Tuesday, April 20, 2010

California Attorney General launches investigation into threatening messages sent to Senator Yee.

From ABC affiliate:

The California Attorney General's office has launched an investigation into hate mail and threatening messages sent to the offices of Sen. Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) on Monday, which may be in response to his questions over Sarah Palin's scheduled appearance at California State University, Stanislaus, according to Yee's office.

There has been a lot of talk on this blog and others that there is no proof that these messages came from Palin supporters. So let's all sit back and see what the Attorney General discovers.

However let me just say that I have seen plenty of hate mail that has come from Palin supporters in my time. Some sent to me, or my blogger friends, or to various authors that I know, and the example provided by Senator Yee looks EXACTLY like the kind of crap that these Palin-bots send out.

There is always a chance that somebody is trying to smear Palin's name by posing as supporters and sending these faxes and e-mails. However I can guarantee that the people who still e-mail me today, as well as Shannyn Moore, and Celtic Diva, and numerous other people that I know, and who left threatening messages at the school that I used to work at back in August are definitely Palin supporters.  So if I were a betting man I would bet that whoever sent these e-mails is undoubtedly one of her Facebook friends, has Sarah's book prominently displayed on their bookshelf, and probably looks something like this:


  1. Oh now that is some sick sh** dude!

  2. Excellent! I seems they do things a little more seriously down south.

  3. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Such a shame lots of good content here and lots of people cannot access. Kind of a pain having to read just on my phone. Please address in your statement if you plan to do anything to fix the IE problem. Now it sounds like you're just blowing off a large part of your audience. Thanks.

  4. Hurray for AG Jerry Brown. He will get to the truth. I worked on his campaign when he ran for president. He is an honest man and on the side of the people. He is also a very spiritual man. "The key is Knowledge", yes it is JB and so many people in this country don't know that. The AG in Alaska is on the side of big business and the elite, so investagations of this type will never happen here. http://action.jerrybrown.org/t/4608/tellafriend.jsp?tell_a_friend_KEY=2670

  5. I'm not having an problems.

    Then again, I'm using Firefox.

  6. Snowing in Alaska9:24 PM

    Yep, the trolls are gnashing their rotten teeth, flinging their turds and deflecting again! Too bad, so sad. Of course these are Palinbots - who else would care so much for the Twitty Quitty to hassle good people? We in Alaska have seen this since day one - we know who you are, and how you are. You will not, can not, hide your shame.

    You hassled our neighbors, our residents, our lawmakers, our media and our bloggers. You have nothing but vile, confused statements which are housed in slime. You are reprehensible, disgusting, hateful, clueless and nasty.

    You are homophobic, racist and fake Christian whack jobs. You revel in all of those labels - it's who you are and you are proud of your hate. You are wasted carbon as far as I'm concerned. And I will fight you and oppose you at every twist and turn - you will not poison my country or neighborhood, but your poison will eat you from the inside out. Good luck with that.

  7. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Good going AG Brown.

    You know, he was the one who got the fake Acorn videos finally released in entirety.

    Sarah Palin is making money off of incitement. And it's getting more dangerous every day.

  8. AAIIGGH There putting Scarah shirts on zombies! I gotta have one of those i got ideas. So Cal AG is going to look into this. Guess it would be too much to expect the FBI.

  9. I usually visit Immoral Minority using Firefox as my browser: no problems with the site. But I also have IE open, so I took a look at the site using it. Everything's fine until I click on "read more" -- at that point the browser hangs and has to be closed. I suspect some scripting problem that IE can't deal with.

  10. Anne In DC3:17 AM

    Many thanks to both Senator Yee and Attorney General Brown for their tireless efforts to determine the truth in spite of ugly threats.

    Also, Kudos to the Alaskans for their role in shedding light on the true character of Mrs. Mooseburger.

    I can imagine that people in other countries are either shaking their heads in disbelief or laughing their heads off at the gross stupidity of a segment of our population that is immersed in self-deception and willful ignorance as to this woman's true colors. So much so that some of them are willing to commit violence and risk jail over it.

  11. Anonymous4:56 AM

    I am so glad AG Brown is going to investigate those horrid emails and calls.

    Why haven't we heard more about investigations into other, similar situations?

    It is difficult to imagine what motivates the kind of hateful attitudes that result in the mailing, faxing and calling to spread such vile, nasty and un-American sentiments. What has gone wrong in the perpetrators' lives that they resort to that? Surely a desire for attention, money or short-lived fame can not be enough to demean yourself enough to want to say those things to another human being.

  12. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Of course its palinbots ass kissers of the queen of bag...!
    They got caught with their pants down and are denying it...hahahaha, President Obama kept the "PATRIOT ACT" that Bush enacted to TAKE AWAY OUR RIGHTS and the Patriot act will surely be used by law enforcement agencies to find the PERP!
    It seems that Bushie rightly named the global spying act? Now it will be put to good use DOMESTIC TERRORISTS/TEABAGGERS/PALINBOTS !
    These idiots forget...there is a new Sheriff in town...IRS investigations on Rubio, and some other GOP in NYC...who could be next???
    If the bags were smart, they would sit down and shut up, but they are too stupid along with their Queen...
    PS use firefox and have no problems here. IE is like inviting viruses and spyware into your computer...

  13. CGinWI8:33 AM

    I was having awful problems using IE, but tried Chrome, and it's working beautifully - except that it won't play videos. But that's a general Chrome problem, not specific to this site.

    It's such a relief to be able to get back here once again.

  14. Anonymous10:01 AM

    As we are learning from the trial in Knoxville, neither side has an exclusive on people who send sick threatening e-mails. Some of the comments on this blog and others have used misogynistic terms, the c-word, and rape imagery when referring to SP and her daughters.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.