Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"It was just a college prank" Roommate testifies about night Kernell accessed Palin Yahoo e-mail account.

From Knoxnews:

"There was a knock on my door," he said. "It was David. He told me come to his room to check this stuff out."

He said Kernell had on his computer a Yahoo! page used to change a password and a Wikipedia site about Palin.

Kernell explained that he had heard about the private account and was trying to figure out the answer to her security question.

Omiecinski said he did not think Kernell would be successful and went back to bed. He said Kernell later apologized to him about involving him albeit it briefly after Kernell learned he was under FBI probe.

The trial resumes tomorrow.

The facts are that Kernell gained access to this Yahoo account by guessing the password, NOT by hacking the site.  And it is also a fact that if this were not Sarah "Oh God I'm a victim again" Palin we would never even have heard about it.  Kernell's punishment should be a slap on the wrist, the suspension of his Yahoo account, and perhaps a weekend of community service, and that is all.  Anything more shows an undue influence from Sarah Palin on the Tennessee justice system.

By the way it looks like it may be awhile before we see the Palin family in the witness box with their hand on the bible.

Federal prosecutors say Palin's oldest daughter has been added to the government's witness list.

Bristol Palin, 19, is expected to testify along with her mother and father, Todd Palin, against the 22-year-old Kernell.

Prosecutors are not saying when the Palins might testify.


  1. Anonymous1:42 PM


    Accurate news is so hard to come by.

  2. Bootsy2:23 PM

    Ryan Reynolds hacked her account? Haha!

  3. If Kernell was a Palin Sarah would have a hushed up meeting with higher ups and get him a good deal or get him off completely. Justice is only for Palins.

  4. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I would like to know the damage that Track and Willow did on their little pranks.

  5. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Anyone have an idea why Bristol will testify? -B

  6. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I sure hope Sarah hasn't told Bristol to lie under oath.

  7. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Did Bristol actually see that her mother's email account had been hacked [I doubt she would even know if an account had been hacked since she doesn't appear to have much intellect - that apple didn't fall far from the maternal tree], so what the hell is she going to testify about? However, since Toad had been running the state of AK, I can understand why he would be a witness. And Gryph, you are certainly right about this kid Kernell - I hope Paylin''s reach does NOT extend to the judge or jury in this case. As crooked as they [Paylin's] are, nothing they do would surprise me or anyone who really knows that they are GRIFTERS.


  8. emrysa3:25 PM

    that entire family will lie under oath. they don't give a shit, whatever is best for the palin's at all cost.

  9. Against all odds, young David defeats the giant3:33 PM

    Bristol was damaged. How would we know her pain if she can't testify against young David? Her parents suffer when she hurts, that is why this is important, it almost destroyed their innocent family.

  10. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Anyone have an idea why Bristol will testify?


    Her private email address was pubished, her personal photos viewed by thousands and she got a bunch of nasty emails. She had to change her address.

    You wouldn't mind if I came over to your house and went through your stuff, would you?

  11. Anonymous3:43 PM

    an undue influence from Sarah Palin on the Tennessee justice system.


    This is a federal charge.

  12. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Kernell is a really good looking kid. Sarah is probably coming to give it her best Mrs. Robinson.

    The really cool thing would be if Kernell actually had held back the
    Holy Grail of Palin emails, the one which breaks the Trig scandal wide open.

    I can dream, can't I?

  13. Yes I know it is a federal charge. But it is also being tried in a Tennessee courtroom in front of a Tennessee jury.

    Palin may have substantial influence in that area, which has already been pointed out by political analyst David Briley.

  14. 30,000 in damages!4:11 PM

    3:41 PM: O please. O please, don't come over to my house and invite all your friends to rage and do 30,000 in damages.

  15. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Poor kid.

    If she hadn't been the Big Stupid she always is, she would have created a more secure password.

    I mean, how hard is it to answer "Wasilla High" to the security question "Where did you meet your husband?"

    Goodness who doesn't know to combine upper and lower case letters and numbers and symbols (when you can)? It's like they were baiting a trap - only I cannot credit them with that much forethought.

