Monday, March 22, 2010

Sarah Palin's opinion on Health Care no longer matters!

Sarah Palin has taken her rage to Facebook and, through her ghostwriter, thrown herself on the ground to throw a ginormous tantrum.

It is a sad hateful little rant, and I was going to go through it to pick it apart and expose each lie and ridiculous assertion.  But then it hit me.

It simply does not matter.

Now that the health care bill is passing, and will soon become law, the opinion of Sarah Palin, the Teabaggers, and the obstructionist GOP simply DOES NOT MATTER.

Palin can no longer scare people with talk of "death panels", the Teabaggers can no longer try to intimidate Democrats by calling them "faggot" or"ni**er", and the Republicans can no longer continue to slow the process down through lies and obfuscation.  After the bill gets through the Senate, and we all know that it will, then Americans will get the chance to see for themselves that the sky did not fall, the earth did not open up and swallow them, and that Sarah Palin was full of shit.

So today the air smells cleaner, the world seems filled with promise, and the Democrats have, perhaps inadvertantly, dropped a house on the Wicked Witch of the North.

Thank you President Obama, for finally making Sarah Palin inconsequential.


  1. Where are the Tea Party people going to channel their rage now that Health Care voted on?

  2. vilca2:21 PM

    Wow, thanks gryphen for pointing this out. Something in my shoulders suddenly relaxed. It is so obvious, but with her crazyness, I couldn't see clearly anymore. Again, thanks for the wonderful feeling, which does not mean I will let my guard down.

  3. How long before she starts screaming "repeal." Will the party of "no" become the party of "repeal." I bet she gets on the "repeal" bandwagon soon, you know, for the "common sense" real Americans and the troops.
    She is the Queen of nonsense.

  4. global climate change, i guess.

  5. Dawn said...

    Where are the Tea Party people going to channel their rage now that Health Care voted on?

    Immigration Reform. And the racism you've heard up to this point won't even count next to what you'll hear then. There could be violence during the immigration debate, given the anger the wingnuts have already incited amongst their extremists.

  6. I ALWAYS thought she was inconsequential and I NEVER thought her opinion mattered!!

    But I'm glad it is now official!!!

  7. Anonymous2:33 PM

    My thoughts exactly! Her uninformed, nonsensical opinions are no longer of concern to us.

  8. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I think immigration reform will be the next big fight. And, it'll be just as ugly (if not uglier) than the battle over health care reform.

    In the Teabagger's world of the "two-minute hate", there's no dearth of targets to unleash venom upon.

    Sad, but true.

  9. Good......but, hey, where's my totalitarianism? I thought it was going to shift the world onto another axis today.

    Oh, and where are they going to channel their rage? At Obama and they will continue to push for violence against him.

  10. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Good as to no comment re: Palin's statement. The less press she gets, the sooner we'll see less and less of her! President Obama so outshines her!

  11. Anonymous2:52 PM

    That Crazy Old Lady will be on Hannity tonight talking about health care. Something to stir the pot, I'm sure- DOES NOT MATTER SARAH, YOU ARE A NOBODY!!! Stand out in front of your house and flap that mouth in the wind, nobody cares!

  12. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Slow learners, this bunch. Anyone who thinks the health care battle ended yesterday has not been paying attention.

    Look up 'unfunded mandate.' Give some thought as to how the govt can force an individual to spend their money on health insurance and don't use auto insurance as justification; driving is a privilege, not a right.

    Get ready for lengthy court battles that will strike down huge chunks of this bill.

  13. Love it! I'm glad you saved yourself from the exhausting task of debunking the ghostwritten facebook rant.

    However...please do not give up on exposing babygate and eargate. The myth of Sarah Palin is her biggest lie. She needs the humiliation of having her mask removed. And the Repubs and xtians need the humiliation for their part in promoting her personal and political fraud. We have a chance of making real headway against the dominionists. Please finish the task.

