Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Oh this is just TOO good! Sarah Palin's "Real American Stories" is forced to drop LL Cool J interview portion after he points out Fox deception.

The clip of LL Cool J intended for the show was a minute and eight seconds long. After hearing of his dissatisfaction, Fox programmers pulled the moment from the show.

"‘Real American Stories' features uplifting tales about overcoming adversity and we believe Mr. Smith's interview fit that criteria," FNC head of programming Bill Shine said in a statement.

"However, as it appears that Mr. Smith does not want to be associated with a program that could serve as an inspiration to others, we are cutting his interview from the special and wish him the best with his fledgling acting career."

Did you get that little dig at LL about his "fledgling movie career"? It sounds like somebody is feeling a little pissy that they were called out on their lies.  The people at Fox just hate that!

I have to tell you I am not much of a fan of rap, but I am inspired enough by LL Cool J to buy a few of his rap songs on I-Tunes today just as a thank you for standing up to Fox and Sarah Palin. 

And I hope this starts a trend. Wouldn't it be great if celebrities all over the coutnry started calling their agents and saying "I don't care what else you do, but just keep me off of that crazy lady's program!  I do NOT want my name and the name Palin to ever be used in the same sentence!  It could destroy my career!"

By the way here is the clip that was used before LL Cool Jay called them on their bullshit.

Update:  It looks like Toby Keith is not too happy about his inclusion in this program either.

Keith, who says he's a registered Democrat, was not told about the usage of a past interview for Palin's program. "We were never contacted by Fox," his rep tells Hitfix."I have no idea what interview it's taken from.They're promoting this like it's a brand new interview. He never sat down with Sarah Palin."

Oh God, this just keeps getting better and better!


  1. There's more! Toby Keith says he was not "interviewed" by scarah either - he knew nothing about it!
    He is an Obama supporter.
    Methinks Fox is making a bigger fool out of SP,
    The "real" americans are just old clips with sarah commenting in between. bwahahahahaha!!!

  2. Toby Ketih is denying it, also too!

  3. Be sure and catch him on CBS's NCIS: LA which is the #7 rated show on TV right now. Some fledgling acting career, huh?

    Great show & incredibly sexy man. What's not to like?

  4. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Sarah's next show will be her interview with Ronald Regan, George Washington, Elvis Presley and Betsy Ross!

  5. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I also read that Toby Keith was not asked in advance and was surprised by the announcement. Fox must be using previous footage from a previous interview as well.

  6. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Whoever wrote that for fox must be a member of the same mean girl club that palin belongs to.

  7. Anonymous11:57 AM

    So, as a huge fan of rap and a fan of LL Cool J I would just like to point out that LL has been acting since the early 90's. He also happens to star in one of the top rated shows this season NCIS LA with Chris O'Donnell. Not sure how that qualifies as "fledgling".

  8. Palin Sux11:57 AM

    Sarah Palin is a liar and fraud. Fact.

  9. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Gryphen - Please include this too..looks like Toby Keith was scheduled to be included on Palin's show was also lifted, please get some publicity on this Faux News fraud..

  10. If *I've* seen Mr. Smith in a movie, then his movie career is a lot more advanced than "fledgling"!


  12. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Faux Palin and Faux News--birds of a feather flock together don't they?

    Pretty soon "Palin" will become an epithet used by people who recognize lying, cheating money whores with no talent.

  13. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Fox has a dud on their hands and any attempt to find Ms Palin a suitable show to display her, um, talents has so far met with -- and will continue to be met with -- failure.

    Maybe it's time to revive the old Gong Show... with Sarah (playin' her flute while spouting repub talking points) scheduled as the first contestant.


  14. Messing with celebrities isn't a good thing -- they have agents and lawyers to protect them.

    I'd like to see her sued!!!!
    It's irresponsible at best and if she really has a degree in PR she should know that.

  15. With LL CoolJ & Toby Keith not being included, this will be a perfect Palin program - it will end less than 2/3rds of the way through the hour.

