Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sarah Palin's extravagant rock star demands cause further infighting among Teabaggers.

Palin’s contract, according to Shreeve, who had a look at it, called for her to be paid $100,000 for the event. It also included $18,000 for private jet travel for her and her entourage. Shreeve told me Palin's contract — standard among political stars who make the speaking-circuit rounds — specified what type of private jet she requested for the trip to Nashville. “It was like, she had to have this or that size plane,” Shreeve recalls. “It was like when a rock star comes to town, the contract was that detailed.”  (To read the rest of this article click here to visit New York

Sarah Palin has NEVER been in this to help the people.  Sarah Palin is now, and has always been, about Sarah Palin.  The minute she stood before those cheering crowds during the 2008 campaign Palin became an addict. There is little doubt that in her mind Sarah believes herself to be the Right Wing version of Elvis. And she will demand that she be treated like the star she now believes herself to be.

It should not escape anybody's notice that when Palin targeted the 20 Democrats she claimed to want to defeat in the upcoming elections she did NOT suggest the money go to their opponents individual campaigns.  She demanded that the money go to SarahPAC. Remember that in the last financial disclosures it was proven that SarahPAC spent more money to purchase Palin's own book to give away to donors than they spent to actually help candidates.  Everything she does is to gain further prominence and get paid. Period.

I cannot help but wonder how long it will be before the average person involved in the teabagger movement realize that they are being taken advantage of by the Republicans, Fox News, the corporations, and especially Sarah Palin.

Choosing Palin as their de facto leader was the first big mistake. She inspires hatred, ignorance, and racism  in those that follow her, and no organization that allows itself to be defined by the very worst characteristics of human kind will ever gain national prominence.

They should remember the lesson of Lake Lucille.  If Palin touches you, you will soon be poisonous.


  1. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Add to this John McCain's recent childish/senile(?) behaviour and be very VERY glad that this duo did not get into power. Can you imagine two vindictive petulant people in charge of your country? That is one very scary thought.

  2. FJDANDY5:59 AM

    So let me get this straight...
    In the United States of America, it's perfectly legal to have a former half-term quittypants governor turned reality show host, grifter extraordinaire, and epitome of Mean girl, post a map of Members of Congress with whom she disagrees, whose locations are 'targeted' with rifle cross-hairs. Quittypants is trolling for funds for her Pac by riling up her base of idiots yet again. She needs a visit from the FBI.


    PS. oh, and also too, lest we forget, FUXnews contributor!

  3. What were the colors of the M&Ms specified for the bowl of 'em in her hotel suite?

  4. Anonymous6:03 AM

    The main thing I noticed about her list of 20....she didn't dare put Alan Grayson on it. I wonder why???

  5. Anonymous6:14 AM

    She was addicted to attention way before 2008. It takes a hell of an attention whore to get up and parade your wares before an audience like she's done from day one. Not once in her lousy life has she ever thought of anyone but herself. I have a sister exactly like her and everything she's ever done has been for her own benefit, ego trip, and pocket book. Even things like volunteering are done to enlarge her popularity and my sister was like this from BABYHOOD.

  6. Anonymous6:21 AM

    That just sums it all up. Highly paid nothing. What a joke.

  7. sunnyjane6:43 AM

    Serves them right. And what did they get for all that money? NOTHING. Exactly what they deserved.

    Maybe at some point these organizations (and I use the term loosely) will wise up and realize that she's a SKANK.

  8. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I read at HuffPo that it is a done deal. TLC, which belongs to Discovery, has signed Sarah to do eight episodes where she shows people the majesty of her great state.

    That was supposed to be her job as governor, and I would furious if I were an Alaska citizen. As governor, she was supposed to promote her state. She quit her job to do exactly the same thing but for more money.

    TLC has other train wrecks for programs that people love to watch. Today, our local paper is reporting that Kate (it used to be Jon & Kate plus eight, now it's Kate) is the biggest diva that has ever appeared on Dancing with the Stars. That only means that more people will tune in to see her TLC show. The paper is claiming that she brought more attention to that channel than anyone else.