  14. Lisabeth603:01 PM

    $arah always sounds like sour grapes and so does McCain. She is so incredibly unimportant now- the bitter quitter!

    And the bill will be signed tomorrow- the Republicans can't do a thing. The "fix it" bill is what had to go to the senate, but the older senate bill is a done deal.

    Sarah is so stupid. She has no idea how many really good things are in here for small business and kids. Fighting this bill won't help them with the election.

    Sour grapes Sarah is a LOSER!!

  15. Anonymous3:06 PM

    The interesting thing about immigration is that RED states have a lot of Latin populations and some REPS come from districts where though REPs, they can't be too racist!

  16. Anonymous3:13 PM

    These little rants by Palin and Romney will be remembered and used next time they run for office. Idiots, the internet is FOREVER!!

  17. I think one of the states (no,not Alaska, thank you) needs to come forward and volunteer to become a separate Teabagger Nation. Then they can all move there and create the world they want. But no financial aid from the U.S.!

  18. From what I understand, the Repubs will be now suing our govt. saying the HCR bill is unconstitutional.

  19. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Yeah, nobody cares what Palin says....which is why her book was far and away the number 1 non-fiction seller of last year, 2.7 million in just the last 6 weeks of 09.

    1. Going Rogue: An American Life. Sarah Palin. Harper (2,674,684).
    2. Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment. Steve Harvey. Harper (1,735,219).
    3. *Arguing with Idiots: How to Stop Small Minds and Big Government. Glenn Beck. Threshold.
    4. *Liberty & Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto. Mark R. Levin..
    5. True Compass: A Memoir. Edward M. Kennedy. Twelve (870,402).

    52. The Audacity to Win: The Inside Story and Lessons of Barack Obama's Historic Victory. David Plouffe. Viking (147,202).

    Under 100,000: Barack Obama

  20. Quitters never win and winners never quit.

  21. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Why does silly sayrah always have her mouth WIDE open?

    Just askin'?

  22. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Read this:

    origins of the tea party? and more?

  23. Palin can scream "repeal" all she wants. She no longer holds any kind of office, and her words carry no merit.
    Besides,President Obama can veto any repeal and there is no way that Congress can find enough votes to overturn his veto.
    I think that in protest, the GOP should turn down their FREE Health Care.

  24. The less press she gets the better, I agree with everyone and echo this sentiment. I just sent an e-mail to all my favorite MSNBC hosts asking them to please stop reporting on her unless they do what they should have done at the beginning of this farce and ask her to explain her stand on policy issues, etc ... not just talking points. Challenge her on the ghost-written-and-paid-for-FB-posts! Either that or please stop reporting on her as all it is doing is funding her bank account and fomenting hatred/violence towards our President. Please, bury this bitch once and for all.

    Sorry for the venting ... :-)

  25. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Poor old sister..relegated to howling at the wolf packs and the Aurora... Forgotten in frozen Popsicle land with her million dollar studio and nothing to spew about... Can she and her family start a strip Alaskan poker web site???

  26. Anonymous3:33 PM

    The excitement will begin when a group of blacks visit the next tea party. I had a right wing friend here in Anchorage today tell me his boss told him and all the employee's that if the health care bill passed everyone would lose their health insurance that worked for him. He also told them that if they didn't buy the program that was offered each and every one of them would be fined. I started to explaining to him but thought, you know I don't care anymore about this dumbshit.

  27. Wilderness Lover3:45 PM

    Curiouser made a good point -"please do not give up on exposing babygate and eargate. The myth of Sarah Palin is her biggest lie. She needs the humiliation of having her mask removed."

    Gryphen - you are right. Her opinion on health care doesn't matter. But unfortunately, Sarah is not going away. Unless something happens to close her crooked mouth, we will still have to listen to her screechy whine.

    Please keep working to expose her lies.

  28. Anon 3:14

    Are you really posting book sales for Palin?

