks of 'prayer warriors' whose spiritual warfare is used to expel and destroy the demons that cause societal ills. Once the territorial demons, witches, and generational curses are removed, the 'born-again' Christians in the videos take control of society."

“The movement's notion of "spiritual warfare" has spread from the California suburbs to an East-Coast inner city, and has impacted policy decisions in the developing world. Movement operatives are well-connected enough to have testified before Congress and to have received millions of dollars in government abstinence-only sex-education grants. Leaders in the NAR movement refer to themselves as ‘apostles.’”

When Palin was 24, she joined a spiritual warfare network. Rachel Tabachnick, continues:

“These communication networks allow apostles to disseminate new prophecy to their ‘prayer warriors.’ During the presidential election this included prophecies about Palin, including one in which Glazier described a vision that Palin would take the ‘mantle’ of leadership after a period of national mourning, apparently following John McCain's demise.

“The first Transformation film so impressed pastors in Wasilla, Alaska, that they contacted some of the religious leaders featured in the movie including Thomas Muthee, who was shown driving a witch out of Kiambu, Kenya. Wasilla Assembly of God developed an ongoing relationship with Muthee and a 2005 church video shows him anointing Palin. Unfortunately the press picked up on the witch part of the story, and not the more important fact that Palin has ties to top leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation.

“I believe this movement's threat to separation of church and state is greater than some of the more overtly theocratic movements of the religious right. The inclusion of women and all races in leadership roles, and their enthusiastic sponsorship of social services conflicts with a popular notion about religious fundamentalism. Despite their radical strategies, leaders in the movement have been labeled in the press as moderate…a ‘new evangelical.’

I have written on this topic a number of times in the past and believe it is very important and frightening information that should be read and understood by as many people as possible.

This is a very well written and researched post that will have the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end. Please click the title to read the entire article.

My friend Leah Burton, from "God's Own Party", should have returned from her speaking engagement and be back at the keyboard in the next day or so, and I trust she will have much to add on this topic as well.


  1. Anonymous6:13 AM

    We have a Christian President, his name is Barak Obama. He offers kindness and respect, sows unity and not discord.

    He encourages peace, not war, talk over guns and bombs.

    Mrs. Todd Palin creates ugliness and division wherever she goes.

    Who is the Christian?

  2. ManxMamma6:52 AM

    The excerpt you published had the hair on my neck standing up! I wonder what the whole piece will do to me?!!

  3. emrysa7:00 AM

    "During the presidential election this included prophecies about Palin, including one in which Glazier described a vision that Palin would take the ‘mantle’ of leadership after a period of national mourning, apparently following John McCain's demise."

    that is truely a terrifying thought. if true, it explains why palin was so depressed about losing the election - she really thought that god was going to make her president. she sure had a rude awakening. the visions were lies, or god changed his mind. either way, praise the forces obama won. we'd be in wars with half the world right now if granny was up there.

  4. Gasman7:07 AM

    It is the NAR’s vision that they are engaged in “spiritual warfare” that allows them to use lies, unethical behavior, and violence - rhetorical or real - to engage the forces of Satan, i.e., anyone who isn’t in their camp. This is NOT Christianity, it is a cult. They create their “theology” out of whole cloth and cannot buttress their beliefs upon the New Testament or the words of Jesus. They will cite selected verses from the Old Testament, out of context, to justify specific actions or pillars of their beliefs, but cannot point to any continuous narrative throughout the arc of the Bible which supports their fancifully arrogant notions.

    They cannot be reasoned with, they must simply be exposed. Exposure as a cult will isolate them from other Christian groups and will minimize the power that they can amass. It is the infiltration of groups such as NAR at the local school board level across the U.S. that has so weakened our educational system in science and mathematics in comparison with other Western democracies. This has been one area where their campaign of stealth has yielded results and those results have been devastating for our society.

