Monday, March 22, 2010

The next time somebody asks you why the Democrats did not try harder to get Republicans to help craft this Health Care bill, just play them this video.

Update: For some reason this video simply will not embed properly so instead I will offer this link to YouTube.

The "baby killer" remark is at the 40 second mark.

Does THAT seem like a party that is interested in calm reasonable negotiations?

The Republicans decided from DAY ONE that they were not going to cooperate on this legislation, or really ANY of Obama's legislation, because they want to cripple his presidency.  Essentially they fear that if he is as successful, and a popular, as they fear he might be that their party is doomed. 

Are they wrong?

Actually no.

The GOP is badly damaged by the eight years of George W. Bush, and if the first Democratic president in office after his term hits it out of the ballpark, the Republicans will have a hell of time taking up residence in the White House anytime soon.

Even if they are smart enough NOT to run Sarah Palin.

I have little doubt that the GOP will win some more seats in the upcoming election. However it is will be interesting to see if they will stand shoulder to shoulder with the Republican obstructionists or if they decide that it is in their political best interests to keep a little space between themselves and the old guard.

I think a lot of that will depend on how well this new Health Care bill is explained to the American people and what, if any, improvements they make to it in the coming months. The Democrats have a huge advantage right now, but only if they control the message this time and keep the Republicans from scaring the voters into believing that the Democrats are reaching for their wallets with one hand and pulling the plug on Granny with the other.


  1. Anonymous7:52 AM

    oops, I believe Bart Stupak is a democrat.

  2. Komal7:57 AM

    Gryphen, Stupak is a blue dog Dem...

  3. Anonymous8:06 AM

    You know, the Democrats came together for a common cause and were successful at getting health care passed. It was hard; it was rancorous. Why not follow their lead and get together in solidarity with the other anti-Palin bloggers? I have been thinking that as nice as your new blog redesign looks, it would look even better with a certain link restored. What do you think? Working together for a common cause gets things accomplished!

  4. Moondog8:16 AM

    Actually, Bart Stupak is a Dem which made it all the more infuriating.

  5. Gasman8:23 AM

    Bart Stupak’s days in Congress are numbered. I suspect that his constituent Michael Moore will be heavily involved in supporting his Dem primary challenger. From his characterization of the HCR as supporting federal funding of abortion, Stupak proved that he was either stupid, lying, or both. I can tolerate people being opposed to abortion. I can tolerate people wanting to overturn Roe vs. Wade, but I cannot tolerate those who do so using lies, hyperbole, and disingenuous tactics as did Stupak. He sought to ban abortion by trying to include wording that would effectively make abortion illegal. He should pay for his duplicity.

    The ridiculous thing about Stupak’s grandstanding is that by supporting the bill, he probably would be preventing MORE abortions. Without HCR it is likely that there would be women who would choose to terminate pregnancies because they cannot afford the cost of giving birth without insurance. This will help eliminate such abortions. Stupak was either dumb enough to not read the bill and rely others to inform him, or he knew damn well what it said and intentionally lied to further his own 15 minutes of fame. Either way, he deserves to go.

    Stupak was simply grandstanding. As to the ideologically pure teabagger zealots who shouted “baby killer” at him, they persuaded nobody to join their cause by employing such heavy handed bullying tactics.

    I am content to let the circular firing squad continue among members of the GOP and the teabaggers. They can continue to purge themselves of all who are not ideologically pure until they are left with only the most imbecilic of the lot. In short order they will represent only a couple of percent points of our population and will be nothing more than a minor irritant.

  6. Did you see Michelle Bachman claiming there will be 30% more abortions after Stupak made his statement? The repub gang with Bachman spewed nonsense spinning the government will pay for abortions. Stupak is being portrayed by some as a hypocritacal baby killer.

  7. Your best line :"the Republicans will have a hell of a time taking up residence in the White House anytime soon." I want to take this, make it my mantra, cherish those words, and make them true. How I long for them to be true! I hate the Republican Party as it has become: the party of no and the party of hate.

  8. I ma sorry some of you are reading this wrong. I am not calling Bart Stupack a "GOP asshole", I am saying some "GOP asshole" called Bart Stupak a baby killer.

  9. Never mind I just clarified my post.

    That should clear up any confusion.