    OMG--that's so sweet. I guess you never heard of CORPORATE SALES. But that's okay there's actually a children's book that has 45 million copies in print about an elementary principle who flies around in his underwear as a Super Hero. So I guess there's room for The Wild Alaskan Dingbat.

  29. Patti @3:18 PM, I am completely with you. She is a dope screaming into the wind. Merit and Palin do not occupy the same universe.

  30. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Umm, the NYT never reported any corporate sales for Palin's book. That's a myth tossed around on libe..., sorry, _progressive_ blogs.

    Look at it this way: 1 out of every voter in the US bought a coy of Going Rogue. Laugh if you want but the numbers are real.

  31. Grouchodawg4:08 PM

    I've just posted on her Facebook page..."such a sad little rank (by her ghostwriter) by a sad little lady". I wonder when they will ban me from her Facebook Page!!!!

  32. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign4:15 PM

    Yep, she sounds like the usual Sarah Grapes to me!

    Get lost Twit, we have work to do. Go back to your compound where maybe someone cares what you say? Well, I doubt it, but hey you can hope!


  33. I agree with Curiouser: "[D]o not give up on exposing babygate and eargate. . . . Please finish the task."

  34. Have no fear I continue to work to get the truth out about Palin.

    Just because I am ignoring her health care rants, does not mean I am finished with her.

    Not by a long shot.

  35. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Earth to Anon @ 3:14...

    Her "book" has pretty much been determined to be FICTION.

    Perhaps you don't understand that to be "non-fiction," it needs to be based on truth--not a hodge podge of fairy tales.

    It really would be worth your effort to use your time pursuing truth and reality rather than to continue risking your own long-term mental and emotional stability trying to convince us that Sarah Palin lives anywhere on the side of rationality.

    Seriously--you need to take your fingers out of your ears...ears, did I say ears?

  36. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Interesting that one out of every voter bought a copy and I don't know a single person who bought one. And I live in a red state! I suspect many of these books were purchased as gag gifts out of the discount bin and don't forget they were giving them away free with a subscription on some rightist sites.

  37. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Well, the continued exposure of her ludicrous attempts to make a shred of sense is important. But i am still disappointed that all the hype about bringing her down never culminated. NOTHING was ever solid enought o be picked up by the mainstream media to cause her unraveling.

    I think she will self destruct and people will get tired of her, but it won't be because of the sociopathic things she's done. It will be slow. I wanted it to be dramatic. And anihilating . And fast. Damn! She's teflon!

  38. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Oh, yeah, I forgot. And in the meantime she is getting very very rich. Not the worst imaginable consolation prize even if she has to slink back to Alaska. sigh.

  39. Great little video and very relevant to the forces we fight against!

  40. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Gryphen said:

    Thank you President Obama, for finally making Sarah Palin inconsequential...BY IGNORING HER!!!

    Good strategy, President Obama! It worked!

  41. Anonymous5:06 PM

    God these trolls are arrogant, delusional and not too bright. But why should that surprise anyone.

    A well known conservative said on TV today that voters do not elect angry people. He said "Reagan wasn't angry." And he's right. And Sarah is one angry bitter quitter. Just look at her nasty grimaces with her crooked mouth, straw hair, Tammy fay eyes and frozen horrid plastic face. She looks hostile and angry. Yes she has followers but she's a pariah when it comes to politics.

    Yep and the rest of the angry complainers sound like sour grapes toooo. You don't think it's good for children and sick people to have insurance? You think it's bad for small businesses with less than 50 people to get tax credits? What selfish selfish people you are!

  42. Sorry, but I really don't understand what her book sales have to do with ANYTHING! I did not buy her book, nor have I read it - but mostly because I do not want to finance her extravagant lifestyle. I admit to being fascinated by her, and I would read the book if someone loaned it to me - only because she is just so strange and fascinating. Like slowing down to see a car wreck. I think most of the people who HAVE bought and read the book probably feel the same way.