    I find it rather amazing that these frantically irrational foes of evolution themselves practice the most strident and unfeeling form of Social Darwinism which would gladly see their fellow citizens suffer and die rather than be extended any type of assistance - to the poor, the sick, the prisoners, and the homeless. According to them, it is God’s will that these people are suffering and their plight is divine punishment is meted out for their own unbelief and sin. Didn’t Jesus specifically command that his followers were to look out for these very same people?

    Christians they are not.

  5. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Palin = antichrist

  6. Anonymous7:12 AM

    "large networks of 'prayer warriors' whose spiritual warfare is used to expel and destroy the demons that cause societal ills"

    Oh! How terrifying! People praying! Imagine that. Horrifying. Will the country survive people praying?

    Everyone here has heard the phrase "spin control" but does anyone here remember where the word "spin" comes from? It's an acronym for Segmented Polycentric Integrated Network. Secular Left activists coined the phrase during the so-called 'Aquarian Revolution' as a way of taking political power via a movement that would be relatively immune from counter-attacks. The Left can engage in well-funded conspiracies and active erosion of our culture, but if Christians PRAY for a community, suddenly the Christians are neo-Nazis and fascism is on the march.

    Yeah. Christians are so dangerous with their PRAYING and all. (Really, come on, who is afraid of prayer--except, hmmm, DEMONS?)

  7. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Agree with anon 6:13, I want to add, Huff Po is as shamelesss as p is. Front page with the creepy hand . I am sorry, but that woman really is just downright creepy. If she were not owned by MSM she would not be noticed at all.

  8. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I will admit up front I haven't read the post closely. Once the blatant bias shows itself I tune out. (No offense to Ms. Burton, because watchdogging this stuff is a contribution. I do question her viewpoints to some extent because her own bio shows red flag discomfort with organized religion in general. Bad experiences lead to this, I guess.) But, all I can say is while of course there are fanatical branches of every major religion, as well as unbelievably doctrinaire groups who proudly proclaim certitude in atheism, you do mainstream Christianity no good when you paint it as an inherently violent religion. That's simply not true, regardless of Ghandi's feelings or the fact that people like GW Bush hijacked the faith to justify aggression. Oh, I forgot, you aren't in the business of supporting Christianity. There are so many good, peace-loving Christians out there walking the talk of Christ's teachings. Doing so much more than any of us lame bloggers ever do, come down to it. Word to the "wise": you come off as being incredibly paranoid. Maybe up there all you have is fanatical evangelism, so your perceptions are skewed. It makes me laugh that after all the brouhaha you have been in the middle of, you turn to this crap yet again. When all else fails, huh Gryphen? Automatic fallback position. Quite sure you won't allow this through your moderation. I don't care, though.

  9. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Real Christians do not dress and act like a street walker. Real Christians care for others well being, not just how can I use God to get my mug in the news today, in order to distract from a disgraceful past. A past of lies and using others. No concern for own children or animals. A real Christian is there for others, and does not want or expect notice for anything done to care for, and help others.

  10. Gasman7:55 AM

    Anon @ 7:12,
    Nice straw man argument. You know damn well that the article is NOT complaining about prayer. Your post might serve as the embodiment of the arrogant amoral tactics used by the NAR. You seem to feel justified to dissemble and lie to promote your agenda. You seem to base your argument on the words of Jesus, "blessed are the liars, for they shall control the Word." Which Gospel was that from?

    Right out of the gate you began with the dishonest contention that the article is an attack on Christian prayer when it said no such thing. My Momma always told me that if someone lies, they know that they are wrong.

    Momma was right.

  11. Praying to eliminate those who oppose them is a big part of the agenda of these so called Christians.It can be so subtle even those who join in may not realize what they are praying for.What do you think "Lord remove those who oppose us means" I could elaborate but it makes me sick when I think of what I was a part of .Trust me anon.7:12AM take a good look at what you think you see.

  12. Anonymous8:14 AM

    True followers of Christ, Christians, would do well to remember "Turn the other cheek" as a clear statement of non-violence rather than confrontation.

