Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Keith Olbermann reveals what most of us already knew about the Teabaggers. They is being used!

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I often have people who leave comments, or send e-mails, demanding that I stop calling this movement "Teabaggers" and start respecting their cause.  To that I say, no.

I do not respect their cause since they were completely silent when the Bush administration did the things to the country that they keep blaming on Obama for doing.  Which of course makes me think that the main underlying motivation for this movement is in fact racism rather then frustration at the government. 

I do not respect them because they allow themselves to be manipulated by the very people they should be organizing against. 

I do not respect them because they seem to be completely uneducated about the very things that they claim to be so upset about that they have taken to the streets in protest. 

And finally I do not respect them because they have co-opted the name Tea Party without really understanding how their movement is fundamentally different than the original Boston Tea Party. 

Essentially you are sheep.  No not just sheep. SLUTTY sheep! Because seemingly you will allow just anybody herd you around like some old cheap two dollar lamb.

You don't get respect by assimilating the name of a famous American revolt.  You get respect by earning it. So get busy, you have much to make up for already.


  1. womanwithsardinecan7:41 PM

    lol! Slutty sheep! Like that old joke about the sheriff's girlfriend. Or my favorite, "I live for white, fluffy love!" Hate to say it, teabaggers (not really; I actually love saying it), but your handlers have an entire wardrobe of velcro gloves.

  2. Elsie7:44 PM

    Ya think the misguided dunderheads who complain about "teabaggers" are the same ones who snarl about "the Democrat Party"?

  3. Anonymous7:51 PM


  4. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Of course they're racist. First, there's the poll about how they don't think they pay too much in taxes, and then, from Nate Silver, there's this:

    Basically, in the opinion of Teabaggers, blacks aren't as hardworking, intelligent or trustworthy...What the hell else could that mean.

    Uh, RAY...CYST!!!!

  5. emrysa8:02 PM

    gryphen sez:

    "I do not respect their cause since they were completely silent when the Bush administration did the things to the country that they keep blaming on Obama for doing."

    I could not agree more, gryphen. they "woke up" when a black man got into the whitehouse. when a white man gets back in there, they'll be snoozing all over again.

    they "want their country back." well perhaps they'd be real happy to go back to a 70% tax rate. they're so f-ing stupid.

  6. Anonymous8:38 PM

    There are a couple of good things to say about the tea baggers:
    They divide donations between them and the GOP.
    Media Matters is reporting that it is unethical for Sean Hannity to be doing his show from a tea party event for which admission is being charged:
    Some of the people who attend the tea parties say some of the most stupid, crazy things. They are quite an asset to the group when they put their racism and hatred on display. They will not win any moderate or independent voters that way; it's a turn off.
    Sarah Palin fits right in with them. She is not a serious politician and she diminishes them.
    If you want to remember the power of a third party, remember Ralph Nader (and what he did to the election).

    On the other hand, the tea baggers are seriously scary people!

  7. Anonymous8:40 PM

    You tell 'em G!

  8. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Gryphen, you are so right. There's yet another reason they don't deserve respect. They enjoy the benefits of living in this country. There are those among them who avail themselves of Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security. Apparently, the irony that these things have been labeled "socialist" is lost on them.

    And certainly, allowing a charlatan like Palin to bilk them of money as they complain about having to pay taxes makes them look and sound even more ridiculous.

  9. The only respect I show a tea-bagger is if I happen to remember the fresh wax when I give a demonstration of their namesake at one of their "rallies."

  10. Teabaggers they are, teabaggers they will remain, I have seen their hate fests. What a pathetic group of nitwits. They carry signage to erase all doubts.

  11. Bravo my friend, you echo my thoughts exactly...or vice-versa. Keep up the good work, and come by and visit on my site if you have some time. I also added you to my blog roll at

  12. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Teabaggers is fine. Just like their lack of ever pursuing the truth about Queen Teabagger Sarah, they didn't research their name before they used it. So they should be stuck with it.

  13. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Slow learners.

    Didn't you folks learn anything from the town hall fiascos last summer?

    This fall's election is going to be a disaster of Biblical proportions.

  14. Anonymous9:55 PM

    We have all missed the symbolism of the Original Tea Party, the one where patriots were angered at being forced to import expensive British Tea from their East India Company, instead of cheaper products that the colonists could get someplace else.

    (The English said that the colonists could only trade with the mother country, while the colonists were making much more money on the outside.)

    So, reliving our days in school when we first read about the Boston Tea Party, the patriots did not come dressed as Uncle Sam. They did not carry placards and signs. They carried out their protest under cover of darkness, in the middle of the night, dressed as Indians so they wouldn't get blamed for the big mess.

