Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Jon Stewart conducts another amazing interview and, once again, shows the MSM how it's done.

Jon interviews author Marc Thiessen and questions his contention that is okay to expose the identity of lawyers who have defended enemy combatants.

Part One

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - Marc Thiessen Extended Interview Pt. 1
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Reform

This guy is very whiny and essentially is bitching that Jon Stewart is extremely well versed in the subject matter and is able to call him on his BS.

Part Two

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - Marc Thiessen Extended Interview Pt. 2
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Reform

This moron keeps making the point that the US is governed by the Geneva Convention but in fact America broke those very rules when it used water boarding on so called "enemy combatants".

Part Three

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - Marc Thiessen Extended Interview Pt. 3
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Reform


  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Saw that interview last night - Jon Stewart was great!!! Other than Lawrence O'Donnell, I've never seen anyone counter these rightwing nuts better!! But Thiessen was complaining @ Jon cutting him off - it is Jon's show, Jon countered with facts and it is Comedy Central... Did he expect a Fox interview???

  2. carol from Minnesota7:32 AM

    That was hard to watch because Marc represents a portion of the country that truely believe that things are so simple that we can disregard our fundamental belief in the rule of law and that in abandoning our fundamentals there will be only good consequences. Since they are such true believers in black and white they can argue very strongly. That is dangerous and erodes our constitution and our freedoms with the siren call of easy solutions to very complex situations.

  3. BAustin7:36 AM

    Is it possible to give a Pulitzer Prize to Jon Stewart? For a comedian, he does a helluva job as a newsman.

  4. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Wow, he was a moron. He certainly did not mind interrupting Jon during that first segment.

    I guess, he is a lot like Sarah, it's okay to pitch the dirt and whine as long as you are the only one who gets to do it.

    Jon is an extremely intelligent, thoughtful man who reads widely, thinks deeply and then uses humor to make us think more carefully.

    I have always admired both Jon and Stephen for having author interview segments. By doing so, they send a message to Americans, particularly young Americans, that it is cool to read, even cooler to think about what you read.

    Okay, now to watch the next two segments. Thieseen's mania made me want to shout at the monitor. That's not good. Can only take people such as Thiessen and Palin in short doses.

    Thanks for embedding these clips.

  5. He totally reminds me of Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin!

    When he runs out of things to say, he starts WHINING about being interrupted... they do this allll the time!

  6. Gasman8:32 AM

    Thiessen is a major league asshat. He is in mighty small company when he defends Liz Cheney and her neo-McCarthyism. Thiessen's transparently pathetic justification for torture just doesn't fly. He has essentially declared that George Washington was a pro-terrorist liberal pussy, because Washington said this about those who would engage in torture:

    "Should any American soldier be so base and infamous as to injure any [prisoner]. . . I do most earnestly enjoin you to bring him to such severe and exemplary punishment as the enormity of the crime may require. Should it extend to death itself, it will not be disproportional to its guilt at such a time and in such a cause… for by such conduct they bring shame, disgrace and ruin to themselves and their country.” - George Washington

    Posterity will not be kind to Marc Thiessen.

  7. Watched this clip several times because Thiessen spends so much time interrupting and complaining that he's not being allowed to interrupt more than he did.

    One thing is clear: Thiessen believes that his interpretation of the law, interpretation of events and general horse-assidness rules the day. But he's wrong about some of the events, he's wrong about the SCOTUS decision, he's wrong about DOJ flacks having the authority to bless waterboarding, and he's wrong about the waterboarding process.

    But nothing's funnier than his claim that some terrorist thanked him or some other person or groups of people for the waterboarding. That is whole clothe fiction. Someone ought to slap him upside the head and tell him to grow the bleep up.

  8. Anonymous9:42 AM

    wow, the rule of law means nothing to this moran. He's perfectly fine with being judge and jury, toss guilty until proven innocent out the window because he knows better. Criminal lawyers are not there to judge their clients, they are there to provide a defense because it is the law of the land –everyone is considered to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

  9. Why did Mike Hayden(?) - who Thiessen identifies as the Director of CIA - agree to an interview to Thiessen? Why is the Director of the CIA giving interviews to people who are in the process of writing books? How do we know that Thiessen's comments about what was said during that alleged interview are true or accurate? Does Thiessen have notes or a recording of that interview? What was really said? Was it as specific as Thiessen suggests or was it a hit-n-run 4 words on the street as the two passed each other?

    Thiessen makes it seems as if everything he says is exactly as it is but it is obvious that he has an agenda he wants to push and, without telling as much, everything he says is said towards that end.

    "I got it straight from the interrogators."

    He claims to have talked to the actual interrogators? How the hell did he get access to those people? Who identified them to him? Why would they give him the time of day, let alone tell him things which might violate national security laws?? How does anyone know that what he says about what they told him is true but not made up?

    And then there is his avoidance of Jon's questions about the certainty that other methods would have resulted in information... how does Thiessen know? How is he able to predict the future?

    ... a complex adaptive system, indeed.

  10. Anonymous10:15 AM

    This ass lost me the minute he started to defend Liz Cheney and it went downhill from there.

  11. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Thiessen is another guy that makes me so sad it's not possible to magically go through a computer screen and kick someone in the nuts.

    Let's see Thiessen get waterboarded and all he has to do to is last 10 seconds OR make it stop is promise to vote for Democrats for the rest of his life.

    That doughy coward would break within a second.

  12. attorneys who represented child molesters should be suspected of pedophilia????

    and journalists who support war criminals should be considered guilty of treason!!!!

    WaPo should be ashamed!

  13. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Stewart was awful, interrupting and talking over his guest.

    He needs to decide if he's a fake journalist or a real one.

  14. Anonymous1:31 PM

    this moran


    I believe you mean "moron."

  15. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Funny has he he forgot the Constitution and established rules of law concernng persons accused of crimes.


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