    When people invoke terms of violence, such as prayer warriors, they invoke memories of the Crusades, a time of warfare. When George W. Bush used that same term to frame his invasion of Iraq, he reopened wounds that were hundreds of years old.

    Sarah and her religious soldiers would do well to practice, "Love thy neighbor as thyself," and "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" teachings instead of preaching hate, division, violence and warfare.

    But then, Sarah is simply using this group of people because as the extreme right wing of the GOP, that is the only group that she appeals to. And, I think that the Religious Right is using Sarah as well, since her dog whistle message resonates well with them, and she can spread their agenda. Anyone who practices tolerance, brotherhood, love of their fellow man and charity tuned her out long ago.

  13. Anonymous8:20 AM

    It is painfully obvious that those who take the time to post that they are biased against biased posts and as such will not bother to actually read the entire post but are never the less eager to print a lengthy response to a post that they did not bother to read only prove the point that discourse with these guys utterly is useless.

  14. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Christian Taliban

  15. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Just an observation:

    There are true Christians, and then there are Christian cultists.

    When true Christians, whether out of lack of information about Christian cults or denial for its own sake, support and defend the Christian cultists, they are not exemplifying the intellect and teachings of Jesus.

    He was a man who called it like he saw it. He did not defend the hypocrites but he did not go around shouting out prayers for them to die--well, not unless you happened to be a fig tree that honked him off, I guess. In fact, as I recall, as he hung on the cross--he was not playing the role of a "prayer warrior," instead, he spoke:

    "They Will, not mine..."

    My only hope is that sometime soon, people will begin to realize the difference between God's will and the leadership and prayers of power hungry, hatefilled men and women. And prayers and thoughts of gratitude will prevail among the masses.

    And finally, another observation that I have made is that very often, the world that we see beyond our front door is actually only a reflection of what we hold in our, take heed of what you think you see.

    P.S. Some folks need to take a little stroll through history...start with the children's crusade...then stop by and take a gander at the inquisition.

    Sending children out to do war, spiritual or otherwise, is nothing new, nor is it a pretty picture--and it's not very Christian, either...and to profess to be capable of looking into another person's heart by means of torture and then judge and murder them, in the name of Jesus...well, it just ain't "Christian" that's all.

  16. First, Sarah Palin does not represent all Christians. Most of us do not agree with her views and honestly respect the beliefs of others. Don't tar all of us with her beliefs. Her 'flavor' of Christianity and mine have little or nothing in common.

    Second, my favorite quote from Gandhi: "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ." I think he was talking about those like Sarah.

  17. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Anonymous @8:20, I have read this same stuff over and over on this blog, one of the reasons (among others) I don't place it at the top of my list - nowhere close actually. I don't need to read the post word for word to know what it's talking about. I shouldn't have been honest with you. I am very familiar with Ms. Burton's work so relax. The problem with this focus is that, while it is a piece of the nightmare called the Sarah Palin phenomenon, it is placing emphasis unnecessarily on something that in the end will not be so critical. When are you all going to realize that the evangelical right doesn't possess enough votes to make a real difference, except perhaps as election spoilers (and yea for that, don't you understand?) Ms. Palin will rise if the oil companies want her to. She will rise if Fox News wants her to. She will rise if the hardcore Republican power elite want her to. Not some goofball Christians (and I am one, but a mainstream one - which is the majority of this religion - not that Gryphen gives a crap about it...) I don't care that some of these folks are in government or the military or whatever. It's not as great of a threat as you all seem to think it is. AS LONG AS WE KEEP PEOPLE LIKE GW BUSH AND SARAH PALIN OUT OF OFFICE. I think the fact that some seize on this issue has much more to do with their own feelings and issues surrounding Christianity or organized religion or whatever, that's all I am saying. And I think it has very much to do with Gryphen wanting to change the subject, in the most sensational, emotional way possible. Again, Grypen, I could care less if you post this. Btw, I think Sarah Palin is very much on thin ice with most of the groups who supported her earlier. I think that is why she is looking to the reality entertainment industry. It's her only hope.

