Friday, March 12, 2010

Stephen Colbert is learning a lot about Karl Rove by reading his book. Mostly what a huge liar he is.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Karl Rove's New Book
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorSkate Expectations

Yeah essentially what you learn is that everything Rove writes is bullshit. Of course Stephen says that in a much more humorous fashion.


  1. Anonymous8:45 AM

    O/T From Newsweek:

  2. another day, another eMeg blunder.

    Whitman caught holding fake townhall and asking for cheers and applause

  3. 10catsinMD11:48 AM

    Gryphen, etal, please check out wonderwall and the SP fan facebook page. so true, so true.

  4. cheeriogirl12:04 PM

    Gryphen. Check out WASHINGTON POST. They've taken on Fox for their lies about health care reform, and their total Republican agenda.

    This is unbelievable!

  5. cheeriogirl @12:04 PM, Spot on! It is Murdoch's "making things up" network. They are doing it "for the troops."

  6. Good lord but that slab of ham looks just like Rove!!

    Cannot believe Colbert licked it... oh man... almost got a 2nd tasting of the fish I had for dinner. Dissgussting!!

    But funny as hell.

  7. sunnyjane2:01 AM

    By employing Glenn Beck’s no-doubt-about-it analysis technique, I have just realized that Karl Rove is a COMMUNIST! Think about it.

    Karl Rove and Karl Marx: Both names have four letters. There is an ‘r’ in each name. ‘Rove’ has two vowels. His stepfather was of Norwegian ancestory. If you cross two countries from Norway (Sweden and Finland), you are in Russia, which BEGINS with an ‘r.’ What more proof do we need that Rove is a Communist?

    Gasp! Pass it on!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.