Thursday, April 01, 2010

The first impressions of Palin's show "Real American Stories" are coming in. It turns out Americans ARE heroes, but Palin is a dud.

LA Times:
As a host, Palin brings little besides her name and all that it has come to mean. Despite her time on the campaign trail and in front of often-unfriendly cameras, Palin still has an eyes-locked-on-the-teleprompter stiffness. (What?  She used the dreaded teleprompter? I can hear little Teabagger heads all over the REAL America exploding at the very thought!)

Certainly there’s nothing wrong with having a show devoted to inspiring people, as the daytime talk shows have known for years. But it’s hard not to see Palin, who, after abdicating her own governorship is hardly an icon of stick-to-itiveness, as using this platform, and these people, to further the idea that she has a special relationship with “real Americans.” Which makes anyone who finds her less than enchanting at best a heartless cynic and, at worst, a traitor. (Ouch! That has to sting!)

The Washington Post:

The debut on the Fox News Channel of Sarah Palin's "Real American Stories" Thursday night turned out to be like one of those shows that's on when nothing's on and yet there is air to fill -- like infotainment you sometimes see on empty channels in hotel rooms, or the stuff that's playing on the little TV screen at the gas pump nearest the rental-car center. What are we watching exactly? (A commercial? News?)

Here is another, much more indepth review of the show by Inside Cable News.

I could theorize how this came about. Someone at FNC probably said, “We’ve got all this stuff in the can from two years ago which only aired on the internet. Let’s try to make some use of it on TV.” Someone else probably chimed in “Let’s get Sarah Palin to host it. It’ll draw viewers for sure.” Interesting idea. To bad the execution was so flawed.
Well of course I KNEW it was going to suck, the only question remaining was how much was it going to suck?  It sounds like there was indeed a great deal of suckitude, of course I wouldn't know, cause I missed it. Oops!

I swear I was going to watch it tonight!  I was going to grit my teeth and take the bullet just for you, my loyal visitors.  But to be honest I completely forgot.  I must have had one of those rare moments of sanity, got busy doing something else and it simply slipped my mind.


But don't worry, I have no doubt that tomorrow Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, David Letterman, Jimmy Kimmel, Ed Schultz, Jay Leno, and numerous other comedians and pundits will gladly offer us their opinion of the show. And personally, I can hardly wait.


  1. Ya know Gryph i dont have cable for that very same reason. But thanks for trying to assertain what we cannot. Do they need more than fingers to count the viewers?

  2. kdusmdd10:20 PM

    I didn't watch the "show" either. Who did she interview? I'm so happy she "sucked" !!!!! Guess that makes FauxNews "suckers" ! LOL

  3. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Fantastic! Had to get up because it's too hot to sleep and too soon to turn on the A/C. Sat down in front of the computer, hardly expecting anything this late at night. However, you came through with those reviews. Made my night, so to speak. Thanks.

    BTW, probably best that you did miss the show. Otherwise, how could you have typed up this posting? I mean, I think watching her and listening to her after the sun goes down could be risky. Who knows what side effects you might have suffered? Better to stay well in body and mind, Gryphen. Much better. There is just so much one can do for the team, you know.

  4. Anonymous10:27 PM

    gosh, she looks wholesome!

  5. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Being as obsessed as I am with this true "Anti-Christ" (the true Anti-Christ will be female in order to be the true antithesis of Christ)

    Anyway, I watched the first story and got truly bored and reloaded, I mean loaded, a new pre-recorded show.

    She is only intriguing when she is being the Crazy Women as another blog refers to her and surely her supports only find the CW intriguing when she is being a Crazy Women. Interesting to she how she and they will deal with the dichotomy.

  6. Anonymous10:38 PM

    From the article, very well put:

    "Certainly there’s nothing wrong with having a show devoted to inspiring people, as the daytime talk shows have known for years. But it’s hard not to see Palin, who, after abdicating her own governorship is hardly an icon of stick-to-itiveness, as using this platform, and these people, to further the idea that she has a special relationship with “real Americans.” Which makes anyone who finds her less than enchanting at best a heartless cynic and, at worst, a traitor."

  7. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Wow, The Viper's show was a snooze. Really , so slow moving and BORING. She was nervous, tense and made no connection with the handful of people who came on stage. She requires a large crowd cheering her on, not a small group. She just cannot connect on a one to one level with anyone. It was painful to watch. She really cannot even reach out to little children. Hmmm...wonder why? No warmth whatsoever. FOX must be pulling their hair out trying to figure out WHAT to do with her. This show is not going to last at all.

  8. Anonymous10:57 PM

    I was watching the movie "Red Dawn" and decided to flip the channel to Real Americans for a minute or two and it looked like Palin was interviewing a dog! Is this what journalism at 6 colleges has reverted to?

