Sunday, March 07, 2010

Palin invades Canada! In retaliation Canucks contemplating using rude language!

So Sarah actually decided it was time to finally leave the safe Christian soil of the good ole US of A and travel to Canada with their cold induced eternally erect liberal nipples and their evil fascist socialized medicine.

Yes Sarah was taking a huge risk of being attacked by Canada's uber-liberal media or, worse yet, of being ignored by Canada's uber-liberal media.

So how did she do?

Well according to Canadian reporter Colby Cash it was a struggle just to make it through her speech.

Strongest line of the night–most heartfelt–is her description of debt as “immoral”. Her clickety-clack pace of statistics and factoids is held up for a moment as she speaks slowly about the intergenerational unfairness of public insolvency. Soon, however, she returns to her exhausting regular rhythm. It’s a struggle to maintain attention.

Mr. Cash took copious notes and if you click his highlighted name you can share his pain.

This next reporter reveals that apparently in the past (now hold onto your heads tightly Palin-bots this might cause them to explode!) Sarah's family had received socialized health care from Canada! Here is a direct quote from Sarah herself: “My first five years of life we spent in Skagway, Alaska, right there by Whitehorse. Believe it or not – this was in the ‘60s – we used to hustle on over the border for health care that we would receive in Whitehorse. I remember my brother, he burned his ankle in some little kid accident thing and my parents had to put him on a train and rush him over to Whitehorse and I think, isn’t that kind of ironic now. Zooming over the border, getting health care from Canada."

OH...MY...GOD! Can you believe that Sarah Palin's family were a bunch of socialists? Well thank God, and Todd, that she married an Alaskan native so that her family could receive free government subsidized health care in the good ole US....hey wait a minute! Is that hypocrisy I smell?

Well the important thing is that she did great in Calgary, so we Alaskans can finally be proud of Sarah for once. Though reporter Colby Cash returns to tell us that the deck may have been heavily stacked in Palin's favor for this particular speech.

In no other Canadian city of equal size would her denunciation of “snake-oil” climate science have been greeted with such unrestrained, joyous roars by a very elite, very wealthy audience. (The Palomino Room was saturated with old Reformers, including Stockwell Day. At the end of the festivities, Ralph Klein, perhaps eager for refreshment, came blasting down the aisle in my direction at the approximate speed of a maglev train.) I’m not sure there is even an American city where Palin’s climate skepticism and drill-or-be-damned pro-fossil stance would have been so well-received. Certainly there can’t be one where an appearance by Palin would be beset by a grand total of one (1) poor sad-sack anarchist protester. I know in Edmonton there’d be 20. (It’s the same 20 every time no matter what’s being protested.)

Ahh now I get it!

But you know what is of particular interest to me is that, at least so far, there has been no mention by the media of a Trig Palin sighting. We hear Piper mentioned a number of times, but Sarah's favorite prop is nowhere to be found. Which of course just lends itself to feeding the "conspiracy" about Trig's birth because of course he could not travel into Canada without a birth certificate, and that thing is more elusive than the Loch Ness Monster!

Things that make you go "Hmm".

(And while we are on the topic of babies, I would also be interested if anybody stumbles across a mention of Tripp Johnston either. I still have a few lingering questions about that child as well.)

Just to close this post out, and since I cannot think of a good closer right now, I will leave you with this very humorous video sent to me by commenter bondwooley, called "Last of the Last Straws". Watch until the end you will love it, I promise.)

Update: It looks like one of my brilliant visitors (Thanks Kat) caught Sarah Palin in yet another lie. (I know, go figure right?)

In the above link Palin claims that while living in Skagway her brother was burned and they took him to the town of Whitehorse, in Canada, for treatment. However in an article written in the Skagway News around May 0f 2007 (Using the guilty plea of the VECO executives as a reference point), Palin tells a completely different story: Her brother burned his foot badly jumping through a fire, and her mother had to take him down to Juneau on the ferry to the hospital.

Well gee which story is true? Did brother Chuck get medical treatment in Juneau or Whitehorse? Or are we to believe Chuck was terribly accident prone and needed to be treated for burns multiple times, in a variety of locations?

Quick somebody go shake RAM and tell her she is on the clock again!


