Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Protesting Teabaggers mock man with Parkinson's disease.

I don't care what side of the issue you are on, this kind of behavior is inexcusable.

Just look at the hate.


  1. Anonymous4:48 PM

    These people have no compassion and they think they're the only ones that have freedom of speech. If you disagree with them, you have no rights.

    My husband and I were in a donut shop yesterday and were approached by a man {typical tea bagger age and type) who immediately came to our table and told us he wanted to show us something. This is a friendly town and we didn't stop him. He took out a napkin and wrote Faith on it and then put something for each letter of the word Faith. This made us a little uncomfortable, but then he said, "Do you know what Obama stands for?" and then proceeded to say something very derogatory about President Obama.

    We were shocked as we didn't know this man and had never been in this particular place before. I could see my husband getting madder and madder. So, when we started to leave, my husband went to his table and told him we didn't appreciate him talking about our president that way. He told my husband he had the right to say anything he wanted to. My husband told him, so did he. Then he told my husband he was an ex-marine and he was going to kick his butt. We just walked away and as we did, the man yelled, "Idiot!"

    I never believed this would happen in my town. It makes you realize just how crazy these people can get and there's no telling what they may do.

  2. Who ARE these people? Did they learn this from their God, Rush Limbaugh, who mocked Michael J. Fox (who has Parkinson's)?
    Ignorant, nasty dittoheads!

  3. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I just sent a letter to:
    Your letter will go to the editor of the Columbus Dispatch Newspaper, be sure to include your name, address, and phone # for verification, voice your opinion on the jackass who threw dollar bills at the man with parkinsons and the seniors yelling, "kill the bill". Maybe they ought to give up their government funded healthcare!

  4. Anon @4:48, that story is as disturbing as this video. You cannot reason with these folks. I could go on and on but I won't. This stuff makes me ill.

  5. It just goes to show that there are sick people in this world and then there are REALLY SICK people in this world. The REALLY SICK people don't give a damn about the sick ones.

    Thomas Jefferson must be spinning in his grave about now--oops, sorry I forgot, I guess the State of Texas decided that he didn't exist.

    I think it's likely that a whole lot of people consumed way too many lead-based paint chips when they were kids. Oh, oh, I don't remember, is the EPA the department that oversees dangerous chemicals and such in the environment? We'll, need to get rid of them--they're just part of big government.

    Lead paint chips are pretty--and tasty, too! Just ask anyone of these arrogant, selfish dimwits.

    Seriously, it is rather enlightening to see so many degenerates gathered in one place. I guess we just didn't have a chance to count them before--when they were sitting at home in their recliners staring blankly at Fox News.

    I sure hope someone "up there" is taking names and gonna kick some deserved butts--sooner rather than later.

  6. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Passion brings out the best in us, and unfortunately the worst.

    When the health care bill passes, and hopefully it's with the public option, we'll see how many of these ignoramuses keep their current insurance plans.

    That will be something fun to blog about!

  7. Just when you think you have seen everything... those people make me ashamed to live in America. Ashamed.

  8. There's a word to describe this, it's tribalism.

    The Republicans are inciting this, thinking it will help them, but in the end it won't.

  9. Anonymous5:58 PM

    It just proves over and over,... how low the intelligence level really is in the "Teabagger" movement.

    But that is just what people like Limbaugh, Beck and Palin want,... mindless people to manipulate.

  10. Anonymous6:04 PM

    In the post about Levi, Alicia let us know that education wasn't all that important. Piper might be home schooled while touring with Sarah. And, didn't everybody drink in high school instead of studying? Alicia might be describing the low-information people who are screaming at a disabled man. Educated people who have regard for their fellow man do not act this way.

    Oh yes, and Alicia told us that we all have to care for each other. I hope that she posts that request on all of tea party sites.

  11. Anonymous6:08 PM


  12. Gasman6:08 PM

    Tribalism indeed. Have you ever seen a more imbecilic tribe of knuckle dragging cousin lovers?

    Teabaggers are loathsome, odious turds. Their movement is predicated upon hate. Hate for ALL others, but especially for those of other religions, races, ethnicities, and political persuasions. I guess they hate this guy because his very real health problems do not mesh well with their dualistic narrative. Have you ever seen a bigger bunch of cowardly asshats? I guess there were no more puppies to stomp on.

    I generally don't make sweeping pronouncements about groups of people, but teabaggers are ALL morons. You have to be either heartless and/or brainless to put up with their hate filled ignorant conspiracy theory driven bullshit. These goobers are the dumbest of the dumb and they seem to be proud of that fact.

    Teabaggers ARE the latter day Know Nothing Party, 'cause they all KNOW NOTHING.

  13. Anonymous6:16 PM

    I started a blogroll for americans to say their goodbye's to rush limbaugh, hopefully he will be leaving for costa rica sunday when healthcare passes.

  14. Anon @ 4:48pm,
    These people that throw their military service in your face can easily be countered with "if you could get another job why would you bother to serve".

    Military is an easy way out for so many of our under educated. We have wars so that they can have jobs. Yes, I know they risk their lives for "country" but still, enlisted people are the bottom of the barrel.

    God bless them for serving...not so much. They could help make this country stronger by perhaps going to college (and yes I know officers in the armed forces have college degrees and ROTC experience) and fixing america from inside rather than being easy meat for the war machine.

  15. Anonymous7:27 PM

    You're politically motivated Gryphen and it matters a lot to you which side you are picking fault with. If you can't be honest then don't brag about it.

  16. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Can the people on the film clip be identified? I would love to see their names distributed far and wide.

    I'd use the R word to describe these world-class losers, but I doubt they're even half that bright.