    Jerry Springer's show trafficed in the worst possible train wrecks, yet people tuned in to watch. It will be the same with Sarah. Despite the petition and letters of protest, they must be secretly happy that she generates so much attention.

    So, will stop Sarah? Even Jon's messy tabloid antics hasn't stopped Kate. We could find out that Trig was actually fathered by visitors from a UFO, and it would only increase Sarah's ratings.

    I am hoping that someone has a creative idea that will stop Sarah from cashing in. IRS and her houses? FBI and her threats against 20 representatives? When is Dunne's book coming out, and will it hurt her or increase ratings?

  9. any fool that donates to her is OK by me! Let her suck the last pennies out of the hands of the teabagging nimwits that worship her and that is all the less money to go to the idiots she supports.

  10. WalterNeff7:19 AM

    The Discovery Channel gig isn't about episodes on TLC - it's all about the DVDs.

  11. Dorian7:20 AM

    Sarah is probably relieved that the spotlight is being drawn away from the her many scandals.

    It's a very successful technique used by thieves to draw the mark's attention away from where the real action is happening.

    She must have been feeling the heat.

  12. Anonymous7:21 AM

    I loathe this woman as much as I did George Bush. A totally unqualified politician who has somehow managed to attain attention just for being stupid! He depended upon his father to further his goals while she is wholly dependent upon her looks.

    She is in it for the money and as much as I do not deny anyone making a buck, she is obscenely proud of her efforts while bamboozling the public who encourage her to run. The only thing that "entitles" her to any attention is John McCain plucking her from the obscurity she enjoyed before 2008 and for that he should be held accountable.

    She is beginning to remind me more and more of Octomom. Two idiots with nothing to offer who are making a killing just for being morons.

  13. I just went to a website which has a petition to sign to boycott The Discovery channel(s) in protest of using Sarah Palin as a host on their new show. If anyone is interested the website is:

  14. Next up, $arah Paylin stars in "Dancing Behind Bars"

  15. emrysa7:35 AM

    no sympathy. the fact that they chose to financially support palin is evidence of lack of brains. they're just going to have to deal with the consequences of their bad decisions.

  16. Wow, a narcissist who managed to tap into a group of people who think she's entitled to only the best, and are willing to pay for it! Pretty good gig for Miss Quitty. Where there are stupid people, there will always be a grifter preying on their stupidity and vulnerability.

  17. ITA with sjk, let these idiots continue to pour money into Palin and her PAC. If people insist throwing away their money, that is certainly their right. But you are right Gryphen, I think it is natural for intelligent people to wonder how long it is going to take the Teabaggers and everyone else to see that Palin never has and never will care about anything but money. Her money that is.

  18. Gee, I thought ol' Sarah was just a regular down home small-town hockey mom who loved the simple things in life.

    Oh, sorry--that was just for the campaign PR.

  19. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Albert Lewis said...
    "What were the colors of the M&Ms specified for the bowl of 'em in her hotel suite?"

    GREEN...for the color of money, of course!

  20. 10catsinMD8:36 AM

    Greedy bitch!
    Greedy bitch!
    Greedy bitch!
    Greedy bitch!
    Greedy bitch!

  21. Anonymous8:43 AM

    You know, I don't care if these people shred each other to death.

    What I do care about is $P getting what she deserves in appealing to the worst in her worshippers--jail.

    And--the contract for 8 episodes of her lying her ass off about AK (and earning her millions) is scheduled to be executed today.

    Damn her. Just, damn her.

  22. Anonymous8:48 AM

    The Learning Channel?? Now that's funny. Actually, I don't think much is funny about Sarah Palin anymore. I think her call to arms is reprehensible and scary - John McCain should be ashamed of himself for defending her on the Today Show this morning. Of course, he clearly has no shame. Now would be a perfect time to drop a babygate bombshell and put an end to her influence for good.

  23. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I never used this terminology on women before now (we thought we did away with it 40 yrs ago), but I will in this case: I loathe this grifting, stupid bitch.

    WTF is wrong with people in this country? Are they that self-hating?

  24. I found this last night while reading the bible. It is so descriptive of sarah palin, it could have been written for her.
    It is from Proverbs 16;30, it is in the same area of pride goeth before the fall.
    "Watch out for people who grin and wink at you; they have thought of something evil".
    This is the translation from the Good News Bible.