  1. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I wonder if Bristol and Tripp were there? This was part of the California tour so she could tape her guest appearance. I wonder if B & T flew home, leaving Piper to carry on supporting her mother, or was Tripp allowed into Canada? And if Tripp was, why not Trig? Not that Trig should be going anywhere but to his therapists and pediatrician, but now is a funny time to start worrying about that, given that all those brain connections are pretty much not gonna be there after all this neglect.


  2. Anonymous8:45 AM

    You mean she didn't carry him around under her arm like a loaf of french bread pining for votes? Who says that even a Palin can't learn something from someone with Downs Syndrome! Bravo Andrea Friedman!

  3. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Nowhere else in Canada except Alberta would Palin be received well. And Calgary is the conservative rat's nest. Many times you will hear Canadians talk about trading Alberta for Oregon, even trade.

    It's also the home of our conservative pig of a Prime Minister, Harper. His agends fits well with Palin's except that he will lay low because he doesn't have a majority government (yet) and he doesn't want to make it plain to Canadians that he plans to destroy our healthcare system. But we know he does! Canadians would tear his ears off and stuff them up his conservative ass if he was truthful about it.

  4. Anonymous8:51 AM

    As a Canadian I have several comments:
    1)Stockwell Day - HA HA HA HA, about as respected as Palin
    2)Ralph - was he sober?
    3)Calgary - not in the cultural foreground of Canada, climate change denying (because their Province relies on oil money), populated, by a great extent by 'blue collar workers'. Calgary Foothills hospital however is one of the most respected hospitals in the world (brain surgery}.

  5. akbright9:08 AM

    Great post Gryphen!

  6. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Hollywood's not feeling the love either

  7. hdtracy9:17 AM

    I commented on this on another blog, but as a Canadian, I can assure you, we don't have an accent like Sarah Palin as she puts it - we'd probably shoot ourselves if that were the case. Reports on her speaking gig in Calgary may describe an overall warm reception, but remember, she was speaking in the same city where Calgary-based TransCanada Pipelines in headquartered which would potentially foster support. Calgary is just one city in one province in the whole of Canada. Remember, a lot of us Canadians made a stink over her once scheduled appearance at a medical facility in Hamilton, Ontario, and with a concerted effort, we managed to get her booted from it. Believe me, any popular support for this crazy woman in Canada is purely microscopic (just like her brain! - couldn't resist!).

    If any one you need to move if Palin 2012 becomes reality (god forbid!), you are all welcome 'cause it's a great place to live. On that note, may I share NBC anchor Brian Williams' thank you note to Canada after covering the Olympics:

  8. Thanks Gryph! These articles contain yet another Palin lie. Two conflicting stories of her brother's "kid accident." In Canadian speech she talks of him being whisked to Whitehorse by train & in this account of her visit to her first home in Skagway she tells the story of her brother being burned & her mother taking him by ferry to Juneau for treatment.

    She's incapable of telling the truth on anything.

  9. Anonymous9:26 AM

    As a citizen of both Canada and the US, I want to say that the above-suggested trade of Alberta for Oregon in the Canadian's favor is out of the question! I would not want to have Albertans to the south of me and lose the beauty of Oregon to the cold prairie. Not a fair trade at all, thus I veto this idea :)

  10. Anonymous9:36 AM

    She's a hypocrite..taking my Canadian health care then denouncing it.

  11. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Here’s a thought.

    If Sarah really believes that the earth only has existed for 6000 years and that humans, dinosaurs and the carboniferous period vegetation all existed at the same time. - or does she believe that God just poured oil into deep holes for her to ferret out and pump up - then the oil she wants pumped up contains the fossilized liquified remains of not just pre-dinosaur foliage, and liquified dead dinosaurs but the liquefied fossilized remains of dead human ancestors.

    Therefore she is advocating body snatching on an enormous scale. Not only is that illegal, and really tacky, but it is probably a sacrileges.

    OK MSM ask Sarah this one and let’s see what she babbles out.

  12. Basheert9:41 AM

    Didn't she attempt once again to equate herself with G-o-d who she says "wrote on his hand"?

    Her insanity knows no bounds. The paid reporters who were required to cover this event have my deepest sympathies!

  13. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Kat - great find. Lies lies lies yeah.

