Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Keith Olbermann takes a stab at my favorite news story of the day. Palin's non-interview interview program.

You know if Jon Stewart does a segment on this tonight as well I will be able to have a three post mock fest.

Talk about fun!
And for those trolls who will invariably argue that nobody actually said that Palin would be interviewing LL Cool J and Toby Keith I give you exhibit one from the New York Times.

But several accounts of the special reported that Ms. Palin herself would be talking to the guests in the show. One of these, on the Fox Nation website, which is owned by Fox News, reprinted an account from the website The Hill, which said:

“Sarah Palin will kick off her new Fox News series with one of the most diverse guest lineups in memory: LL Cool J, Toby Keith, and Jack Welch. The three very different guests will speak to Palin for her inaugural episode of ‘ American Stories ‘ on April 1st.”

Like I said, my favorite story of the day!


  1. It doesn't matter how bad this clusterf**k of a show is, FNC's core audience will be watching adoringly and believing every word that comes from the Grifter Granny's mouth.

  2. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Hey, OT, but you're in GAWKER re. Bristol vandalism story.

    Here's hoping it reverberates bigger and bigger.


  3. speak to Palin HA!11:12 PM

    LL Cool J is an impressive man and quiet a heart throb. I love the way he did not waste anytime. It is a best story.

    Palin left Alaska with highest debt-to-GDP in the US
    The people who believe her are even bigger fools, but yes, we knew that already

    Finding Sarah in 'Palin's Alaska'

    Surprise, surprise. This obscure company, Koch Industries, has spent over $73 million to help fund the deniers. As always, follow the money

  4. Willow vandalism you mean, 10:54

    10:43- this bugs me too. I won't tune in, but will check it out once its embedded in these blogs. I don't know how they compute the number of people watching any one show, but all I know is I won't be one of them. And to think I almost wiped out LL from my iPod over this. Close call- thank god he called her out on that bullshit.

  5. Ahhhh but to launch the show on April Fool's day- someone @ Fox has a sense of humor.

    Hmmm since she does not have people to inx/terview will she be playing flute, or will she=-1f

  6. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Don't forget to sign the "Boycott Discovery Channel petition" at

    Let TLC know how you feel about Sarah Palin hosting a show on their network.

  7. If I may go off topic for one second:
    I just flipped over to Faux News to see if they had offered an apology about the Anchors Away (check out Huff) and something else caught my eye: the little ad in the right hand corner for SP's Real American Stories.
    Maybe because I am a graphic designer, myself, and perhaps excessively focused on typography, but I noticed that the title somewhat looks like it reads "Red American Stories" - because of the type treatment and the letter spacing of the word "Real". Also, SP is in a bright red outfit. So, there is your subliminal message for the day, folks, to be "real" you must be "red" - and of course I don't mean Native American. I do not think that this is a stretch by any means.
    Good God, when is this country going to wise up to the reality of these nut jobs at FN.
    The Anchors Away story is worth reading, by the way.

  8. Anonymous7:09 AM

    It's still going to get better ratings than Olbermann's washed up show.

  9. Anonymous11:38 AM

    birdwatcher... excellent catch.

  10. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Good for Keith.

    I don't plan to watch one second of SP's 'show.'


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.