Sunday, March 21, 2010

Is Stupak a yes vote on Health Care bill? Dem Chariman says yes, Stupak office will not commit. Update: MSNBC says YES!

A Democratic chairman says a leading abortion foe will back President Barack Obama's health care bill. But the office of Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak of Michigan says no decision has been made.

Rep. Henry Waxman of California says party leaders have been able to secure the support of Stupak.

(Read more here)

Well I wish somebody would light a fire under Stupak and get him to stop playing coy and give it up for the President. I just hate a tease.

Besides what Democrat could possibly still resist after Obama's speech yesterday?

On the other side of the aisle it looks like the Republicans are making excuses for the vicious outbursts from the Teabaggers.  Stay classy GOP.

Update:  According to MSNBC Stupak is now a "yes" vote.  Now we are talking!


  1. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Since Stupak was virtually unknown outside his MI district, he wanted to make a NAME for himself and has done so but certainly not in a good way. By being pig-headed, obstinate and obtuse, he has now garnered the only name possible, 'STUPID STUPAK' and hopefully his constituents will make certain he will never have to worry about voting ever again by voting his ass out of office. He absolutely deserves this consequence as well as his new name!

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Yeah, and how do I know the tea party slur wasn't a plant from the Democratic party... like they aren't capable of that kind of dirt. Please spare me your hysteric calls of foul play. Fits right in with the dirty tricks of the dems... like Sen Shumer pulling the plug on the economy timed for the 2008 election... Remember his Freddy/Fanny announcement ? Who are you kidding ?

  3. Anonymous12:39 PM

    My dear friend's step-father claims that the HCR bill will lead to American women being required to wear the Muslim veil. Normally I would dismiss this notion as ridiculous partisan flim-flummery but the gentleman in question is very intelligent and reads everything from Coulter to Palin to Beck to Hannity to Rush and everyone in between. Is it possible that I've missed something in the reform bill that COULD eventually require the veil be worn by all American women? I want to support the bill as it appears to significantly improve the financial and physical well-being of most Americans but I'm rather opposed to forcing the veil on American women.

    (On a more serious note: Thank you, President Obama. I salute you. It's been a long time since we've had a great man in the White House. And thanks to you, Gryphen, for your contribution, too.)

  4. Stupak's 15 minutes are up.
    he might as well head back to the C-street house with the drunken frat boys and the Bishps in lace gowns and whoop it up.
    may be his last chance.

    I and many others will work hard to make sure this his last moment of glory as an elected lawmaker.

  5. Anonymous3:37 PM

    The G.O.P. (Greed Over Principal)
    Is trying to make the case that voting for the bill is being totally pro abortion. Satan begone!

  6. Anonymous3:43 PM



  7. Anonymous4:37 PM

    This is fun .. David Frum Bushie speech writer a repub on the demise and waterloo of the repubs and how they let the radical right hijack them to ruin !!! Shd warm your hearts to read this !

  8. It is good to see that Stupak is either being reasonable or being forced to be reasonable in not allowing the one very narrow issue of abortion to stand in the way of the bill being passed. If he had raised more than this single point, he might have been considered someone with a dissenting view, but not voting on the bill based solely on the one issue only made him look extremist.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.