  16. ? ? ?4:22 PM

    ot: The dumb enablers do the worst damage to our country. Why do the Johnstons trust any one of their friends or family from Wasilla? Can't see the forest for the trees?

  17. Anonymous4:38 PM

    In the jury pool Palin has all the Fred Thompson truckloads and teabaggers plus uppity Rethugs from that area of Tennessee. In the Federal part their are good old boys and favors. A politician does not need to be from an area to have contacts and tap into substantial influences.

  18. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Maybe David Briley isn't all that impartial. From his wiki page:

    In November 2006, David Briley announced his candidacy for Mayor of Nashville. His campaign included a number of familiar political faces, including Will Cheek Jr, and member of the Democratic National Committee and former chair of the Tennessee Democratic Party, and his son, Will Cheek III, an attorney at the firm of Bone McAllester Norton. Jerry Martin, who served at Finance Director under Congressman Jim Cooper in 2002, chaired the campaign's finance committee. Krissa Barclay, immediate past president of the Davidson County Democratic Party, coordinated the campaign.

  19. Anonymous4:58 PM

    This kid does not deserve to be on trial facing federal charges where the consequences expand to 50 years. How would the court decide the Palin family damages, really? And the sentence?

    BUT the people who sent hate-filled faxes and left disgusting telephone messages for California state Senator Yee after he inquired about Mrs. Palin's exorbitant speaking contract at a California state university deserve hard time in excess of 50 years. Those people are the real criminals!

  20. Anonymous5:44 PM

    04/20/2010 Prosecutors subpoena, "she will honor that commitment" said Thomas Van Flein.
    04/20/2010 Judge Thomas Phillips announced that Palin has hired a lawyer to try to quash a subpoena from Kernell's lawyers.

    Knoxville attorney John Lucas today filed the motion on behalf of Palin to quash a subpoena issued by defense attorney Wade Davies for copies of her private e-mails that arguably involve business affairs of Alaska.
    Lucas said to approve such a bid would be akin to a second perusal by Kernell of her private email.

    Echoes of the heated 2008 presidential election may reverberate in a Knoxville courtroom this week as David Kernell goes on trial...

    ...He was a University of Tennessee physics and engineering student when federal authorities allege he accessed a personal e-mail account of Palin, governor of Alaska and Republican vice presidential nominee at the time.

    ... FBI probe coordinated out of the Justice Department's headquarters

    ...Alaska's chief state security officer, Darrell Davis, acknowledged in an affidavit in the Kernell case that a state employee "set up the Yahoo account for Gov. Palin." The affidavit was in a motion last week by Alaska officials to quash a subpoena for more records. The motion said it would require a total of "2,157 hours of our staff's time ... valued at $124,760.88" to comply.

    ...Judge Phillips and Magistrate Judge Clifford Shirley have rejected several defense motions, including one last week to permit a written questionnaire of jurors to screen for potential political bias from extensive publicity.

    ...Another Kernell motion denied would have required introduction of several e-mails dealing with state issues, to show the account was not entirely "personal." It cited a letter from Palin's attorney saying some e-mail not turned over included "copies of discussions between the governor and her staff on a court of appeals judge appointment, comments on pending legislation ... communications from the attorney general ... and several documents that would qualify as protected personnel records."

  21. this "crime" merits a 30 day suspended sentence, not a 50 year max. WTF is bri$tol and tawd's involvement? why isnt her usage of a yahoo account to run/hide/obfuscate official state business the larger issue?

  22. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I'm just waiting to hear how Bristol somehow was 'damaged' from the leaking of these few emails and pictures. . .when she had far worse pictures of herself and her friends plastered all over MySpace and Facebook for months prior to the election.

    She hardly had a reputation to protect.

  23. GrainneKathleen6:01 PM

    i know this is only wishful thinking, but if the palin's were truly as christian-y as they profess to be, one would think that they would ask that mercy be shown to this kid who just did something stupid. every palin knows what it is to do something stupid, and in their case, regularly. at the very least, didn't jesus say to turn the other cheek?
    i sure hope this kid doesn't have to serve any prison time. on the other hand, i fantasize about sarah finally serving some prison time.

