Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sarah Palin on the Hannity Show.

What is with the echo? Is she giving this interview from inside of a box?

Okay kids the word for today is "desperate".  God how many stale talking points can this woman cram into one interview?

You know I think whatever the hell that thing on her head is it might be squeezing all of her brain juice out.

Holy crap!  Is she going to use that stupid "dead fish" analogy again?  Has that EVER made any sense?

You know I think that thing on her head can smell fear.  Whatever you do, don't stare at it!

Okay let me get this straight.  Palin, you know the lady wearing Davy Crockett's hat, thinks the DEMOCRATS walk in lockstep?  The Democrats?  The Republicans dug a moat around their party and prepared to repel all Democratic ideas the MINUTE Obama was sworn in as president.  They are the ones who have no sense of independence. By contrast Obama almost had to give Dennis Kucinich a swirly to get him to vote yes on this bill.

Did she just refer to children as ingredients?  And this is the family that is supposed to be the primary caregivers of Levi's son? 

You know I thought her new house looked like it was made of gingerbread!

A lake you can fish in?  Hah!  According to the girl running the front desk at the Best Western a few houses away from Palin's house there is not ONE fish still alive in that lake.  I actually asked her about the fishing just to make conversation and she laughed at me.

P.S. For those who are a glutton for punishment you can watch the first part of this interview here.

In this part I think I saw her hair attack and devour a bird that was flying by.


  1. Anonymous11:03 PM

    What a load of crap!! Two liars, lying & spewing nothing but a bunch of regurgitated world salad. I swear this woman cannot form a unique, spontaneous, intelligent thought to save her life. Spoon-fed talking points...BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Please Sean, stay away!

  2. Anonymous11:06 PM

    (Susie here)
    I just couldn't listen to either of them, so can't comment on what she's saying; BUT, that wig she has on is AWFUL! Why would she put that on? I've never agreed with most anything she's ever said, but I could always say that she usually made herself look attractive for most of her public speaking events. I can't even say that for her in this. This wig is too thick and it makes her large head and face look even larger.

  3. Anonymous11:09 PM

    What is up with that bizarre hair-do? Is she auditioning for a remake of Dallas? Did she misplace the bumpit collection? It does go hand-in-hand with the quality of the conversation though. What a couple of morons. How can she sleep at night lying through her teeth like that?

  4. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Could you post a still photo of her with that crazy thing on her head? We have a slow connection here and can't download the video, yet are curious as to what you are referring to.

  5. scarlet/oregon11:45 PM

    I tried, I really, really tried, but it was more than I could bear to listen to $arah one more time. She was boring and the echo was so annoying. I noticed Hannity seemed almost embarrassed introducing her...

    As for the hair, it's got to be a wig!

  6. Notice the heavy breathing and deep swallows. I wonder what she's on?

  7. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Man she sucks and she looks bad too! Her wig looks like a Walmart special.

  8. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Naturally, there's an echo; just look at the mountains behind her!
    But seriously, why would you bring Palin into a political discussion at this point? She's just a money-grabbing housewife who can't even be bothered staying informed.
    Which newspapers does she read? None of them.

  9. Anonymous1:30 AM


    To Saint Sarah, it's all about how she looks, not about the bs that drools out of her mouth.
    She is an embarrassment to Wasilla.

    I calls'em az I sees'em.

  10. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Their conversation feels like a dizzying Alice In Wonderland experience. They're clearly in agreement with each other that Obama is really bad, but it's all double-speak and lies. Stunningly dishonest.

  11. Anonymous1:40 AM

    The hair is a crappy wig....but why pick an Ellie Mae Style?? that went out in th 60's... maybe she has been hangin in Beverly Hills too long??

    What I found interesting is watch her breathing... she is nearly hyperventalating...maybe i is finally getting to her?!

  12. Anonymous2:22 AM

    I can't get over how much older she looks since her "makeover". Her face is even more misshapen and mask-like than it was at her 'unveiling'. It is completely expressionless now since the only thing that moves is her (newly crooked) mouth and heavy eyes that seem to be fighting against the weight of all the Tammy Faye eye makeup when she blinks.

    And that thing on her head that's supposed to be hair is truly bizarre. The top part is totally disconnected from the rest of it, which is probably a good analogy for what's going on underneath it.

