Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stick a fork in him, Eddie Burke is done!

Rumors have been swirling for weeks but today it is official!

Eddie Burke, Racist pig, and Palin panty sniffer has quit his job at KBYR!

AlaskaWTF, has more juicy details here.

I just talked to Shannyn and apparently Burke called in during the third hour so I will put that up later when the podcast is available.

Well all I can say is that it could not have happened to a more deserving guy!  Gee I wonder who the Palin-bots will listen to on the radio now?

Update: I am learning now that Burke was supposed to quit on April 1st (How fitting!), but got into an argument with the President and VP of the station and simply up and quit (Oops take that back he was fired, fired, fired!) Tsk, tsk, tsk, gotta watch that temper Eddie!

I have heard some people talking about the fact that he can just go to a new station, but I have serious doubts about that as he is considered poison to the airwaves.  Even other conservative stations would be wary of having his brand of hate speech associated with them. (Just received an update on this as well, and I am told that NO station in town is willing to hire him!  Gotta love Karma!)

Update: He is being replaced by Glen Beigel. And for you trivia buffs, he is Celtic Diva's brother-in-law.  Small town huh? 

Biegel is pretty rabidly right wing as well.  But no longer a fan of Sarah.


  1. FEDUP!!!2:44 PM

    So... Did HE quit, or WAS he quit? (i.e. fired?)

    There is some justice after all... The Alaskan airwaves just became more hospitable.

  2. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Good riddence! But like a cockroach with the lights turned on, he'll probably skitter over to a new location.

  3. Great news. I wonder if he will replace Meg as the Palin official spokesperson. Oh please oh please oh please - EDDIE FOR SPOKESPERSON!

  4. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Now for Fagan and we have a clean sweep

  5. Well this is excellent news indeed! Couldn't happen to a more deserving person. I hope he finds becoming employed again extremely difficult. But, hey Eddie, maybe you can draw unemployment. You know, one of those socialist programs you don't approve of.

  6. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Kodiak bar pics make it to the web????

  7. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Don't be so sure... after all, Glenn Beck started out as a lowly morning show creep... and look at where the CREEP is now!
    May his day of reckoning be soon be something like April Fools Day!


  8. I'm thinking Eddie will be working for Sarah.

    He'll either be running out for her crunch wraps and toadying for her up and coming Alaskan Reality Debacle. He'll probably be scouting vermin in the wild as he is biologically close to them and knows where they hole out.

    You know Sarah--can't just have those Hollywood librul, tiny actress types around her; someone who is openminded might rub up against her. I think Eddie Burke is a definite antidote against anything openminded, liberal or tiny.

  9. Anonymous3:55 PM

    buh-buh-bye,big boy.

  10. honestyinGov3:55 PM

    I strolled by the " Urine Pool" very quickly ...while holding my nose..... complete {{{ crickets }}} or would that be Locusts now..?
    Was the ' word ' put out... " Don't talk about IT "...C'mon Peeer's " PRAY " for Smurfy...make him re-born just like Bristle was ' re-virginized '. Don't kick him out of the Twibe.

  11. This is a good sign that indicates social progress and a real reason to celebrate. Rejection of a hater, I love it.

  12. Gryphen, Your recent addition, Barb's Terminal Hypocrisy blog, has disappeared from your Alaska blog roll.

    I like the new format here. One thing that would be useful is a list, maybe right below Paypal, of links to posts that remain very important, like What are the Odds and the TriG ear story.

  13. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Sure, Burke is a racist, idiotic, S.O.B. but he was also terrible on the radio. Strictly amateur hour. He was severely lacking in his ability to think on the fly, unpleasant to listen to, repetitive, and just plain boring.

  14. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign5:15 PM

    I think Mr. Smirk saw an open door - or was that a whale's mouth?

    Nah, really folks - he is going to join a remedial spelling class. After that, it's on to brain surgery. He's just waiting for a donor since he was born without.

  15. Good News! Eddie Burke has always made my skin crawl...
    I wish they'd consider the opposite of a Palin loving, incompetent, pseudo conservative man.

    A Palin loathing, competent, real conservative woman. How about me?

  16. Blogger angela said... "I'm thinking Eddie will be working for Sarah. He'll either be running out for her crunch wraps..."

    Perhaps he'll be running for her crot^^h wrap, which is where I am sure he would like to be.

  17. If they replace him with another conservative, then YES - Syrin definitely has my vote.

    How long before Eddie gets a gig at Faux News? He would fit right in, next to his BFF Sarah.

  18. 3:35 PM SoCalWolfGal said... hey Eddie, maybe you can draw unemployment. You know, one of those socialist programs you don't approve of.
    Hopefully, not even that? ? At least in my state, if you quit your job, there will be NO 'unemployment' -- only if you are fired.

    Would be fun(ny) if he even tried to collect, and was turned down. Like has been mentioned - "Could not have happened to a more deserving guy!!!"

  19. Now if FOX would just fire Beck.

  20. Wonder what to wish for. Could it get worse?

    I overheard a conversation between 2 Vietnam veterans. One was explaining that when he was in his first camp, there was a Vietcong sniper shooting all the time into the camp. This soldier wanted to take out the sniper. He was cautioned to leave the guy alone, "Because he's a really bad shot."

  21. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Biegel or Beagle?

  22. Thank you Anonymous 6:59.

    You know I ALWAYS spell Linda's last name wrong for some reason.

  23. Anonymous7:09 PM

    From Alaska WTF: "The station lowered Eddie’s pay and cut his hours due to a huge drop in listeners after his teabagger queen Sarah P. Grifter disowned him."

    What's up with that? When did he get disowned by SP? And for what?

  24. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Rumor has it that Burke is going to be on KWMD starting in April.

  25. ref: Anonymous 6:59 & Gryphen 7:04 PM...
    Seems one (or more) of the "Beagels" became "Beigle" but not all of them...there's still one more to go. See below. beth.
    "Update: He is being replaced by Glen Beigel. And for you trivia buffs, he is Celtic Diva's brother-in-law. Small town huh?

    Beagle is pretty rabidly right wing as well. But no longer a fan of Sarah."

  26. Anonymous7:03 AM

    B @ 4:49 - The blog roll shows blogs by the most recent updates. To see ones not in the most recent updates, such as Barb's blog, simply hit the "Show All" button in the bottom righthand of the blog roll.

  27. honestyinGov10:18 AM

    A little Update on Eddie.

    Late last night he decided to drop in and visit the Mudflats thread story about Himself. He posted a comment.
    He seemed to be proud of the fact he got so many comments. What a JackAss!! No offense to real mules and jackass's.

  28. Anonymous8:03 PM

    What exactly has he said that can be labled as "hate speech"? I have listened to his show for a while and am at a loss as to what you are talking about. I dont think he is the one that needs to open his mind.


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