  25. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Thanks birdwatcher. I just completed my statement and signed the petition on the site you stated to boycott the Discovery Channel networks.

    I loved seeing a comment there listing out all the key programs and their hosts - including the new Oprah network - which asked the executives to consider how those people will react to a boycott? Let's see, Oprah is investing a ton of money to create an entire new network under the Discovery Channel umbrella so how is she going to like if we all say we will boycott. Oh, she will be so very pleased, right? We know that whatever Palin touches pales, withers and dies.

    I urge every read here to follow birdwatcher's advice to sign the petition. You can add your own comments as well. It's painless, they even give you an option to be anonymous. It may be our best shot at getting them to pay attention.

    They only have just over 1,600 signers right now. They hope to get 10,000. Please be one of them if you, also, too, can't stand Palin.

  26. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Can you imagine Joe Biden having a show on TLC?? I am so glad she and McCain lost.

  27. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Okay, just back from checking the petition drive on the site birdwatcher gave. I had posted a thanks to birdwatcher earlier, but am now happy to report the tally is growing quickly.

    When I began writing my comments to the petition, there were about 1,600 signers. That has now grown to almost 1,800.

    If you can't stand Sarah Palin, please visit the site, and if you don't want to sign the petition, at least read the comments.

    My goodness, there are are some really talented wordsmiths over there right now. I am smiling to think that Sarah might actually hear about or read some of them. Talk about getting slammed! Hot damn.

  28. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I have some really bad news for you to consider regarding Sarah's TLC show. In addition to being shown in the US, it will be shown around the world. Yes, now Sarah has a world wide audience. Yes, reload and fire away at that petition. Pepper them with everything that you have! Using Sarah's call to violence, we really do have to kill that show.

    I know someone who used to be associated with the Miami Ink show which was also carried on TLC. They ran for five seasons, and the premise was always the same. A guy (or gal) walks into a tattoo shop with a picture or photo or an idea of a tattoo thay want. We watch them get tattoo'd. They had a huge fan base.

    As the show built a following, the actors became more and more impressed with their success. They clashed with people who stole a little of their spotlight. They opened side businesses. And, as human nature goes, they got a greedy and filled with themselves.

    Why wasn't the show renewed for its sixth season? The only comment from one of the former "stars" was that TLC wasn't treating them nicely. Actually, two major characters demanded more control, and TLC pushed back, reminding them who owned the show.

    What does this have to do with Sarah? For starters, let's consider how well she did for two months with the two greatest jobs in the world waiting at the finish line for the winners. She couldn't take direction. She wouldn't study. She crumples under criticism. And she was easily caught in her lies. Not good qualities.

    Her appearances on Fox have been a joke. Now imagine Sarah in her hiking boots or fishing gear, with a director telling her to slow down, speak clearly, follow the script, no, not her folksy words but the stuff we agreed on at the meeting. The only thing to keep her going is the dream of the millions she will be making, the DVD boxed set, the merchandise, and $18,000. worth of private jet travel to her next gig.

    It is my hope that Sarah will show the same quality of sticking to the job, even when the going gets rough, as she did when she was governor or running for VP. I am waiting for the effect of Sarah's schedule to catch up with her. Between twitter, face book, Fox, speeches, her next book and eight episdoes, the pressure has go to build up. I can only hope that Sarah decides to "go rogue" and that TLC pushes back as they did with Miami Ink. Or else, maybe Sarah can go to the spin off, LA Ink and get a Moose Tattoo.

  29. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Guess who joined in against Palin?

    Elisabeth Hasselbeck finally stood up against the itch from Alaska on the View!

  30. Anonymous9:48 AM

    "I loathe this woman as much as I did George Bush. A totally unqualified politician who has somehow managed to attain attention just for being stupid! He depended upon his father to further his goals while she is wholly dependent upon her looks.

