Sunday, April 04, 2010

The possible scandal brewing in our city's politics has attracted the attention of another, less liberal, blogger.

This from Andrew Halcro:

 Lately there has been a lot of gossip about the comings and goings at City Hall. The story revolves around an alleged tryst and a political position given as a quid pro quo. And oh yeah, political survival and self preservation.

The press has requested a laundry list of emails, text messages and other documentation from City Hall, spokespeople are on edge and hanging in the balance could be a promising political future.

As usual Andrew is being very circumspect and taking a wait and see attitude.  After all HE potentially has a political future to consider whereas others do not.

I am also aware that he has access to certain sources that are less likely to speak to a progressive blogger, so I am interested in what Halcro may turn up.

Alaska politics, does it EVER get boring?


  1. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Sorry PFD's...

  2. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I ♥ Andrew...I don't know why you guys didn't vote him in as Gov.?
    God things would be so different now!
    Alaska needs to vote in progressive not regressive people and get out the deadwood and that means all the palin sycophants!!! whole new board of Game, DF & G EVERYTHING!!!!
    Will it happen?
    PDF's come out before voting so I doubt it... :(

  3. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Andrew is a conservative. Tony Knowles was the guy that should have been governor. Andrew just took votes away from Tony. Sarah was actually a good governor until mcCain got a hold of her. She let the dems dictate things down in Juneau while she was in power. Oh well!!

  4. LisaB4:25 AM

    I voted for Andrew when I had the chance. Andrew may be a conservative, but he's the kind of true conservative voice the country needs right now: more accountability and less moral preening. Has he changed his mind on challenging Don Young?

  5. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Anon @8:22: Palin was the Quitter Govenor, not a good one at all; just one who put 100 unqualified HS friends into positions of power.

    You are seeing the results, and if you want more Palin dross, you're getting it with her stand in.

  6. When will this state clean out and clean up the AGs office and start holding our criminal justice system accountable, from the AGS office clear through to prison employees? We are one step away from being as horrible as Arizona!


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