  18. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Radical Islamic fundamentalism is not a religion, it's a fanatical point of view. Radical Christian fundamentalism is not a religion, it's a fanatical point of view. Last year an abortion provider was murdered while he was in church, worshiping. Another abortion provider was murdered by being shot in the back.


    These are not nice people.

  19. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Andrew Sullivan coined the word, Christianist. A person who uses Christianity, not a person who IS a Christian or acts in a way that one would know as Christian.

    ChristianISTS are the ones who try to legislate religion, force their prayers in the schools etc...

    Christians, on the other hand, are inclusive and patient, like our President.

  20. Anonymous9:09 AM

    But Gryphen, after 2000 years of Christians behaving in the manner in which Palin's sect behaves and in which all Christian sects behave, can we not now safely say that Christians are deceiving, warring bastards? What baby jesus said Christians should do and what Christians have done for 2000 years are two totally different things. I would not use Palin to demonstrate that Christianity's behaviour is different from her behaviour, I would use Palin as a good example. Are there any good examples of Christianity being any different than Palin? I don't think so, I think they all demonstrate something different from what they preach. Gandhi had it exactly right!

  21. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I was going to write on a few points myself, but Gasman beat me to it and said it all perfectly.

    I will add a note to anon @ 7:12
    No one is against Christians praying. The NAR is not Christian. They are a corrupted and perverted cult.

    And to anon @ 7:45 (same person?)
    It is obvious that you have not spent very much time at Ms Burton's web site. I know Ms Burton very well. She is a self professed Christian raised in the Lutheran tradition. She has absolutely NOTHING against organized religion, per se, but plenty against the NAR.
    As for the accusation that Gryph does mainsteam Christianity no good with these kinds of posts - I just don't think Gryph could have made it any plainer that his post is about the NAR - not mainstream Christianity. Either you know nothing of which you speak, or you are part of this cult and wish to destroy the opposition through your strawman arguments, as Gasman said.
    I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the first option, and suggest some in depth studying.
    Read Ms Burton's web site more thoroughly and then tackle You should start here:

    Thank you Gryphen. Palin's politics are bad enough, but this is the biggest and most important reason why she is so dangerous to
    America. You done good.

  22. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Wow Gryphen!!! Congratulations! I see you have your very own resident trolls!!!
    anon@ 7:12 & 7:45!
    I'm sure your EAR post RUFFLED some
    Gasman...You are so right on as always!!!!
    Yeah!!! I always enjoy your spot on comments...

  23. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Palin has time to talk about being Christian and everything. Does Palin have time to take her kids to church every Sunday?

    Instead of worrying about other people, maybe Palin should pray about her kids not breaking and entering and drinking the liquid of guilty pleasures.

    By the way what is Palin going to do with the wine she had sent to her house, the wine she looted from Silver Spoons? Is the wine for communion at her house, maybe it is for putting the kids to bed or is it for washing down her taco wraps?

  24. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I do not believe anyone who is a regular at this site has anything against true Christians. True Christians try to live as kind and pious a life as any believer in most major religions.

    What most of us are upset with are the cultists who call themselves Christians. Many critics of them use the word Xhristian to distinguish them from followers of Christ. These Xhristians are easily distinguished by their hate-filled rants, their quickness to anger, their intolerance and fear. They are identical to the extreme fringes in any faith tradition: they do not understand and do not follow their faith.

    The Xhristians adhere to their leaders as fans would to rock stars either because of ignorance of their faith or a desire to give voice to their baser instincts - a hatred of the "other" whether that be someone of a different faith or race or gender or gender-orientation. They are truly fear-based - inside and out. Fear motivates them and they in turn feel a need to incite fear.

    Whenever I hear anyone spouting hate, fear, or negativity I pretty much know they don't have a clue about their professed faith whether they say they are Christian, Islamic, Buddhists, Hindi or whatever.

