Friday, April 30, 2010

Is today the day? Palin e-mail trial enters fourth day of deliberations.

From the AP:

Before deliberating a fourth day at the trial of a man charged with hacking Sarah Palin's e-mail, a federal jury in Knoxville will get some encouragement from the judge.

Jurors told U.S. District Judge Thomas Phillips they have reached unanimous verdicts on three other charges but were still deadlocked on a count of identity theft Thursday.

The judge said after jurors left the courtroom that he will "encourage them" Friday to decide the identity theft charge.

It would suck if we had to wait through the weekend to hear the verdict.


  1. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Sarah, dontcha think you have done enough damage to Alaska, to Wasilla, to America, to Levi's family?

    How about ya leave that boy in TN alone?

  2. Molly6:06 AM says the judge read them an Allen charge this AM. I think they'll be done soooooon.

  3. Anonymous6:39 AM

    This does not sound like a good development to me. If they are 'deadlocked' then some hard-nosed Palinista's are holding the line on severe punishment for this kid. 'Identity theft?' Really? Did he send out anything pretending to be her or access her bank accounts/credit cards and steal her money? It's ridiculous and I think it bodes very poorly for Kernell.

  4. Anonymous6:56 AM

    who'd WANT to steal the bimbo's ID? Those good folks in TN need reality to slap them upside the head.

  5. Ratfish6:58 AM

    Penalty for college prank prying into Palin’s email account: 50 years

    Penalty for judge getting kickbacks for sending juveniles to lockdown facilities: 20 years

    What would Palin think? And what would Jesus think?

  6. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I think we will get a verdict today. I predict that he will be found guilty of intentionally accessing Palin's e-mail account without authorization. Not guilty on wire fraud and obstructing an FBI investigation. They will hang on Identity theft.

  7. Anonymous7:35 AM

    The jury doesn't decide the punishment.

  8. Anonymous7:46 AM

    I am concerned about reports, yesterday, that people in Knoxville already knew that the three other counts against Kernell were all found guilty. This information appears to be leaked before the verdicts are announced in court.

    Either someone didn't understand that reaching a verdict could mean either guilty or not guilty, or someone is speaking out when they are not supposed to. Jury deliberations are supposed to be secret until announced in court. I hope that Kernell's lawyer looks at this problem in terms of an appeal. Lots of loose lips in Knoxville.

  9. This is a nail-biter. It's hard to imagine the prosecution was able to prove felony intent on any of the charges. Did you see Jon Stewart shaming Apple for the Gizmodo incident? Wish he would do something similar for the Kernell case.

    FWIW, Harlow Sumerford, WATE 6 reporter, is tweeting from the courtroom.

    hsumerford Nevermind. Judge is sending jury to lunch instead and will deal with it afterwards... Whatever. #palintrial
    about 1 hour ago from UberTwitter

    hsumerford Put very little stock in this but... David Kernell and his attorney seem to be in a very good mood, laughing and joking around #palintrial about 3 hours ago from UberTwitter

    The jury will talk to the judge at 1pm, after lunch.

  10. Anonymous8:26 AM

    @ 5:50 AM

    Once again quit blaming Sarah. The federal government is prosecuting this case not her. Even if she didn't want him prosecuted they could have gone through with victimless prosecution.

  11. Anonymous8:42 AM

    As reported yesterday here in Tenn., the jury found him guilty of 3 of the charges (1 of which is a felony)& again convened today to decide the identity
    theft one. It does not look at all good for him.

    To Sarah (or whoever trawls this board for her):

    Sarah, if you have any sense of fair play, you
    need to speak up for this kid. Remember Mam, this
    could be your son on his way to jail. Indeed your
    boy was in this predicament for far more serious
    & alarming offenses than David Kernell, but somehow
    evaded the penalty. Then there's your daughter's recent 'escapades' which hit the news & then, POOF!
    disappeared from the radar. She skated free too,
    avoiding the nasty consequences. Again, for worse
    offenses than David's. It won't cost you a dime
    Sarah, to do the decent thing & make a statement
    that you have forgiven this kid & hope that the
    judge consideres his age, his clean record, &
    that the court sees fit to be merciful to him in
    it's judgement.

    Put yourself in his mother's place, Sarah.

    Sharon TN

  12. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Sharon in TN @ 8:42 AM

    Once again. This is not Sarah's place to determine the kids punishment. I'm sure she's fine with it either way. The federal government has sentencing guidelines and the judge will determine appropriate punishment based on those. If you don't like that you should send Obama and Eric Holder an email. Sarah has nothing to do with this kids punishment.

    Also, You keep bringing up her children's run ins with the law, but they were juvenile's. Had a 16 year old committed this crime it also would have likely been swept under the rug. This "kid" as you call him knew better.

    Quit blaming Sarah. Blame Obama and Eric Holder they are "in charge."

    It scares me the way some readers of this blog think the judicial system works.

  13. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Am not familiar with the US/State judicial system; who brings David Kernell's charges to the Courts? Are they Federal or State prosecutors? And, can the victim(SP in this case) ask that the charges be dropped? Does she have any power to ask for a lenient sentence?

  14. Guessing you've seen the verdict. I'm surprised by the guilty verdict on obstruction of justice based on what had been reported, which was minimal.

    Tweet from slogans7:

    Punishment - he has to fact check Palin speeches for life.

    Funny but far too severe!

  15. Anonymous11:33 AM

    wrong about the guilty verdicts - two counts of guilty,guilty of obstruction, guilty of unauthorized access, one count of not-guilty on wire fraud and a hung jury on identity fraud.

    hopefully he'll just get a slap on the wrist and a government job.

    if he gets any jail time, I'm writing to Obama to pardon the boy.

  16. Anonymous11:36 AM

    SP is a fraudulent criminal that stole from the state of AK, put her friends in high paying jobs even when they were severely underqualified, skipped out on paying property taxes and she gets away with no punishment.

    She is guilty of computer hacking as an adult.

    She pulled the fire alarm at college when she was an adult. She only turned herself in because her hands were covered with dye and she couldn't hide it.

    She belongs in jail, not the kid.


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