  14. Anonymous10:08 AM

    You guys ever see this video? I hadnt...

  15. wakeUpAmerica10:10 AM

    "...share his pain." Funny that!

  16. akbright10:13 AM

    What's the difference between Sarah Palin and a Bobble-head doll?
    - the doll makes more sense with it's mouth closed than Sarah does with hers open.
    (sorry, but anymore when I hear about Sarah giving a speech, I get a picture of a bobblehead doll)

  17. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I've had more fun linking all IM's posters links @ Macleans! Posted all the ANTI Palin blogs addys too!!!

  18. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Of course Trig can't go to Canada! Even though Canada is Alaska's "next door neighbor" and you can ALMOST see Canada from from the Palin Family Compound, it is still a foreign country.

    Poor Trig will be stuck at home every time Sarah goes outside the US. Not having a birth certificate may prove troublesome for Trig later in life.

  19. Thanks Kat and Gryphen! You know, if the poor thing can't keep track of her lies, maybe she should start writing them down. Oh, wait. She did, and it still didn't work.

  20. Anonymous11:07 AM

    All I can say is that she is a lying piece of moosepoop.

  21. Trig wasn't in Ohio either. Two Right to Life events back to back in Columbus and Cleveland and no "I chose not to have an abortion" poster boy? I think it's self-evident that he was not there because the following day she went to Canada. I don't believe Trig has a passport for entering or leaving the US. And before any bots try to claim he can travel on her passport - he Cannot. Every child, regardless of age must have their own passport.

  22. grainnekathleen11:28 AM

    Anonymous @ 9:41, you have me hooting with laughter. The Flintstones and The Land of the Lost come to mind. So sad that our ancestors were liquified, but they are lighting our homes, now praise the Lord, and brewing our coffee in the morning. I'm sure they would be proud of themselves!
    I am picturing Sarah dressed as Wilma, or better yet, Pebbles. However, i think the most likely role for her would be a Sleestak (spelling?!?).
    Thanks for the laugh!

  23. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Gyp, Why no coverage of the Mystik association and the Palin's? This is a big story and should be on all the blogs.

    Have you and the other blogs been punked by the bots to suppress this great story?

    $arah as a spokemodel for the socialist owned lube company will be fodder for late night comedians for a long time, but the story must get out.

    I think the "bad blood" this weekend was manufactured by some clever hackers and trolls to stop this story IMHO.

    Let's get back to exposing the truth.

  24. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Quick RAM go polish that Turd!!!!
    Grab the pooper scooper!
    *Demand retraction...
    *Print phony retraction
    *go find phony witness to validate the SwagHag's lies!
    Oh forgot...Don't forget to Tweet you twatwaffle!

  25. Anonymous11:35 AM

    It's news that she lied?
    She lies ALL the time about everything - big things-little things, black things-white things, in a box-with a fox.. It's worked very well for her - so far.

  26. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Where is Trig? I didn't see his name mentioned with the Palin crowd in CA and not in Canada. It seems he hasn't made an appearance or had his name mentioned since the 2 or 3 Trig story came out.

  27. Basheert12:07 PM

    Just one more lie. She's told so many, to so many people, that she honestly cannot remember anything from one day to the next.

    Not that I believe any of that happened, but if he had received a serious burn, he could have undergone many graft surgeries at different times.

    It's a lot more fun to simply accept that once again she's just lying through her fake teeth.

  28. Kat, about Sarah's versions of where her brother received medical treatment... what's the bet she'll explain it by saying that first he was taken by ferry to a Juneau hospital and THEN went to Whitehorse by train for further treatment. LOL.

  29. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Every story she tells has two or three versions, The Us media would not show the same story the cbc did, our media is too lazy or too scared. Its the only think I agree with sp on, they are the lame street media. I am reading the "sociopath next door" by martha stout. does this sound familiar. "women who use their children"? this book says 1 out of every 25 people is a sociopath. It fits Palin to a tee.

  30. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Even if Sarah's family sought health care in Whitehorse while they lived in Skagway, they would not be entitled to Canadian Health care. They would bill their American insurance. Residents of Skagway and Haines routinely seek medical care in Whitehorse that they can't receive in their community. They bill their American health insurance companies--happens all the time in SE AK. So either story-this crazy lady lies at a drop of a hat.