    These "Christian Warriors" are being manipulated by the powerful for the purposes of the powerful - greed, power, money, et cetera - just as people have always been during times of uncertainty and change.

    Goodness, the Crusades even set Christians against Christians, just as the Christian Warrior movement is doing now. Some of the bloodiest Crusade battles were in Europe itself. Entire villages were wiped out because they refused to follow the militant voices from the Roman church or because the church leaders wanted the land of the more peaceable Christians.

    There was nothing kind, decent, or compassionate about those wars.

    There is nothing kind, decent or compassionate about what Palin and her ilk are spouting either.

    I have always agreed with the precept that the foundation of any faith is kindness to and forgiveness for yourself and others.

    Without that, what is the other stuff worth? Without that, nothing else matters. Kindness by its very nature undermines all the darker sides of human nature.

    The primary "rule" we live by and raised our daughter by was simply: be kind to yourself and to others.
    It takes a lot of faith to be kind. It takes a lot of courage and strength to be kind. It takes a lot of energy and attention to be kind. It is not easy, but it sure as heck makes life worth living for yourself and those around you.

    Hate destroys. Kindness nourishes an sustains.

    That's why these Xhristians bother me just as the Taliban bothers me - they are the antithesis of kindness. They are all about controlling and destroying others and even the planet upon which we all live.

    I don't really know if I can continue to practice tolerance and kindness and work to understand them and forgive them their excesses. These Xhristians are destroying a beautiful faith tradition by twisting it.

    I am not a Christian myself, but I respect and admire its noblest aspirations. It is with deep sadness that I see people intent upon using the faith for corrupt and selfish reasons. It is even sadder to see them lead others down a dark and dangerous path.

  25. NAR's agenda is frightening. The leaders are only after power. I wonder how Rupert Murdoch views NAR and if he'll move Sarah out from under their influence (or the appearance of influence).

    To get the bad taste out of your mouth, here's a Christian organization you may be able to appreciate, Sojourners, which is working for social justice and seems to be the opposite of NAR.

  26. Anonymous9:56 AM

    The bible says to beware of the false prophets who come to us in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

    Those pastors who are not affiliated with NAR (and there are many who are not, so be at peace folks) are very aware of the passage in the Old Testament (can't find it now) where it instructed the Kings and people of Israel how to test a prophet. If the "thing" didn't come to pass, he was a false prophet. It's that simple.

    Another thing, the prophetess who claimed that SP would be in the White House was responsible for vetting her subject too. That the "one" she was prophesying about and lifting up was living a christian life, a holy life. If God wanted an individual to be throned (like King David) who was a man after God's heart), then that woman would not be able to pathologically lie, cheat, etc. Am aware that years later King David did sin, and that's a whole other ballgame. But, he was an innocent young boy at the onset of his reign, for the times as they were. You get the point.

    The prophet who would promote a person who doesn't pay their taxes, or performs other questionable heartless acts, isn't being led by God, you can be sure of that.

    And, last of all, and most importantly, the church of Jesus Christ is NOT commanded to prep and place each other in the halls of power. If a man who happens to be a christian is elected, he is elected by the people, and his spiritual relationship with God will shine through by his ACTIONS.

    Hence, President Obama, who acts with reason, wisdom, doesn't want to rush, and is a kind man. And by the way he treats his children and wife, that says it all, for me.

    So, the prophets today are to be scrutinized and their motives questioned really hard. Thanks Gryphen and others who are keeping them on their toes.

  27. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I think we need to remember to not feed the trolls. It appears this and some other like minded blogs are getting targeted by some subtle trolls.

    Don't give in to them and they will just get frustrated and go away.

  28. kdusmdd10:15 AM

    Folks over at HuffPost are tearing Sarah apart.....

  29. BAustin10:38 AM

    I hope that the "John McCain demise" was losing the presidential election - and Ms. Palins prohecy did not come true.

    I shudder to think about John McCain's NEXT demise when he loses his AZ seat...and the palin prohecy is yet to come.

