Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Will Sarah Palin give a speech in support of marijuana regulation?

Las Vegas:

At Caesar’s Palace on Wednesday former Alaska governor Sarah Palin will deliver the keynote address at the Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America’s national convention.

Immediately following that speech, Dave Schwartz, the campaign manager for Nevadans for Sensible Marijuana Laws (NSML), will offer Palin $25,000 to deliver a similar address to supporters of a regulated marijuana market in this country.

In exchange for the $25,000, Palin will be asked to speak at one of NSML’s upcoming events, acknowledge that marijuana is just as legitimate a recreational substance as the substance she is talking about at the WSWA convention and endorse taxing and regulating marijuana in Nevada and throughout the U.S.

“There’s no reason why former governor Palin should reject our offer,” Schwartz said.

“The health effects of the substance she is talking about at the WSWA convention cause 33,000 deaths in the U.S. annually. The comparable number for marijuana is zero. Alcohol is also associated with violent crime and other destructive acts, while marijuana is not. If Gov. Palin is comfortable endorsing that product, we are certain she will endorse ours. We look forward to negotiating with her team to find a time that works in her schedule.

I agree.  There is no reason at all that Palin should refuse to pimp herself out in support of marijuana regulation in Nevada.  If you are going to speak to a group that provides a product that causes the death of 33,000 Americans a year it would be hypocritical not to talk to a group that promotes the use of a substance that is responsible for the devouring of 33,000 Twinkies and Slim Jims a year. Don'tcha think?

After all Palin admitted that she had not only partaken of the devil weed, but that unlike Bill Clinton, she had even inhaled

Personally I don't see how Sarah could possibly have been raised in Wasilla and NOT smoked pot once in a while.  After all when she was growing up in the Valley it was the home of the legendary Matanuska Thunderfuck, a type of marijuana so famous that people came from far and wide to sample it. (Or so I have....uh....heard.)  Back then you could even find people living on communes growing hemp to make fabric, and rope, and for "medicinal purposes". (You could always tell who they were because they named their kids things like Rainbow, and Stardust, and Moonbeam, and Willow, and Track, etc., etc., etc..)

No I don't think that Sarah Palin has any ethical problem with giving this speech (of course I also don't think Sarah Palin has any ethics), however there is a snag.

I mean seriously $25,000?  Sarah may be pimping herself out on the speaking tour, but she is not pimping herself out for pocket change.  If these guys are really serious about having Palin speak at their event they are going to have to come up with a hell of a lot more than a paltry twenty five G's.

But if they can scrape together say a cool $105,000, I would not at all be surprised to see Palin expounding the virtues of cannabis.  After all you CAN make tea out of it you know. 

Now wouldn't THAT be an entirely different kind of "tea party"?


  1. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Maybe the reason the Palin's want MaryJane legalized, is maybe they would make a boat load of money off of it, who knows, maybe this is what Toad, has been spending all his time doing.

  2. Anonymous12:36 PM

    $25,000 ???
    not enough for Ms Palin

  3. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Gosh, I love this posting! I saw the article on this on HuffPo and my first thought was the same as yours - the price is too low.

    Palin is obviously willing to whore herself out, but only for the right price. I guess that makes her a high-class whore or a call girl. You know, you call her with the right fee and you've got her (unless, of course, she decides to cancel at the last moment).

    I have never been able to understand the bias against pot but the all-out commercial backing of alcohol. People can use either in moderation, but the abuse of alcohol is far more devastating.

    I don't drink (more than one or two Belgian ales a year) and I have not smoked pot, but honestly, I think even I can see the difference in harm alcohol does to individuals, families and communities.

    I know the argument against pot is that it leads to heavier drugs, but I am not convinced. Some people just start on heavy drugs. Some people start drinking wine with meals and then go to cocktails and then bottles of anything to get sloshed on - so, why is one legal and the other not?

  4. N Zaumseil12:52 PM

    Long live the legend of MTF. Kill non-native weed!

  5. I think the price is going to be the sticking point. Think how pissed off the 'baggers would be if they saw a bunch of stoners get Queen Sarah for a quarter of what they paid. The free market works in mysterious ways, but when Sarah's involved, those ways become much less mysterious.

  6. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Hooray for Sarah, she did not lie for once.It would truly be a benefit to be able to discuss this matter, not that Sarah would do that.I don't think RAM, or whoever is directing and writing for her now, would allow this speech deal to go down for a mere 25 G's.Matanuska Thunderfuck cannot be any worse then the second hand smoke that a Barstool Barbie inhaled at the Four Corners. For he right price she would support friends and economy.

  7. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Maybe we should take up a collection, invite Ms. Palin to speak at an event (hell, make one up), then when it's question and answer time, skip the prearranged questions and grill the bitch until her goose is cooked. Best $100,000. we've ever spent.

  8. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Why wouldn't Sarah support marijuana?

    That would mean WHEN her kids get caught with marijuana, it is one less thing to worry about. Palin would not have to leave Hawaii in a hurry like the last time she did when Willow was being questioned for Breaking and Entering!

  9. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Oh dollar signs will blur her vision.. we've seen that before

    so she will spin this on something about God's green earth.. and yes Government has it's place, but when medically speakin' .. people can be helped without the infiltration of this big heavy Big Brother type Government intervention.. "ObeyMeCare".. one needs to ask themselves.. what is our soul purpose?
    One of those type rants

    of course, she won't take the biblical road.. she picks and choses from the good book..
    the whole give unto Ceasar passage
    (where you obey the law of the land even if it goes against the grain of your "religious belief" .. give unto Ceasar".. ) will be overlooked

    I'm waiting to see her "Hippie costume" .. she has a costume for every occasion! Actually will probably done the flower child, virgin apparel.. since she is oddly "child- free" these days

    mid life crisis?

  10. She will not show up for a measly 25 grand, no way. It would re-establish her price, which is 100 grand plus approx. $18,000 for her travel expenses and entourage.
    Liquor, bowling, logging - sure, they paid the 100 grand plus.

    Saw the tweets from today's Vegas gig - they said she kept bashing Obama, did NOT talk about business or wine/spirits at all. It was a HUGE FLOP. Like the wasilla dingbat herself.

  11. Anonymous3:26 PM

    BTW she bombed at Vegas today...
    Sarah #Palin just said she is happy she is not working in a restaurant and bar like she did in college. Does she know who this audience is?

  12. Anonymous4:06 PM

    AP reporting on Sarah's trip to Independence MO.


  13. Anonymous4:37 PM

    They are daring her to attend, but she won't and not just because of the money. Oh, it has nothing to do with her morals. It has everything to do with her image. For Sarah, image is EVERYTHING. There's nothing else BUT image.

  14. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Thanks. No painful sound or screech just honest Twitters and weird convention scene shots. micro liquor

    Steven Raye: At Sarah Palin's speech. Running for office. God help us.about 7 hours ago via txt

    micro liquor tweets

    only spoke abt fostering #entrepreneurship in Alaska.

    it was only a political speech...most attendees at #WSWA were disappointed.

    is done
    very bitter

    #SarahPalin has over 1 mil fans on Facebook, but doesn't know #. Social media can get truth out & not rely on big media firms with agendas.

    Sarah #Palin talking about social media ... Great way for businesses to talk directly to consumer.

    Does she know who this audience is?

    All #Obama bashing.

    #Palin is now taking questions that were pre-screened.

    Sarah #Palin says USA needs to start using domestic resources and stop using foreign energy. More Americans need to get involved.

    She keeps talking abt #entrepreneurship ... Babson is #1 Entrepreneurship School in World!!!

    abt how govt needs to foster #innovation & #entrepreneurship

    talking abt federal govt overspending w/ unlimited funds with no budget discipline.


  15. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Disclaimer: the following statement is humor; it is a joke. It is not intended in any way to convey reality. By Sarah's definition, it's OK if it's satire.

    Sarah's speaking fee of $25,000. will be supplemented by a lovely gift basket filled with natural organic medicinal herbal products. Street value: to be determined.

  16. IF they offered her alot more cash she would do it, $arah would do ANYTHING for the right dollar amount. $arah is a high priced whore, $25,000.00 is not NEARLY enough.

  17. Anonymous5:18 PM

    In answer to the person who asked about Babson College, I had to do some research since my husband went to one of our nation's leading business schools. It wasn't Babson. I looked up US News & World Report's 2009 ranking for business schools, listed below starting with #1:
    Harvard University
    Stanford University
    Northwestern University
    University of Pennsylvania,Wharton
    MIT (Sloan)
    University of Chicago (Booth)
    University of California, Berkeley
    Dartmouth University
    Columbia University
    Yale University
    New York University
    Duke University
    University of Michigan
    The list goes on until we finally get to #49, Babson!
    About the claim of being #1 in entrepreneurship seems to come from a richly endowed program named for Arthur M. Blank,one of the co-founders of Home Depot. Yes, Babson is #1 in entrepreneurship, but #49 in overall rankings of business schools.

    I have to add to I have actually seen the pretty New England campus of Babson College (total enrollment less than 4,000, primarily dedicated to business studies). It is very pretty and located in a suburb of Boston. Given Sarah's disdain for the East Coast (remember her spokesperson's dismissal of the East Coast saying that those people wouldn't watch Sarah's Fox show anyway, Sarah appealed to the Real America.)

    Correction, Sarah. Babson is located a stone's throw from the Real American, the place where the American Revolution was born in nearby Lexington and Concord, and stirred by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, home of the original Tea Party (no tea bags).

  18. emrysa5:20 PM

    hmm... palin advocating for legalization? in another universe maybe.

    leave legalization efforts to the intelligent and educated, please. the last thing dope smokers need is palin getting involved.

  19. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Babson College is a private business school located in Wellesley, Massachusetts.

    Did they pay her speaking fee?

  20. Marijuana? How 1960s. Anyone from Wasilla would know that meth is where it's at these days!

  21. hahaha6:45 PM

    Bristol is back, re-virgined and working hard when not on the road. Tmrw on @GMA: Bristol Palin LIVE in the Studio.

    Hayworth (Or McCain) Gets First Serious Democratic Challenger

    Man who threatened Cantor is an invalid

  22. Yes they paid alright and they got a "nailin". She denigrated wait staff and bartenders. Way to go Esther! Did she twist a big-ole-fattie before her talk?. She should go home and smoke a joint. Maybe cook dinner and have a laugh with the kids. Jah mon I+I.


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