  31. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I sent a Letter to the Editor (ADN) regarding Palin as rep for the Iditarod (Chavez connection and an ad that didn't even relate to the Great Race) and also suggested an investigation begin regarding the Sullivan life insurance policy (lack of) and Wheeler's direction to the Assembly (no contract when he said the M of A had a contractual obligation).

    Should I mention the letter was not printed? Surprised anyone?

  32. Anonymous1:14 PM

    What's the difference in the Heaths going to Canada for free care and the Mexicans coming across the southern border for free care?

  33. Anon at 11:07 AM, I like succinct. I would add, a lying piece of moosepoop to the Nth. Where N is a really big number.

  34. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Wow, she's admitting again that "socialist" medicine is good enough for her family, but not for anyone else. Maybe if her parents had proper health coverage in the US, they wouldn't have had to cross the border to get it for free. They should have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and paid the premiums. also, too. How will the baggers like that her family was looking for a handout of free health care? This is a look into the origins of her grifting ways. Granny is always looking for a freebie for herself and her family, but screw everyone else, you betcha.

    It's even worse if she lied about it. She always makes up new lies for each crowd. Whatever she thinks will pander to them. Blech!

  35. I'd love to be in a room full of psychiatrists as they discuss the pathologies of Palin.

  36. Anonymous1:28 PM

    RAM is doing Meg's job via twitter

    # @adndotcom Correction requested. Palin family was at the Iron Dog start. Fix your story 4:40 PM Feb 22nd via web

    # RT @adndotcom: @RAMansour Thanks. You're right. Sarah Palin and children were at race start. Online story is now corrected and will be i ... 5:57 PM Feb 22nd via web

  37. Anonymous1:40 PM

    As a Canadian, I resented that this neo-terrorist was even allowed across the border. As an Albertan, I am incensed. That said, I would be willing to bet that most of her audience were members of the ex-pat American oil trash that resides in Calgary. Her speech was a disaster in delivery (she hasnt gotten any bettr in delivery since Trig was born, that's certain.) and simply a rehash of her hand-written talking points of old. She had to be whisked in and out with extraordinary security, I'm told, with the usual ban on reporters, etc. Please keep her, Alaska. Please put a wall around her compound with locks on the outside, and rename it the Wassilla Asylum for the Mentally R...oooops..

  38. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Where does Palin say that the health care received for her brother was free?

  39. Anonymous1:51 PM

    1:14 pm, anon. At least the Mexicans work.

  40. anon @1:28 - RAM has less class than Meg. How DARE she ORDER the adn, saying "fix your story."
    No please, not an ounce of civility.
    And adn kissed her ass - now RAM will believe she can order the entire Press around.
    What a bully.

    anon @1:40 "neo-terrorist" - yes, I like that description for SP - I like it a lot.

  41. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I'm still wondering if perhaps, also, too, that socialized medicine her family got when she was a kid included her Canada? Anybody looked into that???

    Wouldn't that be a kicker, after all the birther comments she's made about Pres. Obama?

  42. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Thanks Gryphen for the link on your blogroll to The Back Porch. Just read that fantastic posting on Glenn Beck!

    It sure is hopeful to know that someone like that blogger is involved in education. It makes me feel good. Wish you were still in the classroom as well. Kids need fine minds as examples of how to learn and how to think.

  43. cheeriogirl2:59 PM

    Such a shame the mounties couldn't come up with some reason to detain her. The US could really use a break.

  44. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign3:04 PM

    OK I never comment on the baby stuff, it all just puzzles me and I wish the Twit would knock off the crap and end the whole thing.

    But I couldn't help but think "Trig's getting ruffles" when a poster mentioned he hadn't been seen. I don't even know how I knew about ruffles! Well yes I do since I check on all my AK bloggers and saw ruffle pics even though I haven't been following the baby posts. But here I am - not the least bit involved in conspiracy speculation, and now I'm thinking ruffles!

    Egads! Help!

  45. emrysa3:38 PM

    I understand tailoring your message to your audience, but it's not supposed to include LYING. how many times now have we heard a palin story change according to who she was talking to?

    whothehell keeps giving money to this woman for such amateur performances?