    Ugh!!! Gryphen stop this crazy train!

  30. Techgnome10:43 AM

    Anyone who isn't frightened by this "spiritual warrior" movement isn't paying enough attention. We're starting to see our own version of ethnic cleansing right here at home. A "Christian" hate group calling itself Repent Amarillo is a good example.

    "For the past year, this Bible Belt city of 200,000 has been consumed by a culture clash between Repent Amarillo and their targets, a list that includes everything from gay bars to liberal churches. For the Route 66 swingers, Grisham’s “special forces” have been a near-constant presence. Jobs have been lost, families estranged, assault charges filed and businesses shuttered. So far, no public official has stood up to defend these businesses, which operate legally. To the contrary, Repent Amarillo has managed to turn the city’s own laws and employees into an effective weapon. Amarillo, it turns out, doesn’t have the stomach to stick up for gays, swingers, strippers or even Unitarians. Absent a peacekeeper, the conflict might end up being settled the old-fashioned way, frontier-style. “This will not end until somebody gets hurt, either us or them,” one swinger warns."

    I particularly recommend checking out their "warfare map." Fair warning: This website starts with LOUD music.

    Repent Amarillo is comprised of two groups blended together, working together, to compliment and support one another for the purpose of spiritual warfare. They are;

    1. Intercessory prayer group. This group will be a group of warriors called to intercessory prayer. They will at times be visible to the public and at other times ( depending upon the individual mission) they will be inconspicuous. They will provide prayer covering to the soldier group and will do battle within the spiritual realm to prepare the ground for the planting of God’s seeds, tear down demonic strongholds, and cast out demonic spirits that harass our efforts. Sometimes the intercessory prayer group will operate independently of the soldier group and at other times will work around them.

    2. The Soldier group. The soldier group will consist of warriors dedicated to witnessing to groups of unbelievers or one-on-one witnessing. This group will be more visible to the public and will be comprised of bold believers willing to confront the world. This group will be schooled in the “Way of the Master” method of witnessing to the lost. This group will be the ones who plant God’s seeds in the ground that has been prepared by the intercessory prayer group. Believers who participate in this group will have to be bold but loving. Confrontational but composed. The individual members of these two groups are allowed and highly encouraged to move between the two groups based on the individual’s calling and the unique mission involved. In other words, no one is stuck to only one group. Soldiers can pray and intercessory members can witness.

    While their website invokes "The Army of God" they may not be directly affiliated with this terrorist group.

    The author of the article Gryphen cites asks: My question to my sister in Christ, is Sarah, please define just who your Jesus is and how does your theology inform your political decisions regarding what is best for America- and just what do you think that is? We already know the answer. If she speaks to this question she'll just give the most politically expedient answer. During the election she denied even being a member of that church.

  31. Anonymous10:47 AM

    NAR beliefs are not anything like those of mainstream protestant or even man evangelicals. It is based on the supernatural. The wolf in sheep's clothing method is used to sucker affluent followers into the fold, usually in high school and more often "recruited" at universities. One very dangerous group Victory Campus Ministries preys on incoming students before they have even settled in. They offer "free" help while moving into the dorms, invite them to their meetings and slowly deceive them into becoming "discipled" turning them into slaves for the "apostles". They only want affluent kids since members are expected to raise their own support for the many missions they are sent out on all over the world, usually on foreign college campuses. It is 100 percent a cult. They insist on members living together in group houses and make them cut ties to their families and friends from "outside". They dress like provocatively and the girls are often used as bait to reel in males. This happens in the Los Angeles area involving USC, UCLA and Cal State Long Beach among other campuses. The leadership have been trying infiltrate government and during the Bush administration had several appointees on influential boards and committees. I know first hand how devastating this is and they are pure evil.

