Tuesday, April 13, 2010

California State University documents pertaining to Sarah Palin's upcoming speech found shredded! Update!

From the San Francisco Chronicle:

Students at Cal State Stanislaus have discovered evidence that documents related to an upcoming speaking engagement by Sarah Palin were shredded and dumped after the university claimed that no public documents existed, a state senator said on Tuesday.

The students appeared at a Sacramento news conference with State Sen. Leland Yee, D-San Francisco this morning and said they found the documents on Friday in a dumpster outside the school's administration building in Turlock. They include four pages of a contract for a "speaker" who will be traveling from Anchorage, though they do not identify the speaker by name.

The senator in March questioned how much the university is paying the former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate for her speaking engagement on June 25. The university said a private university foundation contracted Palin for the $500-a-plate event and the contract included a privacy clause preventing officials from disclosing the speaker's fee.

The contract pages found intact detail travel and accommodation requirements for the speaker, which Yee said is Palin. Those include two first-class airline tickets from Anchorage, along with two business-class tickets between the destination and the lower 48 states. It also specifies the speaker have a one-bedroom suite and two single rooms in a deluxe hotel. Yee released the documents to the media.

The contract, dated March 16, is from the Washington Speakers Bureau. That organization represents Palin and sets up her speaking engagements.

School officials "think they are in another world where they can do as they damn well please and that's not going to happen on my watch, that's not going to happen on the students watch, that's not going to happen on any watch because that's not how we do business here in the state of California," Yee said

You know at first I was  not sure that there was really much of a story here, but now I am very interested in exactly why somebody at the University went through such pains to make sure nobody would find out how much Palin is being paid to insult the intelligence of her audience.

I think I will be keeping a close eye on this story.

Update: ABC got a copy of the contract. (It is in PDF form)

I am still finishing up my taxes so I don't have time to go through it with a fine tooth comb.  But if any of you guys have a moment take a look and let us know what you find.


  1. Anonymous2:27 PM

    for your reading pleasure, this is a copy of part of the contract


  2. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Reasonable or Prima donna?


  3. Anonymous2:35 PM

    That's the nice thing about donating your time, you don't need a "privacy clause".
    A "private" foundation is part of the university? Come again?

  4. Anonymous2:35 PM

    First class tickets, deluxe accommodations. Must be nice when the kids there are facing thirty percent tuition increases, faculty and student job cuts. Yeah, Palin really cares about education - the selfish creepette.

    Wonder who the economy tickets and solo rooms are for - the kids or assistants?

    We still don't know how much the speaking fee is - goodness, if it is her normal fee, she can darn well afford to pay for transportation and accommodations her own sweet-a$$ self.

    I cannot believe people pay for her dribble. She hardly ever has anything new to say - and if she does, it is negative, whiney, and has no substance.

    She has no understanding of issues, no desire to learn about them, and can only just put a sentence together better than former President Bush - but that's only because she can read off her papers or her hand.

  5. angela2:52 PM

    What gets me is Sarah immediately lowers the IQ level by five points regardless of what rooms she babbles in. It's appalling that a woman who disdains education should speak at a university. I hope the students march and ruin her babblefest.

  6. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Nice work students!


  7. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Are her followers still going to claim that she is just like them now? That and the $12M payday Sarah the Fraud has suckered her followers well..the best thing on the rider list was SHE ONLY TAKES PRE-SCREENED QUESTIONS,and they have to given to her in advance...and she still stumbles...I wonder how many of the Palinbans are started to get buyer's remorse..

  8. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Didja notice all the other papers were shredded but not Palin's contract?

    The shredded docs are just window dressing.

    The contract was stolen out of a file cabinet.

    An investigation is ongoing.

  9. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Gryphen - Another update related to this story - the story behind the headline - The CSU Stanislaus Foundation had previously denied that they had any documents pertaining to her appearance despite a public records disclosure request made by the Associated Press. The students who found the discarded contract were working based on a tip that the university was shredding the documents during a university furlough.Officials who willfully refuse to disclose public documents can be prosecuted for misdemeanors - more here..

  10. Kasha Knish3:58 PM

    Anon. 2:27 - that URL doesn't seem to work.

    You can see the .pdf of the portions of the contract recovered by going to ... http://tinyurl.com/y34a7vn

    I noticed that not only are the questions to be pre-screened, but there is to be no 'roving mike' in the audience due to delay time.

    Hmmm, this could be true, but it does sound like they are trying to avoid a random person asking a non- screened question.