  43. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Reading best seller lists is like looking at political polls; you can pick the one that gives numbers that you like and disregard the others.

    Barnes & Noble, USA Today, Publishers Weekly and many others each have their top ten books. I found "Going Rogue" on one of the lists in an entire page of Google Lists. Sarah was #5.

    Sarah's book was an important contribution because she gave new versions of the same old stories. We learned that she had two miscarriages, despite the fact that both were omitted from Dr. CBJ's medical report about Sarah's health during the 2008 election.

    The fact that Sarah's book was a $4.95 bonus for a subscription to a right wing on-line news site should serve as proof of corporate purchases, list or no list.

    There is a new best seller every time you turn around. Yesterday's news wraps today's fish.

  44. Anonymous5:36 PM

    This LYING sow also used the military families--as the VFW did--
    to fear-monger the neocon agenda.
    Despite what they claim, military families health Ins is intact and was never going to be touched.

  45. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I don't think it will go away.

    Honestly I've been shocked lately to hear several conservative but sane people I've considered friends for more than 20 years talk about REVOLUTION coming.

    It scares the bejeezus out of me.

  46. That was despicable for Palin to tweet instilling doubt and fear the military/Veterans would not have health care.

    I read her Facebook post. The lies get bigger when such a personality is angry and does not win. Palin has a history of vindictive revenge. Her battle cry is wait until November!

    It will be interesting as more people learn fact and when the lying fiction does not come to pass.

  47. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Oh I only wish she didn't matter and I could ignore her. I live in Alaska and didn't pay much attention to her even when she became Governor. (Any upright non-drooling person with a heartbeat was better than Frank Murkowski.)

    But then the McLame VP nomination and we all began to learn about her. What's she done, what she is doing and what she is getting away with doing.

    To me she now represents what too many politicians believe is the right and only course of action - lie & cheat, deny & divert, take no prisoners, take no responsibility - it's all about me and money. It's got to stop. Stopping her could be the beginning.

    As a smart person here once said, "ignore her at your peril."

    'kay I'll put the soapbox away now, Frozen Turdette

  48. Theres a new Website out there it's Called Palin TV Looks like we now have a place to go when we need a good laugh.Don't bother with comments,anything derogatory closes comment section down(At least thats what happened to me)Have Fun

  49. mocha6:30 PM

    Hmmm 2.7 million copies. 130 million people voted in the 2008 election, but there are 169 million people registered to vote. Don't know where you learned arithmetic, but 2.7/169 is 1 in 63. You might not be able to calculate percentages either, so I'll help you out. IF every one of the 2.7 million Palin books sold was purchased and read by an American voter, that means 1.6% of registered voters bought/read Palin's book. I sincerely hope you're not thinking that's going to win an election anywhere. This is why I have so little respect for Palin supporters. You don't even have the sense to know how few people 2.7 million is in this country. 10 times more people than that watched the last finale of Dancing with the Stars. Another little tidbit for you to put Palin's book sales in perspective:
    Jacqueline Suzann's 'Valley of the Dolls' has sold over 30 million copies. Stop comparing Palin to Barack Obama. Barack Obama IS the President of the United States. Palin quit being governor after 2 years. By the way, per Harper Collins, 2.5 is the number of books PRINTED, Not Sold to Individuals.

  50. Anonymous6:35 PM

    All the ranting and raving is what her fans want to hear. She knows her fan base because like them she is hateful, uneducated and a racist.

  51. mommom6:42 PM

    The bill will not be defeated in court.Remember a little thing called Medicare?You know,one of those things you are required by law to pay for? How about Social Security?

    Morons. Oh,sorry,for Mrs Paylins peeps thats M O R A N S .

  52. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Anonymous at 4:34pm says "And in the meantime she is getting very, very rich."

    So what if Palin is getting rich. All the money in the world cannot not get rid of the stench that follows this wretch. Palin is like a skunk - and who wants to keep company with a skunk?