  32. Anonymous10:58 AM

    It seems that Palin and at least some of her supporters really believed that G*d had chosen her to be president. That might explain her comments that G*d wouldn't let the wrong people win. ( Note to Sarah, He didn't !)
    For people who are caught up in that kind of religious certainty a loss isn't just a disappointment, it can provoke a profound crisis of faith and really serious depression, ever illness. If you know anyone who has been through it, it literally is Hell on Earth.

  33. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:16 AM

    Haven't read the entire post and all the comments as yet and am anxious to get back here later. Lemme just add that these Xtians aren't PRAYING. They are PREYING. Big diff!

  34. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign11:18 AM

    I have no fear, only pity, for a group of fanatics who direct their energy, prayer, in destructive and negative ways. It just doesn't work that way. They can call themselves spiritual warriors all day long but they will never accomplish their goals.

    I find myself chuckling over the Rapture - I'd be tickled as pink punch to see these deadheads whisked away! They won't be missed, and their fate is not what they think it is!

  35. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Has anyone checked her for the "mark of the beast" lately? Just askin'.

  36. Anonymous12:17 PM

    "The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.”

  37. Anonymous12:21 PM

    A christian is a christian and they don't practice what they preach for the most part. I am a frequent commentor on this blog and I hate the christian philosophy because it's dishonest. That doesn't mean that I hate christians in general, it means that I hate their dishonesty and their accusatory manner toward those who are not stupid bible punchers. Keep it to yourselves christians, and keep it in your church. It has no place in the modern world anymore.

  38. Anonymous1:49 PM

    You guys absolutely crack me up! Because I feel strongly that Gryphen has a problem with Christianity, that makes me a troll? Get over yourselves. And as evidenced by the supportive, (yet dreaded ANONYMOUS, interestingly enough) post @ 12:21, there most definitely are a number of regulars at this site who absolutely eat it up when Gryphen gets into this area. The sentiments in that post are reflected in various ways on these threads, quite frequently. I don't care if people don't like or misunderstand Christianity, believe it or not. What I am saying is that this way of trying to bring Sarah Palin down won't work. Because it just doesn't matter as much as you all believe it does. These are fanatical minority branches of the faith that most likely will implode. I have seen more than one anti-NAR site on the web, actually, run by other evangelicals who aren't hoping to take over the government. Yeesh. There is true paranoia running throughout this blog and threads. I am sure folks will call me paranoid, but I know bias when I see it. As for the host, he has shown his thin skin more than once, as we all know. At least he is having the guts to post comments which aren't sycophantic. I guess it's 'cause he knows his supporters will slam anyone who dares to question his approach or his motives.

  39. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Why does Leah Burton leave out her religious affiliation on her own blog bio? Why? There's no need for that. If she is indeed a practicing Christian, then she needs to say so. She doesn't have to give details beyond that, but it's more than a little disingenuous to leave that part of her perspective out. Is she worried it will affect her credibility? I know plenty of non-fanatical Christians who have no use whatsoever for Palin and her ilk, so it's not like it reflects some sort of conflict of interest or anything. Full disclosure should not be avoided, imo. It only arouses suspicion that Leah Burton hides the fact that she is Lutheran, or whatever the poster above claims she is. I would be willing to bet good money she is disaffected, and not currently a member of any congregation or other religious association. Voila! Less-than-neutral agenda revealed.

  40. emrysa2:13 PM

    thanks anon @ 12:21.

    it's really kind of amusing watching one group of christians point fingers at another group of christians and accuse them of not being christians when they all believe a virgin gave birth without the aid of science. I mean really.

  41. Anne NC4:13 PM

    It wasn't until about 20 years ago or so that I would hear people proclaim, "Well, I'm a Christian." We were living in Florida at the time and this was something I heard repeatedly, whether it was at work, kids' soccer games, at a block party, etc. It seems to me that those who feel the need to tell everyone who will listen that they are Christian in a tone that clearly says, "I am better than you", are the ones with the problem. Real Christians are Christlike in their daily lives through their actions and words. It's how they live that proclaims their Christianity, not the words from their mouth.

