Friday, April 30, 2010

Jon Stewart has WAY too much fun with Gordon Brown's recent embarrassing gaffe.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Clustershag to 10 Downing
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party


  1. Oh that our media would report the stupid antics of our idiot politicians like the British press does.

    Instead they cover up and worship at the trough of slime filled to the brim with idiots lead by the MILF(moron I'd like to forget)Palin.

  2. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I am still waiting for colbert to say anything about the british elections.

    Nick clegg, who is doing well for the liberal democrats is an atheist! And the christians in the UK are trying to push their religion into our politics - without much success I may add.

  3. Anonymous2:01 AM

    I could never understand the way Gordon Brown seemed to be held in such awe in the states. Prior to the worldwide banking disaster, he had, as Chancellor well and truly caused untold damage to the UK economy, despite being handed over one that was beginning to border on excellent. Labour have History on the way they are so very profligate and careless with the public purse.
    Clegg and the LibDems are on the whole, more in the Labour camp than they want people to think.
    When it came down to such things as basic civil liberty issues being voted on in the House of Commons, many of them abstained from voting againstthe Gov't rather than join the Conservative in Voting against such draconion law as 90days detention without charge or proof of reason.
    Under Labour we were taken into Iraq, without sound readson too.
    BTW, Clegg may be an atheist, but he has allowed his children to be brought up in the Ctholic faith ( he could never have married his wife unless he agreed to that). Now if he was truly an agnostc or atheisthe should have stuck out for allowing his children to make an informed choice when they are olders surely?

    Still love your blog the best Mr G!
    In frienship


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