  11. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I can't wait for Sarah to trot out those famous lines, "I'm just a hockey mom," and "I cook moose stew." It will also be interesting to see how she advances family values when she spends no time with her family. One daughter appears on TV to tell teens to "pause" and another daughter gets away with breaking and entering. Come to think of it, a son got away without facing consequences too. So, how's that family values thingy working out for Sarah?

  12. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Al Gore's contract:


    Looks a lot like Palin's contract.

  13. Anonymous4:11 PM

    The missing piece of the why Sarah might be speaking at CSU Stanislaus might have to do w/ who is on the board of the CSU Stanislaus Foundation.

    An article from April 1st.. titled "Sarah Palin and California State University - The missing piece of the puzzle" was posted at Palingates.

    As they say, the devil is in the details, and "Matt Swanson who is on the board is an a member of the executive team of Harvest Crusades, started by a "Greg Laurie, who sits on the Board of Directors of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse..."

    Food for thought (pun intended), but the dot could go back to Franklin Graham who is very active in AK, accompanied Sarah on her trip to deliver cookies to the hungry folks in rural AK 2 winters ago and provided a plane for Sarah on her book tour, yada, yada, yada...

  14. Anonymous4:24 PM

    School officials "think they are in another world where they can do as they damn well please and that's not going to happen on my watch, that's not going to happen on the students watch, that's not going to happen on any watch because that's not how we do business here in the state of California," Yee said.

    The students are doing what all should do when community leaders f^ck up. We need more involved people to dawg 24/7 on all the Palins funky family business. They are attracted to other snakes and there are many more like Cal State Stanislaus officials. I am sick of lying hiding a$$h0les and AIP kooks like the Alaskan paranoid fraud.

  15. Anonymous4:27 PM

    So, they're comparing the Queen of Willful Ignorance with a former vice president, scholar and crusader on climate change?

    Over at the Sea of Pee, that's exactly what they're doing, in addition to comparing her to an ex-president, a current Secy of State, and the Speaker of the House, none of whom she would actually debate if asked--because she doesn't know diddly squat!

    P.T. Barnum was SOOO right.

  16. Anonymous4:32 PM

    So..........bags of docs were illegally shredded but they _didn't_ shred Palin's contract ........ and it just happened to end up in the hands of two activist students?

    They broke in and stole this doc from the files. They will tell everyone it was 'in the public interest.' They are going to jail.

  17. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Weren't the Pentagon Papers taken from top secret files?
    When people are lied to and tricked they have a right to know. If there are legal issues that will all be taken up. It is a greater good to have the truth known. Typical to detract by accusation, what proof?
    The students are in a battle, they knew they were lied to. Thank heavens they are standing up to the low life sneaks.

  18. Anonymous4:40 PM

    FYI- The present Attorney General for California is our former Governor Jerry Brown(1975–1983)and just so happens to be running for governor this election cycle.

    I believe that Jerry Brown's office is where the papers were brought.

    Funny, how odd a story can get. Sarah Palin's following is not Jerry Brown's following.

    But, will Jerry Brown be willing to investigate this so close to the election?

    Oh, what a tangled web...

  19. BrazilNut4:49 PM

    Unbelievable!!! The estate of California claims to be broke. We had many cuts for all universities and schools throughout California. Students are struggling with increased tuitions... and Ca State University has the audacity to hire this moron.... Who the hell would pay to see or listen to her? I would love to pay to make sure she does not land here in California!!! My congratulations to those smart students!!! Yes we need more of you!! Go get this wicked woman!!!!!

  20. Let's get back to the real story - did the students find the exam they were looking for or not?

  21. angela6:04 PM

    Anon 4:00
    Are you kidding?
    Sarah Palin, the five college, half term quitter compared to an actual Vice President and scholar? You people are COMPLETELY delusional. Sarah can't even speak in complete sentences. But I gotta give it to her— she can get money out of wingnuts like a hair sprayed, closeted Evangelist on a sunday morning.

  22. Good work students.......... James O'Keefe should be really proud of you.

    Me thinks we should be hearing some squawking from Sarah pretty soon....get popcorn.

  23. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Notice how Palin's name doesn't appear, how the contract isn't signed? This is a forgery.

  24. Anonymous6:34 PM

    this is SO NOT FAIR!!!

    All this complainin about the bendy starws!!!!

    If yu'd get poked in the eye with a stiff straw you"d know thew defference!

    Why is everyon always watchin what she does?

    If some kid skippin school and flyin Gulfstream was near the podium and got there eye poked by a stiff straw then what wood you say? Theres sooo many socialist drs and hopspitals now the kid would have to take a wild ride home!

    Do unto others is what some say.
    If you get so your makin $Millions
    and Flying PRIVATE!!! then you'd want your bidness seekrit too.

