Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tina Fey thankful she looks so much like Sarah Palin.

"You can grow up wanting to make movies or wanting to appear on 'SNL', but I don't think anyone sits there dreaming, 'Well, I hope there's a politician out there who looks just like me so I can do impersonations of her'," she told the Daily Mail.

"It was weird because so much of what I've done has come out of sheer doggedness and then this fell into my lap. It put me on the map for people who hadn't seen 30 Rock or 'SNL', so what can I say? I'm indebted to her!"
Well as somebody else who gained some attention, both good and bad, from writing about Sarah Palin, I think it is worth noting that if there if Tina Fey had not been so talented her physical similarities to Palin would not have been enough to secure her fame.
I mean how many other comedic actresses could have pulled this segment off as well as she did?


  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    If anyone down the road is inclined to do a movie about Miss Gobbldigook, then let me suggest Ginnifer Goodwin from "Big Love" to play Sarah.

    Having watched the series again this year I noted a more marked resemblance to the former Half Term Governor than Tina Fey. Ginnifer is a dead ringer!

  2. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Damn, it never gets old.

  3. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I never tire of this-- she acted so much like her and Palin has morphed more into this.

  4. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Tina Fey's impressions throughout the campaign helped keep me sane about the meteoric rise to prominence of the empty headed mean girl. Amy Poehler's Hillary in this skit was great, too.

  5. Tiny Fay is much younger and better looking than Palin, that most likely enrages $P more than her repeating her stupid words.

  6. Ginnifer Goodwin? i just googled her and i'm shocked you'd compare such a pretty 32 year-old to this!

  7. AnneNC3:32 PM

    I love watching this and other clips of Tina as Palin. It's so much more fun knowing how badly this irritates $arah, especially since 80% or more of their dialogue, are the words right out of her mouth. Having $arah run again would really make SNL worth watching just to see the new Palin skits each week. And they thought they were going to be lost after Bush left the White House, so glad to see the GOP was able to fill his role so easily.

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  9. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Tina Fey's most inspired satire on SNL was the "interview" between "Sarah" and "Katie Couric." In the skit, Tina repeated Sarah's actual answers given in the real interview. Somehow, the skit was even funnier than reality.

    Two women did more to show Sarah Palin for what she was: Tina Fey and Katie Couric. Men couldn't really "attack" Sarah because she plays that victim card so easily. Women have a knack of seeing through the wink, makeup and sexy subtext.

  10. To me $P looks a lot like Sophia Loren does today, not when Sophia was younger. Sophia still looks better though she has a kinder, gentler spirit that shines thorough. $P on the other hand nefarious ways detract from any outer beauty she once possessed.

  11. It's still as funny as ever!

  12. sunnyjane2:45 AM

    Tina Fey is going to host SNL at some point during April. Now THAT should be fun.

  13. At C4P their fiction writer went after Tina Fey for misportraying Palin effectively blaming Fey, Katie Couric and Nicole Wallace for Palin's shortcomings.

    It must suck to be threatened for impersonating someone hated while the person who said those things and demonstrated ignorance is elevated to sainthood.


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