    If the Teabaggers want to relive history, I suggest that they follow the real example of the patriots, disguised and in the dark of night when no one would see them. Out of sight, out of mind.

    As for the protest about taxes, it was the fact that the colonists did not have any representation in Parliament, across the big pond. Here in the US, a democracy, we have all agreed to abide by the rule of the majority. Every teabagger comes from a district that sends a representative to Congress, and they come from a state with two senators. They are represented. If the guy they wanted wasn't elected, that's where they should start. But, once the election is over, he is everybody's president, just the way that GWB was everybody's president, even though he was selected by five supreme court justices.

    If the teabaggers want to take back their country, and go back to the good old days of GWB, they will be paying higher taxes. What is really dangerous about Fox, the Tea Party and the people who are manipulating the sheep is that they learned a different lesson of history: If you tell a lie often enough, people will believe it.

  15. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Anon at 9:39, please educate the slow learners. Please give us your wisdom. You have a great way of commenting on a blog. I await your nuggets of wisdom. Biblical? Are you a God?

  16. Anonymous2:56 AM

    My computer freezes up when I try to access this site on Internet Explorer. I do not have the problem on FireFox. Does anyone else have this problem?

  17. Amen! I was so grateful for the truthout referral (thanks!) - even had favorable coverage of yesterday's event. I was appalled that there were so many idiotic losers in my home town!

  18. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Of course Teabaggers are racists. One of their big issues is immigration reform, which in Teabag language translates "Only Real Americans(code for white people)Can Live in the U.S." Real Americans are people like our great Founding Fathers, who, of course were white, don't ya know?

    Have you ever seen a black teabagger, or a Hispanic teabagger, or an Asian or a Native American?? Even if they wanted to, I doubt they would be welcomed at these white supremacy gatherings.

  19. Sharon - FL3:37 AM

    I agree with every word you said, Gryphen. Bravo!

  20. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Well said, Gryphen, well said.

  21. ManxMamma4:40 AM

    Well stated Anon@9:55. I wish the teabaggers would read it, but no hope there.

    Gryphen - excellent post as always. Thank you.

  22. Anonymous4:59 AM

    We need a "PEA PARTY".

    Palin Enough Already

  23. Anonymous5:19 AM

    gryphen, etc:

    Great article today.. check out

    Hopefully, the NYT will follow their columnists advice and STOP paying attention to her. We can all do our part by not clicking on any articles that headline her and her nutty sheep.

  24. O/T, Anon at 2:56 AM, I have the same problem. You are not alone. I just use Firefox.

  25. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Teabaggers - Read what Gryphen says. He speaks the truth about your freakin 'party'. Grow up, get an education, and learn what happened to all of us from 2000-2008.

  26. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Gee Gryphen, I call them TeaGaggers because that is the effect their 'tea' has on my body - causes powerful gagging reflexes for which there is no cure. Feel perfectly free to use that nomenclature instead of showing so much respect to the IDIOTS.

  27. The monolithic group you speak of, Gryphen, does not exist - it is a figment of your imagination. As I have told you many times, Tea Partiers are a very heterogeneous group; they cross all boundaries of race and income level. Yes, some are toothless bigots, but so are some on the radical right AND the radical left (South-ism, anyone?)

    The unfortunate fact is that, on average, those who self-identify as Tea Partiers are better-educated and earn higher incomes than the average American. (as chronicled in today's New York Times - hardly a right-wing rag).

    So the accusation of their ignoring Bush/Cheney's atrocities abroad and attacks on civil liberties at home only applies to SOME in the Tea Party - as it does to SOME libs and SOME conservaties (and SOME bloggers).

    You may find it an "inconvenient truth" - to quote that great environmental engineer, Albert Gore, Jr. - but all the Tea Partiers that I know actually despise Sarah Palin and the ReBiblicans.

    But I wonder whether, because they also despise the Democrats, your knee-jerk reaction is to put them in the Other camp. It's not so.

    They hate them all; don't feel special.

  28. Anonymous12:52 AM

    anon 2:56 am yes the same happens to me.

  29. Anonymous9:06 AM

    "The unfortunate fact is that, on average, those who self-identify as Tea Partiers are better-educated and earn higher incomes than the average American."

    the majority of tea baggers are OLD, WHITE MEN. Of course they are richer and more educated than the average person.

  30. Anonymous3:32 PM

    could not agree more. teabaggers they are, and teabaggers they shall be. what douchebags!!!! i love it!!!


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