“Levi promptly paid what the court ordered…he does not agree with the amount and will seek reconsideration of the court’s order,” Butler, who calls himself “Team Levi,” told RadarOnline.com exclusively. “If he prevails, he will receive a credit…he will obviously have to work hard to generate the income necessary to support the court’s order, but he’d rather pay and fight than be in contempt of the court’s order.”
Levi is already working to try and pay what he owes. A Playgirl rep told RadarOnline.com exclusively that he and Levi recently shot an episode of Kathy Griffin’s reality show My Life On The D List in Alaska. (Click the title of this post to read the rest of the RadarOnLine article.)
I am very glad to hear this news. I believe it is fairly obvious to most people that the amount the court is asking for is not an amount that Levi will be able to sustain for long. The court order will have to be readjusted when he is unable to generate the same income in the future.
Which means we may see Levi emptying his bank account in an attempt to keep up these inflated payments if they are not recalibrated quickly enough.
But this being the Palins the idea is to get as much as they can as quickly as they can.
Here is a copy of the original court order.
Whatever happens Levi, do not resort to what the Palins are doing! Do not crash gifting parties like locust and clean the place out and then give them to family members who are making money by putting their ill gotten goods on EBAY.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason, I thought the $100,000 was pre-tax dollars. Either way, it's a ridiculous amount to pay for child care. I'm not suggesting no child support but this is clearly benefitting the Mother, not just the child. However will she manage if he should work at an average wage, making $50 to $60k a year before taxes??
ReplyDeleteThat won't even leave enough for Bristol's bumpits!!
I have to disagree with y'all on this one. This is his kid, the child support is a % of his earnings. If he didn't want to pay child support, he should have used a condom.
ReplyDeleteTMZ says he paid her the entire amount owed and the check cleared
TMZ didn't waste any time calling Bristols lawyer to verify that she got the check for child support.
ReplyDeleteNice to know they have a direct line.
I remember reading about the ugly Wooten divorce, when Sarah & Todd resorted to strong arm tactics to try to get him fired from his job as a state trooper. (Wooten was is a former brother-in-law).
ReplyDeleteThe comments written in response to that article ask how getting the father fired and losing his salary was in the best interest of the children.
This sounds exactly like the same thing, winning at all costs, even if the people involved suffer. The Palins have not given one thought as to how this will affect Tripp in the future.
In a few years, Tripp will be able to read about this on line. When he goes to school, he may be the target of school mates' teasing because of the public nature of this custody procedure. None of this serves Tripp's interest.
Trying to bankrupt Levi appears to be a control mechanism to prevent him from spilling any secrets about the Palin family. It might have the opposite effect. Levi might become so desperate for money that he will give the interview or write the book that we have all been waiting for.
A word of warning to Sarah and Bristol: Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
Levi, needs to get a real job.
ReplyDeleteLevi, needs to get another atty.
Levi, needs to keep his zipper up.
What happened to Levi's request that future amounts be calculated based on his monthly (or quarterly?) income? How can they order a specific amount if he no steady job or contract?
ReplyDeleteI hope he can get his info together and get a court review soon!
Since Levi has no real employment history, it doesn't seem legal or ethical to base child support on "projected" earnings. His gross earnings for 2009 could disappear at a moments notice. The court needs to set a reasonable amount based on past earnings (eg - before Palin plucked him out of the woods to play family guy)
ReplyDeleteOne more time, folks need to think instead of jerking their knees.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin didn't set the child support, the judge did.
Why? Note in the court order dated March 1 that Levi has "still not supplied the court with documentation verifying his income."
Umm.....why not? Does he have something to hide?
I think I said this another post. Levi needs a mentor/tutor to help him go through college. I bet if he focused on education, Mr. Karma, will get him a few nice commercials for decent income, and his book can come out after the child custody/support issues are put to rest.
ReplyDeleteThis could be a tactic on the other side to force him to spend all his money. Palin's attorney can create quite a bit of pressure and stress on Levi by draining all of his resources and intentionally making it impossible for him to even pay legal fees. It is a way to get what you want by wearing down the other side until they back off their demands because they cannot afford to continue to fight. Since Palin is paying for the lawyer, she can afford to out-spend Levi. It's a dam shame. Then they can tell the kid your Dad didn't fight for custody. I hope the court puts a stop to it.