  24. Anonymous6:08 PM

    side note on BP: her cell number was broadcast to the world as well

  25. Game on!6:30 PM

    ", acknowledged in an affidavit in the Kernell case that a state employee "set up the Yahoo account for Gov. Palin." The affidavit was in a motion last week by Alaska officials to quash a subpoena for more records. The motion said it would require a total of "2,157 hours of our staff's time ... valued at $124,760.88" to comply."

    Bristol had to change her email address, why not testify against a young man and send him to jail for 50 years?
    Why did the shadow gov have a state employee "set up the Yahoo account for Gov. Palin?" Alaska's chief state security officer, Darrell Davis said that last quote. Problem solved, hire Knoxville attorney John Lucas and quash the subpoena!

  26. Anonymous6:50 PM

    5:59 PM She hardly had a reputation to protect.
    The kids in Wasilla that could show the whole Bristol Palin, reputation and all, have circled the wagon. They do not want their world to change. Bristol has moved on but Willow is still around. She has real leadership potential.

  27. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Gryphen - I just realized what Sarah will do. She'll somehow communicate - whether on the stand or through Facebook or some other way that she hopes the young man is granted leniency - Trust me on this. She will so come out looking like she took the high road and responded in mercy to this "hateful, spiteful, progressive liberal who was trying to derail her bid for the VP."

    There's no way she'll do anything less than this.

    I hope I'm wrong - but being the supreme opportunist that she is, I bet this is how she handles it.

  28. Anonymous7:33 PM

    I think the whole big deal is the kids father is a dem.
    Wiki leaks released supposed "hacked" stuff and it was nothing...emails address, she bitched about fagan, pray for Ivy free, a pic of Willow or Bristol making a retarded cross eyed tongue sticking out with trigger...Todd sent it, "Trig" Big fucking deal!
    Maybe while she is under oath the FBI should REALLY ASK her questions....EH????

  29. Apparently the "hacking" charge is the only one that covers the entire range of illegally gaining access to a computer-based account. In the eyes of this law, this kid who guessed Palin's password is exactly the same as the Chinese hackers who stole the Google login information for the blogs of Chinese dissidents. He's just lucky that there was no financial information on this account, because that would open up an entirely new charge against him.

    This case is going to come down entirely to the judge's discretion at sentencing. He could end up with probation, 50 years in a federal prison, or anything in between.

  30. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Bristol Palin is dumber than a rock if she can't see through her crazy family by now AND RUN. At least, she won't have to stuff her chest for a Federal court debut but she is still being set up to be the main fool again.

  31. Anonymous7:49 PM

    This is absolutely ridiculous. This college student guessed a password. He doesn't have an Oxycontin addition. He didn't vandalize someone's home and cause thousands in damages. He didn't fire state employees for no good reason. He didn't create a PAC that promised donations to candidates and then gave little.

    This kid did what college kids do. I guess the kids will be kids mentality only works when it is Palin's kids.

  32. Anonymous8:01 PM

    The challenge to the breadth of the government's search of the defendant's computer presents an issue that has yet to be adequately addressed by most courts, and could prove to be fruitful ground for defense practitioners seeking to suppress evidence obtained from a defendant's computer.
    Hoffman explains: "Because Fourth Amendment jurisprudence has evolved around traditional notions of physical property and common law trespass, its application to new technologies has been an ongoing challenge for the courts. It is well-settled that people generally have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their personal computers, but forensic examinations--a key component of many police investigations--raise some difficult questions."

  33. Anonymous8:13 PM

    I sure would like one of those $57.84-an-hour Alaska state staff jobs!

  34. Anonymous9:32 PM

    A person in prison for 20+ years would cost what? Alaska is charging far less, $124,760.88" to comply.
    Darrell Davis, chief state security officer of Alaska.

    Sudden move: Palin hires Knoxville attorney John Lucas to quash the subpoena.

  35. Ratfish10:32 PM

    If she was a true Christian, Palin would urge the judge to sentence the young man- if found guilty- to the same "hockey camp" in Michigan that Track Palin was sent to after he and his friends damaged 110 (/) buses in the Mat-su school district.

