Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Come to Minneapolis Wednesday night! Now with hot and cold running crazy! Update!

In desperate attempt to win her bid for reelection Michele Bachman unleashes the Palinator on the unsuspecting Minneapolis populace.  Oh the horror!

Bachman-Palin Overdrive?  Oh that is just sad.

Boy wouldn't you like to be a psychologist studying this group of wingnuts?  Just imagine the crazy data you could gather!

Update:  It does not look like Palin did very well with her speech to the Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America’s national convention,

Via microliquor Twitter:

May we always be happy and let our enemies know it... #Palin is now taking questions that were pre-screened. http://yfrog.com/2dashij

#Palin didn't talk abt anything regarding the #Wine & #Spirits biz. All #Obama bashing. http://yfrog.com/42qauj http://yfrog.com/47gusbj

Sarah #Palin just said she is happy she is not working in a restaurant and bar like she did in college. Does she know who this audience is?

Sarah #Palin just thanked former Pres. George W. #Bush for keeping out country safe. She seems very bitter about #Obama winning.

Well hell what did they think they were going to get for their money?  A good speech?

Update 2: Here is a bloggers take on the entire speech. (Well done too.)


  1. I see the two of them and think: The lights are on but there's nobody home.

  2. Anonymous4:55 PM

    She bombed in Vegas


  3. Won't the two of them in one place create a black hole???

  4. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I loved it when Michele Bachmann told people not to fill out their census forms. My hope was that if people in her district followed directions, there would be such an undercount that Michele's district would have to be eliminated.

    My next hope is that Sarah's magic (remember NY23) will rub off on Michele. Unfortunately, Michele's district is very very conservative Republican, and she pretty much has a lock on the place.

    So, the most realistic wish is for either one of them to say something so crazy that it will keep The Daily Show in stitches for days.

  5. emrysa5:28 PM

    I'm rootin for ya, anoka! send this woman to the unemployment line!

  6. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Bristol will be on Good Morning American tomorrow. Mom and Dad will NOT be with her - SP is busy spewing hate speeches and Todd is preparing for a race.
    Bristol will be live in the studio.
    Wishing Bristol luck and kudos for going it alone (I mean it!).

  7. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Bachman-Palin Overdrive. You've made my day. Thank-you.

  8. Anonymous10:36 PM

    "F" Bristol and her "F" upped lousy poor excuse for parents!

  9. The other blog about the wine and spirits convention is hilarious! I love that she gives a shout out to GWB for keeping the homeland safe - does she not remember that he DIDN'T??!

    Really hoping batshit doesn't win.

  10. angela3:55 AM

    Hot and cold running crazy!
    Hysterical . . . .

  11. Anonymous5:46 AM

    So, Palin goes to a convention where the host is lobbying for continued regulations, and tells them she's in favor of deregulation?


    It's like paying for a hooker, and then she tells you she doesn't like sex.

  12. Sarah Palin is coming to my state, God help us! At least I am two hours south of Minneapolis. Still that is too close for comfort for me.

  13. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I have never seen 2 more demented-looking women than these two. It's a toss-up as to which one is the crazier, they practically run neck-and-neck. I hope that Bachman ends up in the unemployment line, and that Minnesota selects someone who can represent its best.

  14. They SUCK8:27 AM

    It's like paying for a hooker, and then she tells you she doesn't like sex.yep.I think she is selling re-virgin and Babson College, they give great on-line BS. LLC Bristol can use a business degree, her acting career sounds like more suckass. BP, get off the teet and out of the compound, in other words GROW UP. Where are the stats on what you and Ma have done for women and children since you started these self serving campaigns? You are EPIC FALIN.
    Bristol Palin Lands Acting Gig As Self

  15. How many well behaved rug rats did Bachman pop out? Does she use them as props and fools?
    With all the contacts the Palin brands have you would think they could do better with the Bristol Palin Brand. Are they selling dumb, selling out dumb or both? BP Branding is shallow, empty and a disgrace. Not all privileged families are hollow and void elites.

  16. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Britol's a money grubber just like her broke down mammy. Get a real job, both of you.

  17. So how much did $arah embarrass herself tonite?


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