Friday, March 19, 2010

Oh you guys have GOT to visit Wonkette today!

Based on the picture above from Sarah's interview with Sean Hannity Wonkette is having a field day!  Taking the sight of this bad wig as confirmation that Palin is definitely going bald the comments section is absolutely filled with comedy gold.

Here is but a taste:

Some poor horse died for that wig. Why does she hate America so much?

Not only is she a member, she is president of the hair club for hillbillies.

William Shatner is jealous!

Update: Huffington Post has an "is she or isn't she" wig poll going.


  1. Grouchodawg2:04 PM

    I think that she just hasn't washed her hair in a week!!!!

  2. Gasman2:08 PM

    That wig looks like one she might have gotten it by responding to an ad in The Old Farmer’s Almanac, American Rifleman, or Field and Stream. However, it totally goes with the whole “white trash chic” thing that she has going on. She is such a moronic clod and she’s too stupid to even realize it. She is the Queen of Teabagger Elegance.

  3. Thank you, Gryphen! I have not laughed so hard in ages. I cried from convulsive laughter.

  4. Hey Guys-

    A little humor and stress relief (it’s worth the look).

    A humorous story / pictorial of 2 dogs establishing their turf in a back yard in West Texas. Amazing photography of young canines bonding. The story line follows that of a Greek mythological epic saga.

  5. Anonymous2:16 PM

    OT--Ed on MSNBC is about to ask questions re Hannity.

    Nanny B

  6. I love, love the Going Rug comment, too funny!!

  7. Poor Sarah. One can only hope there will be some strong mental health provisions in the HCR bill from which she might seek the help she so desperately needs

  8. Anonymous2:30 PM

    She knows how to progress dead lakes and wigs.

  9. "Going Rug" was the one that made me spew coffee.

  10. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I disagree. Sarah lost it and shaved it ala Britney without the sex appeal or ability to make a comeback.

  11. Love me some Wonkette everyday. The comments are BRUTALLY funny....In the middle of my stressful day, a side trip to Wonkette make me LOL every time.

  12. Going Rug, indeed.

    @Luna, O/T, not only was Palin kayaking, but in the text of her book she says she was already in labor with Willow and was paddling to speed it up. I guess if she is accustomed to heavy physical exercise in the middle of a lake while in labor, flying from TX to AK and driving from Anchorage to Wasilla in the middle of the night is no sweat for Wonder Woman.

  13. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Sarah's thinning hair is God's response for the Trig lie.

  14. mocha3:58 PM

    As for the " I was in labor on the lake with Willow", that's another bullsh!t story from Ms LiarLiar. Every story she's ever told about how rugged she is has been exaggerated. She realizes if she told her story straight, there is nothing interesting about her. A classic trait of the narcissistic personality is to embellish a story even when it's not warranted. She is mentally ill, not a tough heroine.

  15. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Ju' cuz mos' o' you folks never seed a boar-bristlin' wig whats all curled up pretty b'fore, 'ere's no call ter go pokin' fun at a gal!

    On second thought, maybe Madame Sarah is rockin' the 'gypsy-mama' meme.
    We'll get that 'look' nailed down

    Sharon TN

  16. tj1014:09 PM

    Wonkette always rocks! Their comments are as entertaining as their "articles".

    They live blogged palin's interview on's pee-in-your-pants funny!

  17. Sarah just realized that she crapped in her depends. Can you smell it too also.

  18. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Elly Mae must be so very poed.

  19. dancingthroughlife4:46 PM

    Elly May Clampett, anyone? The Beverly Hillbillies was the first thing I thought of when I saw that hair!

  20. Nope that there is what you call yer classic Pinoccio syndrone. Every lie her face shrinks.

  21. comparing paylin and the Beverly Hillbillies isnt right. The Clampett's were honest hard working folks, with more sense than money, and they had LOTS of money. Please dont disparage my favor-ite TV show of all time. thanks!

  22. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I might have missed some previous news but is there evidence that Sarah is losing her hair and is she known to wear wigs often? I guess I didn't hear that one before.

    I also missed the buzz of her facelift or whatever she had done, do people know when and what all she underwent and are there any good before and after pictures?

  23. Anonymous6:44 PM

    My favorite too! The Beverly Hillbillies, that is.
    My favorite from the article:
    "Only on Wonkette does a semi-literate dating site spammer unwittingly become part of the culture."

  24. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Sarah, the newest Rugrat!

    I personally agree with anonymous @ 3:07. I think Sarah has lost her marbles ala Brittany Spears and shaved her head. Can flashing her gootchie be far behind?

  25. Fess Parker passed away yesterday after the shock of seeing Palin wearing his old coonskin hat.

    One just expects to see critters buzzing out of it at any second!

    If you recall the pics of Palin in Hawaii with that very scant , short ponytail sticking out of her baseball cap, you would realize just what little hair she really has.

    With her eyebrows now stitched at almost the top of her forehead and all the wigs and hair pieces she has been wearing, she has become a drag queens dream.

    THAT is what she really looks like here ....a drag queen.

  26. HollyP7:12 PM

    The hairdresser she stiffed caught up with her and took revenge.

  27. deebee7:55 PM

    Looks like roadkill from the Freedom Express !

  28. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Is it just me, or has the view from her house changed? Seems like the opposite shore of the lake used to be farther away and don't recall the majestic mountains.

    Perhaps there's a different angle from the new studio, but still, would the lake actually shrink like that?

    My only comment about her looks are as usual, when she does her own make-up she tends to overdue it. Don't understand why she didn't learn from the pro that they hired on the campaign. She really looked good then. Less is more. bt

  29. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Going Rug.

    my fave comment

  30. Anonymous4:36 AM

    HAHAHAHAHAHA I listened to this bit SIX TIMES to be sure...

    Palin: "...with this Obamacare thing coming down the pike that's so... A-POOR-ENT"

    lol - Did you perhaps mean to use the word 'abhorrent' Ms. Palin? It's pronounced 'ab-hawr-uhnt'. I'm guessing you just washed your wig and can't do a thing with it eh?

    Thanks Gryph! That made my whole evening!

  31. Anonymous5:42 AM

    If the mouthy Jessica from the Beehive is responsible for that wig, Jessica needs to change the name of her business to the D-Dive.

    Don't go walking in the woods with that mop on Sarah. Some wild animal may attack you for wearing his relative.

  32. Anonymous5:58 AM

    HAHAHAHAHAHA (falls off her chair laughing) my comment was meant for the next post (previous post? hahahaha - you know - the one without the wig! hahahaha I know how to use a computer!!! honest!!!

  33. emrysa7:06 AM

    the fact that she went in front of the camera with that thing on her head speaks volumes about her mental condition.

    seriously, she thinks THAT looks good?

  34. was i the only waiting for that thing to rear up on its hind legs?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.