Sunday, April 11, 2010

I just can't get enough of Tina Fey today. Check out her return to Weekend Update. Brilliant!


  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Sarah Palin has such a thin skin that she reacts to jokes and comments about her without thinking. Obama dismissed her lack of nuclear expertise, and she lashed out. She was caught blacking out McCains name on a visor and offered lame excuses. Ditto for hand notes. Her book shows that she still harbors grudges against Couric, the McCain staff and anyone who crossed her path. She couldn't let a David Letterman joke go.

    I can't wait to hear what Sarah has to say about Tina Fey's sketch last night on SNL. Actually, since Palin doesn't really have her own TV network, it is satire. Using the Rush Limbaugh definition of insults, if it's satire, it's OK.

  2. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Sooooo, having her pubic and leg hair ripped out and wearing a hooker costume was the Palin skit that didn't air????

  3. Go Tina9:25 AM

    Tina Fey is brilliant. Especially as I am hearing Mary Cheney Matalin tell us about Palin as great mothering and how regular she is, meteoric rise.. blahbawah....Palin, Pied Piper for the Dumb, Calls the Tune at GOP Conference.In a speech last night Sarah Palin, the former vice-presidential candidate and current figurehead for idiocy...
    CRIME AND PUNISHMENT...MAT-SU — The differences between the communities of Palmer and Wasilla are legion (their word), but are those differences apparent in the cities’ crime statistics? “We have a lot of theft because of the retail base that we have here,” he said. Wasilla’s interim police chief, Larry Dickerson... The comments have more discussion.
    ilovemytownwasilla wrote on Apr 8, 2010 3:44 PM:" OMG SARAH PALIN LIVES DOWN THE ROAD FROM going to go do crime!! steal things break things hurt people JUST BECUASE SARAH PALIN LIVES IN MY TOWN.....are you kidding me "mayberry" ...people like you should go live in a hole and not come out....i think the smart way of thinking about this is...the rise in population and bad parenting NOT sarah shes hott "
    tomd wrote on Apr 6, 2010 4:51 PM:" hey maddog go to the bottom right of your page,,,and see the number percentage,,click it up to 400%. that should do ya.!!!!!!! i think the stats. are whey off. burglalry,should be a lot higher then what they say.,,i dont think the police are being truthful about all the crimes happening in the valley. "

    The Palins are not the only celebrity family to be in the news. They are a legitimate concern and story. Because they are political it is more important that they are inspected. As unfortunate as it is that Palin drags her family into the spotlight for her glory, any inclination of corruption must be explored. No way should her family cover-ups be lightened or ignored because she wants elitist privilege. She is famous for her "family values" and what she did running a city and state!

    Michael Douglas and his former wife, Diandra Douglas. Their son was in trouble as a teen. Idk the whole story, but they have worked with is problems and not by bribing authorities or going outside of the law. Which is far worse for anyone who has been an elected by the people.
    The Family Business

  4. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I'll just bet Sarah was ansy in her pants watching this segment with the volume turned down way low - ready to get simultaneously offended and pleased to be given the honor of 'biggest bitch' in Tina's segment. Just so she could tweet how tsk tsk shameful it is that Fey makes a few dollars off her persona.

    Oh, I forgot, the Free Market is only supposed to work for lazy ass, supremely ignorant, untalented, plagerizer of mangled obscure quotes by the greats (Lincoln, Reagan and Wooden(Leg) whom wouldn't be caught dead in a room with her) Sarah, the half-term quitting freshman Governor.

  5. Anonymous10:11 AM

    What's the deal with the way the corner of her mouth twists up when she talks?

    Did she get a face job ?

  6. Anonymous1:03 PM

    She has been very talented for a LONG time.. writing and performing at a level few achieve...

  7. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Anon 10:11 - When Fey was a child, playing in her yard, a knife wielding stranger assaulted her - slashed her face.

    The way her face moves when she talks is affected by the scar tissue.

    That answer your question?


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