  53. Anonymous7:04 PM

    @2:56 p.m.,

    People are forced to pay taxes.
    A lot of people hate paying taxes. Paying taxes is constitutional. So, is paying taxes a "privilege," or a "right?" As for the "lengthy court battles that will strike down huge chunks of this bill": BRING IT! The right-wing thugs will fail. Just like they failed to stop the healthcare bill from becoming law.


    If by some some miracle the republicans were able to regain control of congress, and did vote to repeal the healthcare bill, you are aware that President Obama could veto any such attempt? Right? Slow learner...

  54. Thanks B and Wilderness Lover! And a hearty thank you to Gryphen for the reassurance.

    At the risk of being a repetitive bore, I really think eargate is a tangible crack that can cause Sarah's iconic image to crumble and stop her fraud.

    Onward, Gryphen!

  55. Gasparilla7:09 PM

    Sarah Palin could have been vice-president or even president!

    Please, always, keep that in mind

    This it is not just, or, even, mainly about Sarah (as interesting as she might be as a personal target).

    It's *really* about the people who helped her commit and perpetuate her political frauds ( the Trig fraud, for example), and it's really about how and why they did it. Her confederates need to be exposed.

    Please keep up the "Eargate" reporting, Gryphen.

  56. Anonymous7:17 PM

    @3:14 P.m.

    No one cares. Have you seen Palin's poll numbers, lately? I don't mean a Fox News poll. Barack Obama still polls better than her. David Plouffe's book was in the top five, on the NYT best-seller list. And, David Plouffe is NOT Barack Obama, who will probably write a book after he leaves office, and sell more books than Palin. And, Palin's PAC bought bulk orders of her own book! So did other places, like Newsmax. Ha-ha. No one cares what she thinks. Who cares how many books she has "sold?" Is that the best you can come up with? She sold books, so everyone should give a crap what she thinks? Barack Obama was elected POTUS, and beat McCain/Palin by almost 10 million votes!
    Beat that. You lose!

  57. As Hamilton Burger used to say (when he objected to Perry Mason):

    Mrs. Todd Palin is “incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial!”

  58. Anonymous7:27 PM

    @4:06 pm.,

    I'm laughing that you seem to think book sales are so important.

    It's not a myth made up by the "libe..., sorry, _progressive_ blogs." It said so on Palin's SarahPac disclosure. Hahaha. All she and her fans care about care about are her book "sales." She is still a vile woman. She'll never be president.

  59. A belated impression of Palin's ghostwritten fb rant: it's main purpose was an attempt to cover her ass with talk of the upcoming elections -- to create distance from any potential violence.

  60. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Never mind Palin, she's irrelevant. Let her have hissy fits. The less we speak of the dingbat, the more irrelevant she'll become. We have more important things to do; like cleaning up the droppings left by the previous Administration.

    We have a wonderful President and he needs our help in moving this country forward. Progress not regress is what we are fighting for. It's time to catch up to and surpass other industrial nations.

    Dr. Martin Luther King said, "Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals."

    Oh btw Gryphen, It doesn't matter if you talk about Palin or not, I will still visit your blog. Keep up the good work.

  61. Anonymous9:07 PM

    @ mocha 6:29 PM

    Great post.

    Unfortunately, Palin's fans apparently don't understand the concept of percentages.

    We have a big-ass country, p'bots. It's all relative...but then her fans probably don't understand the concept of relativity either.

    Our work is never done with these idjits.

  62. Anonymous9:09 PM

    7:04, income tax is provided for in the 16th Amendment.

    Show us where health insurance is mentioned.

  63. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Mocha, help me out. If there are 169 million voters and Obama drew 67 million, that means 102 million American voters chose not to vote for Obama. Right?

  64. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Re: Baby with Ruffled Ears

    This baby, I'm sure, was borrowed. How could Sarah go to a shower with a baby born full-term weighing 7lbs.+?
    Trig was suppose to be a premie born five weeks early.