  46. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Face it, Palin LIES to fit her audience and her audience is STUPID enough to believe her and worse yet SEND HER MORE money. sHE IS THE ULTIMATE lying GRIFTER. What crappy lessons her children learn. But, hey, she's a crappy parent and as long as it makes MONEY neither she nor her kids care. So whay year are Alaskans going to take this disease of a human being off the international stage?

  47. Gryphen...

    Kat is right, the Heath's received no Canadian Health was in Juneau.

    Palin again lied..stating she was told she had a Canadian accent and no doubt only those right- wing-nuts believed her. Believe me..we do not speak like her.

    Calgary also invited both Bush and Rice to speak...both were loudly greeted by signs of dislike and loud they walked into the speach building.

    The Province of Alberta belonged to the old Canada Reform Party. Which our present Prime Minister was a part of...until they switched to become the Canada Conservative Party. However, they still think and act like the Reform Party. Moreover, sneaky Harper comes from Calgary, Alberta.

    Many USA citizens live in that Province..about 80,000. And during Canadian Elections they sure show their Republican side by talking up and contributing to the Canadian Conservative Party.

    This Canadian is ashamed that even Calgarians would stoop that low and invite Alaska's Liar and Queen of Loonie Tunes to their City and Province.

  48. Gryphen - I don't think RAM's been off the clock. You increased the level of fEAR in the Palin camp and she's been a very busy girl trying to smEAR you.

    I've got questions about Tripp, too.

    Why wasn't he included in the Mat-Su Reg. Dec.'08 birth announcements?

    And then the hospital stopped birth announcements on Jan. 1 '09.

    Why did Sarah act so strange after Dec. 27, instead of like a proud grandmother? She had to be hounded into announcing Tripp's arrival, excluded Tripp from her list of important events in '08 during a Canadian radio interview and turned on the press and Levi.

  49. kdusmdd5:07 PM

    Recently, I saw a post Re: Palin's birth. It said that the Heath's had no insurance when Mrs. Heath was pregnant with Sarah. They moved to Canada and became Canadian citizens. Sarah was born they said. After which, they moved back to the US to live in Alaska......just saying...

  50. Kat - Great work!

    Martha UYS - Oh dear! That's an eearry speculation. Welcome to the party! Enjoy an adult beverage while we try to figure out if it's possible to leave before the last round of drinks is served.

  51. By now just about everyone knows that groupies abound around celeb sports types like Tiger Woods, all hoping to catch that golden sperm that will produce a little moneymaker which will give them security for life or at least enough juicy photos, sex tapes, naughty e-mail exchanges or book material to get them a tidy sum and 15 minutes of fame.

    Now, I would like to ask anyone who has attended the Iditarod if groupies swarm there too??? If, as I suspect the answer is yes ....... who is taking care of MR. Sarah Palin while she is on her "scrounging for scratch" tours?

  52. scarlet/oregon5:53 PM

    One of $arah's Answers that Cash mentions.....
    "Palin riffs on her battle against corruption and her belief that the citizen is the best judge of his own welfare and the most efficient user of his own earnings."

    Doesn't "Best Judge Of His Own Welfare" translate to Pro Choice? It's 'her belief', & if abortion is best for a woman's welfare then it sounds like $arah is backing her up.

    You betcha everybody.

  53. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign6:13 PM

    Thanks to all the level headed Canadians for their input - it is much appreciated and it certainly helps with context!

    Let me see...hmmmm...I think I know that feeling of embarrassment...somehow the whole rest of the State of Alaska (not Juneau) elected a major twit for a worthless gov and I still cringe when I think about it!

  54. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign6:40 PM

    Curiouser - LOL! You are supposed to be helping, not making it stick in my head even more than it is!

  55. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Mrs. Heath was pregnant with Sarah. They moved to Canada and became Canadian citizens. Sarah was born there..


    Sarah was born in Sand Point, Idaho.

  56. Gryphen, did you read on Bill Hess's post today that Bristol picked up a little dog in Anchorage on Saturday?

    Hope she doesn't hit Levi up to pay for dog food for this one too :-)

  57. My partner grew up in Haines AK. Sometimes people from Haines and Skagway would go to Whitehorse YKT for medical but would still pay american rates from insurance. Some went to Whitehorse to deliver babies so those kids would enjoy dual citizenship, in both CA and USA.