    Anyone can say they are Christian, but the ones that most often repeated it, were, unfortunately, the ones that lived the least Christlike lives.

    FWIW, I was born and raised Roman Catholic. I don't feel the need to use my faith to show people who I am. My life and the way I live it is representative of that. That is what bothers me so much with some of these political groups. If they were truly Christians, they would be working with the President, not against him.

  42. Anonymous6:02 PM

    What we believe or don't is'nt the issue here .Christianity as a whole is'nt the issue.There's more at stake and I think we've missed the point.For instance what about the African Nation that was influenced (by this small group that we should'nt worry about)American Politicians and leaders of the Christian Right (And I label them Christians with tongue in cheek)To round up all gays in the Country and sentence them to death ? A book could be written on this one.I seem to remember a guy who everyone laughed at and said "What can he possibly do" The world came to know him pretty fast Adolf Hitler ! Bad people and bad things are all around us! It does'nt mean we can dismiss them as harmless because they don't impact our lives!They already have they're in our Gov't our School system and they're making plans.It's nothing to worry about maybe we better wait,they seem like such nice people why would they want to hurt us(Keep thinking that way why worry)tomandlou

  43. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I just don't know any example of a good christian. Who is one? Pat Robertson? No, he can't be because he advocates murdering political foes of the US. So who's a good one? I know there mustg be at least one flawless one because they are so fucking high and mightey in their claims of righteousness!

  44. kdusmdd8:48 PM

    WOW....I can hardly believe the things people are saying about Christians on this post. It is truly heartbreaking. True God loving Christians are not "cults". I'm a Baptist by faith, but I,also, believe that other Christians can worship God within their own doctrines. We are based on Love...Hope..and Charity.....and the greatest of these is Love. (not hate). We profess that God is Good...The Devil (Satan) is Evil. Oh, I have heard preachers preach on hellfire and damnation...they want you to fear God. These are the type of preachers I avoid. We believe in keeping the Ten Commandments.
    Jesus was a peacemaker...not a warmonger. He wanted and preached for people to love one another..not hate. God knows that we are not "perfect" creatures. Every night I pray that He will forgive me of my sins and transgressions.
    We are, also, warned to beware of False Prophets...for they are wolves in sheep's clothing....These Cults are False Prophets and are children of Satan, the Devil. Yes BEWARE of them. So, PLEASE do not lump ALL Christians into the same catagory as you do the False Prophets, because if you are terribly wrong.

    I may get alot of flack abt this post...but you know, I don't care.
    I don't care...because I KNOW I'M RIGHT.

  45. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Spirituality is multifaceted... with Christianity representing only one of the many facets.

    The bitter conflicts come when believers of a religion think their "facet" of spirituality is actually the "whole" instead of just a part of the "whole"..... and then seek to attack or convert others outside their belief system. These people are actually infants in spirituality.

    Takes time for humans to grow up... but I have hope it will eventually happen.

  46. sunnyjane2:20 AM

    I believe there is a passage in the Bible where God says, "I will know you by your works."

    In other words, he will judge you by how you treat others. Watch out, Sarah. You're never going to make it.

  47. Anonymous10:14 AM

    You are so totally RIGHT ON!!!!

  48. Anonymous7:33 AM

    See, that's what's so sad. People who purport to think all Christians are hypocrites, and yet it seems like the only ones they're familiar with are people like Pat Robertson. Anon @ 7:32, do you personally know any living, breathing Christians? Do you know what they do with their time and energy? Jesus taught that we are to live his word in our daily lives, but not for fame and glory, and certainly not for power. Some Christians who are publicly known (televangelists?!) may, in fact, not be the authentic ones. Though there are incredible leaders in the faith - Jim Wallis of Sojourners would be a good example, Bishop Desmond Tutu would be another - that does not necessarily mean that they would be known to everyone, the way TV celebrities are. Yikes, the ignorance here is astounding. Total and complete prejudice - blatant, and enabled, by the host.

  49. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I love that Gandhi quote.


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