  16. its paylin with the fledgling/failing media career....

  17. Once again, everything Sarah Palin touches turns to shit. Of course LL would not want to be associated with Sarah Palin.

    BTW, LL's been in numerous movies dating back well over 15 years, and is super hot, even over the age of 40, his bod is ridiculous. Besides being on a real network in NCIS LA, LL's "fledging" acting career lists:

    Numerous appearances on TV shows like 30 Rock, One Tree Hill,The Wire, Entourage, House,Crossing Jordan, etc

    Movies including Any Given Sunday, Charlies Angels, Rollerball, and Bulworth.

    If you want an itunes recommendation an LL classic is "Round the Way Girl"...that's my fave. I seriously doubt LL cares about appealing to the blue hairs that will watch Sarah's snoozefest. Not his demographic, This seems like a total copy of the segment they do on CBS news.

  18. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Not knowing much about rap, I asked my son about LL sometime ago since I never miss NCIS LA that LL stars in. My son informed me that LL is not one of the "gangsta" rappers. He's what is referred to as a "bubblegum" rapper meaning he's not into killing other rappers like happened with the deaths of Tupac and Notorious BIG. That was good to learn since I love LL and he seems like such a kind and intelligent guy. I've also seen him in lots of movies, so "fledgling acting career" my ass!!

    As far as the hoe-from-babble-on is concerned, how else could she handle this new Faux show other than to show clips of "elitists" and then have her screech scripted words in between. Imagine, if you will, her actually interviewing these "elitists" with her hopey, changey, word salad.

    As an encore maybe they can have her do some cross-eyed flute playin' and a little fancy pageant walkin'.


  19. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Toby Keith is not one to be messed with I wouldn't think. I remember his big fight with the Dixie Chicks over what one of them said about Bush? I suppose that's why the stupid people that work at Faux and Sarah think he's one of them.

    Then again Rushpublicans think they are entitled to use other peoples work without asking. I remember Heart making Sarah stop using their song "Barracuda" and lost track of how many recording artists made the McCain campaign stop using their songs.

    Faux + Word Salad Queen = FAIL

  20. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Crooked face is use to getting away with her lies. In fact, she is rewarded for telling lies. Everytime something negative comes out about her,attention is diverted to a new scam. Each time it appears for more $$. Such games the wealthy and powerful like to play.

  21. Anonymous1:31 PM

    PRIOR POST: Whoever wrote that for fox must be a member of the same mean girl club that palin belongs to.

    RESPONSE: That was exactly my thoughts! Maybe it's not only a member, but her actual ghost writer? It sure sounds like what is put on the internet in the name of Palin.

  22. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Wait, so this hyped-up show is not SP doing actually interviews, but just sitting and lookin' purty between interviews conducted by other people? LMFAO

  23. Anonymous1:35 PM

    What will she try next? Maybe Sarah always wanted to be an astronaut. Will they super-impose her face in the moon landing helmet of Neil Armstrong? What other outlandish great enterprises are they willing to fake for this supermom?

  24. Yeah, great going L.L!!!!!

  25. Ratfish1:38 PM

    Speaking of the "lamestream media," Sarah Palin sure knows how to put her "journalism skills" to use.

    What a fraud and liar. And for Fox to pretend with her that she was actually having people on her show demonstrates their lack of faith in her ability to actually conduct a "common sense" interview with someone without having to look at her palms or otherwise cheat.

    Charlie Rose, don't worry!

  26. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Fox changed the line up and Sarah is now going to interview her husband Toad the Post. What I would like to know is, how do you interview a year old pre-recorded interview?

