Friday, April 02, 2010

My favorite video from yesterday. President Obama comparing pundits to farmers.

I looked all over and finally found a clip at The Daily Beast.

Update: Somebody sent me this Obameter showing how many promises our President has kept.  Take a look, I think you will be pleasantly surprised.


  1. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Maybe this is why CBS has him at 44% approval today.

  2. Anonymous6:13 AM

    A lengthier version including comments about how the GOP was calling this Armageddon and the end of freedom is included.

  3. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I was invited to the Democratic caucus in Anchorage in February '08. I wasn't a Dem, and I didn't know anything about this Obama guy, so I knew I better research him. I did. Based on my findings, I caucused for him. Just like he said, change is about us, not him. We need to do better in our local elections. This Obameter was posted on another site, showing how President Obama is doing on his campaign promises.

    We are so fortunate that he won the election by a landslide. There is no question that the majority of Americans feel good about our president. Horrors, if he hadn't won, we would be in WWIII and more people would be living in the streets with McCain/Palin in the WH.

  4. Anonymous8:49 AM

    it's just like the early days of his term:

    press/GOP: he hasn't done anything to solve our problems!

    me and other thinking people: ummm... he was inaugurated just an hour ago.


  5. kdusmdd8:52 AM

    I love my President OBAMA. His children are sooo lucky to have him and Michelle for their parents.

  6. Anonymous9:41 AM

    We are indeed lucky to have President Obama instead of the odd couple.

    Thanks for the Obamameter link. It is good to be reminded of how much he has already done and how much he is in the process of doing. Overall, that hopey-changey thang is working out well.

    Mind you, I have been disappointed on some points, but all I have to do is remember the alternative - OMG, McCain-Palin or, horror-of-horrors, President Palin????

    His CBS rating may be due to people not realizing how much he has done, how much he is doing and not remembering the alternative. I mean, President Obama could be just maintaining the status quo and it would be better than anything McCain-Palin would have done. We forget that too easily.

  7. Anonymous10:02 AM

    WHAT?? Health Care reform wasn't scheduled to happen by the end of March 2010?? What crap!!! I may as well have thrown my vote out a window last year for all the good it did..

    Pundits and hacks truly are stupid... It is just overwhelming at times...

  8. Anonymous10:13 AM

    this is so great!!!! how awesome that hes reaching out and being a 'real american' that sarah palin professed to be. hes coming into his own and people will LOVE IT. right on for him!!!!

  9. Anonymous11:28 PM

    I watched the clip on HuffPo and laughed along with him.

    It is pathetic in our political system the misinformation fed to purposefully scare people to control them to be against things that do not exist e.g. death panels and government take over spun people will lose their private insurance and doctor.

    I overheard a man tonight telling a friend about his worries now that "Obama has screwed with things, really messed things up". Fear of change, the unknown and misinformation and distrust causes fear. Later he told me he owns a small business already providing health care for employees.

    I hate the liars and the fear mongering.

  10. sunnyjane1:32 AM

    You may not love this president (I do!), but you have to admire and respect him.

    I haven't felt this good about a president since John F. Kennedy. Man, it was a LONG time coming.

    Mr. President, you are carrying the torch beautifully. Thank you.


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