  10. I laugh when they call Democrats socialists,communists and whatever else their little twisted minds can come up with.
    Look closely at the numbers when republicans vote and tell me they are democratic? Every single republican votes the same.
    They are cowered into voting as a bloc, no one is allowed to deviate.
    We may not like it when Democrats do not always vote for what the Democrats want, but at least it shows democracy in action.
    Constant voting in blocs seems,I don't know,like communism?

  11. FEDUP!!!9:02 AM

    The fight is not over yet - they will still try to derail it from coming to a vote in the Senate : "the Republicans intend to attempt parliamentary objections that could require it to go back to the House. "

  12. Just the dreaded red x in the box for me, and the site is taking forever and a day to load. Has been this way all weekend. Something called feedjit? I don't know.

  13. Anonymous9:22 AM

    was the GOP asshole ever identified?

  14. I don't know if any of you actually watched Stupak's press conference, but I did. First, let me clarify this by saying I am firmly pro-choice, and I believe the original Stpuak amendment was ridiculous and too restrictive. With that said,yes, Stupak was grandstanding, but if you listened to him aand his colleagues, you would undertand and respect teh difference between a pro-life democrat, and a supposed "pro-life" (in reality, pro-BIRTH) Republican.

    Stupak and the other members with him, clearly voiced their support for this bill because in it's entirety is is very much pro-life. This reform will provide millions of women and children with affordable pre-natal and post natal care, so women won't be forced to terminate a pregnancy just because they cannot afford to see a doctor. Pre-natal care is crtical in preventing birth deformities, pre-term births, and infant death. Abortion rates decrease when women have access to affordable quality care, and only a democrat cares about that. Republicans could care less about providing medical care for anyone, much less pregnant women.

    So, yes, I am sticking up for Stupak, because he espressed concern for those without health insurance and voted the right way. Those Republicans that used abortion as a last ditch attempt to rally votes against this bill should be ashamed of themselves. They voted to deny coverage to pregnant women and innocent babies, thus making them baby killers.

  15. What a zoo the proceedings were. No wonder they don't get much done in Congress.

    They could easily have cut out a few hours time, but just shutting up & focusing.

    How many times did the chairperson have to pound the gavel calling for order in the house, in the course of this debate???

    What do we need, congressional detention rooms for when the (kids) politicians misbehave in session?

    Pelosi's gavel looked like a croquet mallet.... in case she needed to bonk someone in the head??

    For the record, I heart socialist medicine, and am happy for the Government takeover.

    Now maybe we can move forward towards true pubic option??

  16. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Even though I'm a Democrat, I believe in the two party system. I think it's good to have the checks and balances of differing voices. And ever since the Republican party started veering further to the right, I tried to stay fair and reasonable, hoping saner voices would prevail. As Limbaugh, Beck, Bachmann and Palin got louder and nastier, I tried to keep in mind that there are still moderate Repubs in the party. As DeMint and Wilson and others spewed their nastiness, I tried to believe that there were still moderates who would rescue the party.

    Well, no more. Is it possible that there is not one moderate Republican who was willing to vote their conscience instead of their party or their congressional seat?
    Apparently not. I have lost all hope for their party. As far as I'm concerned, they can all go to hell.

  17. If there are moderate Republicans, they need to stand up and take on the extreme right that now sullies their party. Too many of them act like they're scared of the teabaggers and idiots like limbaugh out there and hide their true selves. I bet if more stand up and break away from that hateful pack, many others will join with them. This entire Health Care "debate" was never about the good of the american people, from the Repub. stand point, but all about keeping this huge victory out of Obama's/the Democrats hands. They should be ashamed of themselves, they're more despicable now than ever before.

  18. he's a Teabagging Birfer from Texas.
    cannot believe this assclown is an elected lawmaker for this country.

  19. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Someone asked who shouted "baby killer" was Texican Rep. Randy Neugebauer. His congressional website is now down...imagine that!

  20. he excuses "Baby Killer" as a comment that just came out "in the heat and emotion of the debate"

    I think we should all start using that excuse

  21. Rep Steve King wants to take the Teabaggers and start his own country.
    KING: “I just came down here so I could say to you, God bless you. … You are the awesome American people.
    If I could start a country with a bunch of people, they’d be the folks who were standing with us the last few days. Let’s hope we don’t have to do that! Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!”

  22. Enjay in E MT12:20 PM

    As long as the GOP continues to obstruct the legislative process - representing corporations instead of their constituants - they should loose their seats.