    And maybe Bristol, Palin, and momma Heath can give him a lecture about premarital sex- since all 3 were knocked up before they got married.

  36. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Bristol is making an appearance to boost her Hollywood career and her credibility. Ha!

  37. Anon @9:32, let me see if I've got this straight:

    SP has hired an attorney to quash a subpoena for her to release e-mails from the private Yahoo account ...

    ... about 3000 of which can be viewed on the web at that link from MSNBC which were obtained legally, and while many contain redactions, they clearly show a huge volume of state business being conducted out of the eyes of constituents who have a right to see that information?

    All I can say is, good on the defense attorney for keeping SP on the defense.

  38. Jesus forgives...his so-called followers, not so much.

    This kid had no bad intent or we would know a whole lot more than we do about what is in her emails!!

    there was no damage so she should have settled for a fine and community service

  39. anon, she is a celebrity now and she had a facebook page as did all the kids so those personal photos? Not so personal, unless they are of her and Trig in the hospital.

  40. Anonymous9:44 AM

    April 21 2010
    I am not good at math or legalize.
    According to the following...Rep. Kernell's son's trial over alleged Sarah Palin e-mail hacking to begin * By Richard Locker * Posted April 19, 2010 at midnight
    FBI probe coordinated out of the Justice Department
    Alaska's chief state security officer, Darrell Davis, acknowledged in an affidavit in the Kernell case that a state employee "set up the Yahoo account for Gov. Palin." The affidavit was in a motion last week by Alaska officials to quash a subpoena for more records. The motion said it would require a total of "2,157 hours of our staff's time ... valued at $124,760.88" to comply.
    Darrell Davis, the chief state security officer in Alaska said a state employee set up the Yahoo account for Palin. I would think that Mudflats and Moore would cover this Palin email case and could explain the insanity, soon?

    "hoped to derail the (Republican 2008 presidential) campaign" VS "lark to see if news reports about the existence of the private account were true"

    Other accounts mention Palin hired Knoxville attorney, John A. Lucas, Legal Background and Experience
    Apr. 20--KNOXVILLE --DAY 1 ex-roommate, David Omiecinski, recalled the night in September 2008 when David C. Kernell guessed his way into the account.
    Roommate recounts night David Kernell cracked Sarah Palin's e-mail account
    federal prosecutor Mark Krotoski
    "The evidence will show the defendant hoped to derail the (Republican 2008 presidential) campaign," Krotoski said.
    In his opening remarks to jurors, defense attorney Wade Davies countered that Kernell was acting on a lark to see if news reports about the existence of the private account were true.
    "He had no real reason to believe someone who is a governor and especially someone running for vice president of the United States would have one of these (Yahoo!) accounts," Davies said.

    Judge Thomas Phillips announced that Palin , Republican John McCain's vice presidential running mate in 2008, has hired a lawyer to try to quash a subpoena from Kernell's lawyers.
    National media have previously reported that Todd Palin was often copied e-mail from his wife's account.
    Bristol Palin is the second of the Palin's five children. In September 2008 it was announced that she was pregnant and engaged to Levi Johnston, the father or her unborn child. She gave birth in Decebmer 2008 to her son, Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston, but she and the baby's father are now estranged.
    What she might be asked to testify to was not immediately clear this morning.
    Often dubbed a "hacker," Kernell is not accused of any such sophisticated scheme.

    The media labled Kernell a "hacker" and that is sticking. Kernell attorney Wade Davis has not been able to get any motions. Darrell Davis would be a valuable witness for defense. Palin, Van Flein think so too! Not so much some Alaskan bloggers? I do not know the status of 3000 emails and this Federal case, I would like to know. Good on the defense attorney for keeping SP on the defense!

    If Kernell would go to Federal prison for even 10 years, what would that cost the taxpayers? The Alaska officials wanted to quash a subpoena for more records, and said it would require a total of "2,157 hours of our staff's time ... valued at $124,760.88" to comply. It is sounding a little specious, no one wants to elaborate?


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