    Not to continue bashing one party for another (which obviously gets nothing done) but:
    Obama is wholly unqualified to be President. He used Hillary then eviscerated her. He has lied about Acorn, healthcare, and taxes. If he weren't black, he would not be where he is today. He is directly comparable to Palin, except he doesn't receive BS interview questions like "what do you read?" and "who's your fave founding father?" i'd like to see how he'd answer the latter. Heck i'd like to hear him answer definitively, without an earpiece. HACK

  31. Anonymous9:52 AM

    picture obviously taken before all of her botched plastic surgery. she was reasonably good looking before she lost all the weight and had the face job/ cheek implants, etc. now she looks like an old hag.

  32. Anonymous9:55 AM

    On the View, Whoopie compared Palin to the leaders who tell people to fly airplanes into buildings. They stay home and let other people do their dirty work for them.

  33. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Three Top Discovery Channel Advertisers (please copy and pass on):

    Volkswagen Group of America
    2200 Ferdinand Porsche Dr. Herndon, VA 20171
    (703) 364-7000

    Target Corporation
    1000 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55403

    Bally Total Fitness. Inc
    8700 W. Bryn Mawr Ave.
    Chicago, IL 60631.


    Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.
    19001 South Western Ave. Dept. WC11
    Torrance, CA 90501
    send email here:

    701 First Avenue
    Sunnyvale, California 94089
    (408) 349-3300

    Troy-Built (owned by MTD)
    MTD Products Headquarters
    P.O. BOX 368022. Cleveland, OH 44136

    Frito-Lay (ad was for Sunchips)
    7701 Legacy Dr
    Plano, TX 75024
    (972) 334-3471

    Proctor & Gamble (ad was for Gillette razors)
    HQ: One Procter & Gamble Plaza Cincinnati, OH 45202
    (513) 983-1100

    Unilever Products (ads for Dove Soap and Degree Deodorant)
    800 Sylvan Avenue.
    Englewood Cliffs. New Jersey 07632
    201 894 7760

    Nationwide World Headquarters
    One Nationwide Plaza
    Columbus, OH 43215–2220
    feedback: 1-800-882-2822
    customer svc: 1-877-669-6877

    Sprint Nextel Headquarters
    2001 Edmund Halley Drive
    Overland Park, Kansas 66251

    Johnson & Johnson (only ad was for Pledge dusting products)
    One Johnson & Johnson Plaza
    New Brunswick, New Jersey 08933
    (732) 524-0400
    or send a note at:

  34. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Sarah would have a stroke if there was a list with her mom, dad, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces, husband and her kids names and addresses on the internet with targets next to them!

    Get even with Sarah, hit her in the pocket book. NO TV SHOWS, contact Discovery Communications’ TLC cable channel.

  35. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Sarah = Moron

  36. Anonymous10:24 AM

    OMG, it is so refreshing to see the comments on the petition site from people across the entire nation!

    Increasing numbers of them are saying outright that they will boycott the advertisers as well.

    Way to go, people!

    Almost ready to break 2,000.

    It might actually be possible to turn this petition into a major statement. BTW, most are using their full names, giving further weight to their outrage.

  37. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Anon @ 11:48am: Stop it, you're killin' me! ***collapses on floor in tearful laughter***

  38. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I concur with anonymous 10:43 that Anonymous 9:48 or 11:48 (guess it changes depending on which time zone you're reading this in) is a real joker. Obama comparable to Palin - OMG, funny, funny, funny. Who knew there were people who said such silly things like that?

    Please sign the petition to boycott the Discovery Channel and its sponsors just to thanks to the joker.

  39. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Think about this: if Palin does do that show on TLC, she will have a worldwide platform and will have what is left of the Discovery Channel's reputation to enhance her status to millions of people who know little of her real record.

    Do you want that? Didn't think so.

    Sign the petition stating you will boycott the sponsors as well, and get everyone you know to do the same. It just might do the trick.

    Thanks again to birdwatcher for the original link earlier this morning.

  40. have they heard her speak? seriously!