    If some California governor thinks this is going to matter- I've got news for you!

    She can tell the earth is flat even from 35000 feet in her G60. LOL.

  25. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Ah, now we know what caused the wonderfully unforgettable expression on Palin's face depicted at the top of this post... the straw was n.o.t bendable.

    (btw, this picture of Palin needs more frequent exposure... try to use it weekly.

  26. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Just to clear (and fair) - it was not the U of CA at Stanislaus who hired Palin. It was a private foundation operating within the university umbrella. The private foundation claims it does not have to disclose contracts because private money is being used to pay for Palin's visit.

    Problem is, that foundation uses university phones, university space, university employees. That's why State Senator Yee is pressing this: he feels that because the foundation cannot operate without using state taxpayer support, it owes full disclosure. I agree with him.

    I think every student and taxpayer (and yes, there are students who pay taxes, I am not trying to separate them out) owes State Senator Yee a huge thank you for not allowing this issue to swept under the foundation's shadow of privacy. That foundation, as I understand it, is supposed to work for the benefit of the university and community but instead, under current leadership seems to be operating primarily for the benefit of the foundation's directors and contributors.

  27. Anonymous7:08 PM

    These palin’s remind me of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker. Remember those two weasels?

  28. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Yes CA AG is going to investigate it!

    Thank God for Senator Yee!!!
    Transparency, weren't you for it Sarah? (before you were against it)
    The lawlessness that passes for the norm in Alaska will not be tolerated in CA!
    I hope they kick her ASS way out of CA!
    Also this is hooked in to Sam's purse too...Franklin Graham.
    SpeakerGate....I've been waiting for her to pull something down here...Fuck you Sarah, Whore of Babble on!

  29. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Yo ANON @ 3:59....there is a huge difference between Sarah Palin former half term governor quitter and former U.S. Senator/Vice President Al Gore. Not even close.

  30. Ratfish7:55 PM

    It was wrong for Frank Murkowski to fly in a 1985 vintage jet around he huge state of Alaska.

    But it's ok for the QUITTER to fly in a new large private jet at the expense of California taxpayers.

    When there's a tuition rate hike, they can call it the Palin surtax.

  31. Anonymous8:18 PM

    “It is truly shocking and a gross violation of the public trust that such documents would be thrown away and destroyed during a pending investigation,” said Yee. “Found within the same files as regular university business were financial statements and documents of the CSU Stanislaus Foundation – demonstrating that the foundation is operated by taxpayer-funded employees within the university itself. How can they possibly claim that no tax dollars are being used for the Palin event when state employees are called in on their furlough day to help avoid public scrutiny?”


    The problem apears that Palin thinks she can blow in a secret like and that's not how they roll in Cali.
    Speakergate! Thank god for Senator Yee and the two brave girls...
    Have we seen anything like this in AK? No. There was Troopergate and most lawmakers wussed out.
    Palin is still gov.
    Nobody does anything except a Senator from Cali...go figure!
    Not to mention this involves Franklin Graham, Sam's purse!
    The Washington speakers bureau should be investigated also. Who's behind this?

  32. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Russell Giambelluca, the university's vice president of business and finance, said no one at the university was advised to destroy specific foundation documents, and staff members routinely shred and dispose of paperwork that is no longer needed.

    Regarding the excerpt of Palin's contract, he said: "I find it interesting that among shredded documents you find one that's completely intact related to the contract."

    Read more: http://www.adn.com/2010/04/13/1224462/calif-students-find-palin-contract.html#ixzz0l2sTMbUz

  33. FEDUP!!!8:40 PM

    Well, if I were a student at Stanislaus, I would organize my fellow students and then I would block the foundation's dinner door. Also, too, I would crash that dinner and make a HUGE stink about rising tuition costs and her expenses.

  34. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Ha ha ha Gryphen! You've got the Palinbot invasion going on here. They are pretty riled up over this contract.

    Pitiful fools.

  35. They missed the most important requirement of all: the Speaker requires that she is always referred as "Your Majesty" and never spoken to unless she speaks first.

  36. Anonymous9:12 PM

    My problem with this story is, CSU cut funding and increased student fees. If the University is short of funds, why are they willing to fork over thousands of dollars to Palin? The money should have been used for programs the University is considering cutting.

  37. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Anon 4:11 - YOU GOT IT! Nice sleuthing!

  38. Anonymous9:46 PM

    State Senator Yee is pressing this because he is running for mayor of San Francisco.

  39. Seems that AG Jerry Brown will investigate:


  40. Anon@3:54:
    No matter IF the documents were taken from a file. The University said that NO documents existed.
    Bendable straws? Really $arah?! Your "I'm one of you" crap is getting tiresome.