    Whitehorse is a car trip from both locales, while Juneau AK is a boat or small plane trip.

    Regardless, one does just not run into Canada and get free medical. One can enjoy their hospitals and clinics but as an American one must still provide insurance or cash money for services.

  58. Martha UYS - Maybe a more serious answer will help.

    Trig can't get ruffles and Ruffles can't get unruffled until he's a few years older. Speculating is futile - too many possibilities and whatever happened is probably something we can't make up. Don't even try to think like Sarah.

    But Gryphen said something like he didn't think there was anything sordid that happened. Imagine that Ruffles is probably with a family that lets him wear shoes, eat solid food and will send him to school when he's older. He'll be able to get a passport.

    Now you need to find something to cleanse & divert your mind and I still can't come up with anything clever enough to do the trick. :( And hope we find out the rest of the story SOON, also too.

  59. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign11:07 PM

    Curiouser - I'm more confused than ever! May all the Ruffles and Trigs and whoevers be safe, happy, healthy wherever they may or may not be. If the kid(s) is/are OK, the rest will work itself out.

  60. Anonymous4:39 AM

    lOVE THE REMARK @1:40.

  61. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Why exactly were they going somewhere else to get a burn treated


    Skagway in those days was population 600. The hospital was a small clinic, very limited options.

  62. Regarding Cathy Baldwin-Johnson - the blogs have been saying that she mysteriously left Alaska and may not be practicing medicine anymore but i just contacted this number (907) 352-6200 at 1700 East Bogard Road Suite 100, Wasilla, AK, 99654
    and it she is practicing there.

    They said she's not seeing new patients but is in the office one day a week.

  63. Anonymous9:35 AM

    AArraagh .. I have been trying to pay less attention to SP because she is SO irritating .. her actions, her voice, her looks, her nonsense, her hypocrisies. Yet in Huff Post they too have the news of her receiving health care in Canada ... and it just drives me nuts .. She thinks it is perfectly okay to get freebies from the government (Canadian health care, Native Alaskan health care, stupid things at the hotel suite, clothing from the RNC) yet it's not okay to provide anything for the American people via taxes. She has this whole shtick of Americans being strong and self sufficient, yet she steals from this that and the other .. even the money she does earn is simply what she has reaped from selling herself. It's just too hugly for words. To me, she is the epitome of the UGLY AMERICAN .. thoughtless, lives to consume, harsh, loud, irritating, arrogant, no taste, poorly educated. An embarrassment.

    I find that Obama is the antithesis of that description ... classy, well educated, handsome, pleasant to listen to and look at, well-spoken, calm, thoughtful, has good, simple taste in clothing, food, etc. etc.


  64. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Lynn, can you explain further how the baby got burned? Touching live wires in an electrical cord doesn't cause a burn. Electrical cords are not hot in that sense. I take it that you're saying the baby got burned, or did I misunderstand you?

  65. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Well this Canada story has been reported EVERYWHERE and on countdown the "going to Juneau" story also...too!
    The ocean is in FULL SPIN CONTROL!!!!
    Its so funny to watch them run around like ants!!!!
    Will they ever just admit...SHE LIES LIKE A RUG????

  66. Gryphen - Thank you (from Lester & Charlie) for posting this video!

  67. AP--Sarah Palin, in Point Pilot, Alaska for the day, recalled a childhood memory and the city's meaning to her family.

    "Ya know, when my brother Chuck was little, he burned his foot jumping over a fire and my dad said he was gonna drown him in Bristol Bay as punishment for being so stupid. So we stole a dogsled and mushed it downstate, but dad changed his mind by the time we got there....and ever since that day Point Pilot has had such a special place in our hearts!"

  68. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Regardless, one does just not run into Canada and get free medical. One can enjoy their hospitals and clinics but as an American one must still provide insurance or cash money for services.

    Many Canadian hospitals and physicians won't go through the hassle of dealing with American insurance company bureaucrats trying to dodge paying what they owe. The hospital or physican lists the person as "homeless" so the government pays for it, even though the patient is an American.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.