  27. Anonymous1:40 PM

    The pic of Sarah with her hair in a French twist so reminds me of this 4/1996 Anchorage Daily News interview:
    "Sarah Palin, a commercial fisherman from Wasilla, told her husband on Tuesday she was driving to Anchorage to shop at Costco. Instead she headed straight for Ivana.
    And there, at J.C. Penny's cosmetic department, was Ivana, the former Mrs. Donald Trump, sitting at a table next to a photograph of herself. She wore a light-colored pantsuit and pink fingernail polish. Her hair was coifed in a bouffant French twist.
    "We want to see Ivana," said Palin, who admittedly smells like salmon for a large part of the summer, "because we are so desperate in Alaska for any semblance of glamour and culture."
    I still smile whenever I hear this story ... it is so Sarah and so her mindframe!

  28. sallyngarland,tx1:51 PM

    Just in case you have $75,000. laying around for dinner with Sarah 4/30 in Dallas--check out these prices

  29. What about Toby Keith? Are they still going to use him without his permission?

    They may be left with only the CEO of a company in trouble (GE) and a dead Marine.

    It's getting harder and harder to sell Sarah Palin.

    I'll be TLC is so thrilled they won that bidding war. I can just smell the midnight oil burning.

  30. sallyngarland,tx1:57 PM

    I don't think my other link works. A better one--$75,000.??? for dinner.
    Why her as speaker?


  31. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Fox and Palin never claimed that Palin interviewed Mr. J.

  32. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Hey, what's with the targets on this DNC page, they are promoting violence!

  33. nswfm2:11 PM

    Sounds like the editing job that Colbert gave after the ACORN Pimp hoax video was outed by the BradBlog, for which the NY Times barely made a correction:

    Grifter Granny/$P is such an interviewer, to quote Jimmy Fallon,
    “Later in the interview, Palin said that President Obama’s economic plans were ‘back asswards.’ Then Obama said that Sarah Palin is ucking funqualified to be talking about it.”
    — Late Night With Jimmy Fallon (November 18, 2009)

    The compilation video of comedians before the Interview-Gate:

    Can't wait till you and your sources take care of this fraud.

  34. Toby Keith is a Democrat! Awesome!!

  35. Love that idea FlynnD. The GONG Show..

  36. Anonymous2:21 PM

    this is just too funny


  37. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:30 PM

    How is Faux gonna do a show with a major, dropped segment?? Will Piper tap dance for ten minutes? I think the Toby Keith segment is scheduled to run, according to HuffPo--unless they want to scrub the first show (or have Piper tap dance for twenty minutes!)

    Anon @12:14pm--I agree! But we should take it a step further and recognize that the name "Palin" should be synonymous with "lying sack of crap" or just good ol' "bullshit." As in, "Don't Palin me!" or, (screamed) "You PALIN!" The possibilities are endless.

  38. Anonymous2:46 PM

    For some amusing ramblings regarding the Quitter Queen see the weird article at
    Be sure to wear your aluminum foil beanie when you go there.

  39. Enjay in E MT2:54 PM

    I like NCIS LA !!

    Wonder if ppl with think twice about doing a FAUX interview ever again.

  40. Anonymous3:01 PM

    We should all as a group stop watching anything Palin is on. She has a million followers on Facebook. But that includes those that hate her too. Her show brings in viewers and those that hate her too.

    She has become the laughing stock of politicians. She is not the face of the Republican Party. That is a joke. She is the face of the Tea Baggers. Lame people who live on the dole, complain about things and have no solutions.

    We can make her irrelevant if we all just tune out and not watch another one of her appearances. If we want updates, we can come here. I mean, seriously, who can stand that voice or even listen to a minute of her "logic"?

  41. Anonymous3:13 PM

    This is why the ladies love cool James.

  42. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Miss Palin is going to turn into Miss Havisham, living in her Wasilla Lake Lucille Compound, her own Alaskan Ivory Tower - dialing in her 'present' with Fox News from her home studio. Her developing agoraphobia (that goes nicely with her xenophobia) tempered only with guaranteed tea party adulation.


  43. Oh, this is just too, too funny! Way to go LL Cool J, and Toby Keith if you are at all smart, you would insist they pull you as well. This woman is poison to all. Yes, I would say Palin and Faux are a match made in heaven; they truly deserve each other.