  41. Ya gotta love them cpeers. Bet they never put together a shredded document. Aint that hard!! Next.

  42. @Anonymous 4 p.m.

    Right, Al Gore's contract is like Palin's. Except he doesn't ask for a Lear jet and will seek reimbursement only for the price of a commercial ticket if he takes a private plane. And he doesn't ask for SUVs or black town cars, just a hybrid if possible. And he's not demanding pre-screened questions asked by a friendly moderator. And he doesn't rag on college professors and "elites" while taking money from college foundations. And he didn't quit his job as vice president halfway through to get rich on the speaking circuit. He also doesn't seem to care about bendable straws.

    But other than that, exactly the same.

  43. Anonymous12:54 AM

    If any of her moronic followers needed proof that she was not "one of them," along with the disclosure that she has earned at least $12M since quitting as Alaska governor, this should be the last bendable straw.

    All those idiots who squawk about the government taking away their money have no problem with overpaying an incoherent, ignorant, and shrill parrot of a woman for repeating nonsense ad nauseum.

    California, with all its budgetary problems, should be one of the very last states to tolerate this kind of waste.I hope there will be serious consequences as the result of the discovery of these shredded documents.

    They want to balance the budget partly on the backs of the students, but have no problem
    overpaying a grifter who doesn't begin to deserve such high speaking fees.

  44. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Like everything she touches, it somehow turns to absolute shite. isn't it just amazing? I mean she rakes in the cash and leaves busted garbage in her wake. She reminds me of that horrible ship that crashed into the Great Barrier Reef.

  45. Great work students..really proud of you.

  46. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Actually, the "meat" of the contract (including fee) WERE shredded, and the intact pages were an "addendum" to the contract, spelling out the Queen Grifter's demands.

    The young women (who should be congratulated), after seeing the intact papers, also took the shredded material, everything. Let's hope it can be reconstructed. Additionally, there was a law passed several years ago in CA that prevents those doing business with the State from having non-disclosure clauses in contracts. Meanwhile, press on, Sen. Yee and AG Brown!


  47. Anonymous4:22 AM

    I am kind of surprised that Sarah's contract did not specify that while she is speaking on campus, that a helicopter is required to wait on standby in the college parking lot ready to take her to the airport where a Lear 60 jet (or larger) is waiting on the tarmac with its engine running in case Sarah needs to take off in a hurry to fly back to Wasilla because Sarah got a phone call from Wasilla that Willow been picked up again for breaking and entering or that Round Ear Trig wandered off again just like Ruffled Ear Trig did because Bristol is upstairs fornicating in Sarah's bed with the Candies camera man while Todd is out snowmachin' and Piper was last seen picked up from the Alaska Dept of Law because nobody was home to take her to school again.

    Sorry, in Alaska we just use one sentence, saves on stoppin' to breathe while talkin'.

  48. Anonymous4:36 AM

    I just read the Confidentiality section of the contract and was curious if this section also applies to Todd Palin because you know Todd just caint resist emailin' confidential papers.

  49. mocha4:47 AM

    "So, they're comparing the Queen of Willful Ignorance with a former vice president, scholar and crusader on climate change?"

    Of course. It's that 7th grade mentality Palin and her followers share. When caught, point at someone else. Can't you just hear your 13 year old saying " but Al Gore does it." Idiots.

  50. I tried to post this last night, but apparently it didn't take.

    Gryphen...last night on GLEE'S opening show, the slammed Sarah! It was so funny...and unexpected that I almost spit out the water I was drinking. Check it out.

  51. imnofred5:40 AM

    Diva all the way. The thing that made my blood pressure rise is that Sarah refuses to even open her own bottled water, someone will do it for her.

  52. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Imnofred: Hopefully the flunky who has to open the sow's bottled water will practice hand washing like she does. Think most have read about her lack of hygine. And that nasty wig.

  53. Montana8:44 AM

    Almost daily we listen to her trash talk (she is in the league with Quayle and “W”), all thanks to the man who now claims that he never called himself a maverick, McCain, right, tell us another. She spends her days trash talking it is only fitting that someone found a great place for her contract. I guess some dumpster diving found it, All’s Well That Ends Well.

  54. William Shipley10:17 AM

    It's very hard to judge stories like this without knowing what other high profile speaker's contracts look like. They are all represented by professional agents, what does Bill Clinton, or Al Gore get for a speech and what type of accomodations have to be provided?

    Without knowing what is typically demanded, it's hard to know if this represents excessive spending or thrift.


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