    Is it sexist to comment on the way she looks rather than what she says? Normally yes, but in her case I think it is much kinder.

  13. As usual, I cannot stand listening to Palin's voice. I swear her voice peels paint off the sides of building and makes small children cry. But there she is again blah, blah, blahhing about nothing with her FAUX stalker and fanboy—drooling Sean.

    And okay I'm not proud of bringing up anyones looks—but WTF is with the blinking and the wig and the stupid earrings and shiny lips. OMG -- she looks like what my great aunt used to call cheap Christmas trash.

    SARAH--stop letting Jessica mess with your hair. She is only trying to make you look like you wear a prairie dress, marry your cousins and have twenty-two kids.

  14. Anonymous3:09 AM

    Never was so little said to so many by so few.

    Also, too.

  15. cindiloohoo3:11 AM

    Judging by her rhetoric and her latest "style" choices, I'd say she's setting herself up for a future gig as a televangelist - just check out that hair!!!! Looks like a cross between Peg Bundy and Loretta Lynn circa 1969. And the eye makeup just keeps getting thicker and darker.

  16. Sorry, I could not bring myself to listen more than 9 seconds. How do you listen to those two?

    (That is one seriously bad hair do!)

  17. she looks like Davy Crockett with that thing on her head.

    And now, some paylin-ku.....

    Once more she screeches.
    the cold wind blows thru her head.
    paylin says nothing.

  18. Anonymous3:47 AM

    And I laughed and laughed like a little dog when she ended with the invitation for Hannity to come fishing on Lake Lucille. . .Lake Lucille! Sarah's Dead Lake!

    What an idiota. . .

    "Lake Lucille is basically a dead lake -- it can't support a fish population," said Michelle Church, . . ."it's a runway for floatplanes."

    (It is stocked every year with fish but they die off.)

    Fishing on the lake "was tough" reported Alaska fishing guide Carlyle Telford on his Web site when he tried his luck on Lake Lucille last year, "Because the vegetation is decaying and floating. When you retrieve every cast, the fly comes back with crud on it."

    Yeah, we know the feeling, Carlyle.

  19. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Looks like Sarah is wigging it. Less screeching so some of that stuff that health care stuff that has been crammed down her throat must be muffling her desperate delivery.

    Hannity from what has been reported that Lake in Sarah's backyard is dead. So don't drop a pole and a worm in there if you take her up on that visit. In a dead lake, there are no fish to swim with or against the flow. Enjoy the view that's probably as good as it gets with Sarah.

  20. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Christ, does this bimbo have a cogent thought at all?

    And she's aged...a lot. That doesn't bode well for her base base.

  21. I just can't listen to this bitch any more, especially with that echo, WTF? It must be the emptiness of her brain echoing that screechy voice. No wonder Todd sleeps on the couch...imagine waking up to THAT every morning.

    That hair is something else....holy shit woman, go buy a better wig.

  22. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Is she wearing another wig?

  23. ManxMamma4:33 AM

    I have to admit I only watched to get a better look at her 'hair do'. What a mess. I can't believe she was actually a pretty woman only one year ago. There was no point in listening, she never says anything new.

  24. mocha4:37 AM

    Good grief. My guess is that's the new "studio" in the turret of the new castle and nobody did a sound check before she came on the air. Fox installed their audio/video equipment there, but there are no production professionals on-site to support her. And not professional hair and make-up. Just like with the Oprah interview, when left on her own, you get a visual and audio trainwreck. I'd like to see a side by side comparison of a still shot from this video compared to her on stage at the RNC. She is hardly recognizable anymore.

  25. the best palin moment for me was "will of the people." maybe someone will count the number of times she said that during that one response -- i was laughing too hard.

  26. Anonymous4:51 AM

    What is equally troubling is that there seems to be an audience that is willing to sit there and listen to her "mumbo jumbo" and come away agreeing with the junk she says.

    The "dumbing down" of America has never been as prominent as it is with her "analysis" being offered up as newsworthy. One reading her statements, as opposed to listening to them, can only remark on how truly insipid and vapid they are in context. She offers nothing of any importance or insight beyond spouting as many words as she can into one sentence hoping to sound "intelligent".

  27. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Of course the lake is dead, she is toxic to everything she touches. Of course she was on fox yesterday she was not going to let the President (Obama as she calls him) one up her on her own network.