  44. Anonymous3:37 PM

    The LL Cool J segment that was dropped was a whopping 1 minute, 8 seconds. I think Fox will survive.

  45. FEDUP!!!4:04 PM

    OK, so let me get this straight: At least TWO of the 'interviews' are actually CANNED interviews.

    Will $$$arah just sit there and screech her comments to someone else's interview, or will they actually cut the original interviews and make her 'ask the questions', making it sound as if $$$he is doing the interviewing???

    I wonder who else, besides these two, will be victimized by this show. (Also, too, I notice that both of the supposed interviewees are (gasp!) BLACK... So, *of course* she cannot have them on 'live' - she who is a racist par excellence...)

  46. It would appear that Sarah has been rapidly losing her "sex appeal" among the "REAL PEOPLE (anyone that's not rich old Republican farts).

    How it must hurt to be turned down by a BIG, good looking younger male, especially when he is a (BIG "N") AND SHE IS SUCH A BRAZEN RACIST BIGOT AS TO CALL OUR PRESIDENT "SAMBO"!!! HAHAHAHAHA


    Next thang y'all gonna see is Saray taking a group of Teabaggers on a SNIPE HUNT in the frozen tundra.

    Don't you all feel just a little bit sorry for faux??? After spending a fortune on her, their shining star turned out to be a lemon.... and they cannot even make lemonaid with it much less break even. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  47. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I have never heard her ask another person a question, she talks, she does not listen.

  48. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I just don't understand how someone so much more 'qualified' than Pres. Obama (to hear her nutbag followers tell it) requires so much propping up. Palin can't do shit for herself and for some reason, that's ok because she's Palin. If she lived in the 'rill' world she would have been fired from her Mickey D's job 10 times over by now. Ugh, I really do not like this silly broad. I think it's time for a new tabloid freak, this one has gotten old.

  49. FEDUP!!!4:55 PM

    OK, this is O/T, but I tried to respond to something Crstalwolf posted on Progr. Alaska from $$$arah's twitter account.

    May 30, 2009 10:50 PM
    crystalwolf aka caligrl said...
    ... # Just presented honored AKn Wayne Stackhouse w/long over-due Purple Heart for his service & sacrifice during Viet Nam war. Photos to come..


  50. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Only slightly OT...but something that makes me wonder:

    CNN's Anderson Cooper has been showing an investigation regarding the Church of Scientology.

    Since Greta is a Scientologist, could there be a connection to that fact and her being pre-empted by SP?

    And with that in mind, could it turn out to be a factor in SP's slithering into that time slot?

    Only time will tell whether Greta is actually being disappeared. We will see what we will see...

  51. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Little Miss Quittypants didn't resign as governor until..July 3, 2009 (wasn't it?). More than a month after the May
    30, 2009, post that you are referring to.

  52. Moving from hipwaders to chestwaders. I wonder how big a life insurance policy Murdoc took out on the queen?

  53. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Some of the Fox promotional material says that one of the Real Americans who will be featured is a Vet who died trying to save his troops. Well, there is another guy that Sarah will not be able to interview.

    Is it any wonder that Fox has launched this show on April Fools Day? We should all write them, complimenting them on their new comedy program. Sarah Palin is a joke. And, according to people who post at Daily Kos, Sarah is the gift that keeps on giving.

  54. Anonymous5:42 PM


  55. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I hope they also told Toby Keith 'good luck' with his fledgling singing career, also. too.

  56. FedUp @4:55 - check the date of that post (May 30, 2009 10:50 PM) - she WAS still the GINO on that date.
    Now she is the JINO (journalist in name only).

