Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Radical Right taking to vandalism to express their anger toward Health Care reform. Rachel Maddow has more.

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  1. Anonymous7:53 AM

    You know, while I do sincerely believe that Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Rush Limpnodes, and their ilk are whipping up their followers to violence either intentionally or because they are simply too simple to think about consequences, I think there is a large percentage of these folks who just enjoy violence and see this as their chance to use this as an excuse to destroy property and play with guns.

    What worries me most is that whatever the causative factors are, how do we restrain them now? Do we eventually have to fight violence with violence? Do we have to make a few examples before the courts? Will normally moderate people's fears escalate into them turning to violence as well?

    Oh, gee thanks Sarah. Gee thanks McCain and all those Republican fanatics who wanted to win at any cost. This is the price we are all having to pay.

  2. This is what happens when children dont get their way. These pee-brains live by the doggie axiom....

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    What a country!
    We have a subset of our society that has openly declared themselves enemies of our nation with their "culture war" against liberal democracy.
    What do we do in response?
    We make them tax exempt.
    How stupid is that?

  4. Anonymous9:55 AM

    These are the people how always hated Government and are racist to the core, Sarah, Hannity, Rush and Beck pushed the hate and allowed it to bubble to the surface and I think I will get worse before it get better.

  5. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:30 AM

    Anon@7:53am--My fear as well. Will this escalate so far as to declare martial law in certain areas of the country? If it does get as chaotic and violent as the radical RW media seems to be begging for, trigger-happy Teabaggers armed with a "cleaned-off" hunting rifle or a handgun they have no clue how to use will be no match for tanks and tear gas. However, I'm worried about the inflamed jerks with semi-automatic weapons and the sane among us caught in the middle! Perhaps this is the "armageddon" threat that was being tossed around by the Rethugs this past weekend.

    Great. When you can't get your way, just "reload." I hope the FBI is keeping tabs on the instigators, including Scarah and her warped little "army." (PS--want to bet that if anything does happen to those Dems she targeted, she will deny any knowledge of her Twitter and Facebook rants?)

  6. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Mr. Fatass looks like he's probably a drain on the healthcare system himself.

  7. Gasman11:09 AM

    At what point does the GOP recoil in horror from the violence which they are inciting? How far does it have to go before national Republicans say “enough”? They bear direct responsibility for this escalation from bullying to outright violence.

    Palin’s firearm riddled message replete with rifle scope cross hairs and words like “reload” and “aim” are not remotely subtle. How far will we allow this to go before we arrest and prosecute those who incite this violence?

    This is the approach to use when writing to Discovery protesting Palin’s show. Complain that they are giving a show to someone who is openly promoting violence in our political lives. I doubt if Discovery wants to be known as the Palin Channel if she is linked with acts of violence.

    This crap needs to stop NOW.

  8. Anonymous11:44 AM

    On her show last night, RM pointed out that this asshat gets by on social security & disability. The hypocrisy knows no bounds...

  9. This problem was created by the Republicans and they have a huge responsibility to rain it in and confront it! The media has to get on this and cause such an uproar that the republicans have to do something about it. If it gets out of hand, it'll be on their head.

  10. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Gryphen, exposing Palin NOW would be a good time, before someone gets killed.


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