  9. Anonymous11:05 PM

    I missed the show? Drat. Oh well. I guess I'll have to miss the Sunday repeat and be forced to spend time with hubby and the kids instead of with Palin. Blast it all.

  10. Ooooo Ouch.

    And did anyone get the irony of having "Say YES to education" on? Yes, she had a chance to get in a dig for privatization, but still. Palin? Education? 6 Universities to finish a degree?

  11. Great compilation of commentary..

    I appreciate that LATimes says Palin brings little besides her name..

    I ask, really? When has she ever shown she has anything but a name? Have you ever seen competence,integrity or intellectual content from Sarah Palin?

    I really enjoyed reading things like-
    But it’s hard not to see Palin, who, after abdicating her own governorship is hardly an icon of stick-to-itiveness, as using this platform, and these people, to further the idea that she has a special relationship with “real Americans.

  12. sunnyjane12:36 AM

    I didn't watch it either (NO WAY!), but I did see about sixty seconds of a clip. In one part she says, "This is a story of hope."

    In another, I understand she had a community organizer on, and praised him for it.

    Now, Sarah, honey: You're not getting into that "hopey, changey thing" are you? And, didn't you disparage President Obama for being a community organizer? Hmmm???

    But the New York Times reviewer had a great last line:

    "The stories were inspirational. The performance was not."

    Gotta love it!

  13. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Watched during commercial breaks on a competing real network... what I saw was boring & felt like I was watching an infomercial. Stiff & uncomfortable are the 2 adjectives I can think of to describe her on-screen presence. Won't be tuning in to any more of that! UGH!!

  14. Anonymous12:46 AM

    How could any of those people look themselves in the mirror again after being used by the Whore of Babble-On?


  15. Anonymous3:00 AM

    I was really hoping this was just an April Fool's joke.

  16. Anonymous3:20 AM

    I really hate the term "hero"; it's been watered down so much it's meaningless anymore when it's used to describe people who are resourceful (or use resources from others), are famous, etc. There are so many others unsung in this country only those who get media attention or manage to get the attention of the media (publicists, anyone?) are shown as being worthy of just being what is normal in this country.

    Sort of like those ubiquitous bumper stickers that say that people are parents of "honor students" because of grading on the curve.

    I may sound cranky, but this just falls in line with the "We're #1" mentality, and we all know that a "hero" is just a sandwich anyway.

  17. The fact remains, Sarah Palin called for violence against our elected government officials, not once, but twice and both times in writing. I read them. The words were horrific. Sarah Palin continuously displayed her penchant for red-meat political attacks during the 2008 Elections. She has a talent for exploiting and extenuating outright lies and smears until her fan base is spilling over with hate and fear. Sarah Palin crossed over the line from red meat political attacks to instructing her followers to pull out the “big guns” to win! We have no place in our society for political leaders or any public person, like Sarah Palin, who would call for such acts of violence against our elected government officials; not under any circumstance. It is especially reprehensible and irresponsible during Wartime. We are at War in two nations over terrorists and Sarah Palin is displaying acts of terrorism. She has shown herself to be a right wing radical force and is the face of the Republican Party! We are a country at War and Sarah Palin has incited violence against our elected government officials. It’s as simple as that. In America, one is arrested for such criminal behavior in our great country. Sarah should not get a pass for her call for violence on the streets of America!
    Sarah Palin You Are Under Citizen Arrest!

  18. Anonymous4:11 AM

    No Jack Welch???

  19. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Thanks so much for the referrals. I read the review excerpts to my husband over breakfast this morning. We both enjoyed starting our day with this information.

    We are so very, very tired of Palin and her hate mongering and ineptitude. Eight years of George W. Bush had worn us down, and we had been looking forward to happier days when Palin was plucked up by McCain and cast out upon our national consciousness. She's been spewing nonsense ever sense and it's been getting worse.

    We were losing faith in karmic justice. Finally - some hope. She seems to be losing ground, floundering a bit. Maybe it is the beginning of the end of this particular nightmare.

    Anyway, you gave us hope and some laughs this morning. Thank you!

    P.S. I guess we should all be grateful Palin is as inept as she is. Imagine the damage she could do if she had talent or brains.

  20. mocha4:22 AM

    "eyes locked on the teleprompter"

    mwahhahahahaha!!! Best line evah!

    So when she is coached to speak an octave lower and modulate her voice she's boring too. Imagine.

  21. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Just popping in to share this excerpt of an opinion piece on HuffPo by Alan Shroeder.

    "The flap over Real American Stories further proves that Sarah Palin is no longer a politician but rather a product to be merchandised -- in this case, merchandised in a cut-rate way. Implicit in any personality-based marketing strategy is the need to maintain strict quality control over the product line. It appears that Sarah Palin is now willing to slap her name on just about anything, with all the discrimination of Krusty the Klown.