  57. Anonymous6:17 PM

    "The bloom is off the rose"--this is what the lady who did my CT scan said yesterday. We'd talked for 30 minutes when I first arrived and I asked her about health care reform and she just went off....and I quickly found out she was a part of the tea party movement. She did not like Obama, hated the government, and tried to sell me on every crazy conspiracy theory I'd heard of and lots I hadn't. Then just to see what she'd say I asked her about Palin. Her words, "people aren't that into her anymore. the bloom's off the rose. she's a sell-out". I can't tell you how happy that made me! Sarah Palin is too exposed as it is and the more she's in the public eye, the more fans she loses. BTW, even thought this lady was saying a lot of horrible things I felt sorry for her. She was a nice lady who had alot of things go wrong in her life and the right wing rhetoric had tapped into her anger and resentment and made her a faithful disciple of their madness. BTW, she also was refusing to fill out her census form, so Republican districts like mine are going to lose representation big time and shoot themselves in the foot with all of the fear-mongering.

  58. Anonymous6:22 PM

    KUDOS to LL Cool J!!! I will now become a regular viewer of NCIS Los Angeles and set my DVR to make sure I don't miss it and credits are earned. Hats off to Toby Keith...I may become a country music fan after all and I will support anybody and everybody who steps forward to remove themselves from this show! Fair & balanced my a*s*s! - lying piece of ****!!!

  59. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Anon. at 3:01 - I agree that we should NOT watch anything Palin, and that ratings are high because people who don't like her, watch out of curiosity. Since we can't make everyone in the world change the channel or turn off the tv, maybe its a good thing? More people will see how ridiculous she is? A year ago, I knew she was an idiot, but there might be hope for her. Currently, I know that she is permanently lost in the world of dingbats.

  60. I guess since Sarah Palin gets away with using other people and hiding the crimes of her close relatives, including her children in Alaska she thinks she can get away with it on a national level. The revelations that the interviews were done in the past by others of course shows that Palin is so inept they can't have her do interviews for a show with even an inane theme.

  61. colibrimoon7:58 PM

    A previous recorded segment was about as close as Sarah Palin is going to get to a black man.

  62. BigSlick9:08 PM

    I'm going back to Cali to Cali to Cali.....

  63. Isn't this rich? Hmm...Palin was presented as a "news analyst" for Fox however she could not analyze so she became a commentator. Now Fox rolls her out for Real American Stories...oops...Palin is a narrator?..maybe?

    I got the biggest laugh reading this show is about people who would not give up! Palin quit four colleges, posts in AK..the governorship..her kids appear to quit going to school also.

    This is on par with her anitenvironmental stance then doing a show on AK wilderness.

    The more things that Palin does like this the more people realize about her. With all her money she can't buy respect, virtues, a soul, entry into the Pearly gates, a tongue that is not forked, a conscience, or authenticity.

    She got lucky McCain was desperate and they did not vet her..dumb luck. Fox has no excuses and show how low they are.

  64. According to Imdb, LL Cool J has been acting since 1986. He's been in at least 20 movies. He's had his own TV sitcom (76 episodes, 1995-1999). Currently, he's in the smash, top 10 hit "NCIS: Los Angeles," playing one of the leads.

    And, of course, he's a platinum-selling rapper.



  65. Willow Palin and Jesse James11:43 PM

    How Small Town High School Drama Could Destroy Sarah Palin.Willow Palin and her high school buddies trashed a vacant house in Alaska. Now it appears residents of the Mat-Su Valley are pissed that Sarah Palin got Willow off the hook. Watch out, Sarah. The small town scene is brutal. More » Years of the Colony Girls getting off the hook have culminated in this ultimate injustice, now it's all-out provincial war.

    Jesse James likes history and kidding around wearing a Nazi "gag gift" hat and doing a Nazi salute. He once vacationed on a kibbutz.

  66. Anonymous3:42 AM

    the sociopath next door does not have a conscience.

  67. Anonymous5:40 AM

    It is pretty funny how her role at Fox keeps getting smaller and smaller and more and more scripted. They know they have a loose cannon on their hands. I'll bet there are some sweaty palms at TLC. Which will come first, the show will be cancelled or she will quit?


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