ReplyDeleteIn support cases BOTH parties are supposed to supply income & expenses!
ReplyDeleteWhere is Bristol's declaration?
And what about that new rent payment in Anchorage for $1700.00? Suddenly!
Smells like bullshit!
Where's Bristol's documents?
Levi needs to come out and spill the beans on $P. The only way to cut the bs in this mess is to tell the truth and if it is something that'll put her behind bars, well then she won't be interferring too much then.
ReplyDeleteHow are these gossip sites getting this information so quickly... and why do they insist on depicting Levi is someone who "lied" about his income, has been found guilty of falling behind on child support, and talks smack about Bristol and Sarah?
ReplyDeleteThe hate thrown that kid's way is truly baffling.
shouldn't the support amount be reduced according to how much the mother kept his child from him as some sort of penalty for her bad actions?
ReplyDeleteRight now Levi is able to pay big money to support his child and he should be happy to do so. Has anyone asked Levi whether or not he is against paying what he can for his illegitimate child?
ReplyDeleteWhy is everyone around here against a father paying what he can to support his child? Even the women and that's a little baffling to say the least!
Van Flein has a direct line to TMZ.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the name of that organization
ReplyDeletethat works with dads in custody/child
support issues? Of course, Levi
should support his son, no one is
arguing otherwise. But to grind a man
into the dust, as Bristol's (hear Sarah breathing in the background)
inordinant dollar amount demands
smacks of this being the motive. No
baby is that expensive, so what does
the baby-mama get to do with her mega
bucks? If Levi asks for joint custody
& the judge rules in Bristol's favor
Levi is consigned to working for the
Palins' the next 18 yrs., still
having to jump thru' hoops to see his son. Ah well, maybe something good will happen before the next court date.
Sharon TN
Where's Bristol's documents?
Read the court order. The judge never says a word about anything due from Bristol so apparently she complied.
Hmmn, I'm a lawyer, although I don't specialize in domestic law. However, I think the court can only base child support on current income and can't speculate as to what Levi might make in the future. That puts the onus on Levi to come back to court for a modification if his 2010 income does not equal his 2009 income. I don't know how else the court could set child support.
ReplyDeleteAs to the person who keeps saying it is a good idea for Levi to go to college, he hasn't even graduated from high school. I think there has been information about him having a learning disability. He seems like a nice kid, but not everyone is college material.
My personal feeling is that Levi has not spilled the beans because the story is so ugly and incendiary that Tripp will be forever marred when he grows up and reads the truth about his parents' fist born (which is not him) and Levi doesn't want to be accused of traumatizing his second born with the truth about the first born.
I have never posted here but check this blog every day.
ReplyDeleteThis is my take on all of this. This whole child custody/support thing smells to high heaven of Sarahs hand. I really don't think Bristol has the brain power/intelligence to come up with all this stuff.
Bristol has this PR/Consulting business and I doubt she even understands what PR/Consulting firm means. I think it is a front company to funnel money/prove Bristol has an income to provide support for the kid. Has any one seen what other firms she/her company represent as a PR/Consulting firm?
Bristol has a place in Anchorage, does she actually live there? Or is this just a front to show money paid for housing for court/custody purposes?
Has anyone actually seen her go to work or attend classes in Anchorage? If she is working/attending classes what is she working at, classes she is attending? Who is caring for the kid while she is doing this? Are they doing this for free? The Palin compound (has a military sound to it) is large enough for a quarter of Wassilly residents to live there without bumping into each other, is anyone sure Bristol isn't living there?
Sarahs MO is to break anyone who doesn't kiss her feet. All of this is to leave Levi penniless with legal fees so in the end he will no longer be able to see his kid.
Now on to Levi, JMO, he is not the brightest color in the crayon box. His Lawyer, Rex, costs money and we all know Lawyers get paid first before anything else. I think Rex is looking out for Rex first and Levi second. Levi needs to seek advise from a lawyer who specializes in child custody cases.
I could go on and on about Sarah and her brood..(the parental lineage is questionable) but that is a whole book in itself.
I guess what amazes me the most is Sarah and Company has been able to get away with what they have for so long without getting caught. I have lived here since the early 60s and she is the most corrupt of all the Alaskan politicians I have seen...and I have seen a lot.