  41. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:16 AM

    IMHO, let Silly Sarah HAVE her bogus TLC "reality" show, as long as she keeps far, far away from the WH. In fact, it seems suspicious that with her Faux News contract, she can even sign with another broadcast company--but perhaps I'm wrong. Her devoted, 12-year-old-mentality sheeple are technically the same types as those who supported Jon & Kate during their TLC reign--all J&K had to do was spout some Bible-ly passages or jot notes to Jeebus in each show, and their followers TRULY believed that 1). they were honest, godly Christians, 2). they couldn't afford to raise their children and so, needed donations (sound familiar?) and 3). Kate actually took full care of those kids. And, you're right, look at J&K now. My prediction is that it won't be long before Kate "divas" out, TLC drops her like a hot rock, and Katie finds herself broke and a has-been (where's Octomom been lately?) Why not let Scarah enjoy that fate in the future?

    When karma finally catches up with SP, it will be SO enjoyable to see the results plastered all over the tabloids as well as the MSM--unlike if she just stuck with Faux News. It's in their best interest to protect their little political investment now, but with TLC, Scarah will be a reality show celebrity and open to any and all media scrutiny. Remember--Jon and Kate were brought down when their grifting, philandering and lies were revealed by the tabloids and in numerous BLOGS. Kate might be riding high now without Jon, but with $7000 hair extensions, plastic surgery, et. al., who's left to believe that she's struggling daily to raise her eight kids alone?

    Eventually everything--including all the inciting to violence--will catch up with Scarah, as long as her Botoxed face is kept in the press and on the tube. It'll be open season for the gossip rags, for sure--they are ALWAYS on the prowl for tasty tidbits. The only thing is--I'll feel as sorry for SP's kids as I do for the Gosselin brood when the s**t hits the fan.

  42. What is so strange about Discovery going for a lowlife? Where did Jesse James come from? "Through James' show "History Of The Chopper" there are also glimpses of his involvement with the Hells Angels and other 1% outlaw motorcycle clubs." The 1% are murdering thugs. Of course, Discovery knows what they do. They are all about supporting lowlife and the destruction of education. They want to spawn more lowlife and Sarah Palin will bring them more controversy, rating and revenue.
    TLC = The LOWLIFE Channel.

  43. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Would love to sign the petition but can't figure a way to do it without giving my home address. They won't be getting that!

    Was checking some of the comments. Some idiot signed just to defend her and tell people to leave her alone. Bwahahaha

  44. Kirkland11:36 AM

    Anonymous @ 8:16AM said - Anonymous said...
    Albert Lewis said...
    "What were the colors of the M&Ms specified for the bowl of 'em in her hotel suite?"

    GREEN...for the color of money, of course!
    Actually, they were BLACK... the color of her soul.

  45. Anonymous12:51 PM

    First they're there, and then they're gone. What's going on, Gryphen?

    I composed another comment about your quitter gov, but I deleted it after listening to President Obama's speech in Iowa. The crowd was so loud in gratitude for all his efforts in turning this country around. His words come across more as a Christian than that quitter gov.

    This money thing is nothing new. She would have kept that money for those travel expenses if it wasn't for an ethics complaint.

    Now, she is inciting using language and an image that relate to guns. How far will she be allowed to go before someone steps up and tells the truth?

  46. Gryphen I love the pics you use of Palin here, the sneering, face making ones. Keep it up!

  47. Anonymous2:16 PM

    As a I recall, didn't the head of the Tea Baggers send out a letter soon after the convention to tell the members to beware of wolves in sheep's clothing (i.e. $arah?).

  48. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Inciting violence will catch up to her botched and botoxed face, but when? Timing matters when glaciers are melting and sea levels rise around the world. If I'd wanted beach front property I would have bought it.

  49. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Sarah is one sick puppy!

  50. Mac And Cheese Wiz10:02 PM

    Love the petition and have contacted the sponsors as well.

    Thanks for letting the clown's comment comparing the Quitter to the President through! It really made me laugh more than the picture of the Rhodent heading this post!

    Keep up the good work, Gryphen!

  51. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Is any more proof needed that Palin is about herself? Yesterday at work, one of my co-workers was watching her and McCain in Arizona on his TV. Every time I try to listen to that voice, I can't deal with it for more than 1 minute at the most. In any case, I understand that she regurgitated the same tired talking points that are always a part of her speeches. When I get the chance, I will also sign up to boycott her reality show. Instead of being rewarded with even more money, she needs to be held accountable for her inflammatory speeches that promote hate and anger.


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