Sunday, April 04, 2010

John McCain: "What have I done? Can opened--worms everywhere!"

I often receive links and ideas for posts in my e-mail.

Some I use, some I don't.

Occasionally I receive one idea or link so often that I almost don't have a choice but to go with it.

This is one of those posts.

This is from a caption contest on, and it is hilarious!

Here is the picture first.

And here are the captions that were sent in.


“I wonder if she’ll pick me as her running mate?”
Ted Tucker, Commerce Township

“Some people get much more than 15 minutes!”
Cary Hendrix Jr., Southfield

“What have I done? Can opened — worms everywhere!”
Bill Ingersoll, Canton

“If I look through her right ear, I can see Russia.”
Richard Strausz, Southfield


“I wonder if it’s too late to become a Democrat?”
Rob Sowinski, Ray

“I wish I had worn my bomber jacket.”
Paul Weichlein, Ann Arbor

“She’s in the limelight; I’m in the headlight.”
Hank Greenspan, Ann Arbor

“I just remembered: This didn’t go very well the first time.”
C.W. Zelt, Gladwin

“I wonder if she will notice if I leave?”
John Ryskamp, Highland Township

Please do me a favor and give a click to Freep.Com's link. I think they deserve the traffic don't you?


  1. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Great post Gry. And funny captions! Thanks!

  2. I would have written;

    Somehow ..... this all seems... vaguely... familiar.....

  3. Anonymous9:23 AM

    The thing that struck me about that strange picture is the way McCain is pulling on the skin of his chin. Given that perspective, my caption is: Damn, her plastic surgeon did a better job than mine did.

  4. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Yes, this photo sure is tempting to put captions on it. I think McCain was thinking: "pull the wig off, no don't, you'll destroy your chances, but, just pull it off, it's all over now anyway....."

  5. If you saw either TDS or Colbert the other day, you might find it as hilarious as I did that McGramps talked of repealing HCR and then immediately coughs. It was classic!

  6. Anonymous12:08 PM

    McCain - "this is utterly ridiculous, I sold my soul for re-election. How can I regain my dignity?"

  7. Hilarious!! Yes, McCain, you old fart, you can live the rest of your life regretting that you opened the can of worms!!

  8. Anonymous1:04 PM

    It's ironic that he depends on her now to save his political hide when she was one of the main reasons why he lost the presidential election.
    Every time I see one or both of them speak in public, I am so grateful that we dodged a bullet.

  9. Priceless!

    Hard to pick a favorite!

  10. Anonymous4:14 PM

    "Oh, God! Is she EVER going to stop talking?!"

  11. Anonymous7:19 PM

    If I pinch myself hard enough maybe I will wake up and this will only be a bad dream.

  12. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Wow. Look at the size of that chin-booger.

  13. Anonymous9:30 PM


    I got this putz in front of me who does not not know what she is talking about or where her kids are. Hmmm, I wonder which one of my seven houses is Willow breaking in to, which one of my car brake lines is Track cutting, which one of my beds Bristol is taking for a ride, or if Todd stealing my wife's silk lingerie?

  14. Anonymous12:23 AM

    McCain - "Hmnn . . . either she is giving a truly great and inspiring speech, or the Viagra kicked in early."

  15. McCain: it all started with those damn red shoes! -- those nasty...I mean naughty open-toed monkey things...I couldn't help it, Cindy doesn't wear shoes like that -- and that Bristol with those huge melons, dammit I just couldn't help myself,no Viagra taking hot-head could -- now look, I need her more than she needs me!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.