    There was a total lack of civility in the chambers - ignoring rules of conduct. I believe those being disruptive should have been removed. They could have voted from a 2nd sound-proof chamber.

    Perhaps if women have accessibility to more effective "birth control" methods, there will be less abortions.

  23. Anne NC12:35 PM

    GenieO, I felt the same as you about the two party system and remember the days when there were GOP members that I could have supported. However, as nasty and dirty as they have become in the last couple of years along with their refusal to denounce the lies of Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, Palin and O'Reilly shows them in an entirely different light. Furthermore, their revisionist history is so preposterous that when they spew that nonsense and expect anyone to believe them, it's demeaning to the American Public as a whole.

    Until the party of "no" changes their attitude and decides to work in a bipartisan manner as the Democratic party truly tried to do in regards to healthcare, they can simply not be considered to have the interest of the people in mind. They care more about winning against the Democratic party than they do about the healthcare needs of the people. Their lies about government takeover are clearly refuted when you listen to what is in the bill. Nobody is being forced to give up their insurance, the government is not going to be coming between the patient and the physician or any of the other lies that have been told.

  24. I don't see it at all, as a foregone conclusion, that Democrats should expect to lose seats in the November elections.

    If it happens, as most economists expect, that the steady growth we've seen recently will continue, with a slow growth in jobs, easing of the housing crunch, and add to that the greater access to Health-Care expected by this legislation.......
    are you kidding me.....what in hell can the Rethugs possibly campaign on????
    Making NO a four letter word????

    They have nothing; deserve nothing; will gain nothing; and will be rewarded with said same.

    At the all out worst, it will be a wash; losing as many as are gained.

  25. Sorry if you have probably been hearing this already - but there is no video here ? ? ? at least for me.

    Only a big, empty box with that dreaded red X!!!

  26. carol from Minnesota2:20 PM

    virginia voter: I too watched Stupak and agree with you. He may be a right to life democrat but he is not a republican right to lifer who uses the issue to gain political advantage and shows no or little compassion for anyone after they are born.

  27. Anonymous4:17 PM

    The republicans have bet that their total opposition and fear mongering will restore them to power.
    They expect to gain control of the senate and the house in the November elections. If their tactic works, they will no doubt continue these tactics and move even harder to the right. If the they fail, perhaps a more moderate party will emerge. Considering the emergence of the teabaggers,I think it is very unlikely to see much moderation of the republican party. Except for Scott Brown who does want to be re-elected in a very blue state.

  28. Anonymous4:28 PM

    For as irritating as it was to deal with Bart Stupak, this is a lesson in exactly how the system is supposed to work. All voices are heard - all concerns are addressed. Then sit at the table and hammer out a workable solution. The Democratic party is a tent large enough to hold far left progressives like Dennis Kucinich, Jane Hamsher and Ed Schultz, Blue Dogs like Stupak, and moderates like the majority. We disagree and we get mad but we stay civil and in the end, we work it out. The fact that some Democrats held out and voted no, doesn't bother me in the least. The fact that NO Republicans voted yes, DOES bother me. The Republicans are determined to push all liberals, and moderates out of the party. Something is very wrong here. Something really stinks.

  29. Anonymous4:50 PM

    You need to make up your mind whether you are going to call down Stupak or support him. Yesterday he was a worthless scum who was using the abortion excuse to not support the bill. Oh yes, that's the reason and it was because he was bought off by lobbyists, not because he was concerned with dead babies. Now when he is forced to come over to the yes side you applaud him and are behind him. What hypocrisy, the bum is the same bum as he was three days ago and should be punished by the electors before he is enabled by his postition to repeat a similar stunt.

    Or do you truly believe that his concern was with abortions being paid for by the gov? Hilarious!

  30. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Perhaps if women have accessibility to more effective "birth control" methods, there will be less abortions.


    Last year there were 1 million abortions in the US. There have been 50 million abortions since Roe v Wade. Far too many women use abortion for birth control and health care reform won't change this.

  31. when does it take effect?

  32. EmilyPeacock5:15 AM

    Anonymous @8:47 PM

    Last year there were 1 million abortions in the US. There have been 50 million abortions since Roe v Wade. Far too many women use abortion for birth control and health care reform won't change this.
    You've spoken to every one of those 50 million women and they told you they use abortion as birth control?

    Broad sweeping generalizations do not prove the hypothesis.


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