    Also, I think they used a doll in the pictures where she is wearing a sling.

    It's inconceivable to believe someone would borrow "babies." Not to mention faking a pregnancy. Only in Sarah's world.


  65. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Also, I think they used a doll in the pictures



  66. Anonymous10:20 PM

    I would really like to see Sarah get on the "Repeal, Repeal!" bandwagon just to laugh my a s s off with her saying Re-Pill, Re-Pill! and the look of puzzlement on people's faces!

    I actually believe that with our current Supreme Court, the new Health Care law (as in forcing people to purchase insurance) could be declared unconstitutional. However, there's nothing unconstitutional about the government taxing us to pay for war, highways, and also............medicare! If they go that route, then I think the Dems would just say "Okay, we'll fix that and just extend Medicare to everybody."

    I'm kinda hoping they go that way myself. It may be the quickest path to the public option or single payer that we've got. bt

  67. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Mocha, help me out. If there are 169 million voters and Obama drew 67 million, that means 102 million American voters chose not to vote for Obama. Right?

    9:14 PM

    PO won 53% of the vote. You lost. Democracy! Deal with it!

  68. Anon at 09:14 PM, the people who didn't participate didn't express their preference. It is true that they didn't vote for Obama. They didn't vote at all. The number of voters is not the same as the number who voted. Is that clear? Do you need more help?

  69. Anonymous2:31 AM

    I'm glad that Palin is getting rich from all that's gone on. She's about to learn that money can't buy happiness.
    And the belief that it can is the cornerstone of her faith.

  70. Sarah Palin could have written a novel about her big toe, and the mindless Urine Warriors would have still bought copies for themselves and all their family members.

    SarahPAC was one of the largest purchasers, which certainly helped boost sales numbers. Oh, and don't forget the dedicated basement pajama bloggers who bought them to fact check and annihilate in review. That was almost worth the 4.95 discount price just in entertainment value alone!

  71. Well, Parnell & the Rethug legislators are following in the Tundra Tart's footsteps in royal fashion & are considering sueing over Health Care. We don't want no durn health care for our citizens - you betcha. The bots on ADN are singing their praises. Gag! My comment will undoubtedly be off the page in short order. I wasn't real diplomatic. :)

  72. Anonymous4:55 AM

    To Anonymous 9:14 p.m.,

    Obama received 65.5 million votes
    McCain received 59.9 million votes

  73. EmilyPeacock5:25 AM

    Anonymous @9:14 said

    Mocha, help me out. If there are 169 million voters and Obama drew 67 million, that means 102 million American voters chose not to vote for Obama. Right?

    And in spite of that, Obama is President and Palin is still irrelevant.

  74. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Correction Emily:
    An intelligent grownup is president and a dull- witted 40-something with the sensibilities of a spoiled 12 year old is not and never will be!

  75. Anonymous7:03 AM

    the idiot palin used her own PAC to purchase thousands of copies of her own book. That boosted sales, but really doesn't count in the big picture.

    it's like voting for yourself thousands of times.

  76. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Geoffrey Dunn exposed her lies about veterans' health care, and they were refuted by both John Rowland the head of the Vietman Veterans of America as well as
    Eric Shinseki, the Secretary of Veteran's Affairs. Her biggest problem is that because she is a known liar, people check what she says and debunk the lies. Her lies are easily discredited, but she doesn't have the sense to either think before she speaks for to research an issue so she won't look like the ignorant dolt she is every time she opens her mouth.
    Let her fuss and fume, and join the efforts to repeal the legislation. She will look like an even bigger fool for joining in an exercise in futility.

  77. Anonymous5:51 PM

    To: Anon 9:52 P.M.


    Apparently, your love of the internet didn't include reading Bree's blog before she closed it down! She had a post on this issue specifically!

    Sorry you missed it!



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