    I would also bet good money that on Sunday they're in some wacko evangelical wingnut church pretending to be pious, holy people. Just like Jesus. Mmm-hmm.

  17. Teabaggers=Hate Rallies=Sarah Palin

    Just imagine the kind of person you have to be to treat an older person with Parkinsons like that.

  18. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I lived in this Ohio (Dem) congresswoman's district as a young girl. I know Ohio has its fair share of wingnuts (especially a lot of John Birchers) but, as we know, they are everywhere. At least this clip showed there are still some good folks in my home state of Ohio.

    My husband and I went to enjoy Reubens for St. Paddy's day tonight at a restaurant next to my congressman's office. It was quiet in front of his building, but up on the main street a block away, was a small group of protesters. One big sign was against the Census (Bachmann obviously got to that guy!) Another woman with gray hair had a sign saying - no government run healthcare! I really wanted to yell out the window - hey lady - I bet you are on Medicare. But she was gone when we drove back by.

    Earlier in the the day I found out in the paper that my congressman was holding out on voting yes for the health care bill. I was shocked and you can bet I got on the phone and called his DC office. I had to leave a recording, but I made it clear what I felt he should do. I have an solicitation letter in my bills box, waiting for a contribution. I'm definitely holding up writing that check for now. While I'm thrilled to finally have a Dem. congressman (Denny Hastert was my previous one for more years than I care to count), I am embarrassed that for some fairly chicken-shit reasons, he is deciding to hold out on this vote. I'd better see a change on that vote lineup chart tomorrow!

    Here is the very helpful chart, if you'd like to check on your congressman or anyone else:

    Crap - just checked, and this Kilroy from the video clip - she is undecided, too! Hope the Parkinson's guy wins her over rather than the asshole flinging the money at him.


  19. Anonymous8:02 PM

    I am lovin' me some Gasman.

    also - anon @ 7:27 I don't get your comment. Gryph wrote two sentences. What's not honest?

  20. AKPetmom, as the mother of two enlisted soldiers, I take offense at your "enlisted are the bottom of the barrel" remark. Not everyone has the resources to go to college, and for my kids, the GI bill is the way they chose to go.

  21. Anonymous8:27 PM

    WTF AKPetmom? - I can't believe you are such a prominent member of this blog community and just made those comments about people in the military.

    I'm getting visions of those who spit on the Viet Nam vets when they got back home.

    My college-educated Guardsman nephew is in Baghdad right this minute. I know he works with many who didn't get a chance to go to college. None of them deserve the comments you just spit out.

  22. AKPetmom needs to get a clue! What a stupid thing to say. People join the military for a variety of reasons.

  23. Anonymous9:17 PM

    My post just disappeared before I could submit it. To make it short, I agree with Elizabeth.

  24. Not to pile on AKPetMom but I have to say that your remarks did come off as very prejudicial and hateful.

    This post was about the irrational anger demonstrated by the protesters toward somebody that only expressing an opinion. I think it does no good if we engage in those same tactics with each other.

  25. Anonymous9:26 PM

    They are just following in the same ugly footsteps of their leader Lord Limp-baugh. It was Lord Limp who made fun of Michael J. Fox. They would probably throw money and yell at the 11 year old boy whose mother died that Limp was hurling insults at yesterday.

  26. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Remember we live in a town that spent the whole summer bashing gays at the assembly. This town is headed the wrong direction. I've lived in this state for 36 years and I am getting the hell out. I have had it with all this right wing, red neck ignorant bullshit. Moving to a college town in the Northwest. Good riddance Anchorage and good luck with this buffoon Sullivan as mayor.

  27. Anonymous12:42 AM

    This is disgusting, absolutely disgusting. When we are no longer our brother's and sister's keepers, when we no longer care about the most vulnerable among us, we are doomed.

    And I'd bet every one of those ignoramuses would call themselves "christians", too. This is how far the extreme rightwing sects have perverted the message of Jesus Christ--not to do as he did, but to see their "faith" as some kind of insurance to cover a lifetime of horrible behavior so they'll get a "reward" at their end. One reason I'm an atheist is because of this kind of behavior I've observed all my long life, among relatives, friends and neighbors, from the "get your own" mentality, the racism, sexism, homophobia and general hate of the "other", and why it's more important to me to live my life from an ethical viewpoint than from a religious one--it simply takes more thought than just following a cut and dried religious philosophy that simply says "you're forgiven" and free to repeat the same behavior over and over and in many cases, condones the behavior.

    To mock and disrespect a sick, older person as they did shows these people have no character, no morals, no ethics, of any kind. No wonder they want something that is easy ("salvation") but how can they live with themselves with that heavy burden of hate against those in the here and now?


  28. Anonymous2:40 AM

    You have to wonder how many of these Teabagger types protested the war in Viet Nam and wore love beads as hippies.

  29. Disgusting!!!! funny thing that Batshit Bachmann is running around telling these people that the "NOT REAL people" like MoveOn members etc. are coming to "beat the snot out of them"

    who's the bully?

  30. Anonymous6:27 AM

    I am sick that these nutcases have brought such shame to the great State of Ohio.


  31. Anonymous7:05 AM

    This is exactly the kind of thing that gives the detractors of the teabaggers ammunition against them. Just when I think they can't stoop any lower, they surprise me. In any case, I hope a health care bill gets passed, and maybe these cretins can get the mental help they so desperately need.

  32. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Once again Gasman hits it out of the park...! All in a nutshell :)

  33. cheeriogirl10:37 AM

    THIS is Sarah Palin's legacy.

  34. Anonymous8:07 PM

    "What would Jesus do?"

    Not this, I can assure you!


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