    "In defining and selling herself as a celebrity, Palin has shown both cleverness and originality. The more her brand becomes associated with inferior merchandise, however, the less staying power it is likely to have."

    From his article to the universe at large: please let this come to pass - like a bad dinner, let Sarah Palin's moments of notoriety pass from our nation's history. Pretty, pretty please!

  22. They should have had her do "Far Right Wing Real American Stories"--more her niche. Her interviews could have been with:

    white supremacists hoarding canned food in Montana

    evangelicals waiting for Jesus to return and punish all the evil Democrats

    angry, uneducated, grossly obese white men waving misspelled signs and guns at her "speaking" events

    Homophobic racist Eddie Burke

    desperately poor southern wingnuts who can't afford to take care of their children, but send Sarah their last grocery money

    her own family values train wreck relatives

    mothers who freak out about abortion statistics but don't pay any attention to their children once they're born

    and that's just the *first* episode!!!

  23. I forgot to mention, this show was presented as "Sarah Palin's Real American Stories". I got turned off right there for they took Sarah and hooked her up to old work which does not equal the spin this is a reflection of Sarah. In real life she is quite the opposite. The reflection is an illusion as the AK show will be.

    Jimmy Kimmel's version was more accurate: Palin's Alaska.

  24. olivia4:56 AM

    It doesn't matter whether she uses a teleprompter or not. She only has to say "I don't use a teleprompter" and even while standing in front of one,reading those words off of it, her adoring fans will nod in agreement that of course, no, she doesn't use a teleprompter.

  25. Call me cynical, but is this show an attempt to rebrand Sarah? Every week she will have stories about hard working American's, over coming adversity and persevering, sticking to it until they succeed. Are they hoping if we see her face associated with all the people who DIDN'T QUIT, the public will forget she is the biggest quitter of all? She quit being a governor and the oil and gas gig because they were too hard. I didn't watch the show BTW. It was $1.00 night at the local cheap movie theater. Saw Sherlock Holmes...even it was better than watching Sarah Palin's lame ass tv show.

  26. haha, I just stopped read it. well, thanks for sharing anyway such a good story indeed.

  27. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Her legs looked fat. She had the bad wig on - the one with the big bump in the back. But the audience was interesting to watch - they must have paid people to appear as the audience or maybe promised them there would be no collection plate passed. Many dead-pan expressions, many moronic looking faces showing very little enthusiasm.

  28. Wilderness Lover6:08 AM

    During Keith Olberman's commerical breaks, I switched to Sarah's show. I agree with the other posters who said it was BORING! Sarah was definitely not in her element. She seemed nervous and appeared to be putting on an act, trying to be very nice, wholesome and "normal". It didn't work for her! The REAL Sarah is the Sarah we saw on the campaign trail - screeching sarcastic, hateful talking points to a bunch of rednecks. I guess you really can't teach an old dog new tricks!

  29. It's gotta annoy Sarah that she is not possessed of that certain "sumpin sumpin" that Katie Couric is! Katie just exudes confidence and knowledge and looks oh so comfortable in front of the camera; Sarah come across, while wearing her "journalist" hat, as a nervous nellie, completely lacking confidence.

    She does "mean" so much better; that's her forte.

  30. And Katie is still HOT! $arah is NOT!

  31. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Anon 3;00- It was! I watched about 20 min while on the computer and expected her to be a little peppy cheerleader. BUT she was like a robot, dull just going through the movements.
    That 20 min seemed like an hour, but I'm sure her bots don't care about the people she has on as long as they can stare at her, Fox could have a still picture of her on the screen and they'd say the show was great.

  32. yukonark7:11 AM

    My wife and I watched the first segment. When the schoolchildren came out on the set, I remarked that this is probably the first time Sarah has been this close to people of a different ethnicity than she. My wife reminded me of her whirlwind humanitarian trip to bush Alaska after the flooding. At least that time she had a plate of cookies between her and others. This time, no cookies, and her discomfort radiated through the screen.

  33. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Saw the first segment. Of course the stories garner attention and can be inspirational, but they again "use" the story, like a prop, to elevate the Queen to make her appear engaged with these heros, as though she herself spent a lifetime pursuing noble goals.

    Don't want to be a cynic, but how can we not be, when everytime this woman performs a job, it's at the highest level of pay, gets her celebrity compulsion another fix, via camera-time. And, convinces her following she's the saint of loving mothers all over the globe. Fox must think their viewers are really gullible to buy this schtick.

  34. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I am trying to figure out who is orchestrating the theatrics of All Sarah All The Time. She is commenting on Fox, going to appear on TLC, and giving speeches (screeches) every other minute. I wonder who the secret puppet master is who thinks that Sarah will unite the GOP and Tea Party Movement as the Queen of all things Conservative.