Anonymous 6:19 says Levi should "spill the beans on $P"
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 6:54 says to reduce child support by "How much the mother kept his child from him".
I don't understand why Levi thinks he needs to wait until after the custody is settled to tell his truth. It actually seems like what he knows about Sarah would be critical to his obtaining custody and perhaps reducing his child support payments. If he gets a % of custody, Bristol may end up actually owing him child support.
Sarah succeeded in doing to Levi what she tried to do to Wooten. She set Levi up to lose the slope job. He may not have felt like he had enough money to have any custody of Tripp or he may have been too intimidated. He tried to play nice to just get visitation and they've pulled his strings the whole time. Levi should consider telling the whole truth about Sarah to the court. Bristol dared to request that Tripp not be cared for by Sherry. Levi needs to make the same request about Sarah. If Sarah faked a pregnancy and switched babies around, the court needs to know if this has played into the problems Levi has experienced with the Palins.
If he gets his truth into the court record to support his custody request, how could the Palins retaliate? I think public pressure would make it impossible. But Sarah will continue to make Levi the bad guy in the press and play games with his time with Tripp if Levi keeps secrets.
Levi can write the book later.
Of course, I realize I have limited info about the courts and Levi's situation and can't possibly know what's best for him. This was just what seems logical based on what I understand. (Sorry this is so long. And thanks!)
I just have to say, that's one of the cutest pictures of Levi I've ever seen.
ReplyDeleteI agree that Levi needs a family law attorney, both Butler and Van Flea do not practice family law in Alaska, and I have witnessed here that he who has the best family law attorney wins.
ReplyDeleteIn Alaska there are a few things that happen with custody cases and child support, First is that Child Support Enforcement (CSED) only enforces child support payments not visitation, if custodial parent does not allow visitation child support payments still continue.
If custodial parent files with court that non custodial parent has seasonal work, or intermittent work, CSED can and does remove all money from bank accounts of support paying parent for future payments. An example in Alaska is commercial fisherman seasonal employees and construction workers.
The best scenario for Levi would be shared joint custody, both parents share equal time, every other week usually, and no parent pays custody payments. I have seen this in Alaska quite a bit, but he again needs the Family Law attorney and a really good one.
farbell - Thanks for the information about AK custody and child support. If I understand correctly, the court will enforce custody but not visitation. It sounds like Levi has no choice but to continue to pursue joint custody if he wants to see Tripp.
ReplyDeleteI know a child that has thrived for 12 years (now 15 yrs old) while spending alternating weeks (with occasional adjustments) with each parent. The parents don't like each other at all but have put their child first and made it work. Children need to know they have 2 parents that love and care for them. The custody agreement also requires the parents to live within a certain distance of each other.
Keep up the good fight, Levi!
I am willing to donate to a Team Levi fund for legal costa
ReplyDeleteI have gone through child support and my income and my ex's income as well as other assets are considered in NYS....Alaska sounds like the laws are different......
$100,000 for child care.... is this what was mentioned?????
Team Levi...believe me I feel dead beat dads ought to be hung by their fingernails but this amt doesn't seem right......
Go Levi......be strong for your children....the info about the babies will come out and the children will be fine
Levi can I give ya some good old Alaskan advice?
ReplyDeleteWe all know the Palins love head phones!
Offer them 50 head phones and call it a night!
IMO, the illusive 'first' baby might
ReplyDeletebe Bristol's, but it's not Levi's.
However unsavory the truth is it can't
have anything to do with him, else
why would he even mention it? What
I'd like to know is whether what he
knows about Sarah is a moral indescretion - which her & her bots
could explain away, or solid proof of
a felony. Levi has always maintained
it would bring "her," down. This
wouldn't reflect on Levi & Tripp. Tripp someday is going to read about
the Palin lies/scandals & what they put his Dad through anyway, but at least he'll have the consolation of knowing he has Levi, Mercedes & Sherry-total opposites of the Palins.
Sharon TN
Levi was told in December to produce proof of his income. It is now march - where are the documents? Why can't he provide the information the court asks for? It is not like he has a job that keeps him busy....
ReplyDeleteIs it just me? or does Levi look like Bristol's dad? I know, I need a life.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be great if someone who knew Levi personally nominated him for bachelor of the year?