  28. What's up with the hair?

    Her weird changes in appearance signal mental illness to me.

    It seems catty, but really, professionals do not show up as a different person every time!!

  29. So last time I saw her do this kind of "interview" the backdrop was absolutely still and now there's movement of some trees. Maybe the still shot was upgraded to a movie and she was filmed in front of a green screen and the background film added? So fitting for such an artificial creature. Do you think she can sink Fox News with her magic toxic touch?!?!?

  30. Angela: "cheap Christmas trash"

    LOVE that phrase!!

  31. anon: Lake Lucille is an excellent metaphor for Miss Wasilla: Looks nice but dead inside.

  32. Amy: "will of the people" was for her NOT to be elected.

    I know it hurts....

  33. Anonymous5:39 AM

    One's inner self has a way of showing through. She was once a pretty woman. The hate, snarkiness and botched face job are showing in her face. (Not to mention the horrible rug on top of her head). Or did someone say that was an animal? :) Talk about empty heads!

  34. I feel so angry when they lie the government is going to fund abortions. Then Palin insinuates to outright claims everyone wants to murder babies and her baby. I and others feel anger due to the lies. Those who worship her hang on her word and are even violently angry at Obama controlled by the lies. It is projection when Palin says the Dems won't discuss or tell what is in the bill or the issues. It is amazing what people will believe unquestioned and void of truthful fact. what a joke to praise those they spin as independent thinkers twisting reality.

    I considered if a male was on tv wearing a thick toupee I could not take my eyes off of and suddenly sporting a spray on tan I would comment and if he wore a leisure suit...OMG that wig is inexucusable with Palin's income and Fox's budget. It's Mullet meets 80's Farrah Fawcett hairdo. This is more pandering IMO. The teen high gloss lips don't cut it on television in beige patent gloss. It's an overkill of accessories eyeglasses, prominent dangling earrings, Farrah Mullet, multistrand necklace...and patent leather lips. Some may perceive it is "glamorous". Once again Palin demonstrates with the aid of Fox she is not professional including the echo chamber. Honestly my mouth dropped open staring at the new look as stunned as Oprah by the Polyanna meets Nutcracker child hairdo.
    This will be all someone else's fault per Palin.

    Is this someone to chose to represent our country internationally with notes on palm blabbering about dead fish, killing babies and regurgitating talking points pandering to wingnuts inciting hatred and violence via lies?

    I am still recovering from the troll who pronounced Piper does not need to attend school dismissing third grade. I conclude Palin's fans would promote elementary school drop outs, illiteracy and no 'ritmitic..doin' numbers. Our country has much to do to compete in the world.

  35. Have you seen Newsweek magazine this week? There is an article where they call Liz Cheney "Palin With a Pedigree".

  36. nice mullet, Sarah. Congrats on taking the whole redneck hillbilly thing to the next level.

    she looks like she's having a nervous breakdown.

  37. GrainneKathleen6:10 AM

    whoa, is that a mullet wig i see on sarah's head? people of walmart, here she comes!
    and as for the echoing nonsense coming out of her mouth... nothing new. with that echo, i was waiting for her to break out in a yodel slam.

  38. I wish someone with some computer skills would make a u-Tube video of her hair attacking a bird. That would go viral. Wish I was that creative!

  39. Gryphen, your post made me laugh this morning. Love how you describe the twit. I really think that woman needs a stylist prontito. The hair, the lip gloss....omg. I would love to see that.... thing.. on her head devouring a bird, but I can not watch that woman, let alone listen to her.

  40. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Man, I don't usually comment on her appearance but she looks rode hard and put away wet. There is a strange subdued feeling she is projecting. Almost like she's thinking, "Well, I'm screwed but this guy is about the only friend I have left in the world so I'm gonna force myself to do this interview". She is definitely inside during this interview. The trees are whipping around from the wind, but not a hair on her head is flickering. Plus the weird echo.

    I truly hope the look of resignation on her face is because something is coming down that she knows she can't stop. I won't be happy until she gets her due justice.

    She likes to throw out the word unconstitutional. I'd like to see her have a real debate about the Constitution with unscripted questions. That bit of word salad would be one for the ages.

    And I see Sean didn't ask her any pertinent questions Alaskans are hoping to hear her answer about why she hasn't paid property taxes on her "cabin" all these years. Or why Todd is sponsored in the Iron Dog by Hugo Chavez????? Or what is going on with that dairy? Or where did the money come from to build the new hose or build that cabin and the shop???? Or what's the real story about TriG, and how many babies have been used to potrait him?


    Let's get some real news Mr. Hannity!

  41. BAustin6:42 AM

    wow! just wow!

    The wig is just beyond comprehension, way too much eye makeup, and standard issue Fox-lip gloss. wow.

    Now....what was up with the echo? she didn't add much new info in this interview, just dusted off stale talking points. And as the interview goes on, she is lisping more and more (combined with the echo it is too much to take). Then towards the end, the sound was completely out of sync with the video. The whole things sounds like Todd/Bristol was running the studio, Sarah was medicated and doing the whole thing in the garage. Just a weird weird interview.

  42. sunnyjane6:43 AM

    Birdwatcher! O/T, I've been waiting to see a post from you. Are you really a bird watcher? I'm trying to find a sort of "backyard bird watchers" book for the Central Virginia area. All we have is a field guide, and there's so much more I'd like to know about the birds we see in our yard.

    Any recommendations? Thanks!

  43. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Thanks everyone. Reading your comments this morning was hilarious! I decided not to listen to the interview. I find I can only (barely) stomach this woman in mid-afternoon, she doesn't fit into my morning or evening peace.

  44. Ripley in CT6:51 AM

    re: the hair- Marlo Thomas in "That Girl" comes to mind. WTF?

    I too, cannot bear to watch the video past about a minute, and that's even with the sound turned off. The heavy breathing and breath-holding behaviors have returned. She's a loon.

  45. So why is it that when Democrats vote together, they're in lock-step and it's bad. When Republicans vote "NO" on everything, it's good. Isn't that lock-step, too.

    Okay, now I'm trying to make sense of nonsense. That woman drives me crazy.

    P.S. She needs to stop buying wigs for $19.99 off late-night TV. Nasty.

  46. Anonymous7:01 AM

    @ birdwatcher

    I've also heard Liz Cheney referred to as "Palin with a brain".

  47. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Hard looking with a bubble head.

  48. mocha7:06 AM

    Oh dear, it really is an "Ellie Mae Clampett" wig! Oh, show us Sarah, Ellie Mae and the women of 'Dallas' in a side by side compare! Please, Gryphen, pretty please?

  49. sunnyjane7:10 AM

    I rarely comment on her looks because I'm no raving beauty myself. HOWEVER! My momma always told me that "less is better" and in Sarah's case, HOW TRUE. She looks like hammered shit trying to pass as a lily.

  50. imnofred7:10 AM

    I could only handle watching part of the interview. I wonder if Sarah knows how many times the Republican party used the same process that she is claiming is unconstitutional. By the way, didn't GWB shove a war with Iraq down our throat??

  51. Janet in Texas7:10 AM

    gawd how I'd love to take that hideous wig off her head and cram it down her illiterate/ignorant throat.

  52. I turned off the computer and went to bed before you posted this last night. I love it, but the video won't load for me so I can't see the hairdo/wig/animal on her head. I would love to, but I can't listen to her - nope. But I do LOVE these comments above; hilarious. You guys are awesome. Thanks for making my coffee hour this morning! Gryphen, as fun as watching this thing disintegrate before our eyes, when is it ever going to be over?

  53. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Sarah has made her looks so important that that's all that we can notice about her. Those pale, shiny plumped up lips, the overly done eye makeup, a thousands eye blinks (not winks) a minute, and poor voice control make her unwatchable.

    As for that hair, it reminds me of a newspaper advertisement that we used to get years ago, for Zsa Zsa Gabor wigs. I think that might be one of them, with the bangs swept over to one side.

    Hint to Sarah: It's not a beauty contest; it is supposed to be a discussion of news worthy events. You trivialize everything you say with your pageant looks.

  54. Maybe anonymous at 6:45 is right - I should wait until later to try and find the picture of her during this interview: it really doesn't look good for me to reach for my wine here at the office with clients walking in!

  55. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Two words...FACT CHECK. Everything they say is false and not based in facts.

  56. Anonymous7:37 AM

    When i first seen the video I was thinking what is wrong with her hair. It looks like a wig to me, but I did not think she would wear a wig with that shape. Okay, then she must have a new stylist or Palin is trying to find a new serious look to replace her hill billy look.

    Is she going for the "I am going to my COUGAR PROM look?"

  57. I noticed on Jay Leno's show and then in this video with Hannity, Palin has now included "City Manager" as one of her credentials. When did she start slipping that title onto her resume? It's not true, so why hasn't someone called her out on this?

  58. Sarah is wearing a wig. That means her hair is falling out again from stress. Gee I wonder why she is stressed? Maybe its' because of Eargate.

  59. She's morphing into Tammy Wynette before our very eyes.

  60. I wonder if she is aware that the constitution is not written on paper...

  61. Anonymous8:22 AM

    "rode hard and put away wet" LMAO at that!
    I think the echo is from her new studio :)
    And she is standing in front of a huge glass picture window...
    And that Davy Crockett thingy on her head...omg! Did they run out of bumpit's at Fred Meyer or what???
    Its so funny she tries to be "so Alaskan" and most Alaskan's hate her, HATE her for abandoning them!
    Yea $arah, how's that winky,blinky thingy workin' for ya????

  62. Tyroanee8:43 AM

    Wig.... Really?
    It's seems perfectly fitting for Sarah:
    Helmet Hard Head Top, oozing dopey-ness out the bottom. Hairstylist call it the Bobble-head.
    Good going Sarah, but try to remember not to stand to close to an open flame- don't wanna melt all that errr... lovely-ness?
    Lastly, BOO... nope still not scared Hannity.

  63. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I turned the sound off and tried to blink along with her. Not only did it give me a headache, but now I'm feeling dizzy.

  64. Anonymous9:12 AM

    The thing on her head and the green is her attempt to look like an Irish lass of course. The echo is because she's talking from her new house and the room is still unfurnished.

    She's coming off as much more educated now that she's been schooled for t.v. Quite a contrast from when she was the V.P. pick. And you can bet your asses that she's going to be much better at answering questions from people a lot tougher than Couric.

    Probably too late to stop her now!

  65. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Holy #$%@! What is that thing on her head? It is the most ill-fitting, garish looking wig I've ever seen. A sign of her mental illness becoming full blown and pushing her over the edge...

  66. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Honestly, I really try hard not to be critical of her appearance because it seems petty but it was hard to watch this last night and NOT notice how completely bizarre she looked. The hair was clearly a bad hairpiece...mullet-like almost, the out-of-date white trahs shiny lipstick, over-accessorized for sure. She just looks like a middle-aged woman trying way too hard. And most notable was the heaving chest. Had she worn something a bit more professional that might not have been noticeable. So my take on last night's appearance? Her appearance was so bizarre that her canned talking points got lost as I gazed at the trainwreck in the studio in front of a green screen.

  67. Wild Tortoise9:43 AM

    Calling Pres. Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid "idealogues" has got to be projection-!
    I think the hair is planned to distract from her extremely tight face. There is almost no movement,no laugh (or scowl) lines, not even around her mouth. Check out the plumpness in the hollow of her throat- thyroid issues-???

  68. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I've got the best idea. Sarah Palin Wigs and Lip Gloss. She can sell 'em on HSN right there on the shores of Lovely Lake Lucille. She can make money and get some better use out of that home studio. Her followers can by that stuff and look just like her....on second thought that might not be such a good idea......?

  69. Hey, Miss Lake Lucille: 59,000 Nuns want health care reform, they call it LIFE AFFIRMING.

  70. It is NOT sexist to comment on her appearance.

    does Mitt Romney show up one day in a suit and the next day in Goth clothes? Does he wear sandals to official functions?

    Her appearance is unprofessional and that goes to judgment. Hillary....does anyone remember her clothes? No.

    Beau Brummel said, If you noticed me, I wasn't well dressed.

  71. Anonymous10:17 AM

    OMG, is that a dead racoon on her head ???

    What never ceases to amaze me is that Hannity's "questions" are actually long leading statements that point her to a response he is looking for. And still all she can do is spit out random platitudes and talking points. What an embarrassment !

    I take solace in the fact that Geoffrey Dunn's book is finally due out in July (and hopefully other books). And that is before the Sept custody hearing, so will hopefully hlp Levi's case on that.

  72. guns god gold and :-p gloss ~ screen cap ~

    I think the *cough* hair is concealing a tinfoil helmet

  73. Miss Lake Lucille needs to get a gay hair and makeup guy. Jessica needs to be retired.

    But she won't!
    That leaves more great hairdressers for the rest of us.

  74. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Sean: Governor, do you think...Rasmussen poll, generic ballot, up by 10 points, blah, blah, it too early....Nancy Pelosi...Harry they....minority....Hillary you think this is the Washington?

    Governor Palin: Yes I do, Sean.

    Sean: Is that a beaver tail on your head?

    Governor Palin: Yes it is, Sean.

  75. Anonymous11:32 AM

    What's with the "Juice Can" hairdo? Must'a got that do' from the teabaggers or her local Wasilla Beehive - or whatever she calls her beautician.

  76. Anonymous11:39 AM

    From seeing the demonstrations on TV with the republicans, right wingers and the teabaggers paid by the insurance companies to scream, yell and about stopping the bill and making fun of sick and dying people - I would say they are the ones who are desperate. If the Health Bill is so bad and it is supposedly going to be the ruination of the democrats and Obama, then why aren't those people sitting back with their feet up laughing to themselves?

  77. Anon 9:12
    Troll much?
    Sarah is still the same clueless idiot she was in 2008.
    Now, even more so. She's learned NOTHING.

  78. Anne NC12:08 PM

    Anonymous at 9:12, if you consider that intelligent and articulate, you're as much of an idiot as the rest of her followers. She does nothing but repeat a few talking points and couldn't even answer a question in regards to her Facebook post, the one she was supposed to have written.

    She still sounds terribly uneducated and if someone considers that "schooled for TV", they are sadly mistaken.

    Nobody can stop her now? The GOP will put a big stop to any plans of hers for national office. They are not going to let this insane lunatic attempt to run the country under any circumstances. The powers that be are NOT behind her no matter what you may believe.

  79. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Wow, I thought that she said that she doesn't/wouldn't blink. Aha, another lie!! I've never seen anyone blink as much as she does. Is it a condition or is it from all of the Tammy makeup?

  80. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Looks like Hannity's charity is a scam according to conservative blogger Debbie Schlussel.

  81. Anonymous1:03 PM


    hows that homemade studio thing working out for ya?

    not good eh? you betcha!

  82. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Hey Hockey mom, stick to your pitbull lipstick, that shiny lipgloss is horrendous!

  83. Anonymous1:10 PM

    How many mayors do you know that call themselves a city manager? WTH?

    my suburb has more people than Wasilla. Palin couldn't manage a lemonade stand.

  84. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Hey folks,perhaps Sarah stiffed her hair dresser once too often!

  85. Anonymous1:32 PM

    AnnNC: the only way they let her run is as the sacrificial lamb. If things are going well and their chances look grim, they will let her take the fall because she WILL do it.

  86. Anonymous1:53 PM

    She has probably never read the constitution. Who did her hair, Piper? What a couple of blowhards.

  87. There she goes again with that "obey", I have never hated her more than when she lied about President Obama saying his kids are off limits, and he said hers were too, she left that out, but she said "the one who must be obeyed". Topping off JackA McInsane calling him that one.

    Calling the Democrats hypocrites is rich, they don't come any worse than her. Also saying they don't have courage and only go with the flow, when not one republican will do the right thing and vote for HCR. It's been this way for years though, it's hard to believe they even get voted in office. Just what have they ever done for the average American ever? I'm so tired of their lies and bs, this would be a better county without them. They always run on being against gays, abortion and for guns, war, and cutting taxes (for the rich, they never say that) and millions vote for them just for that, and racism and discrimination. Sick people and I am sick of them.

  88. My thanks to the poster who mentioned the switch at Fox.... "Fox News Contibutor", rather than "Fox News Political Analyst". After I read that, I had to watch. Couldn't take it more than a minute. These two believe in "word torture". No new ideas, just rehashing the same talking points until their listeners accept it without question.
    Since I wear a wig due to a medical condition, I can tell you there are catalogs with similar styles. It harks back to the late 80's and early 90's when big hair was in. Is she reliving her youth? Good wigs cost money, she can afford a decnt one.
    Question: City Manager???????? Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't she have to hire one when she was mayor due to her incompetence? I hope someone will answer my question. Thanks.

  89. mommom3:04 PM

    It was fate--Sarah wore her Davy Crockett hat and Davy crocket died!!!

  90. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Could only stand half of the video and had to turn it off. I think the echo is her speech coming out of her empty head. What is up with the blinking and reath holding? Seriously if she nneds to be medicated aas much as she evidently is to function in these interviews, why tf does she even bother? Epic fail.

  91. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Am I the only one who thinks she's extremely pretty? Anybody? No? No one? Seriously? Anybody at all?

    (Is she wearing a wig for the Hannity appearance?)

  92. Come on, that's a Tammy Faye Baker wig! I couldn't get more than about three minutes. Something's off though, why would she wear a wig? Is she running around the house pulling her hair out screaming "I'm supposed to be President by now!"

  93. Anne NC5:16 PM

    Yes, Miller, she did hire a city manager because it was beyond her capabilities to be mayor. This "city manager" bit that she has added to her resume' is fairly new. They have always been two separate positions wherever I have lived, Mayor & City Administrator or Manager, but she wants to try to impress people who don't know any better. There are numerous articles that speak of her hiring the administrator after she became Mayor so it's just more proof of her brazen attitude when it comes to lying. There is NO LIE that $arah will not tell if she thinks she can get away with it.

    She really is putting herself out there criticizing President Obama when she's not fit to fill the position despite her ridiculous posturing. Someone, please, take her down NOW!

    Gryphen, are you any closer to having what you need to blow the whistle on her?

  94. AnneNC5:59 PM

    Anonymous @ 4:51 In regards to whether or not Sarah is pretty, her nasty attitude and lies have ruined any physical appeal she might have according to my husband. He said she's like that really cute girl in school that every guy wants but once you date her and see that she is a mean, manipulative bitch, she loses any appeal she might have had while the girl next door with a heart of gold who sees the best in everyone becomes more beautiful with each passing day due to her attitude towards other people.

    I think she looked great at the convention but whatever she had done surgically ruined her looks. She definitely needs a better stylist and a wardrobe consultant. Her bitterness towards President Obama, her nasty attitude and her lies can't help but lessen whatever physical appeal she once held. She is also aging fast in this past year but I would say that's due to the stress she puts on herself.

  95. Sunnyjane, yes, we are all birdwatchers here in our family, but we use the standard Audubon book. We live in New England.

  96. Sarah, the 1970s called--they want their helmet hair and lipgloss back.

  97. Anonymous10:41 PM

    @ anonymous 4:51 PM

    Yes. You're the only one who thinks she's pretty.

    Yes. She's wearing a wig from the Sears and Roebuck Catalog, circa 1960 (or whenever Lawrence Welk was poppin' the bubbly).

    Yes. We're worried about you if you think mutton dressed as lamb is attractive.

    Yes. We're watching, let your ewes graze in peace without attacking them from behind.

    Yes. I'm kidding....sort of.

  98. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Does anyone remember what happens to the oldest chick in the chicken coop?

    This is Sarah,@Fox news. Imagine being the 40 something chick, among all those young,full head of hair,(long blonde)with that glow of youth, able to wear all those very short skirts!
    If I remember correctly, the oldest chick in any coop, is usually used as a stewing hen.

  99. It has not been that long ago that old John Mc Methuselah was so disenchanted with Sayrah blowing the election for him he wouldn't endorse her for POOPER SCOOPER in a doggie park. Now he and THE SNARL (Cheney) are both cozying up to her and even saying she could be president.

    Remember folks, to old geezers like THE MC & THE SNARL, MOOSEFLOP BARBIE is still a "SWEET YOUNG THING". (GAG, PUKE!)

    This morning while reading this article and responses I had a big AHAHHHH moment!!! SHE DID NOT HAVE A MAKEOVER, PLASTIC SURGERY OR BOTOX............ BUT...... during the time everyone thought she was laying low after the election, the two old farts had her turned into A STEPFORD WIFE based on the ideal women of their youth!!! What you see is the result of the faulty memories of two old coots, Wallah! The new Sarah with the frozen face and blinking eyes (gotta get that short fixed and hire Tina Fey to make a some new audio tapes for her)! LOL

  100. Anonymous3:52 PM

    if wigs were good enough for god they're good enough for her


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