    I shouldn't complain. If she is the de facto leader of the Conservative Movement, then they are really in trouble. With all of the hair and makeup people at Fox, I can't believe that is the very best that she can look. The wig is not flattering, and Sarah still has that ability to fill the air with meaningless words to make up for her lack of ability to think clearly.

    All things combined, I really have to ask: Is this the best that you guys on the Far Right can do? I hope that hopey changey thing is workin' out for you.

  35. emrysa7:50 AM

    yeah gryphen I think there's a reason you forgot to watch it... it's not worth watching and you shouldn't have wasted your time. your inner messenger steered you in the right direction.

    thanks for posting the reviews! HA we all knew it would suck. it's good to see there's some sanity in the 'professional review' world.

  36. Anonymous9:47 AM

    i hope the discovery channel folks were watching.

  37. Agree 100% w/all above comments --how long before she dons sexed-up Girl Scout uniform or does a segment on FOX "Mail Call" in her Kuwait-photo op para-military gear re-enforcing her image as G.I. Jane? -- it's tragic this Rupert Murdoch/Roger Ailes GOP pinup doll still rakes in cash, filling family piggybanks (AFT, SarahPac, PieSky, BSMP LLC) $100K per lame xenophobic comedy routines (err speeches)...hopefully Gryphen and crew (other Alaskan bloggers) nail her to the wall, before she officially announces 2012 run -- because glaring media spotlight only enhances her stature before deluded fans, willing to camp out overnight in mall prkg lots, in the rain, cold and snow for 20sec of face time...Geeesh!

  38. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I was watching "Red Dawn" on another channel and decided to change channels to Real Americans to see what is going on. I thought Palin would be interviewing General Patton (November 11, 1885 – December 21, 1945) or someone like that and to my surprise, Palin was interviewing a dog!
    Thirty seconds and I seen enough and went back to my movie.

    Will Palin host "The Crooked Americans"? Guest would include:

    Kids of famous people that cut bus break lines...
    Kids of famous people who break and enter houses while drinking and doing drugs...
    Kids of famous people who do drugs, drink and have babies out of wedlock...
    Kids of famous people who do not go to school...

  39. Glad to skip it11:41 AM

    and I hope to avoid the replays.
    Fox News has tried to promote and captivate the tea parties on behalf of the GOP, but the fact is that they don’t control them and have recently been put on the spot by Democrats, forced to disavow racist and violent actions committed by self-identified tea party activists.
    I Wonder What Sarah Palin Thinks About Pot?

  40. Anonymous1:02 PM

    U.S. Magistrate Clifford Shirley Jr. in a decision Friday denied the motion filed on behalf of David C. Kernell, 22, whose father is a Democratic state legislator from Memphis.

    Defense attorney Wade Davies and the chief prosecutor in the case, Assistant U.S. Attorney Greg Weddle, did not answer telephone messages seeking comment.

    Authorities say Kernell was a University of Tennessee student who gained access to the former Alaska governor's personal Yahoo e-mail account when she was running mate to Republican presidential candidate John McCain.

    Kernell is free on bond, charged with computer fraud, unlawful electronic transmission of material outside Tennessee and intentionally accessing Palin's e-mail account without authorization. His trial is set for April 20 in Knoxville.

    Davies contended that the magistrate overstepped his authority by issuing warrants beyond the East Tennessee federal court district. Yahoo is located in Sunnyvale, Calif.

    Prosecutors said the warrants were proper under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act.

    Shirley said in the decision that in 2001 a change in federal law granted such authority to a "court with jurisdiction over the offense under investigation."

    "This revised language was in effect at the time the warrants in this matter were issued," the judge's ruling said.

    The judge last week ruled on a separate motion that the government could charge Kernell with trying to obstruct the investigation before it even began.

    Weddle previously said an unfavorable ruling on the search warrants would have an impact but the government "would still have a case." Davies previously declined comment on the motion seeking to have the search warrants dismissed,

    The unsuccessful search warrant motion said the government sought e-mail accounts, social networking sites, IP addresses and other records.

    Investigators in 2008 seized Kernell's laptop at his Knoxville apartment.

  41. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Want to tell Discovery Channel your feelings about $arah P hosting the; "Sarah Palin's Alaska Show" on their channel:

  42. Anne NC3:24 PM

    FOX has yet to realize or care that $arah only wants to be in front of a crowd receiving praise. If she is not the recipient, she doesn't give a damn about anything or anyone around her getting recognition.

    Of course, she still had to get her hits in about the "private sector" helping education. $arah and anything promoting education is pure irony.

  43. Anonymous4:02 AM

    I think it significant that the Jack Welch (old) video did not appear on this first show, after receiving top billing. And he's a dyed in the wook arch Conservative.



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