Palin will co-host the April 7 fundraiser with Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, former Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.) and Minnesota GOP Reps. John Kline and Erik Paulsen.
Donors to Bachmann’s reelection campaign can give more to attend a private reception with Palin prior to a dinner at the Minneapolis Hilton.
Bachmann’s staff is also trying to organize a rally with the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, but has yet to settle on any specifics.
Tickets will be $500.00 each. (You can read the rest of Politico's article by clicking the title.)
Just imagine paying five hundred dollars to see the Grifter from Wasilla and the Dingbat from Minnesota in the same room. I am just stunned that the circus freak show costs so much these days. I wonder if they will also trot out a bearded lady and pinhea...oh..never mind.
Michele Bachman may be the only woman, this side of Orly Taitz, who can make Sarah Palin seem reasonable.
What? Don't believe me? Well then you need to take a few minutes to watch this compilation of her greatest hits courtesy of Countdown.
Of course Michele Bachman is not the only politician who believes that the bright and shiny object known as Sarah Palin can attract the knuckle draggers and terminally ignorant to support their campaign. The Dr. Franken-Senator responsible for creating this monster has also humbled himself enough to beg for her support.
Former Republican vice presidential nominee and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will be in Arizona the last weekend of March as part of Senator John McCain's re-election campaign. Details of that trip are now starting to come into focus.
McCain and his 2008 running mate will host a campaign rally in Tucson on the afternoon of Friday March 26th, before holding a high dollar fundraiser at the Arizona Biltmore later that evening. On Saturday the 27th they will hold another rally in Phoenix.
For the fundraiser, $2500 gets you into the dinner as well as an hour-long pre-dinner VIP reception, including a photo opportunity with McCain and Palin.
Tickets to the dinner alone run for $500, or $1000 for preferred seating.
Can you just imagine how uncomfortable the small talk would be between these two losers?
"Hey John remember how surprised you were when James Dobson made you choose me for your running mate?"
"Yeah Sarah, remember how you destroyed my campaign, my reputation, and my sanity?"
"Yeah I do. Do you remember how you wouldn't let me burn Obama in effigy or let my supporters wear their white hoods? We could have won John! If you had just let "Sarah be Sarah", we could have won John!"
"I am getting too old for this shit."
Sadly for McCain he has no choice but to bring the Queen of the Teabaggers out to slap down his opponent JD Hayworth, who essentially is just posing as a teabaggger to get their support. I just hope he remembers how horrible he felt the morning after the LAST time he hooked up Sarah Palin.

So much crazy, all in one room. Sarah is not going to like MB up close - MB doesn't have to rely on hair extensions, wigs, plastic surgery and can actually string a sentence together - may be crazy content, but you can diagram it....
ReplyDeleteI have been thinking about the title for Sarah's latest project, "Real Americans." I am reminded of her talking about the small towns of America, the real America implying that those of us who live in large cities (in Democratic demographics) are not Real Americans.
ReplyDeleteYou can read about the Real American stories at: http://www.realamericanstories.com/
and Fox is looking for submissions and contributions. How long before those crazy pajama-clad blogging kids in the their parents' basement start writing in?
If you take three seconds to turn that phrase over in your mind, "Real Americans" it sounds as if the rest of us are not Real Americans at all. As Craig Ferguson always jokes, "Well, then you can go back to Al Quaida."
Most of us are lucky to have someone in our family who left another country and immigrated to American. Let's watch Fox and see how long it takes before they feature a Real American, one of The First People whose heritage is being attacked, whose lands were stolen and whose right to live a traditional life is constantly under assault. Don't hold your breath.
Hadn't realized how much they resemble each other in looks, too.
ReplyDeleteI hope while they're there together, they get some coaching from Heather, the GOP's new branding strategist:
ReplyDeleteVideo link: Take That, GOP
$500? For $500 I want one of those Red Cross gift bags with an official pair of Sarah Palin head phones and a blue/sharpie marked up Sarah Palin visor!
ReplyDeleteGit R Done!
Just pointing out that using the term Franken-Senator made me think of Senator Al Franken, not Senator McCain. That confused me a bit until I figured it out, but it is Friday and I tend to confuse easily by the end of the week.
How about a Bachman/Palin ticket in 2012? Let the crazies go wild!
ReplyDeleteWhat is this?
ReplyDelete"Bring Yo Retawded & Bat Sheit Crazy Politician Hoes to Minnesota Day?"
Whoever did the graphic for the posting did an excellent job! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteIt made me laugh, made me sigh, and may give me nightmares later. Still, it was worth it!
I am from Minnesota and I can say Palin showing up at the RNC left a big stench in the air that is still permeating. Thank the Lord Bachmann is not my rep, Tim Walz is.
ReplyDeleteOne other thing, Palin is going to be in Minneapolis fundraising for Bachmann? Bachmann represents St. Cloud which is an hour away from the Twin Cities!
ReplyDeleteIt is a sad day for Minnesota, the state that Hubert Humphrey and Mondale represented proudly.
ReplyDeleteI hope that MN gets out and protests outside of this event.
I would like someone to take pictures of the people going into the event so that we can know who would actually support these people. What happened to Minnesota?
For that kinda money i would want to see the Jello wrestling match at least.
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for the graphics! Nice to start the day with a chuckle.
Wow! A double dose of batshit crazy shrieking whiny-ass harpies for only $500? Boy howdy, sign me up for some of that!
ReplyDeleteAre there any two other public figures in our nation whose combined IQs would be lower than the total of Palin + Bachmann? Can you have a negative IQ? Seriously, these two are number 1 & 2 for “Most Imbecilic Politician in History.” We’ll let them duke it out in a death cage match to see who takes home the trophy.
On top of that, they both possess voices which to my ears are the equivalent of fingernails-on-the-blackboard. Forget the vapidity of the content, I simply cannot stand the sound of either woman.
The people of Minnesota’s 6th district have an opportunity to redeem themselves. If they reelect this slobbering moron to a third term then they will be awarded the title of “Stupidest District in the U.S.” by default. What POSSIBLE reason could anybody have for voting for an imbecilic simpleton like Bachmann?
How stunningly unaware and gullible do you have to be to plunk down $500 to listen to two inarticulate clods mangle English, manufacture history, and push insane conspiracy memes?
More importantly, how can I con those same gullible goobers out of some of their money? They are obviously easy marks ripe for the pickin’.
Palin & Bachman on the same stage? In the room? In the same building? Catfight? Or will Sarah just bail?
ReplyDeleteWell, unless they are paying her a lot more then everybody else.
Pawlenty is co-sponsoring and associating himself with these two nut cases? Had the impression he was smarter than that, oh well, guess not.
ReplyDeleteYiiiikkkkeeeesss!!! Did you say Tucson?! On March 26th?!
ReplyDeletePoster board--check.
Sharpie pens--check.
Witty anti-McLame, ant-Palin slogans--check.
Barf bags and walking shoes--check.
Tucson is still a mostly Democratic town. We don't 'cotton' to no Rethugs...
And, Hayworth?! He's even crazier. We Arizonans are going to have to start apologizing to the rest of the country, too. We can't even blame the heat right now.
8:37 AM
ReplyDeleteOh I agree!
Im here for the winter and can clearly see AZ has little choice for
What a Yoke!!!
And, it is like any town north of Anthem does not even exist.
Would it were that they could put Michelle and Sarah in a grape vat, like in the episode of I Love Lucy; the italian tv commercial one.....Lucy and Italian lady flinging mulched grapes at each other.
ReplyDeleteAm thinking Sarah who deep down is probably very insecure, will not be comfortable with the "real" politicians who actually work for their wages. Wouldn't be surprised if Sarah cancels out at the last minute.
Crazy Twins!
ReplyDeleteCool. A batshit crazy bomb plus a 7 Mtns porn show and a martyrdom competition on the same stage for only $500? Where can I get tickets?
ReplyDeleteThere's also this recent tidbit: Bachmann will be adressing this group on March 13. Sounds like it's right up her alley.
Michele Bachmann to Speak at So-Called "Minnesota Majority" Health Care Rally
Minnesota Majority's "health care brief" discussed how the lack of "racial purity" in the US was the cause of a relatively high infant mortality rate.
FACT: The U.S. health care system serves the most diverse racial and ethnic population of any country in the world. This fact adversely affects every statistic by which we are compared to other countries. Black women, for a variety of reasons, are more prone to underweight babies than are Caucasian and Asian women. It is not surprising that Sweden has a lower infant mortality rate, or that Japan has a longer life expectancy than the United States does. They are nearly racially pure: we are not.
FACT: There is a direct correlation between two parent, marriage-based families and lower infant mortality rates. We need to do everything we can do to maintain traditional marriage.
For more batshit entertainment, visit
I am so ashamed and embarassed to admit I am from Minnesota, and I want you all to know not all Minnesotan's share Bachmann's politics. I do not live in Bachmann's district, so can take no responsibility for electing her into office.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I loathe Sarah Palin, I think this "meeting of the mindless" could actually hurt them both. I can't imagine Bachmann and Palin speaking at the same event without saying something outrageous or fabricated. It should be very interesting!
I am also very happy that Tim Pawlenty is not seeking reelection. When he ran for his first term, he promised "no new taxes." So instead of adding additional taxes on things like gasoline and cigarettes, he added "fees" which of course he proudly said "were not taxes." He has been in major lame duck status for the last year, leaving the state more and more often to go promote himself for his presidential run (gee...who does that sound like??) He wants to be president so bad he can hardly stand it. But after experiencing his leadership firsthand, he would never get my vote for anything.
Anonymous at 8:58 AM said:
ReplyDeleteOh I agree!
Im here for the winter and can clearly see AZ has little choice for
What a Yoke!!!
And, it is like any town north of Anthem does not even exist.
And, any place south of Phoenix is also second class! It's like a state full of people just like Palin and Bachman in the legislature. They are now trying to take over the local representation and media in Tucson. They're very aggressive.
Good luck!
Anon: I asked a friend that question, what happened to Minnesota because I am from there and I still have my Humphrey autograph I got while showing my prize pig at the State Fair.
ReplyDeleteEvangelicals moved in. Pretty simple.
Ahem.....that would be Palin-Bachman!! She is not going to play second fiddle again for anyone! Not even GOD.
ReplyDeleteTimmy is seriously deluded. He has no "story" no discernable personality and his name only comes up because they have no one else who isn't crazy. He panders and is dull, but not nuts.
ReplyDeleteNot nuts. Low bar for the GOP these days.
Do African Americans have lower birth rate babies because of genetics? Or, is it because of the crushing poverty and LACK of basic health care in the poorest places like Mississippi!!
ReplyDeleteShe really suggested that white purity means healthier populations, she did say that, she really did.
There is one word which describes both women: batshithead.
ReplyDeleteI miss Orly... where's she been lately? Did someone flush that outhouse?
Part of the conversation between Sarah and John might have gone like this:
ReplyDeleteSarah: What's with not being able to get your thingy up tonight?
McCain: Sorry, babe. You just don't do it for me anymore. I'm allergic to plastic.
" . . . because I'm going to know at the end of the day, putting this in God's hands, that the right thing for America will be done, the end of the day on November 4th. " said $P in her interview with Dobson as linked in the article.
ReplyDeleteSo, apparently $carah's God did the right thing on 11/04/08, why aren't she and McGramps [since she said he felt the same way she did about her God] THRILLED that God did do 'the right thing' and chose Obama to win the election and thus the WH? Why is she so phucking full of ANGER/HATE over the fact that 'her God' did the RIGHT THING FOR AMERICA?
Seems she's trying real hard to make us believe her God did the right thing since the election was in HIS HANDS, or she doesn't believe in her God at all since He did the right thing in not having those losers win the WH, and we ALL know she believes it was WRONG that they didn't win or she wouldn't be running around the country INFLAMING HATE, ANGER, BIGOTRY AND RACISM to her and Bachmann's 'real' Americans.
Wonder how that 'religious thingy' is working out for her now????
BTW